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Thanks for explaining. I tend to be a bit technically challenged in that area. sm

Posted By: LTMT on 2009-04-04
In Reply to: for those unfamiliar with it, - a bit of info, sm

If I ever get a life, I might give it a try.  Somehow a picture of an old woman hunched over her keyboard, listing hobbies as eat, sleep,and work, probably is not newsworthy  .. LOL. 

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MDI is not technically IC
it is STATUTORY EMPLOYEE. They do acute care hospitals. Here is the site for more information:
Thanks for explaining, webber. nm
Thanks for telling the truth and for explaining

in my post above.

Yes, I knew going in that I wouldn't get any PTO for a year.  I made the mistake of thinking in terms of "vacation," never thinking I'd need it as backup for all the system problems.

And, yes, I knew the problem wasn't the sound card, and I'm very glad that others are backing me up on this, acknowledging that it's a company-wide problem with the platform.  It's not always all the MT's fault.

I was only trying to tell the poster to think long and hard.  Accepting a new job is a big decision to make.

Didn't you get the email explaining this
situation? To me the email was made it very clear about the error...I realize that change can make a person panic but I think TT MTs are safe, the company followed up very quickly on the matter and seem to have it under control. Relax
technically, after the closing, then employees not ICs
so might want to rethink
Thx for explaining, otherwise it didnt make sense
Technically, outsource is still the correct label
It falls under the umbrella of outsourcing, and offshoring is a specific type of outsourcing; i.e., there is domestic outsourcing (kept within the country) and offshore outsourcing (sent out of the country).
no, isn't 2 week vacation but technically is. new acct isn't ready on go live date so we get
Tend to agree.
Their platform is not very user friendly.  They do pay on time though and their line rate was pretty fair.  They switched the original agreed upon schedule on me since there was no work on one particular day that I was scheduled, but if you are flexible, that might not bother you.  Good luck. 
Thanks! I think I tend to be fair
and what this and other MTSOs are not realizing is that much if not all critism here is not meant as an UNfair attack. It's a vent board for one thing. :)

What galls me are the MTSOs who won't discuss the problems *before* you quit, much less take responsibility for true problems, but then want to protest when they see negatives posted...

There's an old saying about a shoe and what to do if it fits...


tend to agree
No company is perfect. Been at Transcend since August, and they have been fair to me and I do have plenty of work and I do work on a cardiology account exclusively.
Tend to agree with you on the
micromanage bit and flexing time. Sometimes have to check your computer for 24 hours straight to find enough work.
I tend to agree with you. nm
I tend to agree
It is great to work at home and take care of you kids....I do. But that is NOT why I got into MT. That is a problem nowadays...people only get into MT to work at home and/or take care of their kids. Not everyone is cut out for MT and it is showing with this type of mentality and the quality that comes along :(
I tend to agree, especially
Since we are not employees but are independently contracted. Technically I would think that makes a huge difference. I'm sure the referred to lists are management, technical support, things like that. I would assume as ICs we fall into a separate category.

I'm sure there's another list with the names of the MTs dealt with in another section of this deal, that our contracts are in effect until January 2010 and then it's up to Transcend to keep us or can us at their discretion.
I agree, I think we all tend to be brainwashed
into thinking we are worth nothing and the Nationals CEOs, etc., deserve vacation homes, limosines, high priced cars, etc, and we deserve no raises, decreased rates as soon as they put their minds on how to do it. I have had personally a decrease every year, but my rent goes up, utilities, groceries. Even a good platform doesn't matter if the managers cream the good dictation for their quotas and leave junk for the rest of us. You can't tell me every hospital in America is 90% ESL, and bad ones at that, yet that is what they tell us. They do it because they can!
Ah, yes..... as so many things on this board tend to do!
Maybe we should start a new, underground-ish, no-holds barred MT site where a person can speak their mind without fear of erasure!
TTer's tend to get a bit bent when they
I tend to stay away from anything GLOBAL. NM
Not to sound paranoid, but I tend to agree.
They control the work pools and can make your day as easy or as hard as they like. Before I asked why I was being switched around all the time, the line count was at least achievable. Afterwards, perhaps as my punishment, it became even worse. All different account specifics, all parts of the country, thousands of different doctors. Finally gave up. I took my 6 years of acute care and went somewhere else.
I tend to agree. Seems to have a short fuse. sm
Another reason to be happy I'm working at home -- no explosions from bosses OR co-workers to endure. 
Only time I tend to run out is last weekend of payperiod when OT has been (sm)
authorized starting on Friday. Not too worried, looks like they are hiring more. Makes me think they are anticipating a new account and want to get people on and trained and ready.

This company is too good for me to give up on.
holidays do tend to reduce work loads.
When the account i was given had shortage of work, i asked for and received another account. I almost never have a shortage of work now.
I can do that as I expect a lot of places are holding off hiring now because work does tend to get a
little slow at this time of the year.  I can manage with what I have until January. 
Unfortunately, this isn't available in my area. Who wants to pay LD anyway.
another Bay Area MT

I live in Santa Clara and I totally agree with you.  SF and the Bay Area as a whole are very unique.  I do not think that I could live anywhere else either.  My life feels so easy here.  No freezing my tush off in the snow.  In fact, I am still growing herbs and swiss chard outside.  I can take the bus and/or train all over even to the beach.  I enjoy all the diversity we have here in the Bay.  I grew up in South Florida and in some ways the Bay is similar, but even better with our microclimates.  I love the fall here.  Just a little cool, but yet we still have the trees turn with beautiful yellow and orange leaves.  Most all of the people I have met here are very nice.  I enjoy going to the different farmer's markets and taking a day trip to SF.  I enjoy the Ferry Building and its market very much. 



