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Sorry, I need help with *intercuginous area*. one of those days!! nm

Posted By: Wilson on 2008-09-24
In Reply to: of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm - Wilson

Subject: Sorry, I need help with *intercuginous area*. one of those days!! nm


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of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm
Subject: of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm

first and second digit of the left hand.  Thanks. 
Duragesic patch dose is 12 mcg per hour, changed every 3 days: 12 mcg/hr every 3 days, #10
Subject: Duragesic patch dose is 12 mcg per hour, changed every 3 days: 12 mcg/hr every 3 days, #10

that's all I could think of as well..but isn't that the chest area and not the neck area? nm
Subject: that's all I could think of as well..but isn't that the chest area and not the neck area? nm

Little area. Same as Kiesselbach area.
Subject: Little area. Same as Kiesselbach area.

I found it in my Sted's Electronic Dictionary. Really good source for everything.


Little area

Syn: Kiesselbach area.

Kiesselbach area

an area on the anterior portion of the nasal septum rich in capillaries (Kiesselbach plexus) and often the seat of epistaxis. Syn: Little area.

interscapular area or inter scapular area or inner scapular?
Subject: interscapular area or inter scapular area or inner scapular?

Physical examination today of the shoulder shows some soreness primarily over the posterior aspect of the shoulder in the *interscapular* area. tia.
four day's/days'
Subject: four day's/days'

I'd recast the sentence to "past four days." If you must use "duration," it would be "days' duration" as it refers to four days a plural. 

We all have our days:)
Subject: We all have our days:)

Just one of those days...
Subject: Just one of those days...

Okay, most of you are gonna think, what an idiot, I know, but I get this phrase a few times, and I'm never quite sure how to put it.  The doctor, this time, says "I am loathe to give him anti-inflammatory..." Is that right? One time I thought another one said 'loathed', and I'm not sure which way it goes.  Thanks....It's Monday for me :)
no not 100% these days but....sm
Subject: no not 100% these days but....sm

My friend took her CMT on a Saturday in the office where we worked (has to be 8 years ago approx) and an old-time office manager of mine from a prior office had become a Proctor.....and she stayed with my friend for the 4 or 5 hours that the CMT test took and she (my friend) was not able to look up anything during the time of the test. 

Do you think THAT changed?  I don't know, I CAN find out next week from my friend, but I somehow don't think they would let you test for CMT and use references of any kind, but I COULD BE WRONG.  I will research this next week (when friend returns to town) and see if the rules have changed this dramatically, where references CAN now be used to test for CMT.

Thanks for the heads-up.  *S*


All I know is in the old days in the lab
Subject: All I know is in the old days in the lab

we had gm%, but I think the usual now for hemoglobin is g/dL.  I think I would ask for sure how the account wants this, though.
We all have those days! : )
Subject: We all have those days! : )

We all have those days!
Subject: We all have those days!

sorry, I will figure this out one of these days
Subject: sorry, I will figure this out one of these days

but the previous link works at least!
four days' duration
Subject: four days' duration

should be 4 days' duration.......nm
Subject: should be 4 days' duration.......nm

Ugh, I remember those days!
Subject: Ugh, I remember those days!

Tip of the day, invest in Tessier's Surgical Word book, it will save your life!
Another one of those days ortho help pls.
Subject: Another one of those days ortho help pls.

S/l "four ptus" and forced FABER maneuver neg.
Well, he'd be 4 months old unless those 30 days were
Subject: Well, he'd be 4 months old unless those 30 days were

How do I type this? x4 to 5 days?
Subject: How do I type this? x4 to 5 days?

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Facial swelling x4-5 days.

What is the correct way to type this?

WAG could it be Lasix 80 mg q.d. x7 days
Subject: WAG could it be Lasix 80 mg q.d. x7 days

Postoperative days

Which is the correct way to type postoperative days?

Postoperative day #1, or

Postoperative day number 1? 

Postoperative day No. 1?

I want to get it right because I've been dinged for things like typing out numbers (four instead of 4). 

Thank you!

28 weeks 4 days OR 28 weeks and 4 days OR 28 weeks, 4 days
Subject: 28 weeks 4 days OR 28 weeks and 4 days OR 28 weeks, 4 days

Last year, it was:  28 weeks 4 days   12 pounds 7 ounces

Has it changed?  I believe it has but maybe I am wrong.

...thanks (am so sick of this BS).

Lol, I think we all have those days! Thanks flybye!
Subject: Lol, I think we all have those days! Thanks flybye!

one of those days - says given morphine 4 mg with
Subject: one of those days - says given morphine 4 mg with

s/l "repeatis" or "a pitus" bolus - not sure if he's stumbling and means "repeated" bolus (not sure that makes sense, either) - any ideas?
BACTRDOL STRENGTH to take 1 b.i.d. for three days.
Subject: BACTRDOL STRENGTH to take 1 b.i.d. for three days.

