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In Stedman's ortho

Posted By: Misha on 2007-09-10
In Reply to: foot x-ray - Need Help

Subject: In Stedman's ortho

it shows, under sesamoid (just 2 s's) it shows accessory sesamoid.

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Stedman's Ortho
Subject: Stedman's Ortho

lists forage core biopsy and forage procedure.

Try googling orthopedic forage procedure and see if you have a match. Next time, don't give a snip though. The whole sentence is more helpful.
According to Stedman's Ortho
Subject: According to Stedman's Ortho

under gait I see

I don't see anything in Stedman's Ortho...
Subject: I don't see anything in Stedman's Ortho...

under syndromes that sound like that.  However, there is an iliotibial band syndrome...any chance dictator is saying IT band?  Other than that, no idea. 
Stedman's Ortho has
Subject: Stedman's Ortho has

per stedman's ortho book,
Subject: per stedman's ortho book,

pinprick is one word.
Stedman's Ortho has C-spine...
Subject: Stedman's Ortho has C-spine...

I would type it as doc says, unless account specifics say otherwise.
Yes, it is in the Stedman's Ortho Book. nm
Subject: Yes, it is in the Stedman's Ortho Book. nm

SM for Stedman's Ortho variations. sm
Subject: SM for Stedman's Ortho variations. sm

FABER (flexion, abduction, external rotation)
FABER test

FABERE (flexion, abduction, external rotation, etension) FABERE sign/test

FADIR (flexion, adduction, internal rotation)
FADIR sign/test

FADIRE (flexion, adduction, internal rotation, extension)

According to Stedman's ortho, I found
Subject: According to Stedman's ortho, I found

levorotary scoliosis and I also found levoscoliosis scoliosis.  That's how these terms are listed.  I don't know if this helps, but worth a re-listen, I would guess. 
I found in Stedman's Ortho
Subject: I found in Stedman's Ortho

Biomet MARS acetabular component.  There is also a listing under prosthesis:  modular total hip.  I wonder if your "maude" is really "mod".... 

drawer in stedman ortho
Subject: drawer in stedman ortho

In steadman ortho, the only time it refers to draw test is a foot/ankle test for subtalar motion.  Otherwise, they only have drawer test, not draw.  I have never heard draw used for the knee, and I have been doing ortho for about 6 years now.
Thanks!! I did and looked in Stedman's Ortho...
Subject: Thanks!! I did and looked in Stedman's Ortho...

...but my mind is playing tricks on me.

Thanks again! 

Stedman's Ortho - plantarflexion
Subject: Stedman's Ortho - plantarflexion

Stedman's Orthopaedic & Rehab Words (5th Edition) has it as one word.  I could not find it anywhere in that book as two words.  Personally, this is the way that I have always typed it. 

On the other hand, if you look in Dorland's (31st Edition) under flexion, it says, "plantar flexion."

I am not sure if either way is more accepted over the other.  Perhaps client preference.

Have a nice holiday.

Stedman's Ortho Book does have a Strayer--sm
procedure listed. Found Strayer also by google search.
plantigrade per Stedman's Ortho/rehab
Subject: plantigrade per Stedman's Ortho/rehab

Stedman ortho 2nd & google.com - Ficat -sm
Subject: Stedman ortho 2nd & google.com - Ficat -sm

qa3767/is_200309/ai_n9284548 - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

Rothman Institute Orthopaedics: Avascular NecrosisIn one series of 55 such hips, 84% required total hip replacement, usually within 3 yrs. of diagnosis. Even in the most favorable early stages (eg, FICAT 1 ...
rothmaninstitute.com/patienteducation/joint/hip/avn.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

OsteonecrosisTwo adults with osteonecrosis of the hip (Ficat stages I, II) had hypofibrinolysis (high PAI-1, high Lp[a]). Winstrol (6 mg/day) normalized fibrinolytic ...
www.jewishhospitalcincinnati.com/ cholesterol/osteonec.htm - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

Avascular Necrosis of the Hip in Sickle Cell DiseaseF/U age 14 with a 2mo. history of left hip pain, aggravated with activity. ... Ficat stages (1-4); Steinberg stages (1-6) and degree of involvement (A,B,C) ...
gait.aidi.udel.edu/res695/homepage/ pd_ortho/educate/clincase/sickle.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Rothman Institute Orthopaedics: Avascular Necrosis... of diagnosis. Even in the most favorable early stages (eg, FICAT 1,2), 69% required total hip replacement. 9. What is core decompression? ...
https://rothmaninstitute.com/ patienteducation/joint/hip/avn.htm - 24k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] PRESERVATION LIMBFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Radiographs of the left hip revealed Ficat Stage II osteonecrosis that ... right hip was classified as Ficat Stage IV. Plain films of the left hip showed ...
www.limbpres.com/CPM/2002%20Vol%20IX%20No.%201.pdf - Similar pages

It is Moreland...via Stedman's ortho book...nm
Subject: It is Moreland...via Stedman's ortho book...nm

TubeGauz bandage per Stedman's Ortho. nm
Subject: TubeGauz bandage per Stedman's Ortho. nm

In Stedman's Ortho - cobra and Kocher nm
Subject: In Stedman's Ortho - cobra and Kocher nm

Stedman's Ortho & Rehab Words
Subject: Stedman's Ortho & Rehab Words

For all of the years I have typed in this for orthopods or any other documents including x-rays, it has always been patellofemoral.  Hope this helps!

