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No so much, but you are very welcome! Just typed a lot of eye surgeries in my time.

Posted By: MT50 on 2008-01-25
In Reply to: thanks for both! - pfryman

Subject: No so much, but you are very welcome! Just typed a lot of eye surgeries in my time.

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P. 337 of BOS states it should be typed "pro time" as 2 words; sm
Subject: P. 337 of BOS states it should be typed "pro time" as 2 words; sm

however, spelling out of both words is preferable.
You taking over their surgeries or
Subject: You taking over their surgeries or

procedures for that day?
That's it! I knew I have seen it before, but I don't do many surgeries! Thanks so much!
Subject: That's it! I knew I have seen it before, but I don't do many surgeries! Thanks so much!

s/l crouse surgeries
Subject: s/l crouse surgeries

This patient has had several s/l crouse surgeries.

Has anyone heard of this type of surgery? 



femoral surgeries ??
Subject: femoral surgeries ??

female surgeries
Subject: female surgeries

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Part of Health Questionnaire on website:  Have you had any female surgeries?

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Just listing her past surgeries?
Subject: Just listing her past surgeries?

If so, probably T&A.
maybe cryo surgeries for lesions etc? nm
Subject: maybe cryo surgeries for lesions etc? nm

s/l "female surgeries times 7"
Subject: s/l "female surgeries times 7"

Is there a surgery like this?  It is listed under this patient's past medical history. 




what time are we using here in mtStars? US time or India time?
Subject: what time are we using here in mtStars? US time or India time?

I just don't know, it sounds exactly like blue, he said it again during past surgeries. Thank you
Subject: I just don't know, it sounds exactly like blue, he said it again during past surgeries. Thank you both!

it is listed under past surgeries, thats all it says, has a L3 tumor. thanks
Subject: it is listed under past surgeries, thats all it says, has a L3 tumor. thanks

s/l surgeries include "hylanitive" cysts
Subject: s/l surgeries include "hylanitive" cysts

I am thinking it is through as all I have read the surgeries take the incision through all layers of
Subject: I am thinking it is through as all I have read the surgeries take the incision through all layers of burns down to the normal tissues which could be many layers; from www.burnsurgery.org "Escharotomies are usually not required in partial thickness burns"

patient's prior surgeries---states THA/BA1 or VA1 or ?? What would be assoc with THA
Subject: patient's prior surgeries---states THA/BA1 or VA1 or ?? What would be assoc with THA

I found a lot of articles by Steinbeck about foot tendon surgeries. Could that be your s/l?
Subject: I found a lot of articles by Steinbeck about foot tendon surgeries. Could that be your s/l?

Some of these docs do refer to "still living" docs that develop certain surgical procedures that haven't been recorded in the permanent annals of medicine.
Past surgeries: s/l "pyelo auto cystectomy." Any ideas? Tia!.000
Subject: Past surgeries: s/l "pyelo auto cystectomy." Any ideas? Tia!.000

Past surgeries: s/l "pyelo auto cystectomy." Any ideas? Tia!.000
Subject: Past surgeries: s/l "pyelo auto cystectomy." Any ideas? Tia!.000

is it protime, pro-time, or spelled out prothrombin time? also, where did you find it.. i've look
Subject: is it protime, pro-time, or spelled out prothrombin time? also, where did you find it.. i've looked.

with time are you supposed to put the word hour after the time, i.e. 1600 hours
Subject: with time are you supposed to put the word hour after the time, i.e. 1600 hours

surg hx: s/l pollanodal cyst surgery. Has had bone surgeries, possibly related.thanks
Subject: surg hx: s/l pollanodal cyst surgery. Has had bone surgeries, possibly related.thanks

that would be two weeks' time. 's is singular (one week's time) and s' is pleural (two
Subject: that would be two weeks' time. 's is singular (one week's time) and s' is pleural (two weeks' time)

pro time, no hypen, two words, as if your typing prothrombin time
Subject: pro time, no hypen, two words, as if your typing prothrombin time

prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time
Subject: prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time

