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Do you have a sentence or diagnosis?

Posted By: MT50 on 2008-02-11
In Reply to: ESL doctor - medication - s/l Vagosim? TIA - mt12

Subject: Do you have a sentence or diagnosis?

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What's the sentence?...Diagnosis? nm
Subject: What's the sentence?...Diagnosis? nm



What is the diagnosis or sentence ? nm
Subject: What is the diagnosis or sentence ? nm

Is there any sentence with it or diagnosis?
Subject: Is there any sentence with it or diagnosis?

Is there a sentence or diagnosis?
Subject: Is there a sentence or diagnosis?

No sentence or diagnosis . . . just
Subject: No sentence or diagnosis . . . just

This is just a list of drugs in the report.  I thougth Effexor, but I am not hearing the "r". 

What is the exact sentence? and diagnosis?
Subject: What is the exact sentence? and diagnosis?

Is it in a sentence? Got a dose or a diagnosis? Thx. nm
Subject: Is it in a sentence? Got a dose or a diagnosis? Thx. nm

Is there more info or a sentence or diagnosis?
Subject: Is there more info or a sentence or diagnosis?

Complete sentence or what is the diagnosis?
Subject: Complete sentence or what is the diagnosis?

Any more information, sentence, diagnosis etc.? nm
Subject: Any more information, sentence, diagnosis etc.? nm

pt is on s/l cy-ta-mo 25 mcg daily. sm for diagnosis and complete sentence. TIA. sm
Subject: pt is on s/l cy-ta-mo 25 mcg daily. sm for diagnosis and complete sentence. TIA. sm

Upon surgery this was diagnosed as papillary thyroid carcinoma affecting the left lobe with involvement of 2 lymph nodes in the neck (details not available). She underwent radioactive iodine ablation on 09/17/07 and is currently on cytomo 25 mcg daily. 
Could you tell us what the diagnosis is or the full sentence please, there are many "retic" dr
Subject: Could you tell us what the diagnosis is or the full sentence please, there are many "retic" drugs.

Could you give the whole sentence and diagnosis/condition please, thanks.
Subject: Could you give the whole sentence and diagnosis/condition please, thanks.

I found it: Capsulitis and metatarsalgia ... it was the diagnosis so no sentence. Thanks though!!!
Subject: I found it: Capsulitis and metatarsalgia ... it was the diagnosis so no sentence. Thanks though!!!

If it is used in heading, as in Diagnosis: XXX, then yes, but if just in body of report in sentence,
Subject: If it is used in heading, as in Diagnosis: XXX, then yes, but if just in body of report in sentence, ...sm

you can abbreviate, depending on acount specifics and what your company or doctor wishes. Hope this helps!
Subject: Diagnosis


1. Corneoscleral laceration with lens rupture O.D. and intraocular foreign body O.D. status post vitrectomy, lentectomy and uveal excision.

Should that be two sentences? I always have a problem with status post. Thank you so much.

Subject: Diagnosis?

Do you have a diagnosis?
Subject: Do you have a diagnosis?

Help with diagnosis
Subject: Help with diagnosis

Chronic swelling of the right lower extremity after partial (frustray or first rate) resection for osteomyelitis.

It would be diagnosis, because SM
Subject: It would be diagnosis, because SM

Axis I, Axis II, etc. are arms of the diagnosis. 
diagnosis? nm
Subject: diagnosis? nm

this is the diagnosis
Subject: this is the diagnosis

1.Acute gastric tract.
3.Urinary tract infection.
4.She was in motor vehicle accident.
5.Mental retardation.

It was diagnosis so just the
Subject: It was diagnosis so just the

sounded like posse vasculitis. Thanks
Do you know the diagnosis?
Subject: Do you know the diagnosis?

Subject: Diagnosis

What is the patient's diagnosis?
Got a diagnosis on this pt? nm
Subject: Got a diagnosis on this pt? nm

Do you have a diagnosis that goes along with this? nm
Subject: Do you have a diagnosis that goes along with this? nm

Diagnosis that s/l.....
Subject: Diagnosis that s/l.....

Borgee borigme....possibly stomach illness related.
its just in the diagnosis..
Subject: its just in the diagnosis..

I swear its in the diagnosis just like the last time I typed this word! Does not help much.  he has bone disease also plus a few other things!  Can't win them all!  Thank you if you find it! 
diagnosis help
Subject: diagnosis help

Doctor says the patient has swelling and redness on the side of face.  She has an  S/L ___ar'a'sipalis'  beginning.



is that a diagnosis?
Subject: is that a diagnosis?

need more information...   symptoms, a sentence, anything...
Do you have the diagnosis/es?
Subject: Do you have the diagnosis/es?

Need help with a diagnosis... SM
Subject: Need help with a diagnosis... SM

The patient has a red/hot/pain area on her nose and cheeks.  She does not feel ill in any way.....

Her diagnosis s/l air sip-a-lis.


diagnosis help
Subject: diagnosis help

The Doc is saying-

She has ark' a' sanilis'  in both eyes.

Used for or diagnosis?
Subject: Used for or diagnosis?

Subject: diagnosis

I will be obtaining an EEG to rule-out S/L epileptic deformitis George’s._____




What is the diagnosis?
Subject: What is the diagnosis?

Probably that's just the first diagnosis
Subject: Probably that's just the first diagnosis

that would be my guess without hearing it.
What is diagnosis?
Subject: What is diagnosis?

What is the diagnosis?
Subject: What is the diagnosis?

diagnosis is
Subject: diagnosis is

diagnosis is anaplastic mixed glioma who is currently being treated with adjuvant Temodar
The diagnosis is
Subject: The diagnosis is

Subject: Diagnosis?

Is there a diagnosis?
Is there a diagnosis?
Subject: Is there a diagnosis?

Is there a diagnosis?
Subject: Is there a diagnosis?

Skin cancer?
Do you know the diagnosis?
Subject: Do you know the diagnosis?

What is the diagnosis
Subject: What is the diagnosis

Um, is there a diagnosis? (sm)
Subject: Um, is there a diagnosis? (sm)

I think it would take a lot of context or experienced ear to listen to take a stab at this one. Could be an abbreviation such as PCP or an abbreviation of some local health clinic or something. For some reason the first thing that popped into my mind was CDC, as in Center for Disease Control, although I don't know if they give out drugs. With it being 5 drugs and the term "given", I was thinking AIDS, and then who might give those drugs to impoverished patients. But then again, maybe the patient had cancer and was given a 5-drug cancer regimen by some local cancer center. Can you see why context is sooooo important?
Subject: diagnosis?

One diagnosis
Subject: One diagnosis

one diagnosis sm
Subject: one diagnosis sm

The condition is called "trigger finger" (stenosing tenosynovitis), and this is affecting the patient's right ring finger. It does sound a little strange but it is okay as is.