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"Baloney disease"? - Peripheral vascular

Posted By: Dave on 2007-05-05
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Subject: "Baloney disease"? - Peripheral vascular

He recently underwent a left SFA angiogram. This showed that he had some SFA disease, but very severe Balony disease. We were able to perform atherectomies of his SFA at multiple sites.

--- Sounds like "Baloney" or Abbaloney"   Thanks.

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peripheral vascular disease? nm
Subject: peripheral vascular disease? nm

Maybe peripheral vascular disease? - NM
Subject: Maybe peripheral vascular disease? - NM

Peripheral vascular disease
Subject: Peripheral vascular disease

I will relisten but I am sure that is probably what it is.  I am going through a divorce right now so I think my thoughts and general focus is a little jumbled-therefore the surgical bachelor!  Ha! 
ABI or AVI negative for peripheral vascular disease. Thanks
Subject: ABI or AVI negative for peripheral vascular disease. Thanks

peripheral vascular
Subject: peripheral vascular

It should be peripheral vascular. The Stedmans Cardiology book answers all of those questions. It's a great book.
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? ___________ vascular disease.
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Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. These are named after..
Subject: Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. These are named after..

Alzheimer's disease

Also known as:
Alzheimer's dementia
Alzheimer's sclerosis
Alzheimer's syndrome
Alzheimer-Perusini disease (misnomer)
Dementia of the Alzheimer type
Senile dementia of the Alzheimer type

Presenile dementia, senile dementia.

Associated persons:
Alois Alzheimer

James Parkinson

English physician and paleontologist, born April 11, 1755, Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London; died 1824, London.

Associated eponyms:
Parkinson's crisis
Exaggeration of the characteristics of parkinsonism associated with acute anxiety.

Parkinson's disease
A degenerative disorder of the nervous system characterized by masklike facies, a fine, slowly spreading tremor, cogwheel rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability with a peculiar gait.

Parkinson's facies
The immobile, expressionless, masklike facial characteristic of parkinsonism.
probable osteoarthritic disease? osteoporotic disease? nm
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Skin Disease S/L En Saint Reole Disease
Subject: Skin Disease S/L En Saint Reole Disease

Pt has has pink raised ciruclar lesions on trunk and distal extremities. 

Dx is S/L En Saint Reole disease.  Any body know what the heck this is?


Subject: peripheral?

peripheral ar o dema
Subject: peripheral ar o dema

I think the doctor means peripheral edema, but it sounds like peripheral ear - o - dema

she does have edema bilaterally, and the doctor recommends keeping her legs elevated and a no-salt diet.

Just checking.. any opinions?

It's probably peripheral edema. nm
Subject: It's probably peripheral edema. nm

possibly peripheral?
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Agree with peripheral also. nm
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perhaps peripheral neuropathy
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peripheral smear
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s/l valocytes; also a med, s/l Aquabid 2 puffs twice daily. Thanks!
peripheral edema
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The patient is on s/l Broom-al for peripheral edema.  thank you
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Thanks for any help!
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maybe something about peripheral arteries
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peripheral neuropathy
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peripheral neuropathy s/l luna term type.  An EMG is reviewed and she really has minimal symptoms.  Thanks
Peripheral pulses?
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PND? peripheral edema? nm
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vascular nm
Subject: vascular nm

Subject: vascular?

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there is peripheral bypass surgery
Subject: there is peripheral bypass surgery

How Is Peripheral Vascular Disease Treated?

There are two basic ways to treat atherosclerotic disease: medication, surgery, and minimally invasive interventional procedures such as stent implantation and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. The purpose of these treatments is to eliminate or reduce the symptoms you may have.

Medications can be used alone or in combination with one of the treatments. While medications do not eliminate the narrowing of arteries, they can help improve the efficiency of the heart and reduce symptoms such as leg pain, claudication, and hypertension.

In some cases, bypass surgery may be required in the peripheral arteries if the atherosclerosis is severe enough. Bypass surgery is a way of creating new channels to carry blood around the blocked areas in your peripheral arteries. With the patient under general anesthesia, surgeons take a portion of a small blood vessel from the leg or chest to use as the new "bypass artery." They sew or "graft" one end of the bypass to the affected artery and the other end to the artery beyond the narrowed area. Blood then flows through the new grafted vessel, "bypassing" or avoiding the blockage in the peripheral artery.

Some of the common surgeries in the peripheral anatomy are femoral-popliteal bypass (for the legs) and renal artery bypass (for the kidneys).

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s/l skionbarres disease or gyonbarres disease
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Doctor says:  She was diagnosed with this disease 1 year ago.  She was wheelchair bound until June. 



Thank you for any help!


Pulses +2. No streaking S/L" blances with palpitation"  I have no idea what she is trying to say.. Not sure if the no streaking goes with the "blances" part or not...
vascular surgery
Subject: vascular surgery


I just can't find this and am blank.  I know I have heard it before, but just cannot seem to get it.

The patient has had an endoluminal repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm and has also had a left femoral-to-popliteal [s/l “n s i tu] bypass graft

thanks in advance

vascular surgery
Subject: vascular surgery

can't help with all but some i can.

1. Pfannstl fashion, wrong. Sterile fashion maybe?

2. Bull dogs

3. then closed, not enclosed

4. MAC local anesthesia

5. Potts scissors

hope that helped a little, wish I could hear it.

Sorry. All I can think of is vascular studies etc. nm
Subject: Sorry. All I can think of is vascular studies etc. nm

Vascular surgery help!
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still wanting to know, anyone heard of PERIPHERAL COPD Thank you
Subject: still wanting to know, anyone heard of PERIPHERAL COPD Thank you

Hmmm...never heard of peripheral COPD
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I have heard of bacterial used with COPD, but not necessarily describing it like that...
s/l tamsat peripheral line placement.nm
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Does that make sense.  It doesn't sound like it, but I have listened to it over and over.
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s/l it, though VAR could stand for venoarteriolar reflex, venoarteriolar response, etc.
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Don't know what that "trab" could be though. 
Vascular Surgery help... See inside
Subject: Vascular Surgery help... See inside

Doc says:
He is now approximately seven months status post placement of a ____ (s/l Zenith cuff) for an infrarenal aortic aneurysm. This was done in an ____ (s/l endo-edge or endo-etch) technique.
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