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Posted By: GF on 2007-11-11
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Subject: anemia

Medication....s/l Arinef.....for drop in hemoglobin???

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ABL anemia?
Subject: ABL anemia?

This is in the DX, what does ABL mean?

Subject: anemia

both webmd and mercksource have it normochromic-normocytic anemia. I would do either two words or hyphenate, but would not / it.
Subject: Anemia

Could he or she be dictating hypoproteinemia?
anemia VSRD??
Subject: anemia VSRD??

anemia word
Subject: anemia word

Can you hear "anemia of chronic disease"?
Anemia word
Subject: Anemia word

Could it be ESRD which is end stage renal disease.  All I can find.
Anemia patient
Subject: Anemia patient

DR SAYS:  " The patient was recently found to be anemic.  Her hemoglobin is in the 9 range.  She has a very low ferritin level of 4.  Her iron was 18.  ITOBC 480.  Iron saturation 4%.

I know TIBC but doctors does not say that clearly.  SOunds like ITOBC.  Any ideas would be appreciated



anemia results?
Subject: anemia results?

Last visit she had some mild anemia as well at 12.7 and 37.6.

Any clues on the 12.7 and 37.6? rbc or hemoglobin?

pernicious anemia ?
Subject: pernicious anemia ?

Please help with anemia question...sm
Subject: Please help with anemia question...sm

Also she has a longstanding history of anemia.  Dr. **** has checked it a couple of times within the last few weeks and found it to be in the upper sevenths or 7's ?   (Not very clear)



Anemia workup
Subject: Anemia workup

I was wondering if anyone had a good site with a table of normals for the labs of an anemia workup.  I am always finding myself looking up these values repeatedly but have yet to find a good site where I can find it all in a complete, nice readable format. 
maybe non-occult anemia?
Subject: maybe non-occult anemia?

Aroness? for anemia, need help
Subject: Aroness? for anemia, need help

I am looking for the name of a drug that sounds like aroness (aronys or some spelling to sound like that).  It was used in treatment of anemia from a renal problem.  Can anyone help me?  I'm feeling desperate.

Thank you in advance.

worsening anemia? nm
Subject: worsening anemia? nm

anemia of s/l e disease
Subject: anemia of s/l e disease

"As you know the patient has anemia with low iron levels. It is not at all clear to me if this is true iron deficiency anemia or really anemia of s/l chronic disease however."

In his written progress note it looks like either anemia of c.d. or e.d.
hypoerythropoietinemic anemia
Subject: hypoerythropoietinemic anemia

"hypoerythropoietinemic" anemia ... is the first word correct? I can't find a reliable source to confirm....
Macroblastic anemia?
Subject: Macroblastic anemia?

This was dictated but I cannot reference macroblastic. Is 'macroblastic' correct?
Vinafor for anemia?
Subject: Vinafor for anemia?

Can't seem to get a good sound.  Thanks!
Anemia medication
Subject: Anemia medication

Help please!

New specialty and cannot find.

She was given _____(sounds like hemocias/hemocyas) for anemia.

All suggestions welcome!

"Corvit" for anemia?
Subject: "Corvit" for anemia?

Patient has history of anemia..sm
secondary to s/l "naneocrosis".  Any suggestions? 
s/l Coldenleukin hemolytic anemia
Subject: s/l Coldenleukin hemolytic anemia

Medication for anemia in pregnancy
Subject: Medication for anemia in pregnancy

s/l Trensicon or tren-zi-con
s/l beets pernicious anemia
Subject: s/l beets pernicious anemia

I'm transcribing for an oncologist and he says "He also has, uh uh beats pernicious anemia and takes his own B-12."  I can't tell if he is replacing the word "has" with "beats" like "he also beats pernicious anemia" which seems like a strange thing to say.  I can't seem to find anything called beets or beats pernicious anemia though. 

Any ideas?

Manage anemia with chilli?
Subject: Manage anemia with chilli?

Anemia, manage production on chili.

Could this be right? 

