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Are you serious? Can't even have a cookout?

Posted By: sm on 2007-05-20
In Reply to: I LOVE my community but having said that - Jennifer

Who'd want to live there? lol

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Oh, please! There is a big difference between a cookout
and a massive fire unattended leaping into the woods behind your homes that can set all the homes on fire. We can cook out all we want but we cannot have bonfires going. We live in a county where there is NO outside burning, be it your old cars or your barbecue. Sorry but if I lived here or somewhere else, safety should play a part in whether you would like to keep your residence. Just common sense to me. I love my peace and quiet. Other can live in rat holes if they like. We have our swimming pools, our tennis court, our neat and manicured yards, no loud music playing and rocking your home, no kids running in your yards, no fighting, swearing and the like, just pure blissful peace. Cant beat it! Best place I have ever lived. I would go for these rules in ole day commpared to the posts I have read and how others have to put up with crap. Not this woman!
labor day cookout, anybody?

Just saw america's test kitchen and wrote down the recipe for grilled whole chicken, looks wonderful.  I tried a similar project with a whole turkey and smoked a brisket at the same time, but the boys are still talking about the turkey although I have to admit it looked mummified, but the inside was wonderful.  Now I know what to do. 

Chicken Rub for 3 1/2 lb chicken

1/2 cup sweet paprika

2 tablespoons garlic powder

2 tablespoons kosher salt

2 teaspoons ground black pepper

1 tablespoon dried thyme

2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

2 teaspoons ground celery seed

This equals about 1 cup rub.  Loosen skin over breasts, slide thumbs up inside and put about 1 to 2 tablespoons rub into each side, close skin back and rub the entire chicken.  poke holes in all the fat pads; do not remove these.  Using about 2/3 to 3/4 can beer, make 2 more holes with bottle opener in top of can, insert 2 bay leaves, place chicken over can. Should be positioned with legs down, thighs up.

Soaked wood chips to be placed into foil packet, poke holes in top.  After fire is going, place in center of coals, replace grill, place chicken over the foil bag.  This is to be done when coals are smoking (about 350 degrees F), cover grill with holes open.  In about 65 to 85 minutes, the meat thermometer should read about 170-175 degrees when stuck into the thigh area.  remove entire chicken with can to a pan for ease of handling, let rest until cool enough to remove beer can safely. 

Do any of you have any family favorites you want to share?