bay area MT
I grew up in South Florida and lived in PA about 20 minutes from Philly before moving to the Bay and I think that my quality of life here is very high. I live in the Silicon Valley:) Personally, I think that my cost of living was much higher in PA than it is here. To each their own though:)
I can tell you in my area...
We have two very large health systems here, each with multiple large hospitals under their umbrella:  Mercy Health Partners and ProMedica.  ProMedica is the largest employer in our city (Toledo), even over the Daimler-Chrysler and Jeep plants.  ProMedica does house some MT's and some work at home depending on which hospital and department.  However, their pay is exceedingly low.  Mercy, however, is the ultimate dream job.  Any of their hospitals will hire remote MT's while still making you an employee, their pay is outstanding and their benefits are outstanding.  In exchange for that is simply a regular work schedule, being 1st, 2nd or 3rd shift.  Yes, I wish they'd all do it this way!
What area of the country are you in?
If this is the one in Los Angeles area sm

they have never paid on time and this has gone on for years and years.  Best to work for a company that you can rely on to pay you. Do a search in the archives.

What State or area
I get paid per minute.  I got paid $1.25 for 8 years and never asked for a raise until last year.  Now I get paid $1.35, was told that was the going rate in my area.
I think 336 is an NC area code.
I think it's Charlotte, but DH thinks it's Burlington. Either way, NC.

I would think it does, especially in the same geographical area. nm
What general area
The 3 big ones in my area have most of their MTs at home with full benefits and incentive plans. Most of their systems require high speed and some have a mileage limit for repairs, etc. Start calling all the local hospitals within 100 mile radius of you and see if they have MTs working from home. Most require a short period of in-house training but if you're experienced they usually send you home in a week.

see if earthlink is available in your area....sm
I live in an area that not too much is available, but was able to get cable internet through earthlink, although i have satellite tv, and they have phone available too. It's $19.95 for the first 6 months then goes to $24.95. Unlimited calling, caller id, and voicemail is included. They also have DSL internet available too.
Philadelpia area
Sorry. I know I must be looking in the wrong area.
I could swear in the past I have seen things but I haven't been on here for months and could not remember what the feedback was.  I tried putting TTS in the company board area and also spelled out the whole name but nothing comes up, which is odd.
I know lots of QT MTs are in that area so figure
someone knows better than I do.   Wondered why they would maintain 2 offices as they aren't that big and don't have that many office/tech people - as far as I know they only have 1 tech guy and he's one of the owners, and out of the office more than in.  It doesn't matter, as long as my checks continue to come.
Are they really? It's a new MT company out of Tampa area. Do you think
it's the same people? Why would they have a different company?
geographical area blacklisting
I know a doctor in Richmond, VA, who has smeared one person for years. He gets away with it because everybody covers for him which is very puzzling. They can't all be afraid of him, can they?
Ahhh... another Bay Area devotee! : ) (sm)
Yes, the climate is a huge reason why I like it here. I could live more cheaply inland, in the Central Valley, but the weather there is horrible about 98% of the time! (100+ all summer; windy in spring, with too many bugs!; windy in the fall (though better temps, at least); and pea-soup fog all winter. BLEAH.

As to what you said in your email, yes - I'm considering doing the 2nd-job thing. I would keep this one for the benefits, do the minimum line count, and then try to find a part-time IC account that could be done to fill in the gaps.
Try to find out if you have wireless DSL in your area. sm
I live in a more rural area but have a couple of those kinds of providers to choose from and get 2M downloads and uploads. 
Anybody else on new TT account (midwest area)
I received some instruction sheets on the new account, but it's only the second acct I've done, and the demographic instructions are much different and I haven't gotten any feedback yet on all the things I'm probably doing wrong. Have e-mailed and no answers yet. Anybody on this acct and have time to answer questions by e-mail? Am I the only clueless one?
Compaines in Maryland area?
Does anyone know of any transcription companies out of the Maryland area or even in house companies for that matter in that area? My family and I are seriously contemplating a move and would love to find a company in that area.  I can take my current job with me but just want to see if I can expand my horizons a little bit.  Thanks in advance.
Contact SEIU in your area
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has a large healthcare component.  Contact a local in your area (you can find it by checking the SEIU website).  Many of us on this board work for large (or not so large) nationals.  Explain to the PR person/organizer that you work at home and don't know any of your coworkers or where specifically they are but that you are interested in forming a union.  Then listen very carefully to what this person tells you.  I think it will answer your questions.
If they offer it in your area it should work. I have
mine through Time Warner, which is the only cable provider in my area.  I know others who have it through Comcast. 
My local area rates seem to run 9-12 CPL sm
If you want benefits as mentioned in your first posting, you'd need to become an employee. Some of the bigger companies offer a good competitive rate for ICs, 10-12 cpl (without benefits of course).
This is the area I personally struggle with
I'm constantly having to stop and reference a physician's name, facility name, drug dosages. I can't stand having to do this constantly. I check my line count each hour when I stop for a 5-minute break, and the hours I don't have to stop and reference, I'm doing about 300 lph.
yes, and the ones i have area piece of crap..sm
i spend MOST of my time  resetting the receiver thingy...same goes for my cordless keyboard....uggg, that is frustrating.  I think I am going back to corded.
The major companies in my area
They announce the lay-offs, which is what usually makes the news, but then employees continue to work for 60 days.
That sounds cool. Wish they had it in my area. nm