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2-1/2 years is correct. nm

Posted By: nm2 on 2006-05-02
In Reply to: I'd probably do 2-1/2 years. nm - Just me

Subject: 2-1/2 years is correct. nm


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that's correct - it's 2-1/2 years ago......
Subject: that's correct - it's 2-1/2 years ago......

great names huh? I used to type a Dr. Holeman, correct spellling, years ago. He is a gynecologist. N
Subject: great names huh? I used to type a Dr. Holeman, correct spellling, years ago. He is a gynecologist. No kidding.

I learned 27 years ago to use q.4h. (no spaces), past few years q.4 h. (see msg)
Subject: I learned 27 years ago to use q.4h. (no spaces), past few years q.4 h. (see msg)

Now some are saying it's q. 4h.??  UGH, YUCK!!  I have also worked on accounts where it had to be "every 4 hours," and we had to spell out p.r.n. (as needed for).  At least we got more characters. 

First rule:  It is all what the "client/account" wants, not always what the BOS says it is.  I realize that language and its usage is constantly changing, but I've seen so many BOS and client flip-flops on so many other things in nearly 3 decades that it's laughable.  What isn't laughable is when we get penalized for not knowing what they want, even when they, themselves, don't know or are wrong.

Oh, and I still prefer the old no spaces:  q.4h., q.4-6h., q.12h., and so on.....

2 years' time or 2 year's time- Which is correct?
I put 2 years' time and was marked off on QA.
Wow, thank you. Just years, years and more years of experience
Subject: Wow, thank you. Just years, years and more years of experience

and a constant thirst for learning something new everyday. As we all know this can get to be somewhat boring, but learning from what I transcribe as well as from other transcriptionists keeps me going (money is not bad either). It becomes a challenge. But I can't thank you enough for the kind words.

Use to be younger...
2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.
Subject: 2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.

Have only seen I&D in about 30 years!!
Subject: Have only seen I&D in about 30 years!!

lab 6 years....12,700 or 12.7
Subject: lab 6 years....12,700 or 12.7

2 pks day for 30 years +
Subject: 2 pks day for 30 years +

2 packs a day for 30 years, plus 1 1/2 packs a day for ten years. That makes one pack a day for 75 years. Is that right?
2 and 1/2 years
Subject: 2 and 1/2 years

2 and 1/2 years, two and a half years???  Thanks.
I'd probably do 2-1/2 years. nm
Subject: I'd probably do 2-1/2 years. nm

I do 2 1/2 years
Subject: I do 2 1/2 years

years' old or years old
Subject: years' old or years old

Can't remember which is correct. The patient is 40 years old or the patient is 40 years'old?

40 years of old doesn't seem right. So I am leaning towards 40 years old. Started new job and my brains have gone out the window.

Is it 9-years-old or 9 years old?
Subject: Is it 9-years-old or 9 years old?

I have been doing this 30+ years and
Subject: I have been doing this 30+ years and

Over the course of nearly 20 years,
Subject: Over the course of nearly 20 years,

I have only had 1 account that wanted the acronym in parentheses.  Everybody else just wants it expanded to long form in the diagnosis section.  I wouldn't say you are necessarily behind the times, it is just that it has never come up for you before now. 
For years I was on - sm
Subject: For years I was on - sm

tetracycline for skin infection/acne issues.
20 years...Wow!
Subject: 20 years...Wow!

That's why you know your stuff. :-)
all I know is I work for PS 10 years now...sm
Subject: all I know is I work for PS 10 years now...sm

and in the beginning I gave them Weiss pattern and they immediately changed that for me to *Wise*.........but if the MD is spelling Wyse, I'd give him that.......  even if he is wrong......*LOL*
sorry, meant was in lab for 6 years
Subject: sorry, meant was in lab for 6 years

I put 2-1/2 years... or 2-1/2-year-old. nm
Subject: I put 2-1/2 years... or 2-1/2-year-old. nm

20 years in rad - never heard of that SM
Subject: 20 years in rad - never heard of that SM

maybe you or your doc could call or email to see what it means?
about a million years ago
Subject: about a million years ago

when I was young I was told that abbreviations for latin expressions were lower case. Not sure if that holds true in all cases but mostly its true i.e., a.m., p.m. etc., are all short for latin expressions. someone will correct me if I'm wrong
Maybe not, been typing it for years though. nm
Subject: Maybe not, been typing it for years though. nm

30+ years, have always used curette as that is
Subject: 30+ years, have always used curette as that is

the way I was taught. I was also told eons ago that if there are 2 spellings, the first is the preferred. Stedman's lists curette first.
In my almost 30 years of transcription....
Subject: In my almost 30 years of transcription....

