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Sherwood Medical, Argyle Turkel Safety Trocare Thoracic Catheter

Posted By: doe snot on 2007-09-11
In Reply to: 8-French s/l trachel or trechal catheter for paracentesis nm - Another KSMT

Subject: Sherwood Medical, Argyle Turkel Safety Trocare Thoracic Catheter

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Usualy hear Pleur-evac catheter, by Teleflex Medical. nm
Subject: Usualy hear Pleur-evac catheter, by Teleflex Medical. nm

is it thoracic? Maybe TESI - thoracic epidural steroid injection? Just a guess - nm
Subject: is it thoracic? Maybe TESI - thoracic epidural steroid injection? Just a guess - nm

Ah my safety nets come through again. Thank you !!!
Subject: Ah my safety nets come through again. Thank you !!!

MRI of thoracic spine. There is a relatively normal thoracic s/l hi-pos-is.
Subject: MRI of thoracic spine. There is a relatively normal thoracic s/l hi-pos-is.

Inserting a PICC or other central catheter? Maybe 'Groshong' catheter? nm
Subject: Inserting a PICC or other central catheter? Maybe 'Groshong' catheter? nm

Udall catheter or Uldall catheter?
Subject: Udall catheter or Uldall catheter?

could it be all T as in all thoracic
Subject: could it be all T as in all thoracic

spine vertebrae?

Subject: thoracic

What did he say about thoracic spine
Subject: What did he say about thoracic spine

earlier in the report?

We don't have all the clues here.
thoracic surgery
Subject: thoracic surgery

There is a Robicheck wire. Maybe?
thoracic kyphosis, maybe
Subject: thoracic kyphosis, maybe

Thoracic kyphosis is the most likely sm
Subject: Thoracic kyphosis is the most likely sm

Unless the doc goes on to describe other abnormalities, "thoracic" is probably what you're looking for.
s/l thoracic lumbar-sure
Subject: s/l thoracic lumbar-sure

Still has a significant paraspinal muscle spasm throughout entire cervical spine and this does extend into upper aspects of thoracic lumbar-sure down to the T4 area.

thoracic spine
Subject: thoracic spine

 there is no mass/displacement overlying s/l catagolist paraspinous tissue structures.

Any idea with this term? This is x-ray of thoracic spine.

PE [s/l furcod] thoracic CT
Subject: PE [s/l furcod] thoracic CT

thoracic back pain after MVA
No vertebral tenderness on palpation.  She does have some tenderness on palpating rhomboids and s/l Q L's and paraspinal muscles. 
s/l smorling of the thoracic spine
Subject: s/l smorling of the thoracic spine

.On a CT of the thoracic spine

....there is wedging of the superior articular plates of the bodies of T5, T10, T11 and T12.  This may only represent ...s/l smorling or smarling. 

I have never had this, sound familiar??


It's thoracic aortic dissection
Subject: It's thoracic aortic dissection


He is listing impressions and it sound just like he is sayin M P salty thoracic spine.

What in the world?  Thanks.

upper thoracic curve?
Subject: upper thoracic curve?

apical thoracic curve?
Subject: apical thoracic curve?

Maybe slurring thoracic junction
Subject: Maybe slurring thoracic junction

cardio/thoracic surgery help
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Repair pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula.

The pseudoaneurysm appeared to be a side of a venous side branch where *the tie necrosed a vein or it rough* due to arterial pressure over time.

I can't understand what the doctor is saying. Does this sentence make any sense to anybody?

Thank you in advance for any help.
probably should be ascending thoracic aorta....nm
Subject: probably should be ascending thoracic aorta....nm

Thoracic and lumbar, not thoric......nm
Subject: Thoracic and lumbar, not thoric......nm

There is an Estech retractor used in thoracic surgery?
Subject: There is an Estech retractor used in thoracic surgery?

Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms....
Subject: Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms....

I need some help....

Dictated: Thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms 'smearing' or 'sparing' the renal arteries, status post graft replacement. 

Not sure if smearing or sparing makes sense, or if it should be something else! 

seperate lower thoracic spine?
Subject: seperate lower thoracic spine?

lower thoracic spine/upper lumbar spine area.

how do you seperate these two?

thoracic or cervical disc herniation
Subject: thoracic or cervical disc herniation

acute thoracic outlet syndrome maybe? - nm
Subject: acute thoracic outlet syndrome maybe? - nm

Video assisted thoracic surgery - OnQ pump? nm
Subject: Video assisted thoracic surgery - OnQ pump? nm

Thoracic surgery term (doctor spelling). sm
Subject: Thoracic surgery term (doctor spelling). sm

I have a doctor doing a revision on a sternum and replacing the wires. He says "the sternum was robschueked on both sides using heavy sternal wire."

This is exactly how he is spelling it and I have tried everything.  Any help greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

S/L APO thoracic curve..patient has scoliosis...foriegn doc
Subject: S/L APO thoracic curve..patient has scoliosis...foriegn doc

video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS),
Subject: video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS),

chylous leak
VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery
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Way out on a limb here, but could it be a D-catheter or 3D catheter?
Subject: Way out on a limb here, but could it be a D-catheter or 3D catheter?

s/l serial catheter or zero catheter
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s/l 60-cm serial catheter introduced in right femoral artery
fusion with VTOS (vascular thoracic outlet syndrome) ?
Subject: fusion with VTOS (vascular thoracic outlet syndrome) ?

I do not appreciate any obvious s/l levique changes in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine.
Subject: I do not appreciate any obvious s/l levique changes in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine.

coned-down view...is this a radiograph of the thoracic or lumbar spine???
Subject: coned-down view...is this a radiograph of the thoracic or lumbar spine???

It is "rib somatic" dysfunction of the cervical, thoracic spine and rib cage.
Subject: It is "rib somatic" dysfunction of the cervical, thoracic spine and rib cage.

recurrent bilateral effusions and it was *kylus** and they thought it was due to thoracic duct injur
Subject: recurrent bilateral effusions and it was *kylus** and they thought it was due to thoracic duct injur

Ortho consult for thoracic pain after spontaneous pulmonary embolism. In list of current meds.
Subject: Ortho consult for thoracic pain after spontaneous pulmonary embolism. In list of current meds.

chest film showed calcific aorta with dilated s/l aschetic thoracic aorta
Subject: chest film showed calcific aorta with dilated s/l aschetic thoracic aorta

Para means near. Parathoracic means near the thoracic muscles. nm
Subject: Para means near. Parathoracic means near the thoracic muscles. nm

S/L S-Flex or X-flex thoracic spinal surgery system sm
Subject: S/L S-Flex or X-flex thoracic spinal surgery system sm

Left extracavitary posterior thoracotomy and spine exposure using the s/l S-Flex system.

Medical Help
Subject: Medical Help

s/l Vivaldot patch.  I actually found more than one spelling and when I actually clicked on one web page to see if this was what I was looking for it took me to a porn site!!  TIA.
The lower convex curve in the lumbar spine was to the right, and the lower convex thoracic region to
Subject: The lower convex curve in the lumbar spine was to the right, and the lower convex thoracic region to the left

Is how I would do it.
Coronary artery diease!

Try this acronym website for help

It was in the Dorlands Medical
Subject: It was in the Dorlands Medical

Dictionary. I have an old one but want to invest in a new one but I think it costs a bunch and your welcome. No problem
medical word help
Subject: medical word help

does any thing exists like "dermatomal  trapezium" or its varieties