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Thanks for all the help, but none of these are fitting with his dictation.

Posted By: I appreciate all the help! = ) nm on 2007-09-08
In Reply to: Wild guess - Me

Subject: Thanks for all the help, but none of these are fitting with his dictation.

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fitting? for the mask etc? nm
Subject: fitting? for the mask etc? nm

EMG/NCV dictation
Subject: EMG/NCV dictation

I am transcribing an EMG report right now, and the MD is foreign, so I am having difficulty hearing some of her words.

Dictated:  Ulnar "inching" (?) studies across the elbows .....

Is "inching" the correct word?  I can't find it in my ref books.

Thanks to whomever is able to help.  Judy Harrison


Dictation help...
Subject: Dictation help...

Dictated as: She reports psoriasis, occasional oral orphoras and sicker symptoms.

Are the underlined terms correct.


end of dictation
Subject: end of dictation

I know we normally do not type "end of dictation", but would I type the following sentence since it has patient info and a date?

End of dictation on the patient (name) for workers compensation on 6/8/2007.
It would help if we could get the dictation after this.... nm
Subject: It would help if we could get the dictation after this.... nm

Help with dictation!!
Subject: Help with dictation!!

On digital rectal examination the prostate is ?flat?/flas? without firm or snug ?valerity?.
Dictation on a patient who is to
Subject: Dictation on a patient who is to

Under recommendations, doc says...number one...s/l ty pen hole or hold. What is the 't' word.
Floridian here- with dictation a G................nm
Subject: Floridian here- with dictation a G................nm

Did dictation get clipped? Maybe this?
Subject: Did dictation get clipped? Maybe this?

Akin osteotomy ?
Have see it in dictation both ways.nm
Subject: Have see it in dictation both ways.nm

Yes, that's it. She actually said it clearer later in dictation.
Subject: Yes, that's it. She actually said it clearer later in dictation.


unclear dictation
Subject: unclear dictation

The sentence reads:  One bottle out of four bottles of blood culture came back Staph coag negative positive.  Does that make sense? 
Is there a clearer s/l later in the dictation? nm
Subject: Is there a clearer s/l later in the dictation? nm

Psychiatric dictation help please
Subject: Psychiatric dictation help please

Dictator states very clearly "The patient is allergic to erythromycin and tetracillin." What is that???... mixture of tetracycline and a cillin drug??? This is a new one on me HELP!
Then I believe it is a dictation mistake.
Subject: Then I believe it is a dictation mistake.

Either meant metoprolol or Toprol. They blubbered and mixed them together!
Does the dictation indicate if the patient also has
Subject: Does the dictation indicate if the patient also has

a diagnosis of PCOS?
I think this may be it, but the dictation is very sketchy. Tx.
Subject: I think this may be it, but the dictation is very sketchy. Tx.

cannot hear dictation..
Subject: cannot hear dictation..

what do you do if you cannot hear the dictation.  i mean it is EXTREMELY faint and there is also a lot of background noise.  this doc is always on speaker phone and shuffling papers.  there is no instruction for this in the CP.  any suggestions?  just type what i can hear and leave a bunch of blanks with a QA note?
Hmm after reading the dictation again, you may be right...sm
Subject: Hmm after reading the dictation again, you may be right...sm

Mohs does make sense, he does say with negative results, and this was done some time after the p63, TTF-1, etc.  THANK YOU for that great point!  My brain is so done today. 

Dealing with ESL dictation
Subject: Dealing with ESL dictation

Just looking for some advice on dealing with a heavy load of ESL dictators, all different accents.  I've been an MT for 10 years and haven't dealt with quite this many before.  I'm not the leave a blank type of gal, so I'm wondering if there's a secret. 

Do you have more of the surrounding dictation? NM
Subject: Do you have more of the surrounding dictation? NM

No, sorry. That is all I can think of without hearing the dictation.
Subject: No, sorry. That is all I can think of without hearing the dictation.

Please Help Hemoglobin dictation
Subject: Please Help Hemoglobin dictation

The phrase sounds like:

"Hemoglobin A1C7.2%" Any ideas

Yay! My worst ESL just said "cancel this dictation"
Subject: Yay! My worst ESL just said "cancel this dictation"

Thank you for trying to help me!! I can't make out that word in the dictation.
Subject: Thank you for trying to help me!! I can't make out that word in the dictation.

This doc is a BIG mumbler.  Clearly says "Denies", then the rest is garbage.     

Thank you though.  There is no other info in report to go on for clues either.

Just checking. The dictation sounded like it sm
Subject: Just checking. The dictation sounded like it sm

was coming from the same dictator. Have a good day!!! :)
They are using it in the laboratory section of the dictation. nm
Subject: They are using it in the laboratory section of the dictation. nm

Never mind, it is Spiriva he says it again later in the dictation
Subject: Never mind, it is Spiriva he says it again later in the dictation

Is this patient presurgery for anything? Where in dictation is this said? nm
Subject: Is this patient presurgery for anything? Where in dictation is this said? nm

does dictation want the word mole in
Subject: does dictation want the word mole in

Are you by chance transcribing a dictation of Dr. A. S?
Subject: Are you by chance transcribing a dictation of Dr. A. S?

V and B sound a lot alike in dictation.,
Subject: V and B sound a lot alike in dictation.,

Xalatan - possibility if for eye dictation
Subject: Xalatan - possibility if for eye dictation

echocardiogram dictation question
Subject: echocardiogram dictation question

Does anyone know what the dr might be saying here: Patient also had an echocardiogram with an ejection fraction of 40% with severe hypokinesis and distal anterioral subtelenipical? region

Thank you. I knew I had seen it before but I've never had it in a dictation.
Subject: Thank you. I knew I had seen it before but I've never had it in a dictation.

medication dictation s/l Capinsole?
Subject: medication dictation s/l Capinsole?

The patient is diabetic and has CHF, but no other health problems.  Medication dictation is pronounced CAP-IN-SOLