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Which is it, TechSupport?

Posted By: Shirley U. Jest on 2009-03-26
In Reply to: Amen! sm - TechSupport

On another MTSTars forum, you claimed that you were transcribing back in the days of belts, and now you claim that you were a cop. Which one is the truth? Maybe I should ask "Wigweevil!"

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Hey, TechSupport.
Following is the ridiculous rambling post of yours to which I referred. Frankly, I don't believe I have ever seen a more meaningless bunch of mumbo jumbo posted on this forum ever. Your time would be much better spent taking a creative writing course at a local community college rather than wasting our time with your silly fantasies. Your post word-for-word is as follows:

I use the interstate. After all, I have to visit my vast real estate holdings scattered hither and thither around the state. Us wealthy folks are like that.

"Now, I just checked with my chauffeur as to his opinion. "Wigweevil", I said. "Wigweevil, tell me. How is the state of the interstate in your opinion? And take off that cap while you're inside the mansion!"

"Sire", said Wigweevil (he pretends he lives in feudal England). "Sire, what do you mean by the state of the interstate?"

"Well, you know, Wigweevil. That road thingie that runs from one village to the next. Is the concrete, or mortar or whatever you call it. Is it all there? No yawning caverns? And the bridges - not too wobbly, I trust?"

"No, sire. The asphalt or macadam is entirely intact and the bridges seem trustworthy."

"I see, Wigweevil. That greatly relieves my mind. How about animals? No vast herds of buffalo wandering about on the asphalt or macadam? No dodging around charging rhinocerussusses? Everything in order along those lines?"

"Quite, sire."

"Very good, Wigweevil. Well, I am hearing that the interstate is becoming a veritable wilderness, so I want you to put the elephant gun in the car against the eventuality of rhinocerusseses in the future. And you might throw my water wings in the trunk in case a bridge collapses and throws us into the drink. That is all, Wigweevil."

"Very good, sire."
Gee, TechSupport
How in the world did you come up with such drivel? It is beyond embarrassing!
Sorry, TechSupport
You lost all credibility when you posted your rambling self-indulgent fairytale about your imaginary chauffeur. I have no interest in discussing anything with you. Try talking to your wife for a change, she signed up for the gig, not me.
Oh, TechSupport...
I just read every post in the thread, and referring to what you wrote as parody and metaphor is an insult to the English language.

The real simpletons on the board are the posters who read your nonsense and kept the thread going with even more drivel.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel!
to TechSupport

OMG... Are you are writer?  I don't have the time/energy right now to address your response to my 'analysis' in full, but I will address one point.  You SO deserve more for all the time you dedicated to my 'analysis.' 

Your response to the global warming is what bothers me.  The fact that finding alternative energy resources is a business, and it is, is not a bad thing.  Oil is a business.  My argument is that our current source of energy will be depleted eventually (not to mention dependence), and that to invest in alternative methods is not wasted money.  You said many scientists said the 'science' of global warming is bad, but I bet there are twice as many who will document that the 'science' is not bad and is documented as a true phenomenon.  Natural global warming only adds to the insult we have imposed on our environment... not to mention all the side effects of our current method of energy.

Now... I'm not saying that alternative energy would not insult our environment... windmills take up a lot of space, but to totally ignore what is going on now and not explore other alternatives is ignorant. So is ignoring the other scientists who are not in denial about this crisis. 

Okay.  You had a lot to say in that post and I really appreciate it.  I just need to sleep now and think about finding a fava bean. So, if you don't totally shoot me down here, I will try to muster the energy to come back tomorrow night and re-read your post and answer more.   

to TechSupport

OMG... Are you are writer?  I don't have the time/energy right now to address your response to my 'analysis' in full, but I will address one point.  You SO deserve more for all the time you dedicated to my 'analysis.' 

Your response to the global warming is what bothers me.  The fact that finding alternative energy resources is a business, and it is, is not a bad thing.  Oil is a business.  My argument is that our current source of energy will be depleted eventually (not to mention dependence), and that to invest in alternative methods is not wasted money.  You said many scientists said the 'science' of global warming is bad, but I bet there are twice as many who will document that the 'science' is not bad and is documented as a true phenomenon.  Natural global warming only adds to the insult we have imposed on our environment... not to mention all the side effects of our current method of energy.

Now... I'm not saying that alternative energy would not insult our environment... windmills take up a lot of space, but to totally ignore what is going on now and not explore other alternatives is ignorant. So is ignoring the other scientists who are not in denial about this crisis. 

Okay.  You had a lot to say in that post and I really appreciate it.  I just need to sleep now and think about finding a fava bean. So, if you don't totally shoot me down here, I will try to muster the energy to come back tomorrow night and re-read your post and answer more.