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Katie is still there, as a matter of fact

Posted By: Red on 2005-12-29
In Reply to: Katie is no longer there either - nm

Katie's husband is the account liaison for one of the accounts. Katie is in recruiting now.

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Yes, as a matter of fact I do. sm
I haven't worked for MQ, so they, indeed, may be better than MQ. However, I have countless accounts with Webmedx and still run out of work. I can do all work types. I bounce around on many accounts. I am completely out of work some days. It usually picks up later, but who has the kind of life that they can be around all day waiting for work to trickle in? And bouncing around on many accounts costs the MT.

And there are plenty of similar opinions if you simply look over the archives.
Yep, as a matter of fact
we had plumbers who were on call, had to call them one night with burst pipes inside the wall somewhere, ceiling was falling in above.  Also had to call them out on Thanksgiving day one year after our pump got backed up in the basement guest bathroom, very bad mess (lived in the country then and they were kindly asked not to put ANYTHING down the toilet but the toilet paper provided).  Plumber pulled out the pump and hauled it off clogged up with Tampax and cig butts, yuck, guests were a little embarrassed to say the least.   Needless to say, that little episode cost us about 1000 bucks there.  But guess what, they charge a pretty penny for these services, rightfully so, and although it set us back at a bad time, were glad to pay the extra cost for their STAT service after hours and a holiday.  I know I always got paid well for being on call for the lab, nights and on holidays, althought as an employee.  I wonder what would happen if I would say as an IC, my services will be such and such on Thanksgiving or after 6 p.m. or whatever.  I still haven't been able to figure that one out!   I know with one company I first started with told me I had to work every holiday if it fell on a day during the week when I was scheduled, end of story, so consequently, being naive, I did just that for 2 years with no extra compensation and usually no work.  Sorry for the rambling, just ruminating on exactly where do we stand as ICs as compared to others, such as plumbers, and what is right and where does it cross over the line and what should we as MTs be doing about this, or is too far gone?
as a matter of fact...
I do. If the work is low, I try very hard not to take more than what I consider to be fair and to leave work for others. I see people scramble to get it all and the quality of the work suffers because people are in such a hurry to get everything they can that they are rushing around and thus making more mistakes. And I for one am sick of selfish people! What makes you think you are more important than anyone else?
you said it GP! Matter of fact, the sm
company that I got laid-off from on Monday apparently reads this board. I got several e-mail messages from the supervisor of Milner. If I were an MTSO I wouldn't give it a second thought, but apparently posting on this board really bothered her and she let me know it. O well, I didn't do anything but post the truth and if they don't like it, then I guess maybe they need to clean up their act!

I guess this particular MTSO saw someone posting the truth and for whatever reason, it really bothered her and isn't even the owner! Just a supervisor.
I agree. As a matter of fact,
I do believe that I recognized the very ad you are speaking of as being a company called Intellitype??? maybe (something like that). Anyway, I had wondered why this ad did not state the company name, and it seemed a little fishy to me. Although it occurred to me later that I had seen some negative posts here regarding that company, so perhaps that's why.
As a matter of fact, I'm out of work
right now. It happens everywhere occasionally. Only thing I don't like is, whenever I ask for a backup, I'm told that work is low across the board and to flex. I've seen people on here say, all you have to do is ask and they give you a backup account. Hasn't happened for me.
The fact of the matter is that they don't care about ALL MTs..
I know. I tried it, and it just didn't work for me. While I respect your right to be a cheerleader for this place, *you* should also respect the right of those who just don't or didn't like TT and are sick and tired of hearing about it. Yes, we can skip over the messages, but this board is starting to read like a novelette with pom-poms flying in our faces. The fact that we don't or didn't like TT shouldn't be characterized as being a incompetent MT, either. I'm QUITE the opposite, just tired of their favorite pets games and unfair workload. Let it go, PLEASE!
Matter of fact he threw that in the newsletter yesterday
said that a client asked for offshore work and they complied.

I can't believe any client would ask for offshore help as anal as they are about US MT's.
I wasn't being cold, simply matter-of-fact. sm
My own reproductive history isn't a factor in my opinion. In the list of medical procedures, some things are necessary for life, others are not, they are elective.

Medical insurance exists to protect you against catastrophic financial burden due to unforeseen medical expenses. IVF is personally chosen, it is 100% elective, and it is done only to satisfy a personal want.

As a matter of fact, it did. Several sentences "complete with big words and all!"
Katie - I will say what I think
when I feel like it.  I don't need someone like you to tell me to relax a little.  Why don't you put your rose-colored glasses on and go soak up some sun.
To Katie
Well, it looks like you have quite a brouhaha going on at the MQ board now. Which is is 12 or 16 years. 40.00 to 50.00 an hour, give me a break!
Katie is no longer there either
This is a fact and you might as well accept it for what it is -- FACT !
It would be a sevice that uses ExText, such as Keystrokes, and I don't know who else uses it.  I would think that Keystrokes is as big or bigger than TT now, however, wouldn't you?
What does it matter what others do?
I don't believe you're an MTSO at all.

