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s/l boxodol solution

Posted By: No Idea on 2007-10-06
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Subject: s/l boxodol solution

This is oral surgery. The doctor dictates "oral hygiene was done using s/l boxodol solution."

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Sounds okay. Reagent is a solution added to another solution. nm
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might be ciclopirox 8% solution or topical solution. nm
Subject: might be ciclopirox 8% solution or topical solution. nm

solution name?
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Hey, I'm boggled on this med...."Clack's solution" CLax, Klak,
Clack??? I've found it on the net two ways (C and K) but not reliable
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The subtenon space was irrigated with 'doe bee'solution.
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Could it be KCL - is patient hypokalemic?
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Try Monsel.
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? Shohl's Solution - nm
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Schiller solution
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Page 870 Stedmans OB/GYN. I think it's some sort of staining solution used during colposcopy, etc. I could be wrong - most of my OB/GYN experience is in OB/perinatology - but I try to help! Anyhow, see what your QA says :)
Dakin solution? nm
Subject: Dakin solution? nm

amphisol solution--sm
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potassium oral rinse.
Kantrex solution?
Subject: Kantrex solution?

Not sure about Kantrex solution.  I have found it as a capsule, IV or IM injectable.  Can it be right as an irrigating solution?  "The wound was irrigated with KANTREX and saline solution.  Doing a carotid endarterectomy.

Thanks in advance.

s/l papaval's solution?
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Text is thyroid biopsy:  "Material sent to the laboratory in (s/l) papaval's solution"


paraformaldehyde solution ?
Subject: paraformaldehyde solution ?

Preparation of paraformaldehyde solution

Prepare a 2% paraformaldehyde solution by diluting 4% paraformaldehyde solution in PBS. Use the fixative at room temperature. LT. 05/29/2005.

S/L ash-er-vent solution
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We will add an ash-er-vent solution to her Albuterol in hopes that she may have better breathing.


Thanks Deborah

s/l Ten vick solution
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Op note: The pocket was irrigated by (s/l) ten vick solution.

How about Klack's solution? nm
Subject: How about Klack's solution? nm

Gross's solution?
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Am I right on that?  Used for decongesting the nose......



Remacid solution
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Anyone every hear of something sounding like this?
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Could it be antibiotic solution?
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Boyette's solution?
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Has anybody ever heard of something called Boyette's solution?  It's used to stop nosebleeds. 
Aquasol E solution
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s/l Milstead's Solution?
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I was working on an op report the other night and the doctor said what s/l Milstead's solution. It must be some type of antifungal as the patient had a persistent infection in his pacemaker pocket. I could not find anything close to this. Any ideas anyone?

Dakin solution nm
Subject: Dakin solution nm

Yes, there is a prednisone solution
Subject: Yes, there is a prednisone solution

Which would be in cc form. However, cc is no longer used and should be replaced with mL.
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patient started using s/l maga solution and appetite has improved.  400 mg if this helps.
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Patient with groin abscess has been placing a home remedy of hot packs and s/l rising solution with improvement.
s/l NPK solution for irrigation? Help please
thank you
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marcel solution....morcell solution?

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I keep getting this word in oncology.  Does anybody know what this is and if I am spelling it right?  I usually can find everything on the internet but have been able to turn up nothing on this word!
Lugol's solution
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It is Lugol's solution.  Check Google.
s/l multielastic solution
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Monsel's (solution)
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薮 Solution" (sm)
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ENT Dr. Prescribed the patient "2 2 2 Solution"- equal parts Maalox, Kaopectate, nystatin- but I can't find it as "2 2 2 Solution" anywhere. Is it "2-2-2"? "2:2:2" "2 2 2"?

(thanks in advance for any help...)
(that's 2 2 2 Solution- dunno why it became a ?)
Subject: (that's 2 2 2 Solution- dunno why it became a ?)

tumezin??? solution
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doing plastic surgery - A small incision was made and tumezin?? solution was infiltrated into the premarked adipose excess. 
s/l Moncell solution
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But I can't find anything like this anywhere.
Klack's solution....sm
Subject: Klack's solution....sm

mouthwashes such as Klack's solution (tetracycline,cortisone, benadryl and nystatin) hope that helps :)
s/l Clax solution
Can anyone verify the spelling of Clax solution
s/l shell solution
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Has anyone heard of this before?
It is Shohl's solution. Thanks you!!
Subject: It is Shohl's solution. Thanks you!!

Dakin's solution ?
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Dakin's solution ? nm
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Lugol solution...............nm
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Charnock solution??
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Anyone hear of this?