?? PTT is partial thromboplastin time, PT is prothrombin time
Subject: ?? PTT is partial thromboplastin time, PT is prothrombin time

so that didn't answer my question at all -- and in fact was incorrect info
2 years' time or 2 year's time- Which is correct?
I put 2 years' time and was marked off on QA.
One Weeks' Time or One Week's Time
Subject: One Weeks' Time or One Week's Time

Which one is correct?


fourth time she has used this she is saying on-cora..each time in the..
Subject: fourth time she has used this she is saying on-cora..each time in the..

paragraph she talks about Omega 3 fatty acid maybe she means Omacor, but is saying Oncora instead of Omacor?? any ideas on this one?? thanks
I agree - we all do it from time to time - we try to make something else out of it
Subject: I agree - we all do it from time to time - we try to make something else out of it

PT or Pro time stands for prothrombin time
Subject: PT or Pro time stands for prothrombin time

Three month's time or three months' time? TIA!
Subject: Three month's time or three months' time? TIA!

I found Real-Time, Real-time, real-time ultrasound...
Subject: I found Real-Time, Real-time, real-time ultrasound...

I believe it is one of those words that over time MDs have been using (I get it all the time) see be
Subject: I believe it is one of those words that over time MDs have been using (I get it all the time) see below:

From www.techortho.com

With the biceps tenodesis procedure, the biceps tendon is left attached to the fibular head and is then "tenodesed" to the anterior aspect of the ...

I just typed in
Subject: I just typed in

at the top of this page i typed in albicas nigras and it gave me albicans nigrans and several web sites. It doe have to do with allergens such as candida and can be similar to thrush, so that alicans nigrans is probably what you are hearing
That is what I have always typed
Subject: That is what I have always typed

so much! 
I have typed that. I think they just mean the x-ray...
Subject: I have typed that. I think they just mean the x-ray...

shows changes consistent with CHF.
just like you typed it
Subject: just like you typed it

how should this be typed, please -sm
Subject: how should this be typed, please -sm

The patient is a known C4, C5, C6 quadriplegic....Does that look correct, or should it be C4-C5-C6 quadriplegic? Thank you.
How is this typed
Subject: How is this typed

Injected the knee today with the 3 and 2 Kenalog Xylocaine.  Not sure how to type out the 3 and 2.  Thank you

How should this be typed
Subject: How should this be typed

50/50 percent mixture, 50/50% mixture or 50:50 percent mixture.

Not sure how this should be typed. Hope someone can give me some insight.

Thanks Carla

no, just exactly like i typed.......nm
Subject: no, just exactly like i typed.......nm

It can be typed as you have iI - if that's how it's
Subject: It can be typed as you have iI - if that's how it's

I have always typed it 0.25 (nm)
Subject: I have always typed it 0.25 (nm)


it's typed i.e. nm
Subject: it's typed i.e. nm

how should this be typed?
Subject: how should this be typed?

He underwent transrectal ultrasound and biopsy, which revealed 3 plus 3 adenocarcinoma of the prostate. 


How should that 3 plus 3 be typed?  3+/3, 3+3? 

Have always typed this E;A.
Subject: Have always typed this E;A.

We always typed 4 x 4s, but never did BOS etc. nm
Subject: We always typed 4 x 4s, but never did BOS etc. nm

That's what I've always typed...
Subject: That's what I've always typed...

Spellcheck is frustrating. I was beginning to think the word didn't exist. Thanks.javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Should be typed aveD.
Subject: Should be typed aveD.

have only typed 0.035 guidewire.......
Subject: have only typed 0.035 guidewire.......

I'm the one who typed lycopene to you....SM
Subject: I'm the one who typed lycopene to you....SM

Lycopene is used in prostate cancer patients - hope it was a male patient *L*

I'm sure your dictator wanted lycopene, just as I answered you early this a.m. *S*