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I took it in 2000 and it was a breeze for me then.

Posted By: ExCMT on 2006-05-27
In Reply to: re - 2006

But I didn't maintain it. Has it changed much, does anyone know? I keep hearing it's not easy and am just wondering if it's now more difficult than it used to be. I am trying to decide whether or not to do it again.

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The Ocean Breeze is really nice.
And Spring Rain and Serenity. I did not like the Gingerbread, thought it would be more cinnamon-y-sweet but it was more ginger. And be warned, they are VERY strong, a little dab'll do ya. LOL
working at home a breeze
So working at home is a breeze for you. That is wonderful. From your posting, you don't mention kids. Many of us have children. I have a 10 yo son and manage to get stuff done around the house. I also get in my hours and my line quota. Some people don't have a problem with working at home and keeping out the public. Some people do...so don't get down on them because they are saying something about it. Maybe they are looking for a more diplomatic way rather than say...Get out and go away. Different viewpoints are what make the world go round. And yes...as the other poster said..no one takes advantage of you unless you let them. But everyone is different. Our difference is what makes us all unique both at home and in the office. Just don't sound so cavalier about other people and their feelings and problems.
The first year with just 1 would be a breeze since babies sleep a lot....after that
but it's doalbe on a part-time basis, maybe FT if you are quick and able to do your job in 6 hours. I started doing MT 3 years ago when my kids were 3 and 4....very hard but I did it, worked while they napped, and at night basically. It can be done but you don't sleep much! Good luck.
I find working at home a breeze
I can write off all things (including part of home space, part of electrical bill, all of phone and cable service and other things on the income tax, so there is where there is a break. I keep my electric bill down by using a small heater in the winter at my feet and have an overhead fan for the summer- should it get up to the 80s, then I might turn on the air for a while but my home so large I do not care to pay $$$ to air-conditing the entire home and just me here most of the time (hubs drives long distance). I sleep as late as I like (my work starts at noon), shower, dress and walk to the next room. What do you have to do at home that you find it so hard?? I work straight through, be it in the office or at home, not taking breaks and/or lunch so makes no difference either way for me.
Didn't make me cry but wasn't a breeze.
I studied when I could. After 30 years I think you'll pass.  Please let us know how you do and good luck!
Would you walk three blocks in 110 degrees at 3 p.m. in Arizona - no trees, no breeze, no wet SM

except for sweat.  It's brutal. 

Now is 110 and supposed to get hotter.  Yesterday was 113 in the shade

I bought one of those $60 bagless Dirt Devil Breeze vacuums at
K-Mart, and I hate it.  It's loud, difficult to push around, messy to empty, and causes shoulder pain.  It was kind of a vacuuming emergency because we had just had new carpeting put in and my Electrolux wasn't working.  It cost $29 to fix the 15-year-old Electrolux, so the Dirt Devil is just collecting dust.  I love my Electrolux, but I got it for free.  I won't pay an arm and a leg for a vacuum.
2000 nm
2000 nm
What about over 2000?
THE POINT: The $2000 was for

knockoff or from the store is not a necessity in anybody's book and

is a slap in the face of the taxpayer who underwrote the $2000.


2000 is only the beginning

Believe me, that $2000 is only the beginning.  I do feel for these people but many of them are only used to hand outs and they will be getting them left and right.  Lets see how many of  them stand in line for a job.  I heard that WalMart will hire any evacuee, no matter what.  I wish they would report how many have been hired thus far.   I was watching Fox news the other day and one of the  guys they were talking to said something along the lines of "They aint helping us at all, its like they shipped us all on slave boats again"  He then said the F word, which Fox didn't see coming because you could hear it plain as day.  Now that is the state of mind of many of these people. Give me, give me.  The welfare system has tought many that the government will take care of them, they do not have to take care of themselves.  Now I am not talking about all the evacuees just the ones that are not used to fending for themselves.  

Okay, said what I had to say.  This just all gets to me.


