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Breast biopsy

Posted By: Eileen on 2007-06-20
In Reply to: breast biopsy - Me

Subject: Breast biopsy

I recently had a report like that and it was Full size, I checked with the M.D.

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If breast, sentinel node breast biopsy.
Subject: If breast, sentinel node breast biopsy.

breast biopsy
Subject: breast biopsy

this is a biospy of the breast with pathology report showing

extensive calcified and hyalinized fibroadenomas nodule.  Full size grossing adenosis and foreign body granuloma.


full size/four sides not sure, what this is.  Any ideas?


breast biopsy
Subject: breast biopsy

these calcifications would be admenimal  to stereotactic core biopsy.


I am on a major deadline and can't think, any help would be appreciated.  Thanks. 

Breast biopsy?
Subject: Breast biopsy?


Has anyone heard of what sounds like a "serosatek" probe/needle for breast biopsy?  TX much

s/l serose breast biopsy
Subject: s/l serose breast biopsy

any help would be appreciated.  thx
biopsy of breast for a "prctl" in situ ??
Subject: biopsy of breast for a "prctl" in situ ??

Can't really even get a sounds like, but I don't hear "ductal".

Any clues?


s/l "hopance needle" for breast biopsy?
Subject: s/l "hopance needle" for breast biopsy?

There is an ATEC breast biopsy system
Subject: There is an ATEC breast biopsy system

Automated Tissue Excision and Collection (ATEC) Could that be it?
Breast biopsy s/l *copenz* wire?
Subject: Breast biopsy s/l *copenz* wire?

There is a Sanarus Cassi™ breast biopsy device. nm
Subject: There is a Sanarus Cassi™ breast biopsy device. nm

Center X needle for stereotactic breast biopsy
Subject: Center X needle for stereotactic breast biopsy

The breast was cleansed with Betadine, injected with 1% Xylocaine and the location marked by the center X needle? 
the patient is S/P lumpectomy / ____ biopsy for breast cancer.
Subject: the patient is S/P lumpectomy / ____ biopsy for breast cancer.

This doc keeps saying what sounds like:

lumpectomy / "center node" biopsy or "sentinel" biopsy?

He is a mush-mouth.  Any help appreciated!!!

There is a healthy appearing biopsy site in the right breast with a small surrounding ecchymosis.
Subject: There is a healthy appearing biopsy site in the right breast with a small surrounding ecchymosis.

Is it "with a small surrounding ecchymosis" or "with small surrounding ecchymosis"?
stereotactic biopsy versus needle "lope" biopsy ??
Subject: stereotactic biopsy versus needle "lope" biopsy ??

I can't hear "loop", sounds like a slurred "Lope".  This is for a breast tissue biopsy.


Any ideas? 


Bladder biopsy, s/l "wappler" cold-cut biopsy forceps. I cannot verify "wappler" but sp
Subject: Bladder biopsy, s/l "wappler" cold-cut biopsy forceps. I cannot verify "wappler" but spell


Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)
Subject: Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)

Subject: biopsy

Could it be needle localization biopsy?

Subject: biopsy

Probably too little too late but could it be after HAVING an amino biopsy?
Biopsy for BCC
Subject: Biopsy for BCC

An 80 yo man with recent left ear biopsy. S/L Half shows basal cell cancer.


s/l gem-fem or gin-tim biopsy
Subject: s/l gem-fem or gin-tim biopsy

grade 4 lateral femoral condylar defect noted and treated with microfracture and s/l gem-fem biopsy performed.

