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Excuse me, but plenty of us ARE paying

Posted By: attention -and see we have a nonleader.nm on 2009-06-17
In Reply to: exactly, people should better pay more attention - ()


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You call that an excuse? There are plenty of churches that offer those things!! nm
Oh, I have said plenty here.
You just don't read it.
Oh, I appreciate them plenty! sm
I was raised on them. Had a big ol' pot of beans with cornbread and homemade bread and butter pickles yesterday for dinner. Sho 'nuff wuz good, too!

You can have my portion of possum, though. Gives me indigestion. ;o)
Well, there has been plenty of that...lol (sm)
And I'm sure there will be more.  The reality of the situation is yes, she was thrown under the bus.  She also made the DECISION to put herself in the limelight, knowing (just like everyone else in that spot) that she would be scrutinized.  It was a JOKE!  Lighten up....besides, I told you not to look.
Ah, but that's not all. She has plenty more
LOL! No, there's plenty.

In fact, there's a new "crow," it seems, every day!!

Thanks for the good wishes, GP. 

Well, so far there's been plenty with O to keep you
There are plenty of us who get
TechSupport.  Just because you lack the intelligence or refuse to stop drinking kool-aid...doesn't mean the rest of us are like you.  If you don't like TechSupport....don't read his posts.  If you can't reply without being petty, don't bother replying.  The childishness is getting old here. 
Yup, he's got plenty of constituents who'd like him out.
Nothing like earning respect like this:

Again, there will still be plenty who will carry her. sm
She isn't going to change and she shouldn't.  She is no more outrageous than Molly Ivins and some of the far left pundits.  She will always have a following.
Wrong...there were plenty (sm)

who were telling her to get out.  Like I said earlier, I do not support any of the current candidates.  Based on the length of your posts, it seems that you spend way too much time focused on something you have no control over, but that's just my opinion.

Here is some...you can research for more yourself...there is plenty
on the net.



More on MBNA connection to Biden:

More on lobbyists...they all have them on staff:

There is plenty of blame to go around...
However, Bill Clinton is not trying to rewrite history and take credit for keeping the United States safe since 9/11.
He has to do this so he will have plenty of people
We have had plenty of terrorist
AND after 9/11.

- USS Cole.
- 2000 New Year attack attempt at Los Angeles Airport, but stopped at Port Angeles, WA ferry terminal during Clinton.
- New York Bomb Subway in 1997 with Clinton in office.

My gosh, there is a whole list of terrorist attack attempts.
I am sure there are plenty of them who use prostitutes sm
in the District of Criminals, left and right. They only out them when they become a problem - i.e. Eliot Spitzer blowing the whistle on Wall Street before the election.
Wrong - there are plenty
You go ahead and think there are no people who can "hold a candle to him". C'mon you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid. Do you know every single politician in this country? I don't think so. There are a lot of unknown politicians out there who are much better than what is in there and also a lot of well known politicians more qualified. Right now we just have a continuation of the Bush Admin.

At the rate he's going he'll be lucky if he isn't impeached for bringing the country down.

So unless you know every single candidate (republican and independent because we could be seeing the first Independent President in history in 2012) it would be wise to keep these uneducated statements to yourself.

As Ben Franklin once said -

"It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".
And, unfortunately, you have plenty of "inane"
According to that., I would also be paying...
less, but the difference is minimal. There are so many disclaimers on the site I don't know if I believe it anyway...however, what you have to take into consideration along with this, is all the programs he is proposing to the billions of dollars. Look at our economy now. I don't think he can deliver on any of it without sending us into another financial crisis. Either of them actually. So what I am looking at is who can do the best with what he is going to be faced with. I believe McCain and his reforming agenda, his history (he saw this fannie/freddie debacle coming years ago and the Dems pooh-poohed him)...that is the experience and track record I want to see.

why would we be paying for it?
I am not talking about a low income clinic, I am talking about a regular gynecology office. When I took my daughter in for visits, I did not ask the taxpayers to pay for it. I paid my copay and filed it on my insurance -

I don't think we pay for everybody's medical care - that would be socialism, remember?
There are plenty of misspeaks to be found
from ALL the candidates from both parties. That doesn't make it right but arguing over whose misspeak is the worse doesn't get us anywhere.

So don't bother to duck. I'm not gonna throw anything.
Yes, i have plenty to keep me busy. Your attitude

just makes you seem somewhat sexist and I really was just curious? 

