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What was the starting sound?

Posted By: BFM on 2007-08-22
In Reply to: me again, s/l shor chori II?? thank u - Deborah

Subject: What was the starting sound?

Is it a "sh" sound at the front?  Chiari starts with a K sound (Chiari II malfornation).  It could be Charcot-Tooth (full name Charcot-Marie-Tooth).  Was it a malfornation? 

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Starting to sound more like cobblestone discharge. I think this is it...?
Subject: Starting to sound more like cobblestone discharge. I think this is it...?

I am starting to think that must be it. Thank you!
Subject: I am starting to think that must be it. Thank you!

When starting a sentence, do you
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capitalize the 'p' in pH?  Thanks?
starting reamer?
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and therefore starting IV fluids? nm
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starting as independent contractor/need help!
Subject: starting as independent contractor/need help!

I'm going to be able to return to work very part time since my disability is getting a bit better.  I have an offer to work as an independent contractor, probably not making more than 12 grand per year.

This will be my first time being a contractor and I'm boggled after reading the IRS info on the site.  Do I need to file for a taxpayer ID# or can I just use my Social Security number?  I think I can wade through paying the taxes, etc, but may have an accountant do this initially.

Thank's in advance, Becca.

Wikipedia may be a starting point, but
Subject: Wikipedia may be a starting point, but

It is written and edited by everyday folks and is not an authoritative source. Check legitimate medical dictionaries and you will find "cesarean section".
Is this right? Chantix starting dose kit. Thanks. nm
Subject: Is this right? Chantix starting dose kit. Thanks. nm

Starting sentences of a file
Subject: Starting sentences of a file

The patient is a ----and most usual entries as follows

-old accountant

-old active duty military personnel

-old administrator

-old advertising sales specialist

-old administrative assistant

-old African-American

-old airhostess

-old architectural conservator

-old astrophysics

-old assistant

-old attorney

-old aunt

-old auto technician

-old author


-old black

-old boy

-old board member

-old bank manager

-old banking person

-old business owner

-old bus driver

-old bartender

-old brought by

-old Caucasian

-old child

-old carpenter

-old construction worker

-old creative director

-old communications director

-old college professor

-old daughter

-old disabled

-old dancer

-old driver

-old emergency room physician

-old Egyptian

-old executive

-old female

-old financial advisor

-old girl

-old gentleman

-old Hispanic

-old Hassidic

-old homemaker

-old heating ventilation and air-conditioning mechanic

-old heavy equipment operator

-old hospitalist

-old industrial electrician

-old internist

-old infant

-old lady

-old laborer

-old left hand dominant

-old male

-old musician

-old medical secretary

-old nurse

-old obese

-old Oriental male

-old patient

-old physical therapist

-old right handed

-old retired

-old retiree

-old recovery room nurse

-old student

-old son

-old semiretired child case worker/nurse

-old technical writer

-old teacher

-old twin daughters

-old white

-old woman

-old well driller

-old young

Good starting point
Subject: Good starting point

I looked up aneurysm because it sounded so much like that but wanted to check with you all first.  I think I will go from there.  Once you have an idea and listen again, you can hear it better.   Thanks. 
Omg, yes that's what it is. I'm not starting off too good today if I can't even get that! T
Subject: Omg, yes that's what it is. I'm not starting off too good today if I can't even get that! Thank you for the help!

pt is alcoholic starting him on folic acid and s/l
Subject: pt is alcoholic starting him on folic acid and s/l

s/l Ziamen.  they are going to watch for withdrawal symptoms and watch for s/l BT?? and given s/l Acuvant prn for withdrawal...I've been on this report for almost an hour
pt is alcoholic starting him on folic acid and s/l
Subject: pt is alcoholic starting him on folic acid and s/l

Try Ativan. it is given for anxiety and panic attacks when coming off ETOH or binge drinking. It is an anxiolytic.
Starting to hear -Prostate ??? benign.
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launch pad? meaning a starting point? nm
Subject: launch pad? meaning a starting point? nm

Sorry. Read that as starting with an 'I". Disregard my answer. nm
Subject: Sorry. Read that as starting with an 'I". Disregard my answer. nm

starting to use a metypot periodically? ENT doctor NM
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Question regarding starting sentance with numbers
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I know it's a no-no, but I keep changing this around and nothing looks right and am having a brain freeze right now. Without being able to add any extra words how would you type this. I've tried typing out "eight millimeters" but nothing is looking right.

