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We speak several times daily.

Posted By: sm on 2005-12-08
In Reply to: How often do you talk by phone with your significant other? (sm) - Pollster

Even right now while he's overseas on a business trip, we make time for a couple daily phone calls.

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If you don't speak on a daily basis . . .
well, 4 times daily as needed...yep. i think so!
it doesn't have to be taken 4 times a day just as needed.

of course they speak english, with an accent but they speak British-English quite well.
And I can't speak Indian so I guess they have an edge don't they?
This is what I use daily


This site lets you type in three or more letters of the drug, and it pulls up everything with those letters.  It's great for when you only hear part of the drug.


Daily work is exactly what the word DAILY means --> work that comes in on a daily basis.  No days pass by without an empty queue.

I must be with the wrong companies then.

Hey, speak for yourself (sm)
My accounts are 95% ESL. I love them. I can do them. It's job security, thanks to the MTs who can't or won't do them. As long as I can hear them and the technical quality is there, I welcome the ESL challenge!

I'm lost as to why doctors can not just speak more clearly. I know it is possible, I have many doctors who do it. I am only 25, and I am going to be gray by the time I am 30.

My god. i know that its hard to have so many patients, its also hard to transcribe if you cant speak clearly, for the doctors that can talk more fluent thank you very much.
I would not speak

or respond to any job posting that used a hotmail address.  ANY reputable company will have professional email set up that uses their company name, such as   recruiter@reputablecompany.com. 

Did he speak to you about it?
Speak for yourself
You cannot speak for everyone!!


Hey, speak for yourself...
And her opinions in posts. She put in ample dues in this profession and I for one am delighted that she showed up here to post and keep her fingers on the pulse of the MT biz. I think Ella pretty much rocks.

Pay the naysayers no mind, Ella...You keep posting, girlfriend, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who respects your contribution to the profession and your continued input.

And, geez, she was only pointing out that there are good and bad in EVERY race, nothing wrong with that perspective, especially since IMO it's correct.

I sympathize with you with the ESLs (just finished a 15-minute report dictated by a VERY Chinese dictator which has me ready to beat my head into my monitor, lol!), but don't take it out on Ella. Without the blood, sweat and tears of MTs like Ella, where we would all be today?

hit left Shift key 3 times, then right Shift key 3 times -
By chance is this MT Daily?
Not everyone comes to this board daily!
Are we not allowed to ask questions if they've been asked before? I understand this is the main board but people complain on the company board too if you ask about a company already posted about. Maybe those people can just skip over the posts and keep going, onto another message board preferably! Sheesh.
How many authors do you have daily?

I'm with a small MTSO and for quite a while have been on an account with about 10 doctors, mostly ESL.  I was very comfortable with them.  I have been trained on three accounts, one with maybe 6 and then another very large account, but they kept me primarily on this account.

Recently I was switched to one of the other accounts - no ESL, but this last pay period I had 38 different authors!!  Am having a hard time getting comfortable, and there's other problems , but for this post I just was hoping to find out, on average how many authors are others doing?

Maybe I was really lucky before with just 10 docs - ?

Usually 2 hours daily.
Today I clocked 2 hours 33 minutes and I can honesly say I'm beat!  Almost solid H&Ps and D/C summaries too...so finger-saving normals.  Blech!
I would still flag it - he said twice daily not

Daily digest
What's the daily digest?  I had not heard of that.  How do we sign up for it?
I add things daily. sm
I have been an MT and had an Expander for nine years, and i still add things on a daily basis. Not only cos I still run into new stuff daily, but also because your mind thinks of more and more complex things to put in there as you go.

Back when I started, all I thought about was long words and two-word phrases, maybe some longer phrases. I was happy with that. But then as i went typing happily along, I discovered I could do much more -- put entire sentences in, put formatting in, create entire pick lists, call up macros, call up websites, call up templates, the list goes on and on.

How do I remember them? Well, first I realize it's missing by actually typing in the short I think would make sense if it was in there. If it's not there, I put it in. Then maybe the next time I run into that phrase, I think, "hmm, have I entered this before?" and i try out the short that would make the most sense to me (at that time of course, which could be completely different than the first time!) And if it's there, yeah! I just saved myself some keystrokes!

I also just switched to IT and about once a month I run an enrichment on my doctors to get the most out of what they say.
what is daily work?
If it's never running out, being able to work the hours you want to work and still making a decent paycheck, then yes I have daily work.
The Daily Typo: - (sm)

What was dictated:   "He had normal fundi bilaterally."

What I typed:  "He had normal FUNGI bilaterally."

Mental image that conjured up:   Dude with large mushrooms sprouting out of his ears!     

These ESL's speak more than their own language, sm
many are fluent in several languages.  They also pay income taxes at the same rate as USA-born doctors.  Until you can speak their language as well as they can speak ours, have some compassion for their efforts, and be glad that you have a job.  There are ESLs wherever you go.  Better get used to it.  Or better yet, why don't you travel to a country where you don't speak the language.  It might humble you a bit when you see how difficult it is. 
you speak your mind ....
with facts and not with vicious attacks and I like that quality in people.  What you say makes sense and I appreciate reading your opinion.  But I did not post anything with the intentions of warning someone away but rather they research certain things before accepting a position with not just a particular transcription service or company but with any prospective employer and decide for themselves what is right for them.
I think I did not speak clearly about the just showing up MTs

If a company hires only ICs, then they cannot expect them to work except for the times they want. 

Typing less than 100 lines a day is not pocketchange because of the pay. 

so, did he speak at the convention?
If you continue to speak to me
like that I will ban you from my site.  Now, I'm trying to relate to you guys by being honest. You should appreciate that.
Speak for yourself. I want and need to know my mistakes.
I'm sure there are those who get offended but not all are that way.