Try Word 2000
Look at some online discount software places. I picked up Word 2000 CD only (no book, no frills) for $30. Seems most of these outfits require Word 2000 and up. Try softwareoutlet.com; that's where I got my CD.
2000 lines a day
I used to do 2000 lines a day but I had only 3 hospital accounts. Sure, it would be easier to do that many lines per day and more if you have easier accounts (and if you have 1, like yourself, definitely more), but unfortunately most people have lots of different accounts - and where I work, there are over 350 accounts and people sort of have to do whatever comes up, so it is MUCH more difficult to do. It all depends on if you are lucky enough to have 1 account, like yourself, or have to "go with the flow" with whatever comes up, which is infinitely more difficult. Kudos to those who can produce 2000 lines a day WHILE DOING lots of different, difficult accounts. YOU are the ones who truly deserve respect.
I do 2000 lines a day...but...sm
I also have to admit to having only five accounts, mostly with acute care, with only a few ESLs and few Op notes. We go live on the 15th so I probably won't be in the 2000 Club after that, although hopefully, as I get used to things, my numbers will climb back up.
2000 lines...
I think if you are an acute care MT with several different accounts and quite a few ESL dictators (normal for most hopsitals), if you kill yourself and resign yourself to having no life at all, you could do 2000 lines or more easily. However, I don't think it's worth it.
Those of you who do a lot of lines (2000+) a day,

Now I know a lot depends on how many characters per line but putting that aside:  How do you get in a lot of lines every day?

Do you sit and work nonstop?  Do you type at a leisurely pace or bang your keyboard as fast as you can?  Do you use an expander?  A word completion software like Smartype?  Are you able to keep up with everything else - house, kids, DH?  Do you just keep on typing till you get all the lines you want?  Do you set a goal for yourself each day, or just type every chance you get and what you end up with is okay with you?

Just wondering cause I know even though I've been an MT many years (23) I am sort of spoiled.  Had many years where I had easy money accounts and made money not really even trying and not working very hard.  Well now I have canned my own accounts and working for someone else at a respectable line rate - but I find myself wanting to type 1000 lines a day and stop and I need to make more money than that.  I guess I just got lazy! 

So if you don't mind, share your tips!

2000 lines a day

I can send you my line count sheets.  get one daily.  why would I get on here and lie. 

Word 2000
Hi All !   I'm using Word 2000.  Is it necessary to upgrade to newer versions of Word? 
Had mine done in 2000 (I was 39) sm
outpatient hospital and the combined total with everything included came to nearly $10,000.  That was with the anesthesia fee, etc.  I didn't get them both done at the same time. Of course, I probably got charged more since I have insurance.  Did the worst one first and 5 weeks later did the second. What an absolutely amazing difference. I was severely nearsighted and doctor corrected it with a stronger lens and even though I still wear bifocal glasses (for astigmatism) I see so much clearer. I didn't even realize they were that bad.
Transcribing since 2000, now 31....
word 2000
2000 lines a day, and that is what I do.
Anybody know if MS Word 2000...

can be used with Vista.  I want to go out and get a new laptop this Monday.  I have word 2000.  I looked on the web and found Word 2007 but it is quite expensive.  I would rather not have to purchase word 2007 and new pc as that is a bit  pricey for me right now.  Any help would be much appreciated. 

Thank you.

I do 2000 lines a day

I work about 6-7 hours a day and do approximately 2000 lines in that time period.  My company only requires 1200 a day, but I want 2000 a day to have the money I want.

I get 2000 lines a day...

I get over 2000 lines a day, and I post on CafeMT all the time.  I work really hard to get over 2000 lines a day.  I work at least 9 hour days, and most of the time, those of us who hit those really high line counts work 10 or 12 hour days.  I also get a lot of ASR and I have a lot of expansions.  I also proof each and every report I send in.  I care just as much as anyone else about turning in good quality work. 

Why do you need 2000 for EXText?
Since 2000, my income has gone down sm
every year and I am working more hours.  That's it in a nutshell.
word 2000
thanks for any help!

I usually do 2000 in a 6-hour day. nm
I do this with Microsoft Word 2000. nm
To anyone doing 1600-2000 lines per day
Just wondering what exactly your day is like, how many breaks, do you have tons of macros, on average how many hours do you spend typing, how often do you get up.  The biggest question of all, don't you get hand cramps??  Anything over 1300 and my hands start cramping/getting numb!  Just tell us your secrets, I would love to produce at least 1800 daily!!!!
$2000 signon MQ bonus
i questioned those bonuses myself to my supervisor when I was turned down for a raise. how much sense does that make when it's a new person that has to learn the account? why not keep employees happy who are already there -- oh, excuse me, we're talking about MQ - nothing logical seems to rule. like i've seen so many say maybe there is something else going on that we don't know about.

as to your career change, i'm contemplating the same thing myself, just haven't figured out what because the transcription business is not about the MT anymore.
I bought Word 2000 for $30
at softwareoutlet.com. It was CD only, what they call OEM.

Personally, I don't care what bells and whistles the newer versions may have, I refuse to pay hundreds of dollars for a word processing program.
Poll- more than 2000 lines/day

It seems like a lot of people on this board think that 2000 lines is unheard of.  Are there any Transcriptionist out there that CAN make this?  I have a pretty easy account, but I can do upwards of 3000+ lines per day.  ANY one else out there?

I use word 2000 and have the same problem
I put "year-old" into my Expander as "yo" and when I type the number, I put the dash after it, like 10- then the "yo" without a space and it works.

Just wanted to say that I have mine set at 2000 as well. :) nm

I always strive for 2000/day BUT lately the work has not been there
so I can't do that. Last week I only got a little over 7,000 and that was leaving my computer on after my shift and catching extra reports here and there as they came in. I'm about to start looking for another job. The account I work on is always 2 days behind. Suddenly, they're sending us less than half of what they usually send us and my managers are even thinking they're probably heading out the door and trying out another company??? I hate the ups and downs in this business.
Whoa! You go girl! Been there but keep to 2000.

Not killing my hands anymore.

Yes, tried something called SkyBiz 2000 (sm)
someone was supposed to be making $25,000/week - maybe they were, it was a real joke, but I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker back then!
What Version of Word do you like? 2000 or?
I'm getting a new computer pretty soon and am wondering what version of Word to get with it. I am only familiar with Word 97 and I like some of the things about that.

I need a version that will automatically CAPITALIZE after a period. Couldn't live with that.

Thanks for all your help. Couldn't make it without my MT buddies!
around 2000-2300 for me in 10 hours SM
and I have to type my butt off to get it. But I am easily distracted by the dirty microwave, unmade bed, etc. 
2000, and I usually reach or exeed that. sm
Big money, with bonuses, of course.
any seasoned MT can do 2000 lpd no problem.

Not easy on win 2000 computer either.
BAM !  Will not work on either of my computers.  What version of Windows are you using to do this?
1500 to 2000 lines if doing
medical.  If on radiology, 2000 to 3000 plus.  I have done as much as 4000 on  radiology but that depends on which radiologists I get.  We have 5. And no, I don't use a lot of macros, and we have 2 ESL radiologists and probably 90% of our medical dictators are ESL or otherwise horrible dictators. 
Were is *acl file in Word 2000? NM
Where is *acl file in Word 2000? TX
My Word 2000 started doing this, and I
problem plus I had header problems.  The header was staying huge even after changing my normal.dot.  I tried MS help to no avail.  The header problem occurred after opening an attachment from an e-mail from the company I work for with a header that was like 3 inches to accomodate a letterhead.  This wound up changing every single Word document to a new header.  I finally just trashed the whole shebang and started with another tower and am running XP with Office 2003.  Good luck, but I still don't know what happened!
Word 2000 question
I have a next page break in between each report, but after page 3, it started back numbering 1.  Never had this happen before.  Anyone know what's going on or how to fix it?  I don't want the page # inserted on the page just to show on the lower left toolbar in correct order for printing purposes. 
I really like my Microsoft ComfortCurve 2000.
Microsoft ComfortCurve 2000.
It has a quiet clicky sound and touch, and the keys don't move far, but respond nicely. You might like it.

Microsoft Word 2000, NM