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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Oh, my MT's aren't going broke -they are very happy with their accounts...sm

Posted By: Owner on 2006-05-19
In Reply to: So he/she makes about $15,000 a year on each MT? (sm) - hmmm

I haven't had an MT leave me yet because they found better work at a better price even though I come right out and tell them: if they can make more money working for someone else, please take it. (so sorry to ruin your pity party :) though). I have also taken on newbies and trained them into the business. I have worked with my MT's when they found an account that they wanted to get for themselves. I've talked them through proposals, sent them some of my paperwork, and even some of my advertising. I've always told them I feel there's enough work in this business for all of us and I can always find someone to work on my accounts to replace them if they get their own work- so if I can help them land an account of their own- more power to 'em!  You know, you can do the same thing I did...just go out, get your own accounts, buy equipment, set up a file transfer system, bid a good price and get the doc to take it, find some good MT's, train them on the account, then go out and get another account and do the same thing. And then get more accounts. As was said before, anyone can do it -- it's just that most people won't.

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Find another job if you aren't happy..

you obviously either don't want to do anything else, can't do anything else, or just want the luxury of working from home but can't find anything else that will pay you to stay at home. There must be SOMETHING else you want to do...find a way to do it.

My accounts aren't limited to how much they can dictate...
in one day, so on the "catch-up" days, I work from early morning, sometimes 14-16+ hours to get everything (or most of it) done.  Otherwise, I hear, "Do you need help on that account?  Do you want to share it with someone so you don't get behind?"  Uh huh.  Sure.  I mean, of course.  They haven't dictated in days and decided to slam me all at once, but I'll share and then have days and days of a few hours' work.  Plus, sharing means constantly having to watch the incoming jobs so the other MT doesn't download them all. and leave me with nothing.  Geesh.  Sometimes you just can't win.    My accounts are MY accounts.  If companies would have set guidelines for clients (like don't expect to send 10+ hours of dictation once a week and get it all back in 24 hours), it would work better for both sides. 
You aren't allowed to mention accounts here. It was the same
way with previous owners.   Call the account and ask who does their work now.  Posting an account name is grounds for dismissal. 
broke huh?
as landlords, you give notice, after that, you put lock on door, with all their stuff inside, if they don't pay up, sell their stuff. get rid of the gas hog suv, do much 4-wheelin? or why do you need that thing in the first place, cause everyone else has one? being 1/2 mexican and 1/2 italian, you eat pasta, 60 different ways, or you eat tortillas and beans. cheap. I remember having 2 teenagers, no income whatsoever, found a can of V-8, and a box of pasta, made sauce from the V-8, my kids later asked me to make it again. had a dollar to last me for 2 weeks, lost the dollar and cried like a baby, FOR A DOLLAR! and last but not least, things can always be worse. buck-up and do what ya gotta do.
You have it write Broke!!!
You are exactly right. Ooooh let me buy that huge TV or put a brand new Lexus in the driveway. please. Christmas is about giving not about receiving and it is not about giving presents. It is our time and our love that is needed most, especially this time of year. We do the same here. Make presents for each other, make the decorations for the tree, donate our time and our money to those who need it. Soup kitchens, Salvation Army, local homeless shelters, etc, etc. We have never "not" been able to afford going crazy on Christmas presents for our own families, but really just never wanted. Our entire family feels it is much more important to spend on those who most need our help. Kudos for you and a very merry Christmas!!!!!!
First co went broke, so went to second, which sold
tape broke
Did you hear me scream? I guess I'll cut and tape and try it from there.
Not yet. Broke too and need to file. nm


Several MT companies are going broke SM
and I anticipate them either folding or being merged into several other companies.

There is not enough of the pie to go around.

I do think there will always be some work for young mothers, who want to earn extra money, while working at home. Just not enough money to be made by the rest of us.

I broke into the field with a 9-mo baby....
I quit my office job (not MT related) to be at home with my daughter when she was born.  I had left nursing several years before, but because of that had medical knowledge and had taken terminology.  I began working for a small service ran by a friend of my mother (a definite break) and since my mother was an MT too, I had her AND my mother's friend to call any time I was stuck.  I spent 2 solid years calling on the phone about 50 times a day.  Fortunately I was married and didn't have the stress of being the only one making an income.  That took the stress off.  That baby is almost 18 now and I'm still here, having working my way through 2 more babies.  I've worked in-house a couple different times for short periods, but I never enjoyed it.  I've been home so long now that I don't know anything else.  I love it.  It's almost more crucial to be "hands on" with your kids as they get older and into their late school age and teen years, than it is when their needs are more simple.  With all that's out there to corrupt our kids, I think they're better off spending as much time with family as reality will allow. 
another one is Broke Back Mountain
I already knew what was going to happen ahead of time.  I think they must have been going for the *shock factor* of two gay men in a film, which has never been done, because the rest of the movie was at a standstill.  Altogether nonconvincing!
The STRAW that broke the CAMEL'S back!!

Can you believe there is trainee from India, living here in the U.S., who has been training on my primary account for the past TWO months at least....the problem is all she wants to do are the good American dictators and she is ALLOWED to skip, pass over, cherry pick past her own countrymen's bad dictations. 

I've watched my line counts go down now for quite awhile wondering if all the decent dictators on my account were hijacked somewhere, now I know why!!  How long should it take a person to get used to transcribing ALL the dictations??? 

This, to me, just adds insult to injury....first all we seem to be getting are the terrible dictators from India....now even if we are "lucky" enough to have a transcriptionist from India living here in the US transcribing on our accounts, all they want to transcribe are the good American dictators.  I've turned my cheek more than once but am beginning to think enough is enough!!  What say you???? 

I tried the Wellbutrin and broke out in massive hives
I have an HP and the power jack broke in less than a year
I had to buy a battery charger and an extra battery and run it off batteries. Seems to be a problem with HP. Don't want to get it repaired because local guys will not guarantee motherboard won't get damaged and it is cheaper at this point to buy a new one than send out.
Hilarious name for a gay movie. Broke back mounting.
Gays love it. A play on words.

Can't wait to take my family.
Mother fell and broke hip Sat, sent home by ER doctor

who said it was only bruised.  Hospital calls Tuesday afternoon and says she actually had a broken hip and needed surgery.  In the 3 days before the nursing home found out it was broken, she fell again.  Has anyone ever heard of the radiology dept taking 3 days to read films?  It was Memorial Day weekend, but even so I don't think it should have taken so long. 

Can anywone recommend a good vacuum cleaner? My old one broke and has to be replaced. Thanks. NM
How about zillions of accounts. MQ has these accounts so overloaded even the new hires dont have any
work. I would love to read some of these reports and then they expect perfect QA and no blanks. Did they lose their minds completely.
Don't cap happy holiday season. Cap the others and Happy Holidays alone. nm
The accounts are old and she keeps her accounts TRUSTING she hired the right MTs
who if in doubt will ask questions regarding reports. No one can find all mistakes in all reports and that is human to have a report with perhaps a typo. You think anyone reads through all the reports of a national company before they get to the hospital? Not a chance. Some random QA is supposed to correct all mistakes? Not hardly. Doctors/dictators make mistakes too. We all do. So do QA people. So the thing is this person hires good people who are trustworthy, the hospital likes the way she does their account and life goes on quite nicely w/o hovering editors/QA people. BTW, who QAs the QA people on your accounts. Ever wonder?
Not all accounts are good accounts. One
That should not be the case. Sounds like you need new accountant with strong knowledge of IC deduction.  We save a several thousand on what we pay in taxes based on what I can deduct as at home IC, $2000 off the top for what I pay my child to help with office chores, as an example.  The measly 7.xx% I pay that an employer would pay is well worth my independence in being my own boss.  
Well, if you broke your right hand and were right-hand dominant, can you see how this might be a fac
It may not be relevant at the time of dictating a physical exam or social history but in the future it would be good to know if the patient breaks the finger(s), wrist, hand, arm.
Heck, I did not say not to wish her a happy birthday! She deserves a happy birthday.
I was just saying her birthday was on Sunday!! :) Why does everyone always want to read something negative into everything on this board. I certainly did not mean anything negative by it! I was just makin' it known WHEN her birthday was!!
See how much fun we can have? We aren't always mean!
A little fun with typos can turn into a whole new city!
Why aren't we all doing something?
I have only seen 2 or 3 people say they are happy with MQ on this board. If we are so unhappy, why can't we band together and be heard?
Some are and some aren't, just like here.
others aren't.
You aren't alone......... :(
No you aren't the only one with those sm
problems. Sounds like you had an awfully bad day. I truly admire anyone who works at home with young children. I could never have done that when my 3 sons (nothing like the hit tv show way back when) were growing up. You name it, they did it. If one didn't think of it, the other one did, and the majority of the time, it wasn't good. I admire you for giving it your best shot. Hopefully, someone on this board can give you some suggestions that will help. Keep trying!
They Aren't the Only Ones

Technical support for just about anything is offshore now.  Call centers are worldwide.  I absolutely refuse to call and speak to someone I can't understand AND expect them to help me.  Dell actually has pretty clear-speaking ESLs and after "the job" is finished, they ask all kinds of questions about their English, knowledge, manner, etc...For once I was impressed.

When I was getting my phone line through Verizon, I had to speak with an ESL and it was a nightmare.  I get very cranky and short with them even though I don't mean to.  If I had the guts to do it, I would demand to speak to an American, but I can't bring myself to do that.

You aren't going to get 15 to 18 cpl.
profession if what you are getting paid isn't what you are worth.  I am staying here because I make more money doing MT than I could doing anything else.  I'm good at it and I'm fast.  I make $35 to $40 an hour.  The very least I ever make is on an account that I make 10.5 cpl on and that is $25 to $30 an hour.  There is no job I could get anywhere else that I could make that much an hour.  I think I am paid very well.  Yes, it's worth $25 to $40 an hour for me to do MT.  If you can't make enough, you need to find some other job.
And some MTs aren't serious enough.

Some are bad some aren't...
Acute care is not easy. Not for a beginner anyway. Sometimes on the account I am on I just want to scream because I do get a lot of ESLs and they can be challenging. But there are some doctors who aren't so bad. Some days you may get terrible dictators and you think you aren't getting anywhere or making much of anything. Then another day you may have a better day where there aren't so many bad dictators and you get more done. I work on an account with a learning hospital which is a hospital where they have residents who are learning. It is a huge hospital and there are 35 pages of docs on the doctor list. That is not counting the residents either. No I am not kidding. It is rare to get the same doctor except every once in a while. You aren't doing the same ones everyday.
Some aren't cut out
Some MLS's are just not cut out for editing- me for one. I tried for at least 6 months. My lead switched me to picking up the straight typing work on the accounts. I get the more difficult dictators which cuts my rate down but its still better than I can muster in editing. My problem - I can't edit and continue listening at the same time.
come on, aren't you going a little overboard here sm
I welcome the disagreement, I know everyone feels differently, BUT I too am entitled to my own opinion, and I simply pointed out a problem that I have seen here, and it's embarassing to ME personally to be "associated" with these negative people. I'm sorry if that offends you so much. Maybe fool was too harsh, maybe I should have said something like childish or bitter, I don't know. I just stated my own opinion, and don't care who agrees with it or who doesn't.
They probably aren't paying for it anyway---
That's why they charge so much for dues, etc., so the "higher-ups" can attend all these wonderful conventions in expensive places. I dropped them years ago. They don't have a CLUE that we are all scratching just to survive-- not with their "Let them eat cake" mentality! I wish EVERYBODY would drop their memberships and then see how often these idiots go to Hawaii when they all have to get a REAL JOB.
Maybe they also feel that they aren't the only ones going through it.
Working at home is very isolating, and just knowing that we have a place to vent,  share, and sometimes compare other experiences can be very cathartic. We can't get it off our chests to our employers because often it is viewed negatively. We can't discuss it with our spouses/significant others because they don't understand unless they're in the field themselves.  Discussing it with the puppy next to your chair helps, but not as much as discussing it with someone else who has been through it. We're all human beings and we all have differing needs.  Sometimes we just need "to let it out".
You are schizophrenic, aren't you? - sm
I have never heard of such a complete and total schizophrenic reply in my LIFE!!! You have a split personality for sure. You obviously have never had a 2 y/o, or were on drugs when your child was 2... they wake up in a strange place, they know they aren't home, they think "I want Mommy", get up, unlock the door and book on down the road looking for Mommy and Daddy. This was NOT the parents fault, the driver MIGHT have NOT realized he hit a child, and I am sure he will come forward once the news travels around... This was not anyone's "FAULT"... That baby just woke up looking for Mommy and Daddy, and went out the apartment, and I am sure it was securely locked just as the parent's apartment/home was, and the child just knew how to jimmy the locks... it happens... It is an experience that God has us endure to make us realize how much we must rely on Him... I know my initial comment on this reply was not "Christian-like", but for HEAVEN's SAKE WOMAN!!!! GET A GRIP ON REALITY!!! YOU ARE OUT OF THE ZONE!!!
but aren't there limitations?

Prior to the onset of presbyopia, my vision was around 20/825. Now, I actually require the use of trifocals ... and even with those I can feel my vision constantly changing every few months (one eye gets a little weaker than the other). 

no you aren't...he's a bad dictator
Aren't grandkid's the best? sm

My first time being a gramma and I got blessed with twin girls who are now at the ripe old age of 17 months and never cease to amaze me.  The great thing about grandkids is you can play with them, spoil them, etc., without ever having to worry about doing anything wrong.  All of the "parental headaches" are up to mommy and daddy. :)

I find that after "all these years," I'm more patient than I was as a young mom.  Too much to worry about then. 

I'm still a mom though.  I have a daughter who is only 10!  Spaced them out a bit toooooo far apart.  (I have 4, ages 23, 20, 15 and 10).  It's sad to say, but I have an easier relationship with my younger 2 as, not only do I know what to expect now, I've mellowed as I'm pushing 50. :)

But grandkids.  Wow!  They really don't expect a whole heck of a lot from you except for hugs and kisses.  I can't wait until the twins get old enough to ask me the questions I can answer with my vast experience over the years.

Gee, you are really upset, aren't you?!
The pros of working as an SE for me include such things as not having to work a set schedule--I really need and want that flexibility and as an SE, I have it!

I have a higher base rate than most employees; my incentive plan is better; and I still get quarterly bonuses.

I will be using my new computer equipment purchases and some of my rent and utilities when I file my taxes, etc.

I can still get tax breaks on medical expenses, I just have to file them differently than employees do (no pre-tax here).

I don't need the insurance through MQ; I have my own. I don't PTO, I make it up and I make enough to save for rainy days anyway.

Pros and cons will be different for different people. For me, the pros outweigh any cons.

I'm very happy as an IC/SE. I wouldn't work as an employee now.
Testy, aren't we
Nope, I am Frank and in case you didn't know, you work for me while I am loving it up in the hot, hot sun on the islands. Now, I suggest YOU GET BACK TO WORK before I fire you!
You aren't going to be flamed by me. sm
I use a reputable cleaning service which is bonded and insured.  I pay the company, the company pays their employees.  Plus I wouldn't let someone I didn't know in my house without bonding and insurance.
me too! as if the holidays aren't
stressfull enough, throw in the slap in the face thing called a pay check to ice the cake! I'm looking for other avenues to take....
Well there naturally aren't going to be many in the AM. SM

I do only ops myself. I have a different deal than what it sounds like you have, because my work is assigned manually - I don't get to go in the system in the morning and start plucking them out of there. I get a list at about 8:30 in the morning of the ones dictated the day before.

Too bad, too. I am 2 hrs ahead of the hospital. I could have their notes sitting there for them when they come in, but that's not the way they manage it. I don't like waiting till 8:30 to get my work, so I know what you mean.

You aren't alone, hang in there.

See, you aren't alone in this world
Well, aren't you a little ray of sunshine. nm
Why aren't you asking your MTSO?
They should have provided clear directions for each client on what you are to do.
Maybe they aren't all like that but the ones who move here ARE sm
Apparently our area is an "escape" for the city folks and then they eventually decide to stay.

Unfortunately for us, they want all the big city stuff that you can't have in the country. Can't have it both ways but they sure try.