8 mm anterior subluxation
Leiden, and factor not in caps unless starting sentence nm
Subject: Leiden, and factor not in caps unless starting sentence nm

nvrmnd got it, btw my company requires all words starting with non to be hypenated
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Brand name for trazodone hydrochloride. Primarily prescribed for sleep with starting
Subject: Brand name for trazodone hydrochloride. Primarily prescribed for sleep with starting

dose of 50 mg.  May titrate up to 150 mg.  Not familiar with prescribing it for treatment of headache.
I need an opinion on the best medical dictation to put on my computer. I am starting a part-time
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job and need to order one--suggestions/comments??????


baby Bennett fracture (base of the fifth metacarpal). No caps unless starting the sentence. nm
Subject: baby Bennett fracture (base of the fifth metacarpal). No caps unless starting the sentence. nm

Patient with diarrhea. Labs: s/l ESR 3 but sound is a bit distorted. Does that sound low for ESR?
Subject: Patient with diarrhea. Labs: s/l ESR 3 but sound is a bit distorted. Does that sound low for ESR?

no, I definitely hear a p sound at the start and an f sound at the end
Subject: no, I definitely hear a p sound at the start and an f sound at the end

Starting off great today...Rheo Knee prosthetic knee???
Subject: Starting off great today...Rheo Knee prosthetic knee???

I am a dork! Definitely a "V" sound not "B" sound. nm
Subject: I am a dork! Definitely a "V" sound not "B" sound. nm

No, she said there was a for sure "K" sound. Hespan does not have a "K" sound. nm
Subject: No, she said there was a for sure "K" sound. Hespan does not have a "K" sound. nm

It's when it has a short vowel sound rather than a long vowel sound.
Subject: It's when it has a short vowel sound rather than a long vowel sound.

Thanks but he says something with a di sound
diar, dial...
Help with sound
Subject: Help with sound

This will not fix all of your sound problems but if you plug your headseat directly into your computer rather than you speakers, you will get better sound quality.

Just because a doctor is a doctor doesn't me he got good grades in med school.  It just means he passed!

Does it sound anything like....
Subject: Does it sound anything like....

Fowler; this is a back stretcher for MRI.
are you sure it's not an FFF sound as in
Subject: are you sure it's not an FFF sound as in

FIGO which is a staging system for cancer patients
sound a like
Subject: sound a like

drugs for mass of breast

  • uravel

sound a like
Subject: sound a like

Subject: sound-a-like

distension versus distention in the abdomen and neck.
Help!! Does this sound right?
Subject: Help!! Does this sound right?

Very rarely transcribe anything on echocardiograms so I'm not familiar with terms.

Echocardiogram performed August 4, 2006, does show normal left ventricular size of function without any valvular abnormalities. Ejection fraction of 55 to 60 percent. Cardiac cath performed August 3, 2006, 80 percent right coronary artery stenosis for which a drug-eluding stent was placed.

Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?

She reports that her symptoms of epigastric burning discomfort and coughing due to possible **acid rash** has been improved with initiation of Protonix.


I'm not sure about the acid rash part. Does this make sense to anyone else? Thanks!

Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?

There is still necrotic tissue in the central aspect and it does probe down to the bone.

Does that make sense?  Have not run across this one before.  Thanks in advance.

does this sound right? ESL
Subject: does this sound right? ESL

Her left shift resolved within one day of IV antibiotics* at 645 band* Lymphocytes 41, monocytes 90
"S" sound or "K" sound for the CAB?
Subject: "S" sound or "K" sound for the CAB?

I've been looking, I'm making the assumption that the AB would stand for Adjustable Band. I found a Swedish Adjustable Band procedure, but they abbreviate as SAGB.
Sorry it's not more helpful.
It was K sound, thank you!
Subject: It was K sound, thank you!

does this sound right?
Subject: does this sound right?

It sounds like the doctor is saying one of these two words, but I can't verify.  (moderate, minor) disease was noted in the carotid arteries on the right and left.  thanks for any help!!! 
Do the "c's" have an "s" or "k" sound? nm
Subject: Do the "c's" have an "s" or "k" sound? nm

does this sound right?
Subject: does this sound right?

After general anesthetic had been induced and Foley catheter STD's were in place, 5cc of Lymphazurin die was similarily injected in the breast.  help please? 

Does this sound right?
Subject: Does this sound right?

He has quadriceps tightness in the prone position with an inability to (s/l-get his ear close to his glute.-) 
thanks, but no "c/k" sound in it... thanks tho.
Subject: thanks, but no "c/k" sound in it... thanks tho.

It does sound like....
Subject: It does sound like....

It does sound like he is saying:  A topical regimen of tar baths s/l applied by high-potency topical steroid??????
that does not sound right ...
Subject: that does not sound right ...

why would doctor say at end of letter to therapist that the patient got a copy of their MRI? It sounds like he means put cc at bottom of letter so patient gets a copy of the letter, and that the MRI scan results should be enclosed with the letter to the therapist for review, where you would put at end of letter:
Enclosure: MRI results.
Does it sound like (sm)
Subject: Does it sound like (sm)

Does it sound like nipple retraction?
sound like any of these?
Subject: sound like any of these?

TURBT - transurethral resection of bladder tumor. This would be my guess

TUVP - transrurethral vaporization of the prostate

TURP - transurethral resection of the prostate

TUEP - transurethral evaporation of prostate

TUIP - transurethral incision of prostate

TUMT - transurethral microwave thermotherapy