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30 disc coniations?

Posted By: M on 2009-03-31
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Subject: 30 disc coniations?

Two spinal injuries, 30 disc "coniations? "

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disc for Ophthalmology
Subject: disc for Ophthalmology

I'm an Ophto MT, and we use disc.
anyone, eh?........we know disk/disc....sm
Subject: anyone, eh?........we know disk/disc....sm

we know if it's disk or disc and which is the preferable way to go and we also know that it's bottom line - CLIENT PREFERENCE.

Now, if you continually cannot help anyone in this thread and merely want to be confrontational and into one upmanship, please leave the board and find a more confrontational one upmanship place to hang out....it would be GREATLY appreciated by probably everyone.



Disc or disk
Subject: Disc or disk

What is correct?   C-spine herniated disc or disk?  Degenerative disc or disk disease, etc.  I have seen this both ways.  Confused.



disc server
Subject: disc server

Has anybody ever heard of a site called "disc server" it is really neat place where MT posts their questions and get replies almost instantly.  I was just there a couple of weeks ago but now I can't find it. 
disc desiccation?
Subject: disc desiccation?

disc perfusion, maybe?
Subject: disc perfusion, maybe?

I would vote for disc
Subject: I would vote for disc

Typed for ortho for 6 years - always used disc - seems to be more common
help with disk/disc
Subject: help with disk/disc

Is this correct? -- Disc used with eyes.  Disk used with back.


residual disc
Subject: residual disc

Disk or Disc
Subject: Disk or Disc

I am typing a report of an L4-L5 disk herniation, but I see on google it is spelled with a C at the end instead of a K, so just wondering now if spelling it disk is correct or not?


Subject: disc/disk

OK, so I am officially an oldtimer! Actually I asked my TL if I could use "disc" for back stuff because I just like how it looks so much better than "disk". He said I could, however in the EYE, it is "disk". So another difference of opinion here.
..and my account has wants it disc nm
Subject: ..and my account has wants it disc nm

disc vs disk
Subject: disc vs disk

My understanding is BOS says "disc" pertaining to the eye and "disk" for all other anatomical terms not related to the eye.
probably disc hyperplasia. NM
Subject: probably disc hyperplasia. NM

Subject: disc/disk

which is correct?

s/l silverside disc
Subject: s/l silverside disc

It sounds like he is say silverside disc was applied on the ends of the catheter,  He is doing a triple lumen catheter insertion.

disc vs disk - poll please
Subject: disc vs disk - poll please

I thought the preferred word to use for both oph and ortho was disc.  Either are okay to use, but keep it consistent in your transcription, disk for spine, disc for eyes.  I guess it just depends who you work for.  What do you all use?
I use disc myself for all accounts I transcribe for...nm
Subject: I use disc myself for all accounts I transcribe for...nm

Just a thought to see if you hear disc
Subject: Just a thought to see if you hear disc

I looked up anterior cervical discectomy but cannot find a Dock's plate
that's funny because most of mine want disc...nm
Subject: that's funny because most of mine want disc...nm

You are mistaken. Look up disc/disk in your sm
Subject: You are mistaken. Look up disc/disk in your sm

medical dictionary and you will see that the two are interchangeable.  One is Latin and the other is Greek.  They both mean the same exact thing. 
Maybe disc osteophyte complex.
Subject: Maybe disc osteophyte complex.

Try to see if that sounds more like it.
Going on the asthma and disc thing..
Subject: Going on the asthma and disc thing..

Three inhalers come to mind...Advair Diskus, Serevent Diskus, and Flovent Rotadisk.  None really sound like what you are lookin' for, but that's where I was headed with that anyway. 
Oh no, not the disc/disk discussion! :op
Subject: Oh no, not the disc/disk discussion! :op

Here we go.

Paracentral disc herniation perhaps.
Subject: Paracentral disc herniation perhaps.

paracentral disc herniation
Subject: paracentral disc herniation

actually probably "vertical cup-to-disc ratio" SM
Subject: actually probably "vertical cup-to-disc ratio" SM

Not sure how 85 would fit there though.

he probably means L4, L4-5 for the disc space between L4 and L5
Subject: he probably means L4, L4-5 for the disc space between L4 and L5

disk versus disc
Subject: disk versus disc

Funduscopic exam reveals sharp DISKS OR DISCS.

Does anyone have a rule as to which disk/disc to use when?

Thanks for any help.

The Charite artificial disc
Subject: The Charite artificial disc

Disk versus disc
Subject: Disk versus disc

I was just wondering what the general opinion is on disc versus disk when referring to the back.  AMMT Book of Style indicates disk should be used but I had thought disc was the more generally accepted. 
Spinal disc or disk?
Subject: Spinal disc or disk?

disc has always been preferred in my experience
Subject: disc has always been preferred in my experience

disc space bx - s/l "turnal" needle SM
Subject: disc space bx - s/l "turnal" needle SM

an 18-gauge ________ needle was ... advanced under CT guidance into the so-called L2-3 disc space...

disc = spine, disk = eyes... That is how I do it.
Subject: disc = spine, disk = eyes... That is how I do it.

disk - spine, disc - eyes nm
Subject: disk - spine, disc - eyes nm

same here; disk (spine), disc (eyes)
Subject: same here; disk (spine), disc (eyes)

when referring to the spine is it disk or disc? Also is it 3 mm or 3mm
Subject: when referring to the spine is it disk or disc? Also is it 3 mm or 3mm

I noticed QA is changing my work and what something I see doesnt look right to me.  I type 3 mm and they change it to 3mm.  Also I received a half typed report and they were using disc for disk.  Maybe I need to start studying a little more.
Anybody know the url for the word board, disc server something? sm
Subject: Anybody know the url for the word board, disc server something? sm

I changed computers, and lost all my favorites. TIA.
I too was taught disc for spine....SM inside
Subject: I too was taught disc for spine....SM inside

I was taught in 1980 disc for spine and disk for eyes but we have had many a discussion on this very board about that and others say exactly the opposite.  I now do disk for everything because of the AAMT.  My private mds care less.....but my national DOES care.  *laughs*
preferred is disk though for yrs I typed disc....
Subject: preferred is disk though for yrs I typed disc....

sounds like right ***parameanial*** disc herniation
Subject: sounds like right ***parameanial*** disc herniation

I was taught disC for eye, disK for back, but
Subject: I was taught disC for eye, disK for back, but

many MTSO's/clients want disK for everything.
it is definitely optic disc pallor; I type it quite often. nm
Subject: it is definitely optic disc pallor; I type it quite often. nm

thoracic or cervical disc herniation
Subject: thoracic or cervical disc herniation

which is correct? lumbar disc disease or disk
Subject: which is correct? lumbar disc disease or disk

disease? Thanks
not sure about adhesions, but the second phrase may relate to cup-to-disc ratio. nm
Subject: not sure about adhesions, but the second phrase may relate to cup-to-disc ratio. nm

No pain in the disc spaces or the costovertebral angle ?
Subject: No pain in the disc spaces or the costovertebral angle ?

Need help with something that sounds like oscillis or cillis disc in back?
Subject: Need help with something that sounds like oscillis or cillis disc in back?

I learned to use disc when referring to the eye and disk for the back....
Subject: I learned to use disc when referring to the eye and disk for the back....

However, seems like disk is the preferred way for both now.
Dont know, but "sharp" usually refers to optic disc
Subject: Dont know, but "sharp" usually refers to optic disc
