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Are you sure it's not Atacand (dose 16, not 60)? NM

Posted By: AnudderMT on 2009-05-05
In Reply to: medication s/l Atacard - flutter

Subject: Are you sure it's not Atacand (dose 16, not 60)? NM

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Are you sure it's not atacand (dose 16, not 60)? NM
Subject: Are you sure it's not atacand (dose 16, not 60)? NM

There are three sliding-scale insulin regimens - mild dose, moderate dose, and high dose.
Subject: There are three sliding-scale insulin regimens - mild dose, moderate dose, and high dose.

So mild is correct.
patient received a single dose of radioactive iodine. The dose in S/L milliequaries? is unknown?
Subject: patient received a single dose of radioactive iodine. The dose in S/L milliequaries? is unknown?

Atacand nm
Subject: Atacand nm

guessing . . .

could it be Atacand
Subject: could it be Atacand

Atacand maybe? NM
Subject: Atacand maybe? NM

It could be Atacand
Subject: It could be Atacand

even though he clearly says "atacard". The 60 could definitely be 16. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing "Atacard" because I couldn't find it! Thanks !
this is a stretch, but could it be Atacand?
Subject: this is a stretch, but could it be Atacand?

Atacand - hypertensive med
Subject: Atacand - hypertensive med

Atacand and midline ???
Subject: Atacand and midline ???

guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm
Subject: guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm

If either one ties in with the patient's history, etc.

No dose
Subject: No dose

No dose and he does list aspirin as well. 

Thanks for helping out  

That is the max dose as per the sm
Subject: That is the max dose as per the sm

Monthly Prescribing Reference.

dose of?
Subject: dose of?

It comes in 17 gm. Could be dose? nm
Subject: It comes in 17 gm. Could be dose? nm

what is the dose? nm
Subject: what is the dose? nm

1/2 cap ful per day? 1 cap is dose also. nm
Subject: 1/2 cap ful per day? 1 cap is dose also. nm

1-g-b.i.d. dose?
Subject: 1-g-b.i.d. dose?

Is this correct or should I take the hypens out?  I assume this is correct, but it looks funny to me.

. . . all of which can cause stomach upset, expecially the metformin in a 1-g-b.i.d. dose. 


dose is 250 per 5 mL most likely. nm
Subject: dose is 250 per 5 mL most likely. nm

Oh no dose?
Subject: Oh no dose?

The doc dictates "oh no dose p.r.n." Is that 0.no dose p.r.n.? Your thoughts please and thanks.
not metered dose
Subject: not metered dose

nope--he is definitely saying med neb, as in "I ordered another one-hour med neb treatment."  He says it several times throughout the dictation.  I have heard this before, but it has been a long time, and I cannot remember how to transcribe it.  Thanks though!
s/l Doe dose see mssg
Subject: s/l Doe dose see mssg


1.      Thyroid carcinoma – a TSH and free T4 have been requested.  Review of laboratory studies requested by Dr. X in June of 2005 demonstrated an elevated TSH level at 8.  Apparently s/l DOE DOSE adjustment was made.  We will need to discuss thyroid suppression and goal of TSH with Dr. x.    She is due for thyroid scan.


It is definately not low dose.  It sounds like doe dose.  Am i missing something ???

that's much too high of a dose
Subject: that's much too high of a dose

Sorry. I keep thinking that with that 400 mg dose sm
Subject: Sorry. I keep thinking that with that 400 mg dose sm

it might be an antibiotic for UTI etc?  Here is a list of some antibiotics in that dosage. Good luck. All I can offer for this one!!



dose of med. Dr. says digoxin 215 mcg a day??
Subject: dose of med. Dr. says digoxin 215 mcg a day??

Could it be ~dose~ intensity? sm
Subject: Could it be ~dose~ intensity? sm

See link to reference

maybe...low-dose aspirin
Subject: maybe...low-dose aspirin

Is there a dose for prednisone given as cc? sm
Subject: Is there a dose for prednisone given as cc? sm

Patient is on 2 cc prednisone every other day.

I thought he must mean 2 mg, but at end of report he says he will decrease prednisone to 1.5 cc every other day.

Zanaflex has 2-mg dose
Subject: Zanaflex has 2-mg dose

do you have a dose or any idea what it is taken for? nm
Subject: do you have a dose or any idea what it is taken for? nm

do you have a dose or any more info? nm
Subject: do you have a dose or any more info? nm

Maybe just "...and takes a...." since that same med comes in that dose. nm
Subject: Maybe just "...and takes a...." since that same med comes in that dose. nm

Sorry. I am stumped. What is the dose. nm
Subject: Sorry. I am stumped. What is the dose. nm

Renagel dose
Subject: Renagel dose

comes in 400 mg and 800 mg... Had a report a few weeks back where the doctor dictated "5600 mg" of Renagel.  Was not sure so sent to QA for another pair of ears.  They changed it to 600 mg which does not sound like a possible dose. Is Renagel sometimes taken in such large doses?
Probably Pravastatin but dose...sm
Subject: Probably Pravastatin but dose...sm

starts at 10 mg and goes up.
Medrol dose-pack
Subject: Medrol dose-pack

According to Quick Look Drug Book 2005 - Medrol dose-pack
O2 saturation--post dose?
Subject: O2 saturation--post dose?