No problem. Plenty of time for that.
Yeah, and plenty of them are on this board. sm
I don't relate to them, or SP, whatsoever. I do relate to the women commenting on that blog, and I believe others who visit this board will too, which is why I gave the url. Enjoy.
i've seen plenty of comments
regarding religion... obama and mccain.... seen it a bit more with obama with good reason, when you hear what his pastor of 20 years has said.
I know plenty of kids in our schools who would
I have said plenty of things against Mccain
And if it wouldn't be just a wasted vote I would write in another candidate. But the bottom line is Obama is way to liberal. If there was a democratic candidate who was more middle of the road and upheld Christian values I would most certainly vote for him or her. I could care less about republican or democratic parties. Heck this is my first year voting! I think the voting age should be 21 because most 18 year olds are not intelligent enough to go out and really learn about the candidates. They just want to vote for the rock star who promises change. Forget what the change is. He's just so COOL.

Last time I checked COOL wasn't on the lists of requirements for presidential candidate.
There was plenty of mean spirited on the O side too
The last three days of his campaign reeked of mean-spirited.
oh, they'll change plenty!

It just won't entail anything you're requesting!  Now that all 3 tiers of DC will be run by the Dems, and let me clarify the far-left wing of that party (Obama #1 most lib, Ted Kennedy #2, Joe Biden #3, clearly documented if you don't believe me). 

The election is over, and I'm not here to start a fight over anything.  But what I'm saying can be proven in a year from now, 2 years, etc., so I'll make a point to keep this as a reference.  Those who voted for this tax-loving group (x3:  House, Senate, WH) apparently doesn't mind doing the "American" thing, per Joe Biden.  That's what he said about paying taxes.  So make a side-by-side comparison for each pay check you get so you can see how much more you'll be taxed once the Dems are running what may turn into a filibuster-proof Senate (the only reason they took Joe Lieberman back).  Of course, they have John McCain as well, the man who is more comfortable dissing the conservatives than he is trying to pretend he's one (other than nat'l security & pro-life, basically).

The Republicans got exactly what they deserved, too.  Conservatism didn't and will never die, but the GOP took conservatism out of its party the past several years, and this is why they were punished in a big way.  That's the only way the GOP can rebuild itself from the gound up.

When I saw the less than 10-minute "movie" called HowObamaGotElected, it was more shocking than I had even realized.  Every voter should see this, then give whatever news station(s) you prefer should get a huge reprimand from all the voters who were spoon-fed all this stuff.

Maybe DC will bail this industry out, too.  After all, it's free money, right?  I've been down this road with Columbia.  I picked myself up and moved on down the road.  One of my closest friends worked for Enron and lost well over $100K, which was nothing compared to many more there.  She, like I, didn't waste her time saying things about the players.  She certainly didn't expect the gov't to bail her out, either. 


What makes you say that? There's plenty of time.
More than a month before the new administration even gets its feet wet. Besides, there is no statute of limitations on war crimes, and Bush is going to be around for quite some time.
Plenty of what? Lies? Propaganda?
You don't sound like a very thoughtful person. Have you ever stopped to consider what life under occupation has been like for the past 3 generations (60 years)? Probably not. Please notice that that would encompass nearly 40 years of time BEFORE Hamas ever showed up on the scene. If you are OK with having your tax dollars bankroll a blood-thirsty fascist apartheid occupier and have no regard for the suffering it has caused, that speaks for itself. BTW, Hamas is not invading itself.

