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MQ in comparison to Landmark

Posted By: typingmom on 2007-08-13
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Anybody familiar with Landmark Transcription and the Extext program they use?  Thinking about a change here and would like to know.  They also use Dictaphone and a word based program....I have been on the MQ DQS for so long, I am very unfamiliar with other programs.  Thanks.


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Why the MQ and Landmark comparison? Maybe
you'd get some answers if you just opened it up to questions about Landmark. I would not randomly link together 2 companies. This post keeps moving around, but all I know about Landmark was what I had posted before, that I believe they pay based on visible characters per line, not the usual 65 characters with spaces pay rate. Of those I know who had gotten offers, that was the rate. Again, no idea about the platform or Dictaphone, but maybe somebody would answer if you just open it up for anybody! Good luck in your search.

If you look at previous posts, you are one of the few happy at Amphion.  It is common knowledge that the amount of secretarial work is HUGE and slows down one's production. 

I have transcribed almost 15 years and they were one of my worst experiences.  People that are applying should know exactly what they are getting into.

Would like to get opinions about Chartscript, a platform used by Keystrokes. How user-friendly is it? Any good, bad would be appreciated. If anyone knows how it compares to Bayscribe that would be helpful too. Thanks.

Like walking in a parade or working in a large circus along with some horses, elephants.  Only now, forced to walk BEHIND these creatures -- shovel or pick up their droppings -- but the horse or pachy is earning TWICE as much as I am. 

Company Comparison

Want to compare two companies, please.  Precyse and Medware.  Platform?   Benefits?  Sure appreciate it.

such a silly comparison.
While clarification from a supervisor is always a good idea, to compare asking for input here from other MTs to ''flagging down strangers on the street'' is pretty silly. (about as ridiculous as declaring it shows ''rampant mental illness'')
lines comparison

Are you able to get as many lines per hour with nuance as you are able to get typing.  About how many lph do you type and about how many using nuance? 


platform comparison
Can anyone at Transtech tell me how their platform compares to others, such as at Sperhis, Diskriter, charscript.net.  Would be intested in hearing from someone who can compare their production with the above and with TransTech.  Thanks in advance.
NO, merely a comparison. 300-400 lines sm
an hour to listen through and edit HOUR AFTER HOUR for 8 hours.

Let's see what would that come to hourly

300 X 3 = ?

400 lines an hour X 4 cents=?

I want to do a comparison now that everything seems to be changing at MQ and the other nationals. sm

what is the starting line count rate for acute care at some of the big nationals? or the range?  How about for radiology or pathology?  Do most have incentive programs and what do they consist of?  If we could put it all together, we would eliminate a lot of posts and maybe have a reference for those of us looking so that we do not waste time, energy and the possibility of being lied to.

Here is what I know:

ETranz - 0.10 per line but my checks keep bouncing when I finally get paid very late.  No incentive.  No direct deposit.

Transolutions - 0.08 per line.  They supply the equipment and computer (or did 2 years ago).  Their system is a dinosaur.  I always got paid on time. 



It is nearly impossible to do a comparison when posts
which even mention brand x, with no discussion involved, are restricted or removed. I think at one time or another most of us have worked there.
Email me for comparison numbers

I don't feel comfortable publishing them here, but email me privately and I will send you a comparison of the old rates and the new rates that obviously proves its a raise.  I'm working tonight but will gladly send it tomorrow to anyone that asks.

Also they sent an email to everyone yesterday stating PTO will be calculated just the same as it was before, based on what you made the prior pay period, bonus and all.

I guess quite a few people that are freaking out about this are going to feel silly in about a month when they are making more money and find out they were wrong.

ASR line rate comparison

Can someone give me the average ASR they are doing on hospital accounts?  Webmedx has recently switched to this and I am not sure it is a good move for me.  I currently transcribe between 250 and 300 lph and with ASR implemented and still learning, I am only getting 200 lph with it.  My cpl rate remains the same for another few weeks but then drops to 35% of my normal for any ASR work. ASR will have to do a lot better job or my income will drop dramatically.  Any words of wisdom appreciated.   

Does anyone know of a comparison list of transcription coompanies?

About to lose home-based hospital job.  Looking for transcription company.  So many.  They all say the same things...all claim to be great.  Where to start?  Help!

line count/pay rate comparison
I make 200-250 lph (everything except RAD) with Medquist and would like to know how this compares to other companies like Transcend, Keystrokes, Allegiant, EMDAT, eScription, etc.  Looking to leave MQ after 5 years, (17 years MT/ME experience).
I think your comparison is ridiculous and insulting. Try getting a farm worker's job and you'
There's no comparison in being a hospital employee with benefits working rotating weekend and IC
Initially what made being an IC worth sacrificing benefits was having a flexible schedule. I have read the laws and have done research. An independent contractor is not obligated to a set schedule and this definitely includes holidays and weekends. So what if this is a 24/7 business? How many hospital workers do you know that work every weekend with no benefits?? Nada! I knew student nurses who chose 24 hours every weekend so they could go to school thru the week, but they were compensated quite well at 40 hours with full benefits.

