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could be "plan of coagulation" Thanks, I will try it. nm

Posted By: Tracey on 2008-10-10
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Subject: could be "plan of coagulation" Thanks, I will try it. nm


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is this at beginning of report or in the "plan'
Subject: is this at beginning of report or in the "plan'

area - the reason I ask is that I'm thinking maybe, if it's in the beginning of report, could be saying something about "historian," like pt is a very poor historian - something like that ??
perhaps coagulation? nm
Subject: perhaps coagulation? nm

Subject: coagulation

You might want to see if this fits:  photocoagulation.  Instead of "femoral."  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3519196?dopt=Abstract
We us coagulation studies as we are not
Subject: We us coagulation studies as we are not

allowed to use slang. However, if typing it verbatim it would be coags as it is not an acronym for anything.
plan of coagulation? planned? WAG
Subject: plan of coagulation? planned? WAG

femoral _______ coagulation
Subject: femoral _______ coagulation

The patient has GI bleeding controlled with femoral "echo" or "anti" coagulation.  Sounds more like echo but I've never heard of that. 


short for coagulation studies
Subject: short for coagulation studies

Sorry for your troubles. coagulation? coarctation?collateralization?
Subject: Sorry for your troubles. coagulation? coarctation?collateralization?

would doc say.....Upper endoscopy with Argon plasma coagulation???
Subject: would doc say.....Upper endoscopy with Argon plasma coagulation???

gastric polyp s/l pysmia and Argon plasma coagulation
Subject: gastric polyp s/l pysmia and Argon plasma coagulation

I got the Argon plasma coagulation - but he says (ESL-Indian) s/l pysmia which doesn't match up.
