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iChart for radiology...good, bad?

Posted By: Need some input as I have never worked in iChart on 2007-02-26
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Is iChart a productive platform while doing radiology report?  Any info appreciated.  TIA

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iChart...is this a good or bad platform to work on?

Any info appreciated.  I have never worked on this platform.  TIA

$1.25 to $2 good for radiology?

I am used to being paid per line and am wondering if $1.25 to $2 per report is good for radiology?  This company tells me that the average report is 30 lines so I am guessing it is not just general x-ray reports.


Does anyone know of a good company for radiology...
with non-teaching hospitals and decent rates?
Good company for Radiology
WEBMEDX - and they are hiring Radiology MTs right now.
What is a good line rate for radiology?
Currently being paid by report, 10 years experience. TIA
BTW, what R some good companies 4 radiology pay-wise? nm

$2.75 report good for radiology transcription?
Wondering if that is a good rate.  Thanks.
Is $1.20 per report plus paid for links good for radiology? nm
Is Keystrokes a good company for any work type other than radiology? sm

I have seen really good reports on this board (and others) about Keystrokes being the place to be for radiology but have really not seen much discussion regarding other work types.  I am primarily interested in op notes as I understand they will only hire if you have spent the last several years in a particular work type and ops are it for me.  I wonder about their platform, pay scale, flexibility, whether or not weekend work is required, etc.  I have left my email address in case anyone would like to privately email me.  I would really appreciate some input.  Thank you.

Can you make good money with radiology? I'm thinking of switching

New user to Dictaphone ExText. Can someone tell me how to use iChart for my own personal line count?  (I do have my user & password, but not much else).



Yes, I guess it is an ongoing problem with Dictaphone. I have not idea how many lines I have since 2/4/07...I haven't had any line counts at all since then!!
Ichart is just the line counting portion of ExText. It is on the Dictaphone site.
14.00/hr for radiology private contractor job/PT, internet based. Good dictation.

When he said we pay by the hour not the line, I was unprepared to give him my fee!   I typed for these rads when I worked at the hospital so know them well.  About two hours per day of work for their outpatient imaging center (MRIs, CTs, mammograms, ultrasounds).


? re ExText and ichart
It's been about 7 years since I worked with ExText and have applied somewhere that uses ExText ichart.   Is that a new component of ExText?  Could someone please clarify for me?  Thanks
iChart/Word Client
Hi all.  I was wondering if anyone knows how to save the ESP file (expanders) in Word Client so I can transfer it to another software platform?  My company is switching platforms and without being able to save and transfer my ESP file, I will have to completely rebuild my Expanders from scratch.  Help please!!!!!!
IT should work with FutureNet ichart, right? nm
They are having problems with the Ichart website today
Radiology transcription, what type of reports are considered radiology
I have lot of experience with everything and I would like to know what exactly is considered radiology so I know if I qualify for that type of work?  I've had many types that I think qualify for radiology.
That is a good offer. Pay is not that good at UIMC. Good luck! nm

I used to type radiology in-house for patients in nursing homes.  After I typed the report, I would fax them to the nursing homes and they would put that report in the patient's chart.  Then I would send original report to doc to get signature.  After those are signed, they are mailed out to the nursing homes.  I am not really too sure why you are asking but hope this helps some.  The doc's never read my reports because they trusted me but I am sure they would want to before they put their signature on anything. 

I currently am typing radiology and have for 27 years. I also have to type in patient information but not in the manner you do. Yor are right, it is extremely time consuming the way you have to do it. You should have some kind of patient log or the information should already put in the template. No, you will not have a high line count in the manner you have to do it. Radiology reports, as you know, can be very short and the time it takes for you to get the information overrides the length of the report.
Radiology Pay.
I was just wondering what other rad MT's are earning out there - and are U paid by report or by line? Which method do U think is better?
It is interesting although as mentioned already, it lends itself well to voice recognition (because it is very repetitive) and many of us are currently unemployed because of that technology. Wish I had your experience in today's workplace.
Go for Radiology...
It seems hard at first but after a while they say the same stuff over and over, and don't go into huge detail - many MT's who do it are paid per report (like me), so the bucks can really add up. I've been on the same account for 8 years, no secondary account, never run out of work and find it much more interesting than the usual discharge summaries, H & P's, etc...of course TAT is pretty short, which can be stressful, but overall I love it! At my company radiology accounts are considered the creme d'la creme (sp?) so we are treated with a tad more respect (since we have the cash cows)...try it, you'll like it!
I was called by a former client of an old job to work radiology again, but at home this time.  What is the going rate for radiology per hour and has anyone used RIS system?  Thanks in advance
$1.25 per rad report, and the report can be lengthy or a normal report pulled from a list.

Sadly, I just changed MT companies, and I'm only up to 30 reports per day. It's not the terminology or the program - it's because of the dictators! Their voices are are muffled (which may be due to their dictating equipment), they roll the viewer while dictating, bang films, and dictate over each other. I listen to them over and over, trying to hear the words! I've transcribed acute care, and over 15 years of radiology, but never had such a problem with hearing the dictator.

I have noticed too, that when I'm transcribing by myself, I get alot of normal reports pulled from the list. When there's others transcribing, I never get any normal reports at all - they're all really long. That could be one of my problems also.