A company may hire a lot of misinformed ICs for Sun-Th and Tues - Sat schedules, but by law they are pushing the envelope. ICs need to remind these companies what the legal definition of an IC is. I'm sure they remember that we don't receive benefits. They want it both ways. If I'm going to be an IC with the only benefit being flexibility, there's no way I'm giving that up!

A national I worked for, which I won't name (squid)tried that on us after taking over our company. They even used scare tactics. We still didn't get on every weekend. There was nothing they could do and they knew it.
I've used both PC SH & Instant Text and they are comparable ... would love to hear comparison (s
Shorthand (or my version of it) seems to have a compatibility problem with the Bayscribe platform Expander ...so I just use ShortHand (I don't know if it's just my quite old version or not) ...

I switched from Instant Text to Shorthand when the in-house Meditech job I was working agreed to install Shorthand for the department.

I believe they both have 90 day or some such downloadable trials.

If you have more than one computer, it's not a bad idea to buy the disk and documentation so if you need/want to reinstall it, it's there ... though that may be old school thinking on my part.

Good luck.
What kind of transcription equipment does Landmark use?
Landmark -sm

Just a warning.  If anyone takes a job with this company and decides to leave, you probably will not get paid.  My phone calls and e-mails have been ignored and I am getting really angry.  I worked for 2 days and hated their system of looking up physicians, leafing through pages and pages of physicians by hand.  So, I decided not to stay with them, sent my equipment back immediately and have not been paid.  Anyone know if there is anything else I can do, besides hounding them?


Does anyone out there know anything about Landmark Transcription? How are they?
Don't go to Landmark
I don't know about Lee Perfect or Keystrokes, but I do know about Landmark. They hired several of us as full time with benefits, then took away our benefits and switched us to IC status! (That's when most of us quit.) There was NEVER enough work. I was lucky to get 10-15 hours of work in my 40-hour week. They're notorious for overhiring. They're sweet and pleasant, but that doesn't pay the bills. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.
I don't know anyone who has had enough work at Landmark.  Ever.  This goes for MTs and QA.  They purposely overhire.  Yes, the accounts and platform are great, but there is never enough work.  There is a HUGE turnover at Landmark because of this. 
To the Landmark ER MTs out there

I am considering a position with them, but I don't want to make the wrong decision.  I am concerned about the work load specifically on the ER accounts.  If you have experience one way or the other about this, could you please email me privately. Thanks for your time.

I've only been with Landmark for about 2 weeks now but haven't run out of work yet.  So far I'm really liking it, everyone seems really friendly and helpful.

1.  You'll be hired full time as an employee with benefits and then suddenly, without notice, be switched to contractor status with NO benefits.

2.  You'll be promised full time work, but you'll be lucky to have enough work for 20 hours a week. 

3.  Your emails and phone calls to the office will go unanswered and when they DO answer, they will tell you to be patient and wait just a couple more months and there will be lots of work.  They lie constantly. 

I would run as fast I could from Landmark.  In fact, that's what I did when I realized all the lies they were telling me. 

Message to D:  Got your email at my personal address.  Don't want to write from there, as don't want Landmark to know who I am.  Anyway, yes, if you want to be an IC and only want 15 hours a week, then Landmark is perfect for you.  My account there was wonderful; I miss that account, but needed more work so switched companies.  You'll be fine. 

anyone work there applied there or have any comment TIA



My friend works for Landmark - started on acute care and was then moved to an oncology account at her request.  She is quite happy.  They called me to come to work for them, but I was in the middle of a medical emergency with my son (he was in an accident) and could not take the stress of caring for him and learning a new account.  That's not to say that I won't contact them in the future - the timing was just not right for me at the time. 
Landmark ????
All transcriptionists who are, or have worked at Landmark, would you please either e-mail me or post here telling me what you think of working for this company... pros, cons, average cpl rate.  They have an ad for an oncology job that I am thinking of applying for and would like to hear all the good, bad, and ugly regarding this company.  Thanks for your input!
Landmark pay...


Has anyone gotten their paycheck yet?  They said noon, but mine ain't there...

I just recently started for them. I work part time. So far, I have had nothing but good to say about them but as I have just started, I am not feeble-minded enough to know that things can and will go wrong. I will deal with it as it comes up. As for Bayscrib, it is a lot better than the other account I work for who shall remain nameless. I hate their platform.
Landmark is a very enjoyable company to work for. The people are very pleasant, helpful, and they really do care about their transcriptionists. Pay is always on time as well. Overall, a very wonderful company to work for.
Being Nice doesn't pay the bills. Yes, the direct deposit is always on time. Tech support is good. QA/supervisors are helpful and supportive. There has often been a problem in the past with lack of work on some accounts. They have previously lost numerous accounts. Now, they have lost enough accounts in a one week period to create an income problem for 40-50% of their MTs. Do you have a solution for those MTs who won't make enough lines to pay their bills or feed their children?
I don't quite understand why you would chose to bash me because I chose to say that I enjoy working for Landmark. Let me clarify one thing, I am also an MT who has kids to feed and bills to pay and I also lost my account with Landmark when Landmark lost a bunch of theirs.

