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Better Business Bureau gave them an F rating. I'd pass..

Posted By: anonMT on 2006-06-09
In Reply to: CURRENT Rapid Transcript IC's - Shelley


 We strongly question the company’s reliability for reasons such as that they have failed to respond to complaints, their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the law’s licensing or registration requirements, their complaints contain especially serious allegations, or the company’s industry is known for its fraudulent business practices.

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Nothing new.. check old archives AND Better Business Bureau. They have an F rating.
I research any and all companies I have worked for with the BBB. If they have a horrible rating then they are not worth working for.
Better Business Bureau in PA

I am looking for information on how to send a complaint to The Better Business Bureau in PA.  Or maybe there is another route to take.  Toth Transcription owes me money since July and will not even respond.  They need to have something done to them!

Better Business Bureau
Has anybody ever filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau about a particularly company?  I am totally frustrated with a transcription service who never pays their MTs on time.  I ended up resigning and they still have not issued me my final check.  Any suggestions? 
Better Business Bureau
Oops, I meant a particular company in my previous post.
Better Business Bureau
This is one place to start, plus I am consulting with a lawyer on options so other MT's wont be scammed by this company. 
Sorry but Better Business Bureau
is likely a waste of your time... How often do you check it before doing business with someone?

Send her a demand for payment letter certified and send a copy to her clients. That would get my attention.

Better Business Bureau Update
Davis Transcription is listed with the BBB, a member since 2002 in good standing.  We all know this is a farce.  This is where we can start, report to the BBB.  They will even contact the company for you if you feel you have been wronged.  Those she owes money to, please contact the BBB, you can file this online.  I encourage each and everyone to do so. 
If this is the place out of Los Angeles..run.. just archives and the Better Business Bureau.
I'd run fast..
contact the attorney general in the state she is in and the better business bureau and
call the local newspaper and something like ABC on your side. Put the heavy duty pressure on her.

Rating system
The rating system is for the pay, not the errors. (i.e. A rating is higher pay than B, B is higher pay than C...)  Errors are based on percentages, which I did not address.  You must have misunderstood or maybe I did not make myself clear.  I do not blame the system for the company's choices in how they handle this.  However, the system has the capability to lower actual line count than what the Editor is doing, JUST LIKE THE Medquist SYSTEM allegedly did.  My point is that as long as there are software programs out there that can manipulate how an employee is being paid and not a true reflection of work that is actually done, there could be no hope for an MT or an editor to make what they want based on production because there are many companies out there that find this capability beneficial to their pocketbook.  
The BBB does not give a rating without significant
cause to.  All complaints are investigated.  If a company was not cooperating in resolving a complaint then the BBB might assign a bad rating, but otherwise there is documentation to backup everything.   Lots of people have complaints again companies, they get taken for equipment or don't get paid, but they just write it off and don't file a complaint, so a company that may have a good rating may not be such a great company.   As you said not every company is a good fit for all MTs.  I know nothing about this company, but I get tired of hearing that if the MT has a complaint it is their fault because they just couldn't cut it. 
What company gives you a rating system?
A,B,C,D???  What kind of company is this?  Sounds like the company was screwy, not EditScript!  I have worked on EditScript for over 2 years and though the pay stinks, I have never had the problems you are describing.  Don't blame the platform - BLAME the company - geez!   I would never work on a rating system.  Give me a break!  
They definitely had a F BBB rating within this year but I see now that they changed addresses.
I cant imagine why they would want to change addresses, maybe hoping that they would look like a new and different company to the BBB and others. Same stuff different day.
I once gave my notice when I was in a non-MT position, gave

2 weeks, but the person I was supposed to train felt like she knew my job better than I did (although she knew squat) and was a pain to deal with, never on time, etc. so I only worked about a week of my notice before I left and told the person I was supposed to train that since she knew more than I did have at it.  Anyway the owner wouldn't pay me for vacation.  I filed a complaint with the labor board and they were more than happy to get my money for me.

