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former Cymed

Posted By: J on 2007-06-07
In Reply to: Incentive like a whip around the shoulders, eh? - tnmt

I originally started with Cymed at the end of 2005 and just quit them in March, a few months after all of the management changes from the SPI takeover. You could immediately tell everything was going way downhill when all of the old management was gone. Glad I got out when I did! Actually, I wish I had gotten out sooner! LOL

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SPi versus CyMed...SPI is offshore and YES they bought CyMed...

CyMed is now part of SPi and will be merged into the company and will follow all company policies and procedures.    It's the only way the President, COO of SPi could grow the company and keep his job.    He has to grow through acquisition.  This means that at least 70% of all CyMed's business will be transitioned to India or Manila.     The US MTs working at Cymed should be very careful and start looking!!!!


Any current info on this company would be appreciated.  Specifically would like to know if they allow a flexible schedule, what their pay range is, what type of software they use, and how the staff is to work with.  Any info is much appreciated.


I am surprised that you had a bad experience with Cymed.  Which office was you working out of?  I work for the Ohio office and the trainer is wonderful.   She is very helpful and actually everyone that I have dealt with so far has been great. 
I talked to their Richmond office and was offered 8.5 cpl, but they do not pay for spaces. I have a friend who works for a different office and she gets paid for spaces, but they told me they had instituted a new policy and only the people who had worked for them before it went into effect still got paid for spaces.
I work for the Virginia office and you will never find a nicer group of people.
Managers are great and the tech. support is wonderful day or night.
I was offered 9 cpl.  No they don't pay for spaces because they said they don't charge for them.  Everyone I talked to seemed incredibly nice except the trainer.  She was incredibly rude when she called me, so much so that I did not accept the job.  I told them about her too.  She seemed like a hateful older lady who really didn't have time for the likes of me.
Cymed of Ohio does a lot of reports for the Cleveland Clinic. I also saw the article on the face transplant. I have worked for Cymed for 17 yrs.
I work for Cymed.  I have been with them since July and totally love it there.  Great people. 
Do you mind sharing what office you are out of and do find it hard to get your linecount without being paid for spaces?
I work for the Ohio office.  I do not have a problem with getting a decent line count.  The platform is great and easy to use. 
CyMed Pay
I know you would want to figure about 20% for the loss of spaces, but then the headers offset that a bit and the good platform. The 9 cents seems very low based on that if you are an experienced MT.
Cymed and pay?
Can anyone give me information on Cymed, pay?
I was with MQ at one point too, but now with Cymed. This company is very MT friendly and I've always got work. They did not offer statutory employee, just PT or FT. FT gives me good insurance, vacation and holiday pay. What I like the most is my supervisor saying she wouldn't have her job if it wasn't for us MTs.
Does anyone else work for Cymed, and what is your experience
can you please elaborate
i have worked for them for about 1 year. great managers. easy platform.
I have worked for Cymed now for 17 years. I worked for the company under the ownership of Linda and Tom Lally before they merged recently. They are just like any other transcription company out there as far as pay etc is concerned, however, they do seem to care and work with their employees including giving incentives etc. The company recently helped out an employee living the the New Orleans area who lost everything she had. The company really came through for her. Good luck to you regarding which company you choose.

when i clicked Cymed in your note, i was directed to another page here and saw:

Cymed, Inc. is involved in Offshore Outsourcing (sending sensitive private health information of US citizens to countries such as India, Pakistan, Philippines, etc...).

Anyone working for Cymed that can tell me pros, cons, how many accounts they typically assign you, workload consistency, dictator quality, $$ potential, platform info, etc.  Just applied and want to make sure I am getting into something positive. Any info appreciated!!
I work for Cymed and have been happy. The positives have been their platform is the best I have worked on. I previously worked on ExText and like Chartnet better. You can be very productive if you stay focused. Also nice accounts and tons of work.

Someone always posts that they hear they offshore. It is my understanding they offshore a small amount of nonacute care work to the Philippines. Not sure if this has changed or not but lack of work has never been an issue.

Like anywhere else, a lot depends on what account you get but my experience has been positive and I feel the ability to be successful with this company is definitely there.

Does anyone have info on this company?  I may be considering applying for one of their positions and would like to know if they have steady work, a good line rate, platform, and any other information?  Thank you!!!
I cannot speak for Medscribe but have had a good experience with Cymed. There platform is excellent and there has not been any problem running out of work. We have actually had some bonus weekends to catch things up. Another thing I like is they pay every other week, direct deposit. The last place I was at was the 15th and end of the month and it just seemed like you waited forever to get paid. I don't think they are perfect, no company is, but they certainly give you the tools you need to be successful and then it is really up to you. Also, a very nice staff.
Thanks, I will check it out!!!
CyMed again?