Anemia "of" ESRD
Subject: Anemia "of" ESRD

haptoglobin tests for anemia; do you
Subject: haptoglobin tests for anemia; do you

think it might fit your s/l?
Anemia of chronic disease
Subject: Anemia of chronic disease

would they say with mild anemia is greater than
Subject: would they say with mild anemia is greater than

s/l 15/8? has CT changes?
DNP, CBC to eval for s/l neocult anemia
Subject: DNP, CBC to eval for s/l neocult anemia

I reslistened again, new occult anemia?
Subject: I reslistened again, new occult anemia?

Patient had therapeutic thoracentesis and 1 liter fuid drained.  Could the doc want the lab tests to evaluate for new occult anemia I wonder?  I will flag this one and just go with this.  I could not find anything else.  Thanks for bearing with me, Im in deep with this pulmonology doc and learning to swim!  
Orson's anemia? Is there such a thing?
Subject: Orson's anemia? Is there such a thing?

I'm looking for a type of anemia that sounds like Orson's anemia.  Anyone ever heard of this?  Thank you to anyone in advance who can help.
NM! I got it .... it's anemia of chronic disease
Subject: NM! I got it .... it's anemia of chronic disease

Med for anemia, iron, s/l Feocet. SM
Subject: Med for anemia, iron, s/l Feocet. SM

I can't find this.  This seems to be new drug doctors on account are giving, but, look as I might, I cannot find it.  Thank you for any help.
On anemia work up, her s/l "NMA" was less than 0.1. sm
Subject: On anemia work up, her s/l "NMA" was less than 0.1. sm

We also recommended laboratory workup given her history of iron deficiency anemia.  Her vitamin B12 level was normal at 604.  Her NMA was less than 0.1, and her ESR was 2. 
Waldenstrom's macroglobulin anemia.
Subject: Waldenstrom's macroglobulin anemia.

Has anyone heard of a disease that sounds like Waldenstrom's macroglobulin anemia? I cannot seem to find anything close to it in any of my references or through Google search. 
pannecrosis? found on google as a cause of anemia nm
druge called Refeva for anemia??
Subject: druge called Refeva for anemia??

The patient was given what sounds like Refeva for her anemia.  I cannot find this anywhere!



Medication Help...s/l flortanidone...for patient with anemia...tia
Subject: Medication Help...s/l flortanidone...for patient with anemia...tia

Would they say anemia of chronic kidney disease or
Subject: Would they say anemia of chronic kidney disease or

anemia with chronic kidney disease?  I'm hearing the "of" and not with, but not sure if that is appropriate.  Please advise...I'm getting hammered by QA over everything and really want to keep my job.


CBC normal except 4 mild anemia of 36.4? no dicta
Subject: CBC normal except 4 mild anemia of 36.4? no dicta

no dictation, just reading from report
Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblast s/l I T I 1.
Subject: Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblast s/l I T I 1.

The patient has myelodysplastic syndrome.  Can't find ITI 1 anywhere.  Thanks for any help!
it's occult anemia is it not? I just had a brain wave LOL thanks! n/m
Subject: it's occult anemia is it not? I just had a brain wave LOL thanks! n/m

I relistened, its not occult, she says what s/l neocult anemia n/m
Subject: I relistened, its not occult, she says what s/l neocult anemia n/m

I found Feosol for anemia, but not Feocet - NM
Subject: I found Feosol for anemia, but not Feocet - NM

I have always typed normochromic normocytic anemia.... sm
Subject: I have always typed normochromic normocytic anemia.... sm

and so far no problems from QA.
Anemia medication s/l zirtenic or zirtric???
Subject: Anemia medication s/l zirtenic or zirtric???

A wild guess -- sickle cell anemia???
Subject: A wild guess -- sickle cell anemia???

can you give the sentence please. It would help. Thanks
sentence is : The patient has mild anemia, it is greater than 15/8?
Subject: sentence is : The patient has mild anemia, it is greater than 15/8?

has CT changes and a colonoscopy was being done to evaluate for any colon polyps or a neoplasm.
Maybe anemia of chronic disease? Happens in long0term illnesses and is
Subject: Maybe anemia of chronic disease? Happens in long0term illnesses and is

Pt with severe anemia. The patient had s/l tegrabtusol scan that was negative.
Subject: Pt with severe anemia. The patient had s/l tegrabtusol scan that was negative.

Any ideas? I've done Nuclear Medicine, but the way this guy is chewing the word I just drew a blank.