Let me leave you with this little piece of info to ponder. Hamas weapons amount to stones, home-made pipe bombs and rockets that cannot make their mark. Israel's arsenal includes Assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, pistols,
Semi-automatics, breach grenades, SWAT rifles, Isherman, Sho't, Magach, Sabra and Merkava tanks, Davidka, Makmat and Soltam M-66 mortars, Soltam, Rascal, Sholef and IDF howitzers, cargo, sea scan, fighter and trainer aircraft, Shaldaq, Dvora and Super Dvora patrol boats, Sa'ar 3, 4 and 5-class missle boats, Sa'ar 5-class corvettes, Gal class and Dolphin submarines, Trophy and Iron Fist protection systems, Flight Guard airborne countermeasures systems, Machbet anti-aircraft weapons, Barak surface-to-air missiles, SPYDER air-defense system, Arrow anti-ballistic missiles, Tactical High Energy Laser, Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system, David's Sling medium-range rocket defense system, B-300 and Shipon shoulder-launched missiles, shoulder-lanched multipurpose assault weapons, FGM-172 SRAWs, MAPATS, Spike, Nimrod and LAHAT ATGMs, Shafrir, Derby and Python air-to-air missiles, Gabriel naval anti-ship missiles, Popeye air-to-surface missiles, LORA theater and Jericho ballistic missiles, Nimda, Trail Blazers, IDF Nagmachon, IDF Nakpadon, IDF Puma, IDF Achzarit, Namer IFV, Nemmera ARV, AIL Storm, Plasan Sand Cat, Wolf Armoured and Golan Armored fighting vehicles, IMI Mastiff, Casper 250, IAI Searcher, IAI Hary, IAI I-View, IAI Ranger, IAI Heron, IAI RQ-2 Hunter, Elbit Skylark, Elbit Hermes and Aeronautics Defense Dominator unmanned fighter vehicles, Typhoon close-in weapon system, Kilshon anti-radiation missile launchers, Caterpillar D7/D9 armored bulldozers, Enhanced Tactical Computers, LITENING targeting pods, Spice EO-GPS PGM guidance kits, Shavit spaceflight launch vehicle, EROS earth observation satellite and Ofeg reconnaissance satellites. Oops, I almost forgot the WMDs, including chemical, biologic and, of course, the nukes.

Any reasonable person who compares the arsenals and fatalities, including my 10-year-old, can figure out who the terrorists are.
We showed plenty of patriotism..(sm)
last Nov 4.  Now THAT was a grass roots movement.  Maybe you guys just didn't have the right kind of leadership for this thing.  Maybe next time you should look into getting a community organizer.....
How about paying for good
So much for exporting Democracy.

U.S. paid for Iraqi praise, paper says


December 1, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military offered a mixed message Wednesday about whether it embraced one of its programs that reportedly paid a consulting firm and Iraqi newspapers to plant favorable stories about the war and the rebuilding effort.

Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a military spokesman in Iraq, said the program is an important part of countering misinformation in the news by insurgents. A spokesman for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, however, called a report detailing the program troubling if true and said he was looking into the matter.

This is a military program initiated with the Multi-National Force to help get factual information about ongoing operations into Iraqi news, Johnson said in an e-mail.

Details about the program were first reported Wednesday by the Los Angeles Times. It was the second time this year that Pentagon programs have come under scrutiny for reported payments made to journalists for favorable press.

Two other federal agencies have been investigated in the past year for similar activities, leading Congress' Government Accountability Office to condemn one -- the Education Department -- for engaging in illegal covert propaganda.

Military officials who spoke to the Times on condition of anonymity said the Information Operations Task Force, based in Baghdad, bought an Iraqi newspaper and took over a radio station to put out pro-U.S. messages. Neither outlet was named out of fear that they would be targeted by insurgents, the newspaper said.

The stories in Iraqi newspapers often praise the efforts of U.S. and Iraqi troops, denounce terrorism and promote Iraq reconstruction efforts.

The Times quoted unnamed officials as saying some of the stories in Iraqi newspapers were written by U.S. troops and though basically factual, they sometimes give readers a slanted view of what is happening.

Defense Department officials didn't deny the report.

Rumsfeld spokesman Bryan Whitman said, so this article raises some question as to whether or not some of the practices that are described in there are consistent with the principles of this department.

The Pentagon hired the Lincoln Group, a Washington-based firm that translates the stories into Arabic and places them in Baghdad newspapers, the newspaper said. Lincoln's staff or subcontractors in Iraq occasionally pose as freelance reporters or advertising executives when they hand stories to Iraqi news outlets, it said.

Laurie Adler, a spokeswoman for the Lincoln Group, said Wednesday she couldn't comment on the contract because it is with the U.S. government.

Copyright © 2005 Detroit Free Press Inc
If you live on the GC, you were paying about
My dear, you will not be paying any
more taxes than they paid in the 1990s, and I can't feel sorry for you. 250K is a lot of money.  Our country is under seige by big business, and you feel sorry for yourself that you might have to pay your fair share.  My DH and I work our butts off for 60K a year, and we pay 20% to 25% in taxes, but we don't whine about it.  However, it would be nice to get a break.
Paying for it is a problem
I already have almost $20,000 in student loans and I'm still a year or two away from a bachelor's. And I am attending a little podunk school in South Georgia! But through the pell grant I was able to take a year and get my MT certification through the community college, and while it wasn't Andrews or MTech, I still received a good education and I make a decent living for a newbie who is still taking classes. There are a lot of grants and what not out there that you can use to take classes for free if you can keep up the grades. And it may be something the candidates need to look into. Maybe instead of just handing out checks to be used however, they can put them towards paying for education for people who can't afford it.

