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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

There is another thread on the board...

Posted By: Jess on 2008-08-16
In Reply to: What is the deal with this veterinary ophthalmology IC job offer. I see that one a lot. Is this al - CJ

about this somewhere.  The people discussing it there said that the boss was very full of herself.  One of them even got hired, but she was just very difficult to work with--pushy and rude, etc.  Maybe that is where the line in the ad "Someone who is easy to work with" comes from.  That's a two way street.  Anyway, I work ophthalmology, but not for three years.  I would say those who have specialized in such a specialization would be few and far between and those who have would be making more than .07 cpl. 

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This thread belongs on MT Starlites Diet board; thread locked. (NM)
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This thread belongs on Technical board; thread locked. (NM)
This thread belongs on Technical board; thread locked. (NM)
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked. NM
This thread belongs on Equipment board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on New MT board, please; thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. OP, respost on that board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. See that board. Thread locked.
Look down this board and read the thread titled
"How to make money MT'ing" by Dano. It is excellent advice. It should help you a lot. Also on about page 4 or so there are a couple of threads that discuss how some of the higher producers get their production, hints and tips on expanders, macros, etc.

You can do very well at this line of work if you want to and really appy yourself!!
Interesting thread on Word Board.
This belongs on Company board; thread locked.
Belongs on Recipe board; thread locked.
This belongs on Equipment board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on Technical board; locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; locked.
This belongs on Company board; thread locked.
Not just in this thread but hostile people on this board always, WHYYYY
It's depressing.
Someone please post the name of a board where I might have to pay to be a member but don't have to listen to all the mean people.
Thread on Jax Transcription is actually on the company board and not deleted.
Apparently no one has any information, just speculation.
You may change the subject if you wish. Start at the top of the board and leave this thread.
Schiavo thread has been moved to the Pressure Valve board
Link below
Post belongs on Company board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Productivity board. Thread locked.
Shouldn't this thread be locked - supposed to be on the Scientology Board. nm
Kathy - See inside; belongs on Word board; thread locked.

E-mail myself or the Administrator (admin@mtstars.com) and tell us what the error message says. We will resolve this problem for you.

Posting policies are posted clearly. If you have problems with posting on one of the specialty boards, you should notify us.

This thread belongs on Offshore Concerns; thread locked. (NM)
Actually there is another thread that says
the same thing - "off subject" and I have seen that several times before, so that's why I asked.  Wasn't faulting you or anyone else at all.  Thank you for explaining that you mean it's not anything to do with transcription.  Heck, we get tired of talking about transcription anyway!  Nice to be "off topic"!
this should be a fun thread

What is the shortest time you have worked for an MT company and why did you leave? I have found that I can predict the first day if the company is going to work out for me. Other experiences?


I saw most of that thread was gone...
so how was the chocolate frosting or did you resist it?  LOL!   Been there done that!
see thread below
There is thread below about halfway down the page that started yesterday about this. I think the simple answer is we don't know yet what it means for our jobs. It's rather vague. Now, I would like to say that it is just about getting records digital and away from paper and that's it, but Obama is saying that it will save billions every year. The only way I can see that happening is by jobs being cut and I can't imagine all of them coming from record clerks who file the paper records. On the other hand he says it will create thousands of jobs, but it seems from what I have read that he is referring to computer people creating and managing the electronic records because it has been said that there aren't enough skilled people right now to handle it.
Probably goes with the thread below. nm
yes, this thread has gotten way off track
Now that certainly followed the thread! Bravo! Thanks for
that totally coherent thought.  When there is a thread on make up or hair color, do you post on the the War in Iraq? Probably! Perhaps the OP (original poster) who asked about working at home with a newborn had something to do with the topic being babies and...working at home! Imagine that!  Pardon us all for staying on topic.
since the thread is here.. grout? Have tried
You obviously did not read the thread from below
I was not complaining about MQ.  I was complaining about the person who says that anyone who posts anything about MQ is whining.  All I said was that this is the forum for us to talk about any problems we may be encountering, or to share tips, or give news, etc.  I just don't think it is fair that every time someone has something to say that isn't absolutely pro-MQ, they are accused of whining.  I am tired of trying to defend MQ MTs who let these assinine people insult their intelligence and then attack the person who is trying to defend their right to say anything they want on this board.  If you want to flame me, go ahead, I know that I had no malintent and I also know I have broad shoulders.
I posted this thread. (sm)
My thread isn't putting anyone down. I asked a question. If Dano or anyone else doesn't like it or doesn't want to answer, DON'T.

I have my reasons for asking the question. If others get their feelings hurt because someone has a degree or education, too bad for them. I'm not walking on eggshells because of their fractured inferiority complex. I'm not attacking them. I haven't belittled them over their lack of education; if they don't want an education that is their business.

I'm "superior feeling" because I want to know who has achieved higher levels of education.

Go away.
I think RadGuy DID see that thread.
He usually posts everyday but hasn't since before yesterday, so thanks for running off a good guy and one of the bright spots on an otherwise gloomy board of complainers. Do you feel better?
This is an EXCELLENT thread--thanks! nm
you don't, but you can start a new thread and
for others to reference.
This thread does not include the other 90% of us

who struggle with bad dictators to make $300 a week.

Acne - I know this thread is old, but
I found article on a dermatology site I was looking at. It's on a product that I think has been around for several years, was it Differin? Something like that. This study finds that those who use it in combination with any other acne treatment get better results (don't have my drug book with me to check the spelling).

Shortcut to: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/healthnews.php?newsid=38842

and really, if this thread continues....sm
We should be taking this to the Medquist board/forum here and not on the Main Board where we currently are.....
Sorry - should have been posted under thread below. nm
You know this thread only perpetuates
the picture of southerns being backwards. I could not have come from any more southern roots; however I really wish others who have never visited do know we wear shoes, we can carry on a decent conversation, we have upscale neighborhoods (my hubby and I live where judges and physicians live along side among others) and never lived out of the south and never would want to. Believe it or not, the race relations here are very, very good and I would say probably better than other areas in the states. My home is in a community that has a mixture of blacks, whites, Asians, you name it we have it and such a quiet, peaceful place.
As a total aside to this thread here...

about dentists in Maine...I haven't been to a dentist since I was a kid, strictly out of fear factor.  I tried to find one yesterday because I think it's time I see someone whether I like it or not.  Of the 4 I could find, only 1 is accepting new patient's and where I don't have insurance and would be be a self-pay, they don't cut any breaks....just the initial visit and cleaning is going to run $310 buckaroos!  I asked if that price included a happy ending and the voice on the other end just went dead.  (No sense of humor apparently.)

No wonder why people are losing their teef up heyah!