So well said. With a bad platform and missing demographics you never get to transcribing.
Not a matter of...
doable. It's a matter of the difficulty of your account!!!! Consider yourself very lucky to have gotten an easy account.
Why does it matter?
Why does it matter that it is MQ overflow as long as you have work??
does not matter...sm
MTs outside of the US are restricted from this site. Do not solicit - job ad posters from this forum. Administrator nm
Why does it matter?
Either take and use the advice or don't. You guys make us all look like a bunch of grumpy ol' hags. She simply gave some advice, she wasn't trying to insult anybody. No need for everyone to get defensive. If you are an experienced MT and know what you're doing with your resume, then chances are you're not putting Burger King on there....so she's obviously not talking about you. I wouldn't suggest anyone put their email address on there....spammers search the web and have bots that search the web just for that. Any email address they find....spam, spam, spam. Also, any spammer could send an email with an attachment saying it's a resume but it's actually a virus. They have to safeguard themselves too, and many times that means not opening attachments from senders they don't know/trust.
Does it really matter?

Seems like the certification would be a waste of money to me. 

What does it matter...
Speech and straight type are totally individual opinions. There are so many different factors and I am trying to sort those out. It is not the difference between scared to try and how many others love it. I want facts, which never appear on this board. I want to hear from the people who have been doing straight type for at least 10+ years, no less. That is what I have been trying to say in my case...it does NOT mean I am ignorant, because I certainly am not, and it does NOT mean I can't face change, which I certainly have had to do over and over again in this industry. Haering some of the responses so far, it seems as though some think it is just like learning a new account, and that can at times be gruesome..but with the added cut in half of pay.... So give it a rest you speech presidents. This is an individual thing and all I am tring to find out is the true ratio of experienced who like it/not and inexperienced love it/not. So far, I am not sure. I am so confused right now, my brain is rattling and I think I just need to go watch Housewives of New York. I can dream of being rich eh?
sometimes it's not a matter of...
sometimes it's not a matter of typing slow. you should consider the fact that sometimes due to demos, ESLs, quality, etc, etc, it is just impossible to go any faster. I'm a pretty fast typist and a good MT, but on certain accounts, I struggle to make the LPH. Good for you that you make good money. Unfortunately it is not possible for all of us. Consider yourself lucky. ;)
Very serious in fact.

They are advertising a nationwide position and then selectively weeding out geographical areas.  They need full disclosure or maybe they need a big fat lawsuit.  Either way, I'm not kidding.

I know for a fact that MQ wants my SM
hospital's transcription (I'm a hospital employee), but they won't take overflow only.  They want it ALL and won't take the account unless they get rid of the hospital employees.
I know it can be done - but not at MDI-MD. This I know for a fact.
it can be just because of the fact sm
that the work has to be done. BUT, it only turns into that if you let it.

What I have found after working for years and years as an IC that if you are an employee who puts out a high quality finished product and do your best that the companies (maybe not all of them) will usually go out of their way to make you happy.

There was a time when MQ before it was MQ and still Transcriptions Limited was such a company. This all makes me so sad that this company has been allowed to be destroyed like it has. I know there are folks who are still happy with it and I am glad, but for the ones who are not and especially those of us who were around for years and saw the other side of the company, it is very sad.

As far as IC status, its kind of a trade off really. You are giving up benefits etc to be able to be an IC and not have to have set hours. But you have to work those hours out for yourself. If you have to be an employee because of benefits then the trade off is not having much flexibility. Either way though you do have control in how you let folks treat you.
Well, I know for a fact that..........
they offshore A LOT of the work because I used to work for them for 2 years, and was always running out of work for a huge, huge account which they lost? More like they gave it to those overseas to do totally. When I did work for them, you could tell that most of that account was being typed overseas because when you had to access a former document in the Chartnet on a particular patient, it would bring it up, and actually seemed to be typed like the person did not know anything about English, let alone medical terminology which was atrocious!!

I have since moved on because I actually need to work!!
No I just know for a fact that
TTS treats their employees very poorly, does not pay on time, if ever. Will warn anyone I can to stay away from there. Not trying to jab at anyone, just trying to protect someone else from falling into that. Take a look at all the posts on this board, we can't all be wrong can we?
No it isn't; its fact
Some of us have no problem with facts.
I know for a fact that this happens...
one of the MTs I know who also does QA said she sees this all the time, that some QA people will just take out words or put in words to send the report through...so it does happen and I am sure this isn't the only company that this happens with.
what's a fact? nm
fact is
Management can't let you know anything because they don't know themselves yet. They have to have work to survive first for themselves and then will give out the work to those who are still waiting for it. It you quit, you quit, just more work for them and when it picks back up they'll hire more if need be. What don't you get, happens with every company. They'll throw you a job here and there to keep you hoping and it's up to you to stay or go.
I believe it's also due to the fact that
some people (a lot of them on this board) will look for any reason to badmouth and complain. I don't come here often for that reason either. It gets really old and discouraging to see nothing but negativity and bashing each time I come here.
I am in fact an MT. Do you not know
what benefits your company offers? 
truth in the matter
I know people who still work with Transhealth and they are just sticking with it until something better comes. They don't feel appreciated. When I worked with them, the mgmt team needed to practice their professional skills. Everyone has their right to post their opinion and that is what it is, an opinion like anyone else who posts positive/negative comments about the company or any other company. It is up to the person to make the best decision and all we can provide is our opinions regarding the matter.
Doesn't matter
They won't have the work anyway! They just want to keep EVERYBODY on standby constantly.
It doesn't matter anyway
We don't have any work now, so no work later will be no surprise.  Have been working for 3 hours and have been able to "snag" only two reports. 
FT or PT shouldn't matter.

Pay should be based on your abilities and quality of your work instead of how much you can do sloppy just to get your lines.  There's nobody stopping you from going PT with several different companies.  I would never put all my eggs in one basket since every place runs low on work or overhires, etc... 

Makes more sense to me to work PT as an IC, unless you absolutely need benefits through an MT company, which I'd never trust since you don't know how long you'll have them if they don't have the work or lose the account, etc...  Too many things could happen to be able to depend on a single MT company.

Maybe for editing, but not tx no matter how new!!
Not sure of her name, but I wouldn't consider a job with her no matter what.
It is not a matter of whether or not AAMT can do
anything aboutit, the point is they should stand behind all American MTs and push to help maintain it as strictly a US-based business. Those who are members are, after all, paying to keep them together and pay their salaries, and send out their notices, etc., etc.
no matter - sorry - I need my own editor! nm
Sometimes, no matter how many questions you ask...
...you aren't going to learn what you need to know. I won't say every company does this, but at times a recruiter is told to say certain things that are at odds with reality.

Personally, I couldn't do it and live with myself, and that's why I left recruiting.

I think the best thing to do is to ask questions about a company on the boards, and try to get as much info as you can from the recruiter, but realize that real life might be a different kettle of fish.

Also, don't hang the recruiter after the fact. They are told what to say, and sometimes even they don't know the reality of day-to-day transcribing in the company any longer (if ever), and they completely believe what they are selling. I think most try to do their best to be as honest as they can. I don't think many would intentionally lie to you. They may gloss over some negatives, but they probably/hopefully won't lie.

I know this probably wasn't much help, I'm sorry!
No, it really doesn't matter sm
I get health benefits through my husband, so I really don't need those.  I do like my taxes taken out, though. 
You should make that no matter what. sm
With their FT minimums (which are VERY easy to get on their ortho accounts), you will be there easily. Mine tend to be in the $1400 range on the 1st and 15th. There are slower times and busier times but I never go under $1000 (and have yet to go over $2200, which is the next goal I have made for myself!).

Good luck in your new position! The ortho manager is the best!
I don't think hours matter.
I don't think hours matter. However, I would encourage you to get definitive answers from them.

I work 6-7 days a week by choice to get lines in so I can't verify whether weekends are required or not. I also give them a very general schedule as to when I'll be working and they don't have a problem if I need to change it.

Communication is great. My supervisors generally get back to me within a couple hours.
Dont think it would matter
It seems as if they feel they can get aware with it - and unfortunately they have for so long. Why - because they bounced checks in the past and no one ever said or did anything as long as they get there money eventually - I say bounce a check get fined, charged etc. Bounce a check at walmart and you can go to jail - what makes you less than walmart? Pay a bill late and get finance charges and fees - you are a business, charge them fess and late charges and maybe - just maybe - it wont happen again.
I always get a mix, no matter which acct I am on.
No matter who you work for
There is no variant in my opinion.  8 cpl does not equal 12 cpl.  Sorry to have to disagree, but even with the most glorious platform and dictator, 8 cpl is 8 cpl, and 8 cpl seems to be the going rate, so you could pick and choose at this point with any of these MTSOs if you want to settle for 8 cpl.  JMHO.
Which hospital does not matter (sm)
Is just another OUTSOURCING of work...away from the United States and away from a very dedicated, very talented in-house transcription group that is losing work to India and such.