I know that it doesn't change the fact that we all have bills to pay and families to take care of. I choose not to blame Landmark for the fact that they lost accounts because they have treated me so well during the time that I was working for them. Losing an account can happen to anyone and trust me it isn't just Landmark.

Should they have work where I am needed again, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to work for them because they really do value their employees and have treated me with complete respect during the time that I have worked for them.

Hard times are everywhere and unfortunately it hit Landmark. Hopefully, in time, they will rebound and all those that lost work/accounts will be back to work soon should they choose to go back.
Like MJ, I, too, am very satisfied with Landmark and plan to stay with them.  Please remember that all companies, big or small, lose and gain accounts all the time.  It is all part of the MT business.  We have to be able to roll with the punches.   I value this company for its honesty, integrity, for the professionalism of its QA staff and for its excellent tech support.  In short, it is an excellent company.    It does not offshore.  It operates from a position of honesty and integrity.   This is an issue that should be of vital concern to every American MT who values his or her job in this profession.  The temporary slowdown in work is just that, temporary.   I am very satisfied here, as are many people I know.   I plan to stay and give Landmark my full support.
I would have to respectfully and politely disagree with another MT. The accounts I have worked on at Landmark have not been bottom of the barrel accounts at all. They have been very straightforward, clear, good, acute care accounts which, incidentally, had fewer ESLs that the previous company I worked for.
I love this company but I have been off work for a couple of days sick. Can someone clue me in and put the initials of the hospitals that they lost accounts on.  I was offered another job and I may just take it if there is no work for me to go back to tonight.  I love the people, the tech support, the work was easy as pie, the platforms were easy.  It will be a shame if I have to leave them.  I have over 30+ years experience.  Maybe they were too lenient with their MTs.  I still care about these people. I have never had a problem at all.
MDI-MD or Landmark?
I am looking for a company that uses Bayscribe and I know that both of these companies do.  Has anybody gone to work for MDI-MD or Landmark who can tell me what there is to know about either company, good, bad, etc.?  If you had your choice, which one would you choose and why?  TIA.
Landmark vs. MDI
I was told that Landmark does pay for spaces. Are you free to share what has not gone well with MDI for the folks you know? Why are the others struggling? I need to avoid a situation of not enough work--that is what I am trying to get out of. (I am head of my household and need a stable income.) If you are more comfortable sending info in a PM, that would be great. Thank you.
I worked for Landmark for almost a year. They really don't care about their transcriptionists at all. They usually get big accounts, hire like crazy, then after a few months said accounts go to VR, and if you don't want to do VR, you're out of a job. They don't have a lot of accounts, so moving to another one was not feasible.
How was QA with Landmark?
Was it difficult getting off full review when you started? Just curious.
Landmark QA
My friend who recommended Landmark says they have the best and also the kindest QA person in the whole world. My concern would be having enough work. (I have a little boy to support.)
The supervisor/QA person is awesome. There absolutely is not enough work to go around! This company has mostly slush accounts or subcontracts from other services for work. They have lost a lot of accounts in the recent past. Some of the accounts that are left are truly lousy work, not that there are many accounts. You should NOT consider this company for full time work, possibly not even for much part time work. Some accounts have no work available weekends or evenings.

This is just not true.  With the exception of a low period in April, Landmark has consistently had an abundance of work and I have been able to meet my line counts and beyond every single day.  I can see why they need to hire, to fill in scheduling gaps.  Who are you to question the hiring practices of your employer anyway?

I am a very happy camper working for Landmark. What happened with Landmark could happen to any other company as well. I consider myself very lucky to have been hired by them. They appreciate those that work for them and are very happy to help when you need them. They pay ON TIME as well. Communication is top notch with Landmark.
I worked on that account for a while at Landmark. It is probably the most difficult oncology account I have ever worked on, and I do have 7-1/2 years onc experience. They do not pay enough for that account...they need to pay more because of its difficulty!
Do you really want to work for a company who lost so many accounts at one time? Then a huge number of MTs and QA people had no work, so they also left because they could not make a decent paycheck? This was not a one week slow down, it went on for months.
I work for Landmark and only once did I run out of work. I love this company tremendously. They are the best as far as I am concerned. They give me no hassles. They listen to me when I talk and give me as much leeway as possible. Love 'em.
They have overflow account, not full service accounts. Not a place to work full time and be able to make a living. Nice people does not pay the bills.