Stedman's Ortho: articular crepitus. Maybe? nm
Subject: Stedman's Ortho: articular crepitus. Maybe? nm

Greene forceps in Stedman ortho nm
Subject: Greene forceps in Stedman ortho nm

Stedman Ortho and Rehab words has it as--sm
Subject: Stedman Ortho and Rehab words has it as--sm

fabere test...not capitalized and no apostrophe s.
It is Hapad (per Stedman's ortho book) nm
Subject: It is Hapad (per Stedman's ortho book) nm

skiving per Stedman's ortho book..nm
Subject: skiving per Stedman's ortho book..nm

Stedman's Ortho 5th shows it capitalized.
Subject: Stedman's Ortho 5th shows it capitalized.

Stedman's Ortho. Books do come in handy! nm
Subject: Stedman's Ortho. Books do come in handy! nm

triflanged component? (Stedman's ortho)
Subject: triflanged component? (Stedman's ortho)

Stedman's Ortho Fifth Edition, pages 286 and 407, for starters. sm
Subject: Stedman's Ortho Fifth Edition, pages 286 and 407, for starters. sm

Stedman's Surgery Words, Third edition, also references it with a space.
In Stedman's ortho book I see jugal sutures.
Subject: In Stedman's ortho book I see jugal sutures.

I don't know what those are. I don't see anything close to your other s/l. I have the 4th edition of the ortho book.
Stedman Ortho has Gram negative capitalized
Subject: Stedman Ortho has Gram negative capitalized

spring test clearly listed in Stedman Ortho 3rd edition
Subject: spring test clearly listed in Stedman Ortho 3rd edition

I didn't try Google - only looked in Stedman's Ortho book. I wonder... nm
Subject: I didn't try Google - only looked in Stedman's Ortho book. I wonder... nm

Stedman's ortho book lists fluid sign.
Subject: Stedman's ortho book lists fluid sign.

Rollator walker with a capital R, per Stedman's ortho book. nm.
Subject: Rollator walker with a capital R, per Stedman's ortho book. nm.

Could it be masses sign? And Homans has no apostrophe according to Stedman's ortho word book
Subject: Could it be masses sign? And Homans has no apostrophe according to Stedman's ortho word book

In Stedman's can only reference radio-capital joint, do lots of ortho, have heard it that way, bu
Subject: In Stedman's can only reference radio-capital joint, do lots of ortho, have heard it that way, but....

many accounts are verbatim and many docs get their way saying things their way??
Stedman's Medical Equipment terms book or the Ortho terms book would help. nm
Subject: Stedman's Medical Equipment terms book or the Ortho terms book would help. nm

I have Stedman medical & surgical equipment and words and find that out of my Stedman books (have 4
Subject: I have Stedman medical & surgical equipment and words and find that out of my Stedman books (have 4 others) this is the one I use the most. Just my preference.

Hi, Tracy, Stedman's had "postinflammatory", but I have seen it without, I go with Stedman!
Subject: Hi, Tracy, Stedman's had "postinflammatory", but I have seen it without, I go with Stedman! NM

Maybe 'pes plano valgus (or planovalgus)?' Sted's Ortho&Rehab Words is invaluable for ortho
Subject: Maybe 'pes plano valgus (or planovalgus)?' Sted's Ortho&Rehab Words is invaluable for ortho stuff! n

Ortho op note, dictator says up in the s/l b strap position? I hate ortho.
Subject: Ortho op note, dictator says up in the s/l b strap position? I hate ortho.

eye exam - distance is s/l ortho? near is ortho?
Subject: eye exam - distance is s/l ortho? near is ortho?

don't have a Stedman's, but thanks anyway. :(
Subject: don't have a Stedman's, but thanks anyway. :(

Per Stedman's Ob-Gyn
Subject: Per Stedman's Ob-Gyn

Tucker-McLane forceps.

It's in Stedman's
Subject: It's in Stedman's

Omni flush
according to Stedman's...
Subject: according to Stedman's...

mucous cyst: A retention cyst resulting from obstruction in the duct of a mucous gland.

Syn: mucocele: A retention cyst of the salivary gland, lacrimal sac, paranasal sinuses, appendix, gallbladder, or other site.

According to Stedman's
Subject: According to Stedman's

nephrolithiasis (nefr-li-th-sis)

Presence of renal calculi.

Not the calculus itself - the presence of renal calculi.

Well, now I see it in my Stedman's
Subject: Well, now I see it in my Stedman's

and it is Kantor-Berci video laryngoscope.  Never heard of it before.
Subject: stedman's

Physic - A medicine; often a lay term for a cathartic.

Catharsis - purgation

purgation - Evacuation of the bowels with the aid of a purgative or cathartic

Used Stedman's
Subject: Used Stedman's

I'd really recommend getting a Stedman's. I started doing Ophthalmology about a year ago and it was a life saver for me! I bought a used copy on eBay. Just took a quick peek there and saw one for under $5. Totally worth it! Good luck!!