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KS/Meditech - PCshorthand version (sm)

Posted By: mt on 2007-12-21
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Could someone at KS tell me if Meditech works with the NEW (10?) version of PCShorthand or should we download the last version out?  (I have windows XP).  Thanks for your help!

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Does the version of Meditech

you will be using have an expander?  The Meditech I work in does not, therefore I have to use InstantText or ShortHand for an expander.

What version of Meditech does KS use? I've

read that the old Meditech version is horrible, but that Meditech Magic is much better.  I think there is also a Pro version too. 


I like Meditech. I am on the Magic version. I use an expander and sm
average 250 LPH, which is good for these tired old fingers.
I use Meditech with them, but it is Client Server version. Not the old blue screen! sm
I actually like the program and I really like ShortHand but I converted my abbreviations from another program into there so I did not have to start over.
I agree. Version 8 is a nightmare. Love version 6. nm
if from PCshorthand.com, should be okay to download.
Instant Text versus PCShorthand, etc.
I am looking into purchasing an expander. I posted somewhere on the board yesterday, but can't find my post or replies.  Are there any pros/cons to either of these expanders?  How hard are they to learn? I have been an MT for 20 years; would it be worth it for me to use one? Are they better than the expansions I would use with Dictaphone ExText?  Thanks for any advice!
There are two types of Meditech. One is Meditech Magic, which has a blue sm
screen and is like WP5.1. It is a bit cumbersome but not bad once you get used to it.

The other is Meditech Client, which is WONDERFUL. It opens into Word and populates the demographics for you.

Neither are bad once you get used to them. I make great money using Magic and a lot of others complain about it.
There must be more than one version. sm
The platform I've used at a couple different companies is very easy to use. One place I worked the database very seamless integrated with what was called Meditech word processor. Another company used the exact same thing except it actually integrated with MS Word.

I think Meditech Magic and Meditech Client may be two different things and I'm not entirely sure which one I've been using that I like so well, but I think it may be Client.

At any rate, the line count on it is really screwy...but that could be something that is set by the facility/program administrator.
They use version 6. nm
It's probably version - every new version
And no, you won't find anyone to ask.  On a weekend?  Unheard of.
Yes, it is loaded with their version of DQS. nm
You'll have to ask KS which version of
Meditech it is.  Every account is different.  I have used Meditech Magic.  I used it for years and so I like it and can be productive.  There are other platforms that are much faster, but its all in what you get used to.  I've heard that the latest version of Meditech is much faster than magic.  
They were updated to a new version.
I think MQ and DSG use the same version but this company I am with now does not. nm
here's the short version

I've been using it fairly steadily since November 2004. I've got DNS Medical version 9.5 with a really good microphone. Plus, I've put the time and effort into training the program. My typing speed has dropped over the years (maybe 70 wpm now) and I don't have the a particularly good memory as far as abbreviations go, so DNS is ideal for me. --- I lucked out 'cause I was able to upgrade to version 7 for about $99, and then the subsequent upgrades were not much more. The program works just fine for me, so I have no need to upgrade further.

If you want to want more in-depth information, email me and we'll chat. I just don't want to floor the board with things.  

For all we know, it's a "dummied-down" version of the test...
Regardless, it seems to me to be a slap in the face to American CMTs.
The last InstantText I used was a very early version, so SM
I can't speak to that any more, but just wanted to stay that ShortHand is excellent and I also love it. But it is a very sophisticated program with a whole bunch of bells and whistles that you can use or not use as you choose.
Precyse uses it's own program that's a version of
working in Word.  Easiest thing I have ever worked on. 
I am talking about the Medical version - sm
the regular is a lot cheaper.
Download the latest version of
Adobe Reader 9.1, it's free.
If the questionnaire you have to fill out, is given by the company, ask them what's wrong.
It's the 3rd-person version of MYOB -nm

an upgrade? mean newer version?
This should not be an end of the year thingee seems to me.  I would ask what exactly an upgrade means. No reason not to ask for the facts. Does it mean an upgraded version of MedRite or upgrade to a newer type platform or just what does it mean.
The new version you can access line count.
Maybe you do not have good tech support or no one has shown you.
I like the account. The new version of the Dictaphone software was a little
glitchy at first but that seems to be getting worked out. My line count for the last couple of weeks has been getting much better and I find that I am able to get my lines fairly easily. All in all, I am glad I moved to this account.
You can download a free trial version of (sm)
Slycount.  I have used it for a long time and find that it is very accurate.
Cool! I just dowloaded the trial version, and it's
Another Sennheiser vote. I have the sport version.
That a VR version? ''Klaatu barada nikto!!''

Make sure that it is the Word version not the old blue screen. nm
I last used it the second week of January. Maybe your company's version was better than the compa
I bought the disk version. Don't know about direct downloads. nm
Well the one company uses an older version of DQS and has not upgraded to the last 1 or 2 upgrades.
That is my concern.  I am not sure where to look at the version I am on for the company with the lower version to see what it is.  I hope this works out okay. 
Version 8 stinks. I would not do purchase anything to work for a company.
don't do it, unless they are paying you 12 cpl to edit the VR.

Tell them you can not afford it with the line rate they pay...he he!

Happy New Year!!
The ExText will be interfaced with your own Word version unless the company installed something
my guess the account pays an inflated version, we get the deflated end
Well, Merriam-Webster doesn't recognize your version. Only found it in an urban sm
dictationary -- hardly a professional reference.  But it has gotten too much attention already, so maybe if we ignore it, it will slither back into its obscure little corner of the world where no one notices it.
9cpl and 11 cpl for weekends. Use ExText. My ExText version wasn't compatible with theirs
Will anyone having typed on Meditech system please tell me what it's like?  Is it user friendly?  Thank you very much.
Meditech is okay once you are used to it AND if you can use Instant Text rather than those clumsy combinatio keys to do your macros. I think it has improved since I used it about 6 years ago. It is a BIG change from WP or MSWord, sort of like taking a giant step backwards.
I thank you for all of your comments. I do use Instant Text so would definitely want to be able to use that with Meditech system.  But it actually doesn't sound like something I'd really like doing, from what I've read.  More negatives than positives so far.
Meditech Rad
I use Meditech for radiology for windows, have been for 10 years.  Over the years we have upgraded the program several times.  I think it just depends on if the hospital is up to date on the programming.  I took a second account that used Meditech and I don't know if the hospital was behind or the MTSO just did not understand the program like I do.  For rad, after each report you do have to go through a series of screens before the report is saved.  But that is just me.  Another hospital could be different.
Anybody know which companies use Meditech?
Spheris uses Meditech.

I have been working in Meditech with Citrix Server now for 2-1/2 years and it's the pits.  Even with new updates all the time, it will never compare to today's modern platforms.


Right..I do ERs on Meditech..(nm)

Is this Meditech?
If it is a slow platform, then you'll need at least 9.5 cpl just to make a go of it!  
I have been working on the Meditech platform for one month, so I am fairly new. I am averaging only 100 to 125 lines per hour. I still have to refer to the instructions for things like, for example, how to close up spaces. It is a bit inconvenient to have to go through a bunch of screens before I start typing. I guess I would have to say I do not like the Meditech platform! I do have easy dictators, though. I am not a newbie; I have over 20 years of medical transcription experience, by the way.
Place you a sticky note or short note pad to your monitor with the function key commands. Where you were referring to closing spaces, were you talking about joining lines? Go to the end of the sentence and space, then do Shift F6; this joins your sentence together. Do you mind telling me the account you are own? Send it to my email. I will be starting soon and was wondering about the account. Thanks.
Very easy to learn, but you need a high-speed internet connection