Breitner can threaten all they want to.  If you can document that you are owed monies, if Breitner can't prove that you aren't owed monies the labor board will be glad to collect your money.  I would also file a complaint with the Attorney General .   I have heard several people have had payment issues with them while the still worked for them.  If people are willing to let them get away with it by just chalking it up to experience, then they will continue to try to get away with it.  I'd contact the IRS too.   I don't know what Breitner thinks they can do to you - let them threaten all they want to.  A word of advice - DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT.  

Anybody heard of Bureau of Office Services?

Does anyone have any experience with this company?  They are in Illinois.



Anyone with the Bureau of Office Services based in Illinois? Are
Does anyone know anything about Bureau of Office Services in Illinois? good, bad, ugly? nm
Do you feel better now? !! Business is business, most of it should be confidential. Why post on a
Trying to build his business? He's been in business over 15 years!!!!!! sm
I also had a hard time, nearly impossible actually, getting paid. The owner does this on the side; he is very involved with other things.
Actually, I did pass it.
And if you read my entire post, I mentioned the need for continuing ed credits, which I would only need if I PASSED THE TEST.

At a certain point, either you know this job or you don't.  So someone with TONS (20+ years) of experience does not necessarily do a better job than someone with 6 years' worth.

The software doesnt keep accurate track of your time or lines.  I even kept a log, didnt matter.  I accrued time off that I was not given or paid for when I left.   You can check the archives for many of the same types of issues and stories. 

Take a pass.

One of the lowest paying around for employee, not much better for IC.  Not reliable for steady work either.

Oh, I can pass it, all right....
I just seem to always be missing a little pocket change to take it.

Oh, really now, I'll be honest. It's never been the highest priority to me because (a) my employer doesn't care, has never cared, and won't give me more money for having one, (b) When I have that much money at any one time, it usually goes to buy back to school clothes or an appliance breaks down and has to be replaced.

I personally know quite a few CMTs and admire them for their dedication to keeping it current. I have always thought it rather telling, though, that most of the AAMT members and CMTs of my acquaintance are childless.

The fact of the matter is, many MTs are mothers. And mothers usually put themselves last. Right or wrong, that's a fact.
I think I will pass on this one myself. nm
I am trying not to pass out as well, but (sm)
I believe she was right when she said this is across the board, no matter where you work.  The health care crisis in this country is just that - a crisis.  I will stay here and pay the increased premium as from talking to people who work in different occupations as well as MT, they are all complaining about increases. 
LOL - Maybe you should pass his
a leg to stand on for ICs to collect unemployment.  They'd be beating down his door.
This too will pass and you will have
your board back.
I think I'll pass.....

I'd Pass On Transolutions...
if I were you. I believe they base your pay rate per line on how well your score on the test you take when you go to their site. Whatever level you fall into based upon your test scores is what you will get paid. Say you got a low to average score on your test, you would probably fall into pay level I and get paid 5 or 6 cents a line or something like that, and $10 an hour for 1-2 months of training. They're basically just like every other company out there offering transcriptionists the oppportunity to work at home crappy pay, not the best dictators, and of course, if you run out of work, you never get paid for downtime. You are also REQUIRED to work two holidays and weekends.
I will pass that along to the Administrator. Thank you. (NM)
Pass on the job. I am thinking it is a co I used
to work for and they never paid on time even with that long wait and did not get it right either. No excuse for a wait like that except for mismanagement by the company. Pass on that job. You will have headaches you don't need.
How did MT pass QA in the first place?
Sad Rad MT...I was going to pass along this same message to you...Lee said that
everyone would be called about any issues they e-mailed her about!  Good Luck!
I'll pass on them then.
x  x
Seven cpl WITHOUT spaces?!! No way ... I'd pass, but that's just me. nm
Good luck
I interviewed but took a pass
The pay was lower than I was willing to take at 0.775 with 8 years experience in heme/onc
If you think your office won't pass SM
muster, don't feel like cleaning, whatever, I'd just get a pic of an office off the web and send that.
Thanks wouldn't want to pass
Poll: Take or pass

After reading posts below here's the situation: IC at company presently for a while which has lots of work. Decided to take E-Trans plus for security of employee position. Husband provides benefits. After reading warnings below:

1.  Take and try out anyway, despite the negative feedback.

2.  Keep IC job and do as much as possible, as it has not been a problem there and no need to stir the pot.

Just confused and seeking feedback since new information has popped up on the board. I am like the newhire below and do not want to waste time if job no good! Thanks in advance for your advice.