You don't have to have a bachelor's to make a decent living. You can go to school to be an auto mechanic, a paralegal, a respiratory therapist, etc. Most of these only take a year or two, and they will give you a lot more money than being on welfare. Plus, there are many online accredited schools now that take financial aid that parents can use if they can't physically go to class because of kids, etc.

90% of the time, it is the lack of will on the persons part that keeps them where they are. Just giving them more money is an incentive to stay down. That is why the welfare system is so horrible. There needs to be case workers who are working with these people and helping them get off of welfare. If they are on welfare and driving a BMW and can afford cable, internet, etc, then there is a problem. Something is fishy about that.

I know there are people who legitimately need help, and they deserve it. But for the most part, people are just to lazy, or don't care, and they just stay right where they are, never trying to better themselves. NO ONE should have to take care of them.
No, was just stating that we are still paying them...
its not like they are not getting an income while they are campaigning.

The point was that he could share his own wealth if he wanted to without being forced to by the government...lead by example, before he forces the rest of us to join in whether we want to or not.

what are you talking about? Are you saying paying
taxes is stealing? Don't get your post.

With all the not paying of taxes going on...
I think maybe an audit of all politicians should be undertaken?  LOL!  Sheesh....then again....I'd hate to see actually how many of them are screwing us even more by not paying taxes.  Yeeks!!!
My point was that they are not paying for anything...
I quit smoking to save money and take offense to paying for someone else to continue.
No more than I mind paying for yours.
We are literally paying for their
countries defense.  We are ultimately paying for our own self destruction.  China doesn't like us.  They have been civil because the US has controlled the seas for so long and we had an awesome military and great defense.  Now Obama is wanting to cut back on our countries defense and sit down and talk with countries while China gets more of our money to go towards its own defense.  If they take control of the seas and have a greater military force than we do.....do you honestly think they will still play nice?  He!!s no they won't. 
In my county, we have been paying

what I call the "right to breathe" tax. Just because we are living, we are taxed for it. It's only $252 a year but only 2 years ago, it was only $10 a year.

The stimulus also isn't helping our area. The little bit of money that came to this county is going for the same things (landscaping, etc.) that Hannity listed. Yet, our school district needs a new roof and more classrooms, so they are raising our taxes another 3.1 mils. We already are the highest taxed district in the county. A $100,000 home pays $1500 in property taxes...at least that was last year. The property taxes go up every year.

have you been paying attention
to the differences between what he said and what he does on other issues. things like (Paraphrased) "I don't want to be in the business of running car companies." ".....won't see any new taxes of any kind." "taxing health care benefits would be wrong." I think when you say when thing and do another that is a lie and it is manipulative.
You really must not have been paying attention
Other than a very brief period about 8-1/2 years ago, the divide in the country has been growing larger for about the last 10 years...surely you did not think we had national unity back in the Clinton years, did you? How about the 8 years of Bush the Younger? Frankly, other than a few of the more vociferous 'radical right' pundits, the country is not doing too bad. The moderates and independents have not chimed in yet as they realize that it's going to take longer than 150 days to clean up the mess left when the keys were handed to the POTUS. So far, the only people truly divided are the extremes, and, frankly, I tend to be happier when I'm catered to in the middle since we're so often forgotten.
So you are okay with paying for his affair?....(sm)
With all the whining you guys do about where your tax dollars go, I would think you might be a little more concerned.  I guess not though because that was a stand-up, God fearing republican.....I guess that makes it okay. 
You spend plenty of time cat fighting when
NO kidding he gets plenty of media attention without them...
I am surprised that the other media doesn't have nymphs throwing rose petals on his path. But wait...we haven't had Invesco field yet. Maybe that is where the nymphs will come in. The Obama girl is in Denver I hear. lol.

As far as Fox being biased...I saw at least two of them tearing up talking about what a historical moment it was that a black man had ascended to being the first to be nominated by a major party. It WAS moving, for that reason.

This post is extremely intolerant. How is saying he doesn't do well in unscripted situations mean that I hate him and am trying to dig up dirt? Seems more like the poster hates anyone who doesn't say something positive about Obama. It is an observation...I have seen him in unscripted situations and he does not do well. If he thinks O'Reilly is tough, wait until he sits down with Medvedev.
Campaign politics. Plenty of hate to go around.
I am plenty old to vote, study all the issues, as well
You made plenty sense, Marmann.... sm
I hope you feel better soon!