I know I know this, but I am drawing a complete blank!  Thanks.

what context is it used...biopsy?
Subject: what context is it used...biopsy?

s/l washington possible biopsy
Subject: s/l washington possible biopsy

This patient has evidence to suggest a cancerous mass in the bile duct, which leads into this:  "Thus the patient should indeed receive an ERCP, with [s/l Washington possible] biopsy if feasible.  Otherwise, either a CT-guided biopsy or an exploratory laparoscopy may be necessary."  I also thought maybe it said "with watching for a possible biopsy if feasible"  but it doesn't sound quite right to me.  In context it seems like it would be a type of biopsy because of the "otherwise a CT-guided biopsy" part, but I haven't been able to find anything close.  Maybe I'm overthinking it.    Any ideas? 
prostate biopsy

A series of 12 cores were taken in a systematic fashion from the base, mid, and apical portion of the gland on each side and sent s/l paralyze in 6 bottles.  


This sure sounds like paralyze, but I'm not sure that's correct.  Kinda' makes sense, as in suspended, but then again.....maybe I've got the word totally wrong!   

OB/GYN - biopsy pipels?
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Word sounds like pie-pels or pie-pals.  The sentance is...

The cervix was too stenotic and the biopsy pipels were too soft to push through her cervical os.

TRUSS biopsy
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? brush biopsy. It should be C&S instead of CNS.
Subject: ? brush biopsy. It should be C&S instead of CNS.

punch biopsy
Subject: punch biopsy

Punch biopsy was done. This skin was approximated with 4-0 vicryl sutures. s/l "triasteral drug" was applied to the wound. I'm sure it isn't a drug but some kind of cream.
There are Tru-Cut biopsy forceps?
Subject: There are Tru-Cut biopsy forceps?

prostate biopsy
Subject: prostate biopsy

Several biopsies of the prostate "adrendum" were done. 
Skin biopsy for new doc - sm
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 after anesthetic, S/l "The admin mark was made with 3-0 skin marker.  I am so bummed after listening for SIX TIMES no lie.
Prostate biopsy
Subject: Prostate biopsy

The sentence starts out History of suspicious prostate and a negative previous biopsy ..then s/l one to one prostate biopsy on the day prior...   any suggestions??
mediastinal biopsy? sm
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hilar and mediastinal biopsy?
ambulatory mediastinal biopsy?
where are they taking the biopsy from??
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___ Core Biopsy
Subject: ___ Core Biopsy

You sure it doesn't say "needle core" biopsy? Double check...
Could be core biopsy
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cold biopsy..nm
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cold biopsy
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cold biopsy...google hematuria cold biopsy and you will find several examples.
probably "needle" biopsy
Subject: probably "needle" biopsy

s/l styler biopsy?
Subject: s/l styler biopsy?

The patient is a 49-year-old white male with history of melanoma with diagnosed s/l styler-ver biopsy.
...something "liver biopsy" ??
Subject: ...something "liver biopsy" ??

"Cordanal" biopsy
Subject: "Cordanal" biopsy

Right breast tissue centered on area of previous ***** biopsy site as shown by wire localization.

It sounds like "cord-anal." Any ideas?
Needle "Loc" Biopsy
Subject: Needle "Loc" Biopsy

Stands for "Needle Localization Biopsy."
cold biopsy technique
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cold biopsy technique

Used to remove sessile polyps. Is cold the right word?

should be endometrial biopsy, not endemetrial. nm
Subject: should be endometrial biopsy, not endemetrial. nm

s/l- cold cut biopsy forceps
Subject: s/l- cold cut biopsy forceps

In an operative report.
cold cup biopsy forceps? nm
Subject: cold cup biopsy forceps? nm

could be BMB for bone marrow biopsy. nm
Subject: could be BMB for bone marrow biopsy. nm

Listen for "washings and possible biopsy"
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Word help with stereotactic biopsy
Subject: Word help with stereotactic biopsy

Hope someone can help. He is saying dermatotomy. Can find dermatome, which is an instrument, but i think this means small cuts. Is this actually a word?
True cut biopsy needle
Subject: True cut biopsy needle

True cut biopsy needle?
sentinel node biopsy
Subject: sentinel node biopsy

Prior to prepping, using a _____ (may s/l needle?) probe 2000, evaluation of the axillary revealed a hot spot in the inferior anterior axillary consistent with a sentinel node, and because of this, additional blue dye was not used.