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There is nothing up in the air

Posted By: sm on 2008-11-29
In Reply to: Margin or no......... sm - m

with regard to the electoral college or the SC. The 192-vote margin will hold up just fine under the formalities that will ensue on 12/15. I understand that the stragegy of this pathologic legal process is to cast enough doubt to influence the electoral college vote. That thinking is simply an extension of the well-worn tactic from the McC campaign that ended up in resounding failure...the inability to regognize that the negative approach was not a viable one this time around. Despite the camp's best efforts, all the spinning and spinning they did over Rev Wright and Bill Ayers, the relentless witch hunts, the Marxist/socialist/communist pronouncements, the lack of experience mantra, the lame character assassinations and all the rest of the crud they pulled out INSTEAD of addressing the voters directly on the issues, they could not bring Obama down.

The BC issue is just another red herring fallacy that is destined for failure because it is based on gossip, innuendo and bald-faced lies. If this were my party continuing to try to pull such stunts, I would be thoroughly embarassed and humiliated by the whole thing and would be considering bailing out from the party with my dignity intact. Such a turn-off.

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