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Help! Absont seizures?

Posted By: slooowMT on 2008-12-16
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Subject: Help! Absont seizures?

Help!  Anyone heard of absont seizures?  The child has autism.

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clonic seizures, may even be tonic-clonic seizures, listen close. nm
Subject: clonic seizures, may even be tonic-clonic seizures, listen close. nm

Seizures, I think?
Subject: Seizures, I think?

In the assessment, this doc is saying allergic rhino sinusitis with **seizure nod-ur-ations**. I am not even real sure about the seizure part, and there was never anything said about seizures in the history. This is geriatric medicine visit and the only thing in history is about depression, past medical history of hyperlipidemia and allergic rhino sinusitis.


Thanks for any help! I know it's not much to work with.

Subject: seizures

It's just absence seizures said with an accent.  :)
Subject: Seizures

s/l absong seizures
Subject: Seizures

Partial seizures?
seizures. sm
Subject: seizures. sm

Could you be hearing absence (ab-sonz) seizures or they might be pronouncing it absenz seizures?


absence seizure

a seizure characterized by impaired awareness of interaction with, or memory of, ongoing events external or internal to the person; may comprise the following elements: mental confusion, diminished awareness of environment, inability to respond to internal or external stimuli, and amnesia. (The term absence was first used by Louis-Florentin Calmeil (1798–1895) to introduce the concept of epileptic absence for the brief loss of consciousness or confusion seen in epileptic patients.)

Was he having seizures? If so, it could
Subject: Was he having seizures? If so, it could

be absence seizure.
seizures, like convulsant??
Subject: seizures, like convulsant??

medication for seizures
Subject: medication for seizures

She, initially, was started on s/l Di-do-tine for possible seizure activity. (ESL)
s/l Epson seizures?
Subject: s/l Epson seizures?

Possibility of ADD and also consideration of some type of seizure disorder such as s/l "epson seizures".


I tried google but couldnt come up with much of anything.  TIA.

absence seizures.....nm
Subject: absence seizures.....nm

Absence seizures. sm
Subject: Absence seizures. sm

Spelled absence but pronounced absontz - my child has them.
there is a Topamax for seizures? nm
Subject: there is a Topamax for seizures? nm

s/l pierce seizures
Subject: s/l pierce seizures

HOSPITAL COURSE:  This is a 38-year old right-handed Caucasian male with a history of hyperlipidemia and anxiety, who initially presented to Clinic for further evaluation of recurrent dizziness and ___________seizures.  S/L pierce seizures but can't find any notation of that type anywhere.  Ring any bells with anyone?  Thanks!
s/l pierce seizures
HOSPITAL COURSE:  This is a 38-year old right-handed Caucasian male with a history of hyperlipidemia and anxiety, who initially presented to Clinic for further evaluation of recurrent dizziness and ___________seizures.  S/L pierce seizures but can't find any notation of that type anywhere.  Ring any bells with anyone?  Thanks!
Pt with migraines, seizures, s/l ...sm
Subject: Pt with migraines, seizures, s/l ...sm

"bla ha meet" phenomenon.
Fenetec or phenytec? for seizures
Subject: Fenetec or phenytec? for seizures

The patient is having seizures and put on s/l fenetec or phenytec or ? and Keppra?  Thanks
yes, history of fainting, seizures. sm
Subject: yes, history of fainting, seizures. sm

I'm going to put "fallen".  He has an accent but both times it does sound like "fallen".
10 yr old w/remote history of s/l ab-saw seizures. nm
Subject: 10 yr old w/remote history of s/l ab-saw seizures. nm

It is "abscence" seizures, not "absent!!!!" sm
Subject: It is "abscence" seizures, not "absent!!!!" sm

It's French. "ab-sonse"

Look it up in Stedmans or Dorlands. Be careful when you "correct" something!

Could it be tonic clonic seizures?
Subject: Could it be tonic clonic seizures?

s/l inter partial seizures? nm
Subject: s/l inter partial seizures? nm

possibly partial seizures?
Subject: possibly partial seizures?

Sub-Categories of Types of Seizures
Generalized Seizures Non-Epileptic Seizures
Partial Seizures Status Epilepticus

Alzheimers patient S/L anxious seizures? Thanks!
Subject: Alzheimers patient S/L anxious seizures? Thanks!

could it be absence seizures? pronounced "obsons". nm
Subject: could it be absence seizures? pronounced "obsons". nm

3-YO w/ seizures. Main drug is s/l sell-ba-tal.
Subject: 3-YO w/ seizures. Main drug is s/l sell-ba-tal.

any idea.  I have been trying to document this drug everywhere.  Thanks!!!
absence seizures (pronounced ab' sens)
Subject: absence seizures (pronounced ab' sens)

child has Crouzon syndrome, seizures
Subject: child has Crouzon syndrome, seizures

absent seizures are pronounced awb-saunt, so that probably is what he is saying....sm
Subject: absent seizures are pronounced awb-saunt, so that probably is what he is saying....sm

And they are absent, not absence. But like I said, it's not pronounced like if you were saying the student was absent from school. It would be pronounced just like what you are hearing.


The only other thing I could find was Felbatol, but it is used for seizures... By the way what did y
Subject: The only other thing I could find was Felbatol, but it is used for seizures... By the way what did your husband come up with?

an herbal med for seizures that s/l blue verin
Subject: an herbal med for seizures that s/l blue verin

ESL doc..Pt with seizures placed on s/l Leva geras atam. ?? nm
Subject: ESL doc..Pt with seizures placed on s/l Leva geras atam. ?? nm

First thought is Phenytek (phenytoin) for seizures. nm
Subject: First thought is Phenytek (phenytoin) for seizures. nm

Found doxogenic (in google relates to seizures)
Subject: Found doxogenic (in google relates to seizures)

No history of withrawal seizures, fissures or PUD or pancreatitis.
Subject: No history of withrawal seizures, fissures or PUD or pancreatitis.

I need some help......

It sounds like "No history of withdrawal seizures, fissures or PUD or pancreatitis."  For a patient with alcoholic liver disease.  The underlined is what I am not sure about. Thanks!

They prescribed Depakote for bipolar disorder as well as for seizures.
Subject: They prescribed Depakote for bipolar disorder as well as for seizures.

So it's not uncommon for a patient with no history of seizures to be on Depakote for bipolar.
Phenytek (phenytoin) for seizures. Dose fits. nm
Subject: Phenytek (phenytoin) for seizures. Dose fits. nm

Neurologic: No headaches or seizures. Focal weakness of all ??parathesis??
Subject: Neurologic: No headaches or seizures. Focal weakness of all ??parathesis??

Pt with closed head injury and seizures, was started on intraveneous s/l phosfenatelen. *sm*
Subject: Pt with closed head injury and seizures, was started on intraveneous s/l phosfenatelen. *sm*

She also does have a central line and dressings will need to be changed on every Tuesday and Friday.  Also, change her s/l huberneal weekly. 

Thank you so much!!

Topiramate is used with other medications to treat certain types of seizures in patients with epilep
Subject: Topiramate is used with other medications to treat certain types of seizures in patients with epilep

patients with epilepsy.
Foreign doc with heavy accent s/l clinical or clonical seizures. Ideas? nm
Subject: Foreign doc with heavy accent s/l clinical or clonical seizures. Ideas? nm

yes, absence seizures. always sounds like french word (ab sahns or similar pronunciation)
Subject: yes, absence seizures. always sounds like french word (ab sahns or similar pronunciation)