I speak from experience
I had a dog who had to have surgery and I asked for the "Buster" collar. They said they had a different "new and improved kind" and put it on him. Well, he got out of it numerous times with three trips back to the vet's office with ripped-out sutures and even after leaving him there all night (when they came in the next morning, he was out of the collar and had the sutures ripped out), I FINALLY got the Buster collar I asked for as they finally believed me. Don't take the collar off-- you will be sorry.
speak for your own family!
My family loves our pets.  I have three children and four dogs and two cats and two birds.  Our family loves each of our pets like they are a member of this family because they are!!!!!  My husband and I treat them like they are also our children.  They are very well behaved and SOOOO much fun. 
Might I add that I speak from the heart,
literally, as I'm right there with ya at the bottom of the totem pole, so you are not alone.
I would call and ask to speak with the
manager and report it anonymously, if you can block your number somehow, absolutely! I know if I was her manager, I would definitely want to know, especially since you mention this is a larger national service. Perhaps that's WHY they're posting for jobs *all the time*? How scary.
I can't speak for any other company, but
for my particular situation, its a trickle down effect. QA is only as good as the layer above us. Nothing we can do about it anymore than the MTs can.  Basically, I guess I'm saying we're on an even rung on the food chain - and all answer to those above!
Speak for yourself. This seasoned MT can't do
This is what I will suggest so we can all speak up.

On one day, say May 1, every MT that reads this sends a letter to the Editor of their local newspaper calling attention to the fact that protected medical information may be going overseas, complete with SSNs.  If people don't start becoming involved in protecting their own information, then they don't know or maybe even don't care, but I think many will start to ask questions.  But I could be wrong. 

Obviously I can't speak for ALL ER docs
and perhaps your son's exam was as dictated, but I know from personal experience that they often "fill in" stuff on the reports. 
Can't speak to QA, but SR editing...SM
My incipient carpal problems that required splints and even days off now and then totally went away and stayed away with mostly editing and light transcription. BTW, if efficient with SR editing, should top $20/hour easily and nicely (but can't advise reading out loud, which would slow down production tremendously if I were doing it--different strokes).
can't speak for the rest of them
I know one MTSO who was going to put on an ad and has backed off with what has been going on with the ownership of the board. I think it's just like the number of postings being down - people are on here but are hesitating because they're not sure if everything is okay. I think if you give it a little more time you'll see more and more ads come back on as people relax about the board again.
Don't speak for all, but it would be hard
to work in a place with people "coming and going" if you are listening to dictation. I wouldn't be doing work in an airport, STarbucks, or whatever.
Sometimes, when they let an Indian speak
on TV, you might have noticed that Indians pronounce 'that' as 'dat'.

I know NOTHING about Ebonics, have never heard it.

Is saying 'I aks' instead of 'I ask' also Ebonics?
If only they would dictate/speak - sm

as clearly as they did when going for their interview for medical school or hospital position.  If they spoke then they way they dictate now - they'd never have gotten into school or gotten their MD jobs -- so WE KNOW that THEY KNOW how to speak intelligibly when they want to; they just don't think we're worth the effort.

I appreciate and respect the ESL who puts forth an honest effort to be understood, over someone (usually English as FIRST language) slurring at 78 rpm, going through the HPI/PMH with ..ah, ... um ... (2 words) ... er ... (1 word) ....uh, ...(2 minutes pause) ... uh...uh... and then speed-racing through meds, labs, and whenever reading diagnostic reports verbatim .. so everyone knows that they know how to say those long words and which they wouldn't be able to come up with on their own.  My pet peeve??  We're BORN knowing how to spell any doc's name, just because THEY know how: i.e, ."CC to Dr. Kryswkowskizhausen and then spells J-O-N-E-S.

Do you currently post on MT Daily or read it?

I was thinking about paying the $48 but then I thought there are only limited amount of people who will pay so probably not as good as MTStars.  It was fun though before they started charging and if they only charged half as much they would draw more people.  $48 is way high when other boards are free.

Just some daily walking would probably shake it for you, too. nm
? lidopine bis-a-late 10 mg daily
Anyone heard of this.  I posted on word board but got no help.  Need STAT.
I change mine daily
I use td for today's date and yd for yesterday's date and I just change them every day.
MSN used to send me daily e-mails SM
telling me every single website they had been to.  But this would only work if they sign in under their own name and not "borrow" mom or dad's name! 
pt does get her mammagram daily. LOL ouch sm


G2, P2.  Her pregnancies were uncomplicated.  She has not seen a gynecologist in over two years, but she does get her mammogram daily.    Uhhh.... I don't think so Mr. MD!!!   You couldn't get me to do that daily if ya paid me!

I'm with you ... I get enough reality just with my daily living. sm

Kinda nice to get lost and just veg with my Law & Order and CSI addictions :)

Obviously, I'm in the minority since they seem to come up with more and more reality shows .... I admit to watching the Biggest Loser a couple of times, but I can't imagine being "hooked" and watching it all of the time, sitting on the edge of my seat. 

I work with SR on a daily basis, and I can tell you...sm
...it will NOT be replacing human intelligence, now or 10 years from now or 50 years from now. The files we work on come from a VERY expensive speech recognition system and the quality is very poor. SR cannot handle punctuation well at all, doesn't know when to stop and start sentences, has problems with capitalization, and ironically enough, when the doctor actually spells something out, that totally confuses SR!

But even if technology advances to the place where speech recognition can accurately reproduce every word and sound that comes out of a doctor's mouth, so what? That STILL will not replace human MTs, because doctors do not always say what they mean, or even when they DO say what they mean, what they mean is not right! We're the only ones who can clean up that mess.

Fix Or Repair Daily = FORD....nm