There are no benefits, but I was told that they do withhold taxes.

I have read in the archives where some rad transcriptionists get paid between $2.00 and $3.00 per report, but I have never seen anywhere near that amount advertised.

Sorry if I got off topic a bit!
radiology job
I noticed on this board a few days ago that Keystrokes was hiring radiology MT. Good luck!
Do I do radiology?
Yes, and about everything except I am not very experienced with oncology, as we have a girl that does strictly that. Thanks
6-7 cpl is very low for Radiology if you
have any experience at all. I work 2 jobs as an IC and make $1.25/report and 1 job as an employee and make $1.25/report. It is best to be paid per report unless you do nothing but MRIs and CTs then per line but not for less than $.10 a line.

Good luck.
Could some of you who type only radiology tell me approximately how many reports you transcribe per 8-hour shift?  Thanks.
Thanks to all for your replies.
Do you mind my asking if you are you paid per report or by the line? Also, do you type for a wide variety of radiologists throughout the day? Thanks so much for the info.
no radiology

I do full med rec, acute care.  never did radiology, too boring.  mostly the big 4, but cardiac caths, EKGs, EEGs, etc. etc.  by the way, Earth.


In a perfect world where the doc dictates clear, has no marbles in his mouth, doesn''t talk away from the mic, doesn't run the alternator while he's dictating  and has no hard accent, you could say that radiology is easy.  I've been doing radiology for 30 years-believe me, I've had all kinds of characters dictating and I know what I'm talking about.

Radiology MT Job

My name is Jennifer Ruiz and I would love to hear more about any positions you have for radiology MT's working at home.. I currently work at home and have been for the past 9 years doing strictly radiology. Feel free to contact me at 419-534-5552 or jendavidson888@yahoo.com.

ICs who do radiology....can you help?

Anyone out there who does radiology as an IC......can you give me an idea what you make and is it per page or report?  I just want anonymous answers....no names needed....but I'm just trying to get some idea of what's fair for a radiology Transcriptionist as an IC.  Thanks so much in advance.

radiology pay
By the report in my experience.
Anybody do radiology out there??
Hi, I was just contacted by our local hospital.  They have an in-house opening for a Transcriptionist in radiology.  I have no experience in this and was wondering is it easy to learn?   Do you like it?   How much could I expect to be paid per hour?  Thank you for any advice.  
radiology pay
Can anyone tell me how radiology transcriptionists are usually paid?  Per document?  Per line? 
radiology pay
Can anyone tell me how radiology transcriptionists are usually paid?  Per document?  Per line? 
Radiology going VR
I just heard my rad account is going to voice recognition. Apparently it is a trend in radiology so you may not have to worry about it much longer.
I do radiology
and this is soooo true! I have caught so many mistakes just from the radiologist, not to mention if they ever went VR! My sister was in the hospital and they did the VR type reports and she nearly died from being given medication that she was CLEARLY allergic to from all her regular typed reports. She has suit on them right now for their blunders!

Is radiology hard to do?  What type of dictation do you transcribe doing radiology?  I have always wondered about this.  Thanks!

Radiology is like anything else
It has hard parts and it has easier parts.  I like it because of not having to look up so much info on medicines.  It is like anything else, though, the more you do it the less complicated it gets.  The hard part is trying to get lines in.  I have a good account, that pays by mean line, or report, and that is only way that I will do this particular type of report as rad reports are usually so short. 
Radiology pay

Hi all....is $1.25 per report good for radiology?  It is $1.25 per report and any reports over 2 minutes are an additional $1.25.  So a 6 minute report would be billed as 3 reports.  Is this a good rate??  It is using Meditech and a Lanier.  Any info would be appreciated as I'm considering a position.  Thanks!


Our  radiology department is currently paying a part-time IC $3.50 a report. 

Radiology going away
Don't count on having many more radiology accounts. They are all going to VR. However, as a caveat, these arrogant SOBs aren't proofing their work and are sending it through w/o editing. I am waiting for the first lawsuit to come through to make them come to their senses.
Radiology is all about
anatomy, views, contrast, and having a huge English vocabulary. Accuracy needs to be 100%, including listening for MD misspeaks.

The dictators I've done have been very quick and efficient for the most part, but most of them have PhDs on top of their MD, and they are super smart and worthy of really smart MTs because usually their dictation is so efficient.

I like the HPI radiology boook and I have The World's Best Anatomical Charts book that I found at Barnes and Noble. I also used Stedman's ortho book and HPI neuro book, and Stedman's ENT book, cardiology & pulmonology book, GI/GU, OB-GYN, and oncology book. I also used Sanders' lab book, especially the list of eponymic diseases and syndromes.

Never let your mind wander, no matter how repetitive it seems. Don't mix up the sound-alike anatomical terms. Always think about what part of the body you are in.

Bear in mind that radiologist's books spell certain terms differently than the Stedman's books do, but usually the MD's spelling is in the HPI books. It's a shame the publishers can't get all the books to agree because MTs tend to think the radiologists can't spell and the radiologists don't know why the MTs use different spelling from the medical books. Grrrrr.

How did your interview go for the radiology position?