Well, isn't it just wonderful what they are doing to their MTs?  I also used to work for them, but went on to something else, as an IC - works out better for me, anyway.  Cymed needs to get with the program, and start paying for SPACES, also!!  They are always having meeting all the time - I think they are for trying to come up with ways of cheating the MTs out of their benefits, etc, etc, etc.  Their line counts even seem to be short on every pay, did not get paid for the actual typed characters either - seems THEIR lines were somewhat different than what I actually typed.


Absolutely get with the program!! They try to tell us that the visual black character is becoming the standard demanded by the client and that it allows for verification of billing. What about verification of how the MT is paid? Sure they say they may pay for headers to make up for taking away spaces, but try to pin them down to allow you to verify how you are paid and see how they dance around that question. Shouldn't it work both ways? Shouldn't they be just as accountable to us as they are to the client? I say let's send a report back without those spaces and see how long it takes the client to reject it! If you want spaces you gotta pay for them!!

Admit it, Cymed. You are taking away our spaces only to line your own pockets and for the sake of growth. Give us some credit for our intelligence. How about slowing the train down and taking a look at how you have grown at such a rapid rate. Invest for a change in your employees and see what bleesings it brings.

I wonder how long Cymed would remain the third largest MTSO (which I don't believe) if we went on strike for spaces?
Why would you accept not getting paid for spaces? You're hoping they will make up for spaces? Don't think for a minute they are going to make up for the spaces out of the kindness of their heart. I don't understand how you have just accepted a position with them on the hope they will make up for not paying you for spaces. It's this kind of attitude that perpetuates the unfair practice of not getting paid for them in our profession.
they tell you anything they think you want to hear but as soon as they get you hired its a different story. not enough work always running out. benefits are not good, very expensive. I am a single parent so not worth it for me.
they over hire almost impossible to get line count.
My experience with Cymed has been very positive. Have not had a problem with running out of work except for this last week and I think that is pretty much the norm. They do not pay for spaces though, so make sure you don't settle for too low a rate, though headers and footers do help. Great platform by the way. I think think they give you the tools to be successful.


looking through archives - only see old posts from July 2004 - not sure where the weekly posts are?

they promise you everything and you get nothing including work, always running out.
keep looking and RUN RUN RUN from Cymed. same thing it doesnt pay the bills. they offer benefits but then you never get enough lines to keep them. i am also single and need health insurcance. cant keep it though.
My experience at Cymed has been a good one and I definitely make more than $16 an hour. Excellent platform, and pay period every other week by direct deposit. They also offer benefits for full time. I would think your best bet would be to try part-time and see how it goes before dumping your other job. No matter what, making a switch takes some time to get up and running. They do outsource to the Phillipines, but I have had absolutely no problems with running out of work. Good luck.

I generally look at how my lines I do by the hour and my average is 175-225/hr. I am still learning a new account so hope to increase this. I think a lot depends on what kind of account you are on, your team lead, etc. No matter what, switching is hard and takes time to get in the groove. Personally, I would not make another move without trying the company out part time before making the switch. I found out the hard way there is a lot of bait and switch that goes on with these companies now a days. So far, so good at Cymed for me.
run run run. not enough work. read the post from a few days ago.
lots of posts on the board about them. insurance premiums are high and if you get enough work to keep the benefits consider your self lucky. i had to go elsewhere. not flexible at all.
thats exactly what they are doing. i bought the line and have since moved on.
agree. thats why i moved on. they have another ad again.
This week our office seems to be having a big problem with no work.
check old posts. major complaint is always running out of work.
May I ask you folks what region/office you were hired for?  I'm wondering if it is a specific office that is having the problem or if it's company-wide?  Don't they have several regions?  Doesn't make sense that they continue to advertise, but you guys are having to leave because of lack of work.  Any opinions?
Just started with them a few weeks ago. Slow at first on all accounts since holidays. My primary account is slow right now but should pick up when radiology comes aboard next week. Usually plenty of work on my secondary account. I work via Ohio also.
Can somebody explain to me what the dictation dollars are at cymed? Thanks!
lol Well, somehow they got my address and sent me a postcard. I still can't figure out how they got my address. I have been only emailing companies, and not putting any identifying info there. Thanks, though!
Not an AAMT member, darn! lol
I got a postcard in the mail from Cymed. I called and emailed them and never got a response. I think that's a bad sign right off the bat! Anyway, I don't know how much experience you have, but I would check into Precyse. I was just hired on and am extremely excited. I have also talked to a couple of their employees who love it as well.
I work for Cymed part-time, have never run out of work, and make good money.
So what are their dictation dollars?
Check back posts. not enough work and not flexible.
Anyone know anything about Cymed?
I just got an offer for a job today with CyMed.  Does anybody know anything about them?  What do they pay?  Is there a good work flow, and do they have good software?  Most importantly, do they treat their MTs well?
not cymed
received 2 mails by recruiter congratulating me on my tests (made me think recruiter was not thinking right). emails me her direct line in case i wanted to call her before she called me (cool). i got her voicemail (no problem) and left a msg for her to call back; that was over a month ago (problem)