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to "hasten" wound healing

Posted By: Lorie R. on 2009-03-28
In Reply to: word help - Michele

Subject: to "hasten" wound healing


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  • word help - Michele
    • to "hasten" wound healing - Lorie R.

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Apligraf for wound healing ... nm
Subject: Apligraf for wound healing ... nm


s/l PCOM and has to do with wound healing
Subject: s/l PCOM and has to do with wound healing

Probably an Apligraf . Hear it a lot in wound healing and ID consults. :) nm
Wound care? there is a Vista brand wound vac. sm
Subject: Wound care? there is a Vista brand wound vac. sm

  • Liberty Medical Specialties - Advanced Wound Care

    Versatile One Wound Vacuum System<a name=WoundVaccum></a> ... Vista NPWT Introducing the Vista NPWT. At only 4.3 lbs, the Versatile 1™ Portable is light ...
    www.liberty-ms.com/resource/products/productlist.asp?Cat=87 - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

  • [PDF

  • Same here...after healing fracture
    Subject: Same here...after healing fracture

    delayed healing maybe? nm
    Subject: delayed healing maybe? nm

    I would just put comma after healing fracture if you must put one. nm
    Subject: I would just put comma after healing fracture if you must put one. nm

    yep, I agree, delayed healing of that fracture....
    Subject: yep, I agree, delayed healing of that fracture....

    how about healing Lisfranc repair with hardware intact
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    prolotherapy - not cap. Saline injections stimulate muscles to aid in healing.
    Subject: prolotherapy - not cap. Saline injections stimulate muscles to aid in healing.

    ESL doctor. Non-healing ulcer on heel. PT is on "prental or plental" 400 mg t.i.d. TIA
    Subject: ESL doctor. Non-healing ulcer on heel. PT is on "prental or plental" 400 mg t.i.d. TIA

    no message
    X-rays reviewed that show complete healing to the s/l symvasis pubis fracture. TIA
    Subject: X-rays reviewed that show complete healing to the s/l symvasis pubis fracture. TIA

    Regranex is used for healing skin ulcers of the lower legs or feet caused by diabetes
    Subject: Regranex is used for healing skin ulcers of the lower legs or feet caused by diabetes

    X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm
    Subject: X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm

    now on three out of four s/l cordices. Thanks!
    Wear stiff-soled shoes to reduce the aerobic activity to allow for bone healing. Sound right?nm
    Subject: Wear stiff-soled shoes to reduce the aerobic activity to allow for bone healing. Sound right?nm

    I reviewed x-rays today. They show some s/l white blush of healing along the medial tibial plateau.
    Subject: I reviewed x-rays today. They show some s/l white blush of healing along the medial tibial plateau.

    TIA :-)
    Pilex (ilex shrinks enlarged veins, controls bleeding and hastens the healing process in the anorect
    Subject: Pilex (ilex shrinks enlarged veins, controls bleeding and hastens the healing process in the anorectal region)

    Sure it's not wound VAC?
    Subject: Sure it's not wound VAC?

    Pneumovac removed doesn't sound right to me...
    Wound VAC or wound V.A.C.
    Subject: Wound VAC or wound V.A.C.

    Hi all.  Here is the sentence:  The recommendation was to start a wound VAC.  Is there more than one brand of this device?  Thanks for your help. 
    Wound help
    Subject: Wound help

    it was noticed that he was having               drainage coming out of his wound consistent with an enterocutaneous fistula.

    The word sounds like bilgus or valgus, I am not sure, something like that.  I can not figure out what the word is.  Any help is greatly appreciated. 

    The sentence pertains to a small bowel resection and hernia repair.

    wound vac
    Subject: wound vac

    Can anyone please tell me the correct way to write wound vac?  I have seen it as Wound-Vac, Wound VAC, wound V.A.C., etc., and have had it corrected in QA all of these different ways and then some!!  Does anyone know who makes these so I can look at their website?

    Thanks for any info.

    wound vac or wound VAC nm TIA
    Subject: wound vac or wound VAC nm TIA

    wound V.A.C.
    Subject: wound V.A.C.

    Wound VAC
    Subject: Wound VAC

    The "VAC" in wound VAC is an acronym which stands for "vacuum-assisted control."  Remember that and you've got it made.
    Subject: wound

    States the wound has become s/l "desclimated" and is wet.
    wound vac?
    Subject: wound vac?

    Is it wound vac, woundvac or wound VAC? Thanks.
    Wound VAC
    Subject: Wound VAC

    wound vac
    Subject: wound vac

    Thanks so much!
    wound V.A.C. nm
    Subject: wound V.A.C. nm

    Is it wound VAC or wound V.A.C.?.....nm
    Subject: Is it wound VAC or wound V.A.C.?.....nm

    wound vac or
    Subject: wound vac or

    wound VAC??
    I usually do wound VAC nm
    Subject: I usually do wound VAC nm

    I do wound VAC as well....
    Subject: I do wound VAC as well....

    Subject: wound

    The measurements on the area of breakdown is 4 cm by 5 cm width (2 or to) AP respectively.

    Not sure how to write this.

    Wound VAC?
    Subject: Wound VAC?

    It doesn't sound like strip, but it is a common term. Otherwise, I'm not sure.
    wound adhesive?
    Subject: wound adhesive?

    The wound was clean, dried and thin layers of s/l "Indermal" were applied.  Thanks in advance
    Wound irrigation
    Subject: Wound irrigation

    Wound was irrigated with 500cc of normal saline s/l hevakins cleanse solution.
    OP is looking for a WOUND DRESSING
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    wound dehiscence. nm
    Subject: wound dehiscence. nm

    Wound care med help, pls
    Subject: Wound care med help, pls

    Sounds like ***Alavesta***** 2-in-1 antifungal cream to all periwound tissue.


    pelican wound
    Subject: pelican wound

    Has anyone heard of this type of wound before?  It is to the patient's right medial thigh.


    it's really Wound V.A.C. System but we are not to
    Subject: it's really Wound V.A.C. System but we are not to

    The V.A.C.® System

    means vacuum-assisted closure system.......

    Help with a wound dressing
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    s/l blue can 2 dressing over the donor site for a split-thickness skin graft???

    wound care help
    Subject: wound care help

    The base of the wound is noted to be beefy red with evidence of S/L bunting___capillairies. Is that correct. Or could it be blunting.


    wound care
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    Apply Cedapress wraps to the wound.  S/L either Cedapress or Zedapress?

    Prisma will be used to the wounds daily, and cover with dry dressing, gauze and continue Cedapres______ wraps.


    pressure wound
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    the patient has a pressure wound and was treated with s/l "Cal-mo-septin
    Gaitor wound?
    Subject: Gaitor wound?

    Doctor states "nonhealing wound to the left gaitor."  He spells it this way, is this correct.  It comes up in spellchecker as misspelled.
    med for wound inf, s/l minezolet nm
    Subject: med for wound inf, s/l minezolet nm

    Wound dressing
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    Wound dressing s/l "Xeroform plains kerlix" dressing was applied? Help pls?
    iliotibial wound nm
    Subject: iliotibial wound nm

    wound care
    Subject: wound care

    s/l Norson debrider, ?Morrison debrider . Could not find anything. Thanks.