I frequently have providers who don't pronounce things or say the right thing.  I think you are right... it seems like FNP, PA, etc are the worst... and hey my brother is a P.A.-C so I don't have anything against them!
pack years
Subject: pack years

Personally, I would not hyphenate that he smoked for 120 packs years as you state it, as there is no adjective describing a noun. On the other hand, I would hyphenate if he has a 120-pack-year history of smoking, because that is a triple adjective describing a noun.
never in a million years
Subject: never in a million years

would I have gotten that. What is his first language and who the devil taught it to him?
Yes, yes, thank you, new to path after 30 years!
Subject: Yes, yes, thank you, new to path after 30 years!

Five Pack Years'
Subject: Five Pack Years'

Smoking history: Five pack years’ ... do I have that typed right with the apostrophe after years
going by my 6 years of latin...
Subject: going by my 6 years of latin...

"sine" means "without"

so herpes "sine" rash might mean herpes without the usual rash that comes along with it... never heard it used in English, but hope this helps...

i would use 5-pack-years, BUT sm
Subject: i would use 5-pack-years, BUT sm

this is something that has never made sense to me... always had trouble with the pack/years thing... any input would be most appreciated!
male, 16 years old
Subject: male, 16 years old

When I was in school (30 years ago) I was
Subject: When I was in school (30 years ago) I was

taught that any medical combining form can be coupled with just about any medical term, so nothing surprises me.
What has worked for me over the years - sm
Subject: What has worked for me over the years - sm

I use all the methods the other poster suggested.  I also begin thinking to myself "what could he/she be saying" here that would fit in with the context?  Can I actually hear anything that is pertinent?  Think in terms of what is being done to the patient, would they have a reason to be using a particular med, technique, test, whatever.  You sometimes just cannot make sense out of garbage no matter what methods you use and even QA will give them big, fat blanks.
Has not been hyphenated for years--per
Subject: Has not been hyphenated for years--per

The patient is nearly 80 years old, or an
Subject: The patient is nearly 80 years old, or an

After 20 years under your belt..
Subject: After 20 years under your belt..

I beg to differ. :-)
I never had this word in 25 years but
Subject: I never had this word in 25 years but

I think it's in the Vera Pyle book.  It's that dimpled look that an orange has.
Huh? I worked for an osteophathic doc for 11 years
Subject: Huh? I worked for an osteophathic doc for 11 years

Who specialized in osteopathic manipulative treatment and I've never heard of "pub". 

Does dictator pronounce it "pube" as in "tube" or "pub" as in "let's go get a pitcher of beer? :)

equivalent of 2 packs a day for 60 years...so yes, it's probably right nm
Subject: equivalent of 2 packs a day for 60 years...so yes, it's probably right nm

OUR English was b*astardized 200+ years ago
Subject: OUR English was b*astardized 200+ years ago

have you looked it up in all those 27 years? It's appose.
Subject: have you looked it up in all those 27 years? It's appose.


stated in stedmans and lab for 6 years
Subject: stated in stedmans and lab for 6 years

QA here 4 many years, and totally agree!!!
Subject: QA here 4 many years, and totally agree!!!

no kidding; i've done this 24 years and this
Subject: no kidding; i've done this 24 years and this

closest I can come is Kendall roll which is a gauze/bandage roll.

bless your heart, hon.

probably means 13 years + 4 months old
Subject: probably means 13 years + 4 months old

Over the years allergies has evolved (sm)
Subject: Over the years allergies has evolved (sm)

Physicians used to just list the allergy itself, in your case, morphine, but I have found that currently they are listing the reaction to the allergen, which in you case is hives.  Another example would be rash.  Morphine-hives.  Allergies:  Morphine causes hives.  In my experience anyway... 

Does anybody know how they figure pack years?
I've always wondered this...When they say pt has a 40-pack-year hx of smoking, how do they compute that? Anybody know? Just curious.
newest one, but already a few years old. If you get a used one, make sure you get
Subject: newest one, but already a few years old. If you get a used one, make sure you get

In over 20 years I have never heard of a 15-0 blade! Are you sure? nm
Subject: In over 20 years I have never heard of a 15-0 blade! Are you sure? nm
