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Txczech - I just wanted to thank you for all the help

Posted By: Kokopoo on 2007-02-25
In Reply to:

Subject: Txczech - I just wanted to thank you for all the help

you give to everyone on this board, but especially for always taking the time to provide links.  I rarely come to ask for help, but I ALWAYS open up your responses and copy the links.....which, of course, makes it easier for me not to have to ask for help.  I swear, through you I have learned so much and wanted you to know how appreciated you are for going that extra mile and providing the resources of your knowledge.  You are a Godsend to all of us here and I know I speak for many when I say, "Thank you!"

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THANK YOU txczech!! sm
Subject: THANK YOU txczech!! sm

that's the med! plus you have a cool name. thank you!
thanks txczech
Subject: thanks txczech

I am not the OP, but thank you for the site!
Sorry Txczech....
Subject: Sorry Txczech....

I wasn't implying you didn't know, it's just that most people don't.  Where in Texas are you at?  My inlaws are from Marshall, Texas and Frehlsburg.
Thx TxCzech! - sm
Subject: Thx TxCzech! - sm

that's what I'm putting.  Thorough references,  I could not come up with anything.  How do you find your refs?  Looks like more than Google. 
Txczech is the best!! :) nm
Subject: Txczech is the best!! :) nm

Txczech, please sm
Subject: Txczech, please sm

You are always such a lifesaver on this board! Thank you so much, and thank you for taking the time to help people like me. This is not the first time you have helped me.
Hi Txczech
Subject: Hi Txczech

My abbrev. book also shows MP (or MCP too) as being good for metacarpophalangeal.
Way to go Txczech!
Subject: Way to go Txczech!

That one would have driven me nutso!
Um, probably what Txczech said since
Subject: Um, probably what Txczech said since

she's usually right. :oD

And Txczech comes thru YET AGAIN!!
Subject: And Txczech comes thru YET AGAIN!!

Do you know how helpful that particular site is?!  Well, I'm sure you do because you had it bookmarked....

Here's another question...If a dictator says leuks, do we type in leukocytes or leukocyte esterase?  I have to follow AAMT BOS.  I've gotten conflicting reports from a couple of QA people over the years, so I never really know what to go with and wind up typing leukocytes but curiosity is killin' me.  

Thank you, Txczech...
Subject: Thank you, Txczech...

I've bookmarked that site for future reference. Looks like a good one. Thanks for sharing!
Hey, Txczech! Thanks!!
Subject: Hey, Txczech! Thanks!!

I'm writing that one down.  You always have the answers to almost anything it seems! 
Subject: Txczech

So where ya been huh huh.  Not much on MTDaily but she dropped the rates, $3 a month.  Com'on back.
welcome but that responder Txczech has more..SM
Subject: welcome but that responder Txczech has more..SM

Txczech has far more knowledge in that FUND than I do, although I have that photographic memory....*LOL*  Glad he or she could help but I tried and see?  I learned something from Txczech too about prograde!!!  I had never heard it before at all ever. 
I'll go with that too.... Thanks to you and Txczech!
Subject: I'll go with that too.... Thanks to you and Txczech!

You were Right Txczech! yippee!
Subject: You were Right Txczech! yippee!

thanks again.
OMG - it's gait!!! Duh - I should have known this! Thanks so much for your help Txczech!
Subject: OMG - it's gait!!! Duh - I should have known this! Thanks so much for your help Txczech!

Thanks Txczech for always helping around here!
Subject: Thanks Txczech for always helping around here!

Thanks Txczech. You are always so helpful.
Subject: Thanks Txczech. You are always so helpful.

He is kind of mumbling but I'm not sure. Thank you!
Thanks Txczech and Siren! I am going to look into this a little more!
Subject: Thanks Txczech and Siren! I am going to look into this a little more!

Wow Txczech--I wanna be like you....
Subject: Wow Txczech--I wanna be like you....

if/when I grow up!  Dang, sometimes you make this stuff look so easy! 
Thank you, Txczech and MT50.
Subject: Thank you, Txczech and MT50.

I'll do some more searching on my own too. My version of Vera Pyle didn't have it in there either.
I'm a Txczech too. Where do you live?
Subject: I'm a Txczech too. Where do you live?

Txczech!!! It's great to see you on here again. sm
Subject: Txczech!!! It's great to see you on here again. sm

Seems like a lot of things and people have changed on this board and I don't remember seeing your name for a while.  What I do remember is all the excellent help you've always provided.  Glad to see you again!

Thanks for your reply Txczech! n/m
Subject: Thanks for your reply Txczech! n/m

I really don't know about online classes, probably TXCzech (sp?) or sm
Subject: I really don't know about online classes, probably TXCzech (sp?) or sm

Smiley or one of the other major helpers can help there. I'm a book person.

