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ANA results

Posted By: lola on 2007-03-27
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Subject: ANA results

ANA was markedly positive at one to twenty-five sixty

any ideas on this one. 1:25 60

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Help on CT results
Subject: Help on CT results

This is a woman with Stage IV malignant mesothelioma.  I'm a little lost on the CT results here.  For part of it I got the words I think, but since I don't totally understand it I'm not sure exactly where commas go, etc.  Then there's the part where I'm not getting the words.  I'll put that part in brackets.  So here goes if anyone can help. 

"On the CT, the impression is chronic occlusion of the central left internal jugular and brachiocephalic (actually sounds more like bronchocephalic but that doesn't seem to be a word so does brachiocephalic make sense here?) right subclavian [vena porous SVC with compression against noticed?] and tracheal deviation."

Help with MRI results
Subject: Help with MRI results

Doctor is saying, "...central disc herniation at the C3-C4 level impressing the ventral cord and a central disc protrusion at C6-C7, which s/l bifaces the ventral subarachnoid cord."

It sounds like he's saying bifaces.  Could that be correct?  If not, any suggestions?

Please help with BMP results
Subject: Please help with BMP results

Wondering how the results below should be transcribed.

Yesterday in the ER he had blood work, which showed normal renal function and electrolytes and an INR of 2.0.  His BMP was beneath the threshold for his age at 1-3-8-8.  (dictated "one, three, eight, eight") 


ENG results
Subject: ENG results

There was no s/l gaitous position nor spontaneous nystagmus.  I know I should know this but am drawing a blank.
Lab results.
Subject: Lab results.

Her ionized calcium was 1.10 with ??____________ 1.12 to 1.32.

s/l *acility

MRI results
Subject: MRI results

Hey all!  My doc just dictated what sounds like "MRI showed some frying in the white matter."  I'm sure frying is not the correct word.  Any ideas?  THANKS!!
MRI results
Subject: MRI results

Right-sided weakness; rule out for MS
help with MRI results
Subject: help with MRI results

I think doc has cutoff the beginning of word:

2) s/l "..frain/frame" of the posterior horn and medial meniscus and changes consistent with previous partial meniscectomy

Thanks for any help
results are established ?
Subject: results are established ?

...before arterial blood gas results are established
QA results on help from yesterday
Subject: QA results on help from yesterday

Sure enough, the sentence read "somewhat flattened affect" You guys are the best! Thank you so much for the help.
help on MRI of the head results
Subject: help on MRI of the head results

The patient had an MRI with gadolinium of the head.  I'm having some trouble understanding the results because this is unfamiliar to me.  She is a cancer patient with metastatic melanoma and the MRI was ordered due to severe vomiting and blurry vision.  He says the MRI "revealed no definite metastatic disease, significant [s/l hypotense? maybe hypodense or hypertensive?] [s/l mara signal?] of the cervical spine of unclear significance, heterogeneous [s/l coabnormality?], for which in matter of fact these cannot be excluded."  That last phrase sounds a little weird too, but I'm pretty sure that's what he says.  Any ideas?
Mammogram results help
Subject: Mammogram results help

This is from someone who mumbles and stumbles over words all the time, so I'm not sure how helpful my sounds likes are going to be, but I'll give it a try.

"Mammograms were performed and compared to previous studies available.  There was no [s/l change breaths or chains breast] or heterogeneous [s/l stem cell?].  There is a rectangular density in the superior portion of the right oblique view, which may represent a residual from a previous [s/l porta or porter] drain."

Would heterogenous stem cell fit there?  I think that's possible she's saying that, but not sure if that would be from a mammogram result.  I haven't heard that one before.

anemia results?
Subject: anemia results?

Last visit she had some mild anemia as well at 12.7 and 37.6.

Any clues on the 12.7 and 37.6? rbc or hemoglobin?

I tried that, and just tried again, but I google gives me 0 results.sm
Subject: I tried that, and just tried again, but I google gives me 0 results.sm

I'm sure I know the word, because it sounds very familiar, but I just can't quite get it.

Urinalysis results...
Subject: Urinalysis results...

Dictated:  UA shows some ketones, large occult blood, many white cells, some moderate red cells, and *10 to 50* bacteria.

Should that be 10:50 bacteria or 10-50? 


trouble with ESL and lab results...
Subject: trouble with ESL and lab results...

I can't really understand this one, very fast speaking ESL and any help is greatly appreciated.

S/l *Laboratory results show white blood cell count of *2.1*, hematocrit of 36.2, and *___* at 217. 


Foot x-ray results
Subject: Foot x-ray results

Doc is giving foot x-ray results as follows.


IMPRESSION:  Oblique fracture, which is postoperative at the level of the first metatarsal.  S/L "Os-like" displacement at the fracture site is noted.

Anyone ever hear of something like that?  Thanks

laboratory results
Subject: laboratory results

the laboratory results s/l CEO ??                                                                       and is there a lab result spelled alpha feta-protein or is it alpha beta-protein?
culture results
Subject: culture results

when referring to culture results - is the lower or upper case form of "pseudomonas" "lactobacillus" and "enterococcus" used?

