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"No change" from? "previous" ????

Posted By: anonamiss on 2008-12-05
In Reply to: "No change to p-fish." This doctor says this after the list of meds and before allergies. Th - jen

Subject: "No change" from? "previous" ????

Is it an ESL?

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Maybe it's "no dose" (there was no change in medication. nm
Subject: Maybe it's "no dose" (there was no change in medication. nm

"No change to p-fish." This doctor says this after the list of meds and before allergies. Th
Subject: "No change to p-fish." This doctor says this after the list of meds and before allergies. Thanks!

Could it be "previous"? EOM
Subject: Could it be "previous"? EOM

"previous pertussis" could lead to deafness
Subject: "previous pertussis" could lead to deafness

could that be it?  googled pertussis deafness and got that.  hope this helps.

On EKG, is it "No STT changes or ST-T?
Subject: On EKG, is it "No STT changes or ST-T?

This always messes me up.


Pt in for a rash. Doc says "no cal-la" ?? TIA
Subject: Pt in for a rash. Doc says "no cal-la" ?? TIA

"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
or "no ectopy"
Subject: or "no ectopy"

"no more" Nexium? nm
Subject: "no more" Nexium? nm

"No asymmetries are seen" ??
Subject: "No asymmetries are seen" ??

could be "no leukocytosis." nm.
Subject: could be "no leukocytosis." nm.

"no S3 gallop" is correct. nm
Subject: "no S3 gallop" is correct. nm

Thanks. I still don't see a match for what he is saying. Maybe s/l "no kay kay test" will
Subject: Thanks. I still don't see a match for what he is saying. Maybe s/l "no kay kay test" will ring a bell?

How about "no history of diabetes", etc. nm
Subject: How about "no history of diabetes", etc. nm

Could it be "no signs of hepatosplenomegaly?" or sm
Subject: Could it be "no signs of hepatosplenomegaly?" or sm

no tenderness (or maybe even rebound) or hepatosplenomegaly?
how about "No abdominal hernias." .nm
Subject: how about "No abdominal hernias." .nm

Yes! It is "no field cuts" Thanks aln!
Subject: Yes! It is "no field cuts" Thanks aln!

can you hear "no bandemia?" nm
Subject: can you hear "no bandemia?" nm

Or "no evidence of JVD," perhaps, but we have no context to go on. nm
Subject: Or "no evidence of JVD," perhaps, but we have no context to go on. nm

not sure if this makes sense, but I want to say "no
Subject: not sure if this makes sense, but I want to say "no

reversal..." in there - because it's mentioned in both places, maybe it's a followup study that's showing no changes or something??

probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"
Subject: probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"

Could be "no nasal flaring or retractions." /nm
Subject: Could be "no nasal flaring or retractions." /nm

In physical exam: Where will you put "no cyanosis?"
Subject: In physical exam: Where will you put "no cyanosis?"

X-ray report: S/l "no fracture, no dislocation, no GAS"??
Subject: X-ray report: S/l "no fracture, no dislocation, no GAS"??

This really sounds like "gas," but can "gas" be part of an x-ray report?
Agree with Iowan "no lid lag or ptosis".
Subject: Agree with Iowan "no lid lag or ptosis".

That's not it, but now it is sounding like "no exalate or mass"
Subject: That's not it, but now it is sounding like "no exalate or mass"

maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm
Subject: maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm

Phrase help, s/l "no pulsatile masses?"

under abdomen exam. I've been typing this phrase, actually, but now am hearing it clearer and wondering whether it's some other word besides "pulsatile?" Thanks for any help.

s/l "no perilumbo blush". Doing eye exam for conjunctivitis. thanks. nm
Subject: s/l "no perilumbo blush". Doing eye exam for conjunctivitis. thanks. nm

I'd put my money on the "no peculiar odor" idea, also.
Subject: I'd put my money on the "no peculiar odor" idea, also.

With a UTI, urine usually smells strange. The dictator was talking about urinary symptoms there, so don't expect he'll go off in some completely different direction.
nasal surgery - s/l "no agernase cell was seen"
Subject: nasal surgery - s/l "no agernase cell was seen"

any ideas? 
My guess...get rid of the A and "No biliary ductal dilatation"...nm
Subject: My guess...get rid of the A and "No biliary ductal dilatation"...nm

Can you hear "no crepitus or deformity"? (nomsg)
Subject: Can you hear "no crepitus or deformity"? (nomsg)

I have it dictated as "no added heart sounds"...nm
Subject: I have it dictated as "no added heart sounds"...nm

"vena furlough"? slang for "no more venipuncture"!? nm
Subject: "vena furlough"? slang for "no more venipuncture"!? nm

"no code" ?? (meaning do not resuscitate, intubate)
Subject: "no code" ?? (meaning do not resuscitate, intubate)

wild guess..."no evidence of sequelae of hepatitis C" ?? nm
Subject: wild guess..."no evidence of sequelae of hepatitis C" ?? nm

Extremity exam: "No astericks". No tremor noted. nm
Subject: Extremity exam: "No astericks". No tremor noted. nm

in physical exam: where will I put "no cyanosis on oxygen"? Still in extremities or somewhere
Subject: in physical exam: where will I put "no cyanosis on oxygen"? Still in extremities or somewhere else?

Pelvic exam - sounds like "no exalative mass" nm
Subject: Pelvic exam - sounds like "no exalative mass" nm

Would "no costovertebral angle tenderness' be abdominal or back exam?
Subject: Would "no costovertebral angle tenderness' be abdominal or back exam?

In physical exam, she says "No s/l nasal oral? discharge noted?
Subject: In physical exam, she says "No s/l nasal oral? discharge noted?

s/l Bez or all in change
Subject: s/l Bez or all in change

shows the patient in sinus mechanism 66 beats per minute, normal intervals, normal axis.  Voltage criteria for LVH and s/l Bezoiorall is change in comparison to prior EKG dated
Thanks so much to both of you. I will change to 6, 90, and -1. nm
Subject: Thanks so much to both of you. I will change to 6, 90, and -1. nm

I change that to:
Subject: I change that to:

I change elicitable (which to my knowledge has never been a "real word" to "able to be elicited."  My doctor dictator thanked me for this once (I was suprised that he noticed).  I checked this out with several transcripitionists that I have worked with who have lots of experience and are CMTs and they also edit this word to "able to be elicited." 
I'm not CMT and I change that the same way...nm
Subject: I'm not CMT and I change that the same way...nm

cc to mL - do you change cc to mL
Subject: cc to mL - do you change cc to mL

according to AAMT or do you type cc



Would you change this...

Would you change CT head to say head CT? The doctor says CT head.



VR change
Subject: VR change

He should point it out to his supervisor because it is wrong. I don't care what QA says unless they can show me a resource where they got their information and it checks out. I would also point out to the client this fact. If they don't want to have their transcription correct and concise then I don't want their work. Right is right, wrong is wrong. I am really strong on this especially since the "new AAMT" has made all their "changes" and believe their BOS is the bible. It is not. Many of their "rules" are correct. Many of the are not. Research some of their changes and you will see just how over the top they have gone (it seems to be a control issue and they WILL cram it down your throat). I say that we all research on our own and go to reliable trusted sources that have been proven over time to be correct. The "New AAMT" definitely has not proven itself over time and incidentally they are not there for Americans anymore, they are there for the "overseas community." Humbug on them! Anyone know who could take the place of AAMT for American transcriptionits? After all, we are all Americans here and the language is English.