If you don't have the AAMT BOS (second edition), that would be the first place to start. It comes with a CD which makes it easier to look things up. I'm not crazy about the BOS as I feel it is rather clumsy, but it's compiled from the books (as well as several others) I'll mention later. These rules are adapted specifically for us MTs. If you come across a good deal on an American Medical Association Manual of Style, or the Chicago Manual of Style (I may have goofed up on the titles of these books as I have a cocker spaniel's head on my lap on the couch and can't get to my books without disturbing her), these are excellent resources. I once had a little paperback book that I carried around for years which was grammar and punctuation for writers. It was a handy little book. Maybe you could find something similar, compare it with BOS, and make notations in it.

Another way to keep brushed up is to read. Read good books. Read newspapers. Read the classics. Aside from having great stories, those great novels are wonderful sources of terms that do pop up here and there in our work. Keep in mind that our docs are highly educated, so we have to do our part to keep up. I have seen posts where MTs get stumped on regular English words and phrases, and it shows they don't read. When I was asked to staff my transcription department, I picked the readers. It made all the difference!

Bottom line: No matter how we feel about it, every MT needs his/her own copy of the BOS. The next runnerup is a good English dictionary (I prefer American Heritage, a collegiate version, as it delves deeper than just giving definitions). Of course, the big Dorland's or Stedman's for our medical terms.

You go, Girl! For 6 months, you are doing great!!
Trust Txczech! Doc is probably mispronouncing it. nm
Subject: Trust Txczech! Doc is probably mispronouncing it. nm

thank you both - wonderful info TXczech ! nm
Subject: thank you both - wonderful info TXczech ! nm

You live in West, Txczech? nm
Subject: You live in West, Txczech? nm

just curious
agree with Txczech; "harm to others."
Subject: agree with Txczech; "harm to others."

Txczech, your answers here are the greatest, SM
Subject: Txczech, your answers here are the greatest, SM

what kind of medical training do you have?
Thanks for the awesome link, Txczech!
Subject: Thanks for the awesome link, Txczech!

It looks like it's full of information!
That is what I was thinking, good one TxcZech!..nm
Subject: That is what I was thinking, good one TxcZech!..nm

Txczech, you always give such helpful info
Subject: Txczech, you always give such helpful info

Kudos to you on being nice all the time. JMO
Great link Txczech! Thanks for sharing that!
Subject: Great link Txczech! Thanks for sharing that!

If I wanted to help, I would. SM
Subject: If I wanted to help, I would. SM

But not because you say so.
I am not the OP, but I just wanted to say
Subject: I am not the OP, but I just wanted to say

thanks for the great site info! I hadn't heard of this site before, but I'm always looking for new sites to help when I have questions. Thanks!
I really wanted it to be that
Subject: I really wanted it to be that

but I left a blank. I couldn't hear an N in there at all. Thank you though!
just wanted to tell everyone thanks for their help :)
Subject: just wanted to tell everyone thanks for their help :)

I did that too, but just wanted a second
Subject: I did that too, but just wanted a second

opinion..thanks for helping me out!
Thanks. I did see that but wanted a
Subject: Thanks. I did see that but wanted a

second or third opinion. He is saying cryoplasty all over the place. Glad I do not have to leave so many blanks. Thanks again for all your help.
Tx - I did that too, but I just wanted
Subject: Tx - I did that too, but I just wanted

Thank you so much....wanted to know....
Subject: Thank you so much....wanted to know....

what THRIVE stood for so I know it would make sense...Thanks!!!!
Just wanted to...
Subject: Just wanted to...

Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year!!

And to thank you for all your help throughout the year, or should I say since August in my case..lol
I just wanted to thank
Subject: I just wanted to thank

everyone here on word help.  You have often saved my rear end and my day!  I appreciate all your willingness to help! 

agree with Txczech..."initiating atypical antipsychotics." sm
Subject: agree with Txczech..."initiating atypical antipsychotics." sm

there are reports of hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar) with the use of atypical antipsychotics such as seroquel or zyprexa. that's what I would go with.
monitors or monitoring lines--agree with Txczech.
Subject: monitors or monitoring lines--agree with Txczech.

Just wanted to get back and thank you
Subject: Just wanted to get back and thank you

Just got QA back, just wanted you to know that you were right! Thank you
Subject: Just got QA back, just wanted you to know that you were right! Thank you

Thank you so much, just wanted to make sure
Subject: Thank you so much, just wanted to make sure

thanks - that's what I had put, but I wanted a second opinion..
Subject: thanks - that's what I had put, but I wanted a second opinion..

because the internet had both.