I assume these are lab results ??
Subject: I assume these are lab results ??

he specifically said mri results went to the patient
Subject: he specifically said mri results went to the patient

weird, I know
lab results question s/l whipose sm
Subject: lab results question s/l whipose sm

Chinese ESL dictator:  His UA was negative.  His whipose DNA not detected. 

Patient has severe fatigue with unknown etiology; other labs are cortisol, double-stranded DNA, ACTH....


Under assessment: UNCOMPELLING EMG results
Subject: Under assessment: UNCOMPELLING EMG results

Is uncompelling a word?

Or is it noncompelling?


Peds echo results
Subject: Peds echo results

There is no evidence of a patent duct s/l dis-arteri-osis

Cardiac Cath results
Subject: Cardiac Cath results

My doc is quite a mumbler.  He's a PCP talking about his patient's cath outcome.  "This showed that the right coronary artery had mild, midluminal irregularities s/l from the small and nondominant.  The left main was normal.  Does this sound right?  I can never hear his connecting words: from, to, at, near, if, of, or ....Thanks for any help.  I do appreciate it.    
ECHO RESULTS -Sounds like edicstenosis
Subject: ECHO RESULTS -Sounds like edicstenosis

Please help

1. Heart Murmur.  1A Echocardiography documenting ___________, sounds like he is saying edicstenosis.

probably coryza, results in nasal discharge. nm
Subject: probably coryza, results in nasal discharge. nm

As to what? Mental health? Rehab? Lab results? nm
Subject: As to what? Mental health? Rehab? Lab results? nm

CT scan results, s/l gloves and bullous... s/m
Subject: CT scan results, s/l gloves and bullous... s/m

CT reveals a spiculated lobulater right upper lobe pulmonary nodule.  There is no significant adenopathy noted.  Significant emphysematous change with bi-apical _____ bullous seen.  S/l globes or gloves but doc is soft spoken so cannot hear clearly.

Try google search. Many results even when mispelled. nm
Subject: Try google search. Many results even when mispelled. nm

urinalysis results- doc says- there were a few s/l epis?? not sure what this is slang for
Subject: urinalysis results- doc says- there were a few s/l epis?? not sure what this is slang for

echo results... ***fanned*** apex? TIA NM
Subject: echo results... ***fanned*** apex? TIA NM

Says again, not biologically resistant to Botox because of "F TAB" results. nm ??
Subject: Says again, not biologically resistant to Botox because of "F TAB" results. nm ??

Maybe inferred syncope, guessing because it's not showing up in the results. nm
Subject: Maybe inferred syncope, guessing because it's not showing up in the results. nm

if they're doing blood results docs slang
Subject: if they're doing blood results docs slang

polys, bands, etc.
TEE Sheet - Transesophageal Echocardiogram - probably report results...nm
Subject: TEE Sheet - Transesophageal Echocardiogram - probably report results...nm

Any clue from other results? Fatigue at less than 1 minute is very unusual. nm
Subject: Any clue from other results? Fatigue at less than 1 minute is very unusual. nm

Probably something 'in situ.' Any lab or test results to indicate what might have been found
Subject: Probably something 'in situ.' Any lab or test results to indicate what might have been found

Lab results - UA specific gravity 1.022, s/l P8 6.5, etc.. I have never heard of P8 as part of a UA
Subject: Lab results - UA specific gravity 1.022, s/l P8 6.5, etc.. I have never heard of P8 as part of a UA

Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.
Subject: Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.

Echo results: unusual "phonic" window. sm
Subject: Echo results: unusual "phonic" window. sm

Prounounced like Phone Ick window, not like phonics.
MRI of brain results - ventricle, s/l sulkine and basal cisterns. TIA
Subject: MRI of brain results - ventricle, s/l sulkine and basal cisterns. TIA

allergy test results...need help, she rattles them off so fast I can't catch some of the words. s

The patient’s allergy tests were reviewed and positive for dust mites, Alternaria, "homenthum spurium", timothy grass, cedar, mesquite, marsh, "utter pigmia", and sage.

Thanks for any help.

Allergy testing results..have questions on three words rattled off. pls sm for sentence. TIA! sm
Subject: Allergy testing results..have questions on three words rattled off. pls sm for sentence. TIA! sm

He had positives to "pharana" and "teranicitous" dust mites, eastern cottonwood, mesquite, pollen, cochia, marsh elder, Russian thistle, and Alternaria mold. 
BI-RADS score, Lauren!!!!! It classifies mammography results comprehensively.
Subject: BI-RADS score, Lauren!!!!! It classifies mammography results comprehensively.

Aacck = correct that report

prostate cancer pathology results - high-grade s/l PINC found?
Subject: prostate cancer pathology results - high-grade s/l PINC found?

dictation will be made pending... possibly giving more information after results come back?
Subject: dictation will be made pending... possibly giving more information after results come back?

Cancer patient cbc results. White blood cell count reached a S/L nater?
Subject: Cancer patient cbc results. White blood cell count reached a S/L nater?

The patient is a cancer patient having chemo.  The cbc report says "The white blood cell count did - or did not - reach a NATER of 2.3 after his last cycle.  I'm pretty new to oncology notes... Help please..