Sure, and pass the bill on...
to who exactly?  The consumer?  The American people who are already being ripped off when it comes to healthcare?  Some of you just want more and more and more, but you have no clue as to where this mystery money will come from.
Any MTs here who pass over job ads that require

I have never seen this discussed on the board and was wondering if it was just me?

I cannot imagine having to sacrifice either every single Saturday or every single Sunday?  My daughter is involved in various sports throughout the year that meet/play on Saturdays and we enjoy attending church together as a family on Sundays.  How do you pick between your kid and God??  Have you noticed too that this rigid schedule seems to be more prevalent  with the MTSOs that provide the better benefit packages...figure.

Whatever happened to the good ole days of weekend rotations? I don't think these particular MTSOs even realize what they are asking a person to give up.  I know this business is 24/7, but weekend rotations make a huge difference!  Of course the majority of these particular MTSOs seem to be the larger nationals ran by salary paid suits that clock out every Friday at 5:00. 

 Please note that I realize that we are living one of the worst economic eras in history and if it meant feeding my kid or being off on weekends, this wouldn't be an issue.  This has been going on for years.

Oh well, I guess if there are that many MTs willing to give up having a life, these MTSOs have no incentive to make any changes. 

I would really be interested in seeing what everyone else thinks.

If you pass, they get back w/you quickly
It's after you get "hired" that seems to take forever. I got my test results in 2 days, a week to hear from the recruiter, a week to get employment package, a week to get receipt of that acknowledged and schedule training, a week to start receiving equipment. And who knows how long before one is released from training to full production. I'm starting to wonder, but my current place is so awful that MQ is a definite step up. Anyway, don't quit your old job if you get hired; wait until you know when you will be in full production.
Oh let me tell you, they know how to pass the drug tests! (sm)
One woman I worked with was talking about how to use "Yellow Root" to "beat" the drug test! (that's what she said, "beat" the drug test) They know all of the tricks of the trade. One company stopped using the urine drug test and now they use the hair strand drug test, so I don't know what they use to "beat" that one (I guess they pull the strands out of somebody else's hair!) :-)
E-mail is enclosed and I will pass it on to the other gal
and we can keep in touch.  I will be backing into the ortho account so we should be able to help each other out if needed.  I currently do ortho with another company but work is hard to come by right now.  Talk soon and e-mail me!
be thankful you didn't pass
the employer of the year will jerk you around like you wouldn't believe. I have just quit after 6 months of lies, lack of work, implied threats. I have all the memos, IMs, etc. that show exactly what a bunch of liars and cowards they are. They are only interested in India and getting those people trained and on line. Be careful and be very cautious about who you work for.
They're not going to pass any savings on
I did not pass the test at first so the recruiter says
saying the test was faulty.  I know I did not fail that test.  I didn't like his attitude, and I told him that I kindly was not interested.  I'm not sure I'd spend too much time on this company.  There are some other companies out there that are probably better.  Maybe try Transcend or Keystrokes.  Good luck. 
Yep. I decided I'd pass on even talking with her. sm
I'm glad she emailed me the info first so I didn't waste her time or mine.  Everything seems very structured and rigid.  I don't mind working weekends, so I might have been one of the lucky ones who make 10 cpl, and maybe I'm an idiot for taking a pass on it, but something just tells me this is not a good fit. 
That's a good observation, I will pass it on.
I have been there for several years and have no difficulties. I am very surprised at these posts, as the people that I work with are very happy. You bring up a point that it may be the new hires that are upset, and I don't blame them if they have no work. I am going to pass this on and try to make this better. They are a good company, maybe they are just growing too fast.
Then, you might want to pass that on to the recruiter. They tell you it is upfront.
But, as you pointed out, no more than anywhere else. The majority of nationals all have a fair share of ESL. Some people prefer ESL over fast, mumbly American doctors.
it sounds like you just did not pass the test sm
maybe ask if you can test again and be more carefull next time?