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This post belongs on the company board.

Posted By: nm on 2007-08-13
In Reply to: Anyone work for Proveros.com? - RoxanneD


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I believe a post like this belongs on the Company Board anyway.
This post belongs on the company board.
This post belongs on the company board.
Post belongs on Company board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. OP, respost on that board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. See that board. Thread locked.
This belongs on Company board and is already listed there.

This belongs on Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; locked.
This belongs on Company board; thread locked.
Post about Companys on the Company board, post job ads on the Job Seeker board
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked. NM
This thread belongs on the Company board; thread locked.
And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
TO ALL - Please see post on Company board
that was posted by the Administrator regarding mudslinging.  Don't just read it. Live it!
post this on the company board here....nm
You should probably post this on the Company Board
They have a post on the company board about benefits, etc. sm
I do ortho and love Keystrokes. I know that they are known for radiology, but I have plenty of work, a GREAT manager and a steady paycheck. My sister and daughter also work for Keystrokes and they are clinic and hospital work. They are both happy as well.
1 positive post near top of pg 2 on the Company board.
you can post company names on the board.
Excuse me - I meant to post this on the company board.
Bunch of us replied to similar ? on Company board under DSG lines post..nm
This belongs on classifed board, for sales
Next time this belongs on the Word board -nm

oops....belongs with the post below.
Long day.  ~LOL~
Belongs on Recipe board; thread locked.
This belongs on Equipment board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on Technical board; locked.
Kathy - See inside; belongs on Word board; thread locked.

E-mail myself or the Administrator (admin@mtstars.com) and tell us what the error message says. We will resolve this problem for you.

Posting policies are posted clearly. If you have problems with posting on one of the specialty boards, you should notify us.

This thread belongs on MT Starlites Diet board; thread locked. (NM)
This thread belongs on Technical board. Thread locked.
This thread belongs on Technical board; thread locked. (NM)
This thread belongs on Technical board; thread locked. (NM)
This thread belongs on Equipment board; thread locked.
This thread belongs on New MT board, please; thread locked.
This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
cherrypicking co-worker issue (meant to post it on this board instead of MQ board) sm...

I need opinions please...I work on a very small account with just a handful of ladies.  Because of the nature of the software (trying not to get too specific here) we can see who is working online and what reports they are working on in real-time...

We have one cherrypicker on the account.  Instead of using FIFO method, she retrieves the reports by author ID - usually picking the better dictators of course.  She knows I busted her and she did admit to it in on our work e-mail (not too bright) which I am saving just in case she gets out of hand - so far I'm still able to make money since really most of the dictators aren't bad. 

But every night it's starting to wear on me since she's screwing up turnaround time.  I don't really want to cause a big uproar being that it is such a small account and I need to work with her almost every night usually one on one.

What would you all do?  I want to handle this as delicate and professional as possible because we can't really afford to lose anyone on this account.  In other words, I refuse to stoop to her level by cherrypicking right back.

My boss has asked me several times why so-and-so does so much more than I do...I just bite my lip at that point but one of these days I think I might explode and just open up a can of worms....

Please see my question on company board -posted on wrong board
read recent posts on this board and on the company board
I meant to say Job-Seekers Board, not Company Board.
No mssg.
COMPANY INQUIRIES belong on Company board, please!
You put them on the company board, not the main board. They are still there.
All word questions need to be posted on the Word board. Please use the correct board to post.
All word questions need to be posted on the Word board. Please use the correct board to post.


Post word questions on the Word board NOT the Main board.
It's over on the Company Board.

I tried selling on ebay for years.  It was kind of a hassle.  Once I cleared the clutter out of my house, I had to find merchandise to sell.  There are a LOT of people out there claiming to be wholesalers, drop shippers or resellers who are nothing more than con artists.  I tried selling craft kits and books purchased direct from the manufacturers/publishers, but you just can't get a decent wholesale discount unless you buy in huge volume.  Plus, the prices on ebay were often cheaper than the wholesale price.  I used to go to yard sales late in the day and offer to buy their remaining stuff at a cheap rate.  I made OK money at that part of it with the collectibles and used books, but my house got cluttered up with other people's junk.  I also signed up for Avon and scented candles with the intent of selling online, but later I found out they had stinky rules about online selling.  Other people do it, but you can lose your account if they catch you.  And you have to sell a lot to make any decent money.  You're also competing with ex-reps who went out of business and are trying to liquidate their inventory.  Plus, I had nowhere to store everything.  It's a hassle finding shipping supplies, although you can order boxes and labels for free through USPS.gov and charge everyone for priority shipping.  Plan on driving to the post office nearly every day.  And keep good records on what you purchase and sell to figure your cost of goods sold for the IRS.

You might enjoy it.  Give it a try, but start out slowly.  Use as many templates as you can and prefigure shipping or you'll get a bunch of emails from people.