Patient with COPD. exam--O2 sat at rest is 96% on 2 liters of sl--post or pulsed dose.

not just saying iron 325 mg a day? usual dose.
Subject: not just saying iron 325 mg a day? usual dose.

high dose scale 2
Subject: high dose scale 2

could be "high-dose" Cytoxan
Subject: could be "high-dose" Cytoxan

Dose looks like Tamiflu. May be amantadine? nm
Subject: Dose looks like Tamiflu. May be amantadine? nm

Could it be Ansaid? Dose fits nm
Subject: Could it be Ansaid? Dose fits nm

I would flag it, 5 mg b.i.d. is not a normal dose
Subject: I would flag it, 5 mg b.i.d. is not a normal dose

Here's some info copied and pasted from my QuickLook drug reference.  It looks like 4 mg a day total is about the highest dose.

Usual Dosage

Oral: Note: Treatment >4 months should be re-evaluated to determine the patient's continued need for the drug
Anxiety: Immediate release: Effective doses are 0.5-4 mg/day in divided doses; the manufacturer recommends starting at 0.25-0.5 mg 3 times/day; titrate dose upward; maximum: 4 mg/day
Anxiety associated with depression: Immediate release: Average dose required: 2.5-3 mg/day in divided doses
Panic disorder:
Immediate release: Initial: 0.5 mg 3 times/day; dose may be increased every 3-4 days in increments ≤1 mg/day; many patients obtain relief at 2 mg/day, as much as 10 mg/day may be required
Extended release: 0.5-1 mg once daily; may increase dose every 3-4 days in increments ≤1 mg/day (range: 3-6 mg/day)
Switching from immediate release to extended release: Patients may be switched to extended release tablets by taking the total daily dose of the immediate release tablets and giving it once daily using the extended release preparation.
Preoperative sedation: 0.5 mg in evening at bedtime and 0.5 mg 1 hour before procedure
Dose reduction: Abrupt discontinuation should be avoided. Daily dose may be decreased by 0.5 mg every 3 days, however, some patients may require a slower reduction. If withdrawal symptoms occur, resume previous dose and discontinue on a less rapid schedule.

Dosage Forms

Solution, oral (Alprazolam Intensol®): 1 mg/mL (30 mL)
Tablet (Xanax®): 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg
Tablet, extended release (Xanax XR®): 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg
Tablet, orally-disintegrating (Niravam™): 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg [orange flavor]

Is Xanax 5 mg b.i.d. a customary dose of this?
Subject: Is Xanax 5 mg b.i.d. a customary dose of this?

Just wondering, I am used to transcribing 0.5 mg or 1 mg, 2 mg at the most but I have a resident saying 5 mg b.i.d.  I'm not a doctor so I don't want to pretend I know better, but would you flag this to be sure it was 5 and not 0.5 if you were me?   Maybe they do prescribe as high as 5 mg and just because I have never typed that high of a dose doesn't mean anything, but I always worry, same as when they dictate mg for something that I'm used to typing mcg.  Any opinions?
MDI is metered-dose inhaler nm
Subject: MDI is metered-dose inhaler nm

Quick Look does show it as an IV dose (sm)
Subject: Quick Look does show it as an IV dose (sm)

Benadryl® Injection  I.M., I.V.: 10-50 mg in a single dose every 2-4 hours, not to exceed 400 mg/day.

However, fentanyl would be more common in an OP note (at least that has been my experience) and could kinda sort sound like Benadryl).  Did they give any dosage?

fentanyl - Preoperative sedation, adjunct to regional anesthesia, postoperative pain: I.M., I.V.: 50-100 mcg/dose

Could this Lasix dose be correct?
Does Lasix 380 mg twice daily sound excessive?  The doctor originally dictated 20 mg daily and then went back and had me change it.  I saw something about a dose can be titrated up carefully to 600 mg daily with patients with severe edematous conditions........just not sure.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Could be Amaryl at that dose.They titrate it up by 2 mg and could be just what sm
Subject: Could be Amaryl at that dose.They titrate it up by 2 mg and could be just what sm

the patient had to make up 5 mg, Max dose is 8 mg as per MPR.
Nitroglycerin dose question
Subject: Nitroglycerin dose question

Has anyone heard of a nitroglycerin dosage being one 150 or 1-150?  I am unsure how to type that.  Thanks.
low-dose s/l-ERAV injection at 10 mg??
Subject: low-dose s/l-ERAV injection at 10 mg??

She has rheumatoid art.
That dose looks like Wellbutrin XL ( bupropion) sm
Subject: That dose looks like Wellbutrin XL ( bupropion) sm

Sometimes they use the generic with the XL. If that is not what you hear, here are a few sites for psych meds:







