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Oh yeah, I did 2800 lines last Thurs and I had 10,500 for week to my usual 8K sheesh I'm a

Posted By: TIRED MT on 2009-01-13
In Reply to: Has anyone else seen a pickup...sm - curious girl


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2800 lines a day
may I ask how long it took you to do those lines and what type of reports do you do and how many accounts?
2800 lines a day???? How in the heck
Or, are you just wishing that you type 2800 lines a day (LOL). Not being sarcastic, just laugh with me. I would love to do 2800 lines a day, in 8 hours or less.
Geez. I do about 2800 lines a day and make right at $60K.
What in the world is your line rate? Do you get incentive?

Yeah, probably because that would be the SMART THING to do! Sheesh!
Seems like usual holiday slow-down period. Should pick back up this week or next. nm

I'm up to 5,000 lines per week.

Now I just wish it didn't take me all day to do it.  I'm not sure how many days I actually worked this week, whether it was four or five, because all the days blend together into one now. 

I only recently started using an expander, so I do spend some time each day adding to it.

that would be 75K lines a week for each
1,500 lines per week is not much.

There are some companies out there that will let you work at will from a pool, which is really what IC status should be, but so many are taken advantage of by being asked to commit to a schedule.  STay away from those companies; they are crooks.

In saying that, you may want to do ask which companies allow you 24 hour TAT as opposed to a set schedule unless you'd like to be an employee, and then you could accept the shift work. 

Cardioscribes offers 24 hour TAT.  I cannot think of any others off hand, but the other thing you could do is contact an IC position that is advertised and ask if they would be flexible.  I think Zylomed also offers IC status and some flexibility, but I'm not sure.

Good luck to you...  Best wishes to find what you are looking for!

So you do 15,000 lines per week at $.10+ per line?
That's $1,500 per week, or $78,000 per year.  How many hours do you put in per week?  Do you have a life outside of work?  Kids, S/O, hobbies, family, friends?  Not being snotty, I just find it hard to believe that anyone can do that many lines without other aspects of their life suffering.
are u sure that's 1000 lines per WEEK for them? NM
goal is 10,000 lines a week!... :) nm
How many lines per week do you transcribe?
Do you think shooting for 9000 lines a week is way over the top?  I need to work as much as I can and I am thinking I may commit to 9000 lines a week (can do that over 5, 6 or 7 days or however I want) - but I'm afraid of burnout.  I have been an MT many years and in my younger days I did that much on a consistent basis; just not so sure I can keep up that pace anymore.  Just wondering how much others are doing.
12,000 lines per week for me - consistently. nm
how many lines per hour/day/week do you do?? NM
I typed 600 lines more this week than I usually do
(working extra hours) and my pay for the week is still 50 dollars short because of the VR pay. I don't know if we should say something to our companies about this or what or if it would even help but it really ticks me off!
Yeah, I took your lines

Not only did I cook Thanksgiving Dinner for my family, I worked.  And I worked my fingers to the bone Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday per request because not one MT was working on the account.  Of course it was out of TAT and by myself, I couldn't possibly keep it current.  Yesterday all hands on deck and within the hour today, Tuesday, the account will be empty.  And for what it's worth, I do not cherry pick but I will get my lines.  I am sick of all this whining.  Maybe if the whiners got out of the business there would be enough work for serious MTs.

OTI. So many lines per week. No schedule. No benefits, either. nm
Lines typed an hour or a week?

I know this has been talked about a lot, but I was offered a chance to test for an IC job, and I'm required to type between 2,500-5,000 lines per week.  Since I'm an employee and haven't been paid by the line for about five years, approximately how many hours does it usually take for some of you to type 2,500 lines per week?   


Depends -- usually 2500-3000 lines per week - sm
though where I work does not have a minimum, but they are considering changing that shortly. Still won't be a firm # as they go by minutes, but the min. will be 60 minutes a day which will be approx 500-600 lines a day.
2-1/2 hours a day, 1300 lines/day, $150 a day, 7 days a week, IC status
Hand pain - needing to cut back lines per week. Anyone else done this?
I have so much hand and wrist pain from all this typing.  I only do 5000-6000 lines per week and that is torture.  By the end of the week I have slowed down so badly it is ridiculous.  I think I am going to have to cut way back before I trash my hands and wrists for good.  Has anyone else had this problem and cut back on MT work?  I'm trying to think of other jobs I could do for a few hours a day to make up the difference ($$)that don't involve typing. 
I type around 2300-2600 lines a day, 5 days a week.
Yeah, it does come out to $6,000 a year.

Yeah, many of us do it on a regular basis.

Yeah, it is worth it to me.

No, there is no magical single tip that can give you that kind of production.

No, I'm not interested in talking about production with anyone because all I ever get back is all the reasons you can't do it. So, if that's your mindset, you're exactly right - you can't do it.

My experience pays off for me and having the CMT gives me an extra income boost (which I save and makes a tidy nest egg padding) and the CEUs are very, very educational and worthwhile.

What is the minimum lines per week required by employers for part-time for transcription?

Love DQS!!!!!  Did over 2850 lines the other day....normal about 2500-2600. It CAN be done if you take away all interruptions and concentrate!

that's my experience as well. been with MQ for 3 years now and I'm SE. One month I managed to get 10,000 lines in both pay periods, but I was working from the minute that I got up until I went to bed - probably worked 120 hours in a pay period and I was just totally exhausted and I've never done it again.
Ours is about 2800/mo.


Thurs day off, Fri-Sat-Sun for nat'l....nm
I work Sun.-Thurs. nm
Do we work M-F, Sun-Thurs, Tues-Sat, or every day? nm
Sun. through Thurs. here. Like Fridays off for errands, etc. nm
I do tapes too for 5 surgeons Mon-Thurs.

tapes I really do Monday thru Wednesday, Thursday my day off but if there are tapes here, I do them and pass on the day off.....

Yep, there will always be the smaller office or the MDs who like the personal touch of us doing personal deliveries, having just ONE MT do their work.....and these guys are all in their 30-40s.....they will not change because I have had them for YEARS..... and they are all within 8 miles of my home....I'm lucky

Yup. Sun-Thurs. I do the Monday holidays. It's fine with me.
We had similar at our hospital but there were 2800 employees SM

so they did drawings. The party was given for us by the doctors, and paid for out of their pockets.

Great food, a lot of fun.

But the best was our department Christmas party - pot luck, Director playing Santa and we drew names. Some of my fondest memories.

Is there engineer week? Astronaut week? Veterinarian week?


I am definitely gone from this site. It has totally gone to the dogs, literally, and other nonsense.
Oh, Sheesh yourself!

The usual (sm)
eggs, rabbit, all that good fertility stuff. Why o why do you assume everyone celebrates the same Hallmark holidays in the same benefit-the-American-manufacturer way that you do?
I don't think so...no more than usual anyway
Our system is back up at MQ, and we have the largest backlog in MQ history. So apparently...it didn't go anywhere.
You just had to start that again, huh? Sheesh.

Sheesh! I was just going to post an
encouraging post to you, and then read the nasty QA comment. Thanks a lot! It is totally a misconception that QA are nasty - shame on you! I assure you, most of the snarky posters on this board are anything but professional MTs. But forget the encouragement - you just snarked me. Off to better things...
Sheesh! We must be neighbors.
Then why post at all? Sheesh! And yes, if
you are an IC, you should have a contract. What about privacy laws? Liability? You should have all this clearly outlined in a contract for your benefit. You do have problems, but you just don't know it yet.
*a little longer than usual...
PIZZA, it's the usual.
What is YOUR USUAL English?...sm
the SLANG English?
Unfortunately, this is business as usual - sm
I was a lab supervisor in Pathology for many years. I watched my lab downsize from 27 people to 7 in 5 years, all because of the almighty dollar. We still had to do ALL the work that 27 people used to. They kept the best and hardest-working, and showed the door to the rest. In our economy, this is the reality of business now. Through the years I have learned to accept this. My only option is to find a new employer and hope that the new job doesn't go the way the other did, but the reality is, it will. So I have to continue to adjust if I want to make it financially. I am a long-divorced mother of 3, have a good work ethic, and by God, I WILL make it! It's sad that we have to work harder just to make the same money, or even less, but this is not a phenomenon unique to our careers. Everyone else is feeling it, too. I feel the responsible thing to do is to provide the services demanded by my employer or seek employment elsewhere.
Yeah, but full-time lines does not necessarily mean full-time hours, so I would do it if your produc
Sheesh. Don't know why I signed "OP"
boy, aren't we full of ourselves! Sheesh! nm