Here's how I learned it in the days of yore. sm
Subject: Here's how I learned it in the days of yore. sm

effect (noun) a result

effect (verb) to bring about

affect (verb) to influence

affect (noun) psych term

The verb effect is usually pronounced with a long first e. "Let's effect some change around here."

In your case above, it is the verb effect (to bring about). She wants to bring about relief with club soda. The effect (result) of her using club soda was infrequent symptoms.

Affect as a verb is pronounced with the first syllable accented, (like Ben Affleck).

Affect as a noun (the psych term) has the second syllable accented.

Suggestion: Jot this down and tape it to your monitor. You'll get it. Don't jinx yourself! :)

I realize this is only 4 days late...
Subject: I realize this is only 4 days late...

but, I  found a fiberoptic interosseous endoscopy.  Don't know that that's what it was, but perhaps if you get it in the future, you have something to look into!
oops - not 2 days ago - YESTERDAY....LOL...NM
Subject: oops - not 2 days ago - YESTERDAY....LOL...NM

39 weeks' 3 days' gestation?
Subject: 39 weeks' 3 days' gestation?

What is the proper way to write this?  Do we need the apostrophe after "weeks?"  Thanks in advance!

Last number is days of flow, I believe (nm)
Subject: Last number is days of flow, I believe (nm)

Spelling out hospital days
Subject: Spelling out hospital days

Is it 4th hospital day or fourth hospital day?
And someone had coxa vara here a few days ago, a
Subject: And someone had coxa vara here a few days ago, a

Not a problem, I always have "one of those days"
Subject: Not a problem, I always have "one of those days"

5 days out from s/l Bubas procedure
Subject: 5 days out from s/l Bubas procedure

orthopedics:  status post repair of left tibial nonunion.  TIA
I usually hear it like 40 weeks and 4 days. sm
Subject: I usually hear it like 40 weeks and 4 days. sm

Is that maybe what they meant to say?
Nope - but on days like this, I feel like I am...nm
Subject: Nope - but on days like this, I feel like I am...nm

yep, i am having one of those days too. Getting tired fingers. NM
Subject: yep, i am having one of those days too. Getting tired fingers. NM

med: Gianpex 0.5 mg x four days, then 1 mg daily
Subject: med: Gianpex 0.5 mg x four days, then 1 mg daily

I believe that current preference these days is
Subject: I believe that current preference these days is

followup, without the dash. Back in the old days it was follow-up or follow up. I would go with whatever the client wants, I have one that wants the dash, one that does not.
I am having a moment right now, hahaha. Sorry about that. It is one of those days!
Subject: I am having a moment right now, hahaha. Sorry about that. It is one of those days!

Word Help - Today is just one of those days
Subject: Word Help - Today is just one of those days

They look like unroofed vesicles which are somewhat serpicinous in their contour.  TIA.   

Thank you Patty. One of those days nothing sounds right. :-)
Subject: Thank you Patty. One of those days nothing sounds right. :-)

I've had PLENTY of those days. :- )
Subject: I've had PLENTY of those days. :- )

That's okay...I have days like that myself and I can always depend on help from my fellow MTs. nm
Subject: That's okay...I have days like that myself and I can always depend on help from my fellow MTs. nm

you know how it is, Patty - some days you feel
Subject: you know how it is, Patty - some days you feel

pretty confident in what you do - other days you can't come up with the words to save your life, right!
Thanks everyone - I knew I had this drug before, but having one of those "duh days" nm
Subject: Thanks everyone - I knew I had this drug before, but having one of those "duh days" nm

five days post-op closing DAY SWEDGEosteotomy
Subject: five days post-op closing DAY SWEDGEosteotomy

Office visit - patient comes in five days post-op closing "day swedge osteotomy" and McBride bunionectomy. 


s/l static scan -------I cant get my mind going after two days off
Subject: s/l static scan -------I cant get my mind going after two days off

The exam is a triple phase nuc med of lower extremity.

Sentence is as follows:

The ????static???? scan shows no abnormal accumulation of the tracer within the femur, tibia, or fibula.


Would think "split" sutures, unless this is postop a few days &
Subject: Would think "split" sutures, unless this is postop a few days &

I remember the Quaalude days!!! 1972
Subject: I remember the Quaalude days!!! 1972

FYI, in the "old days" when the doc said prepped, we had to change it to
Subject: FYI, in the "old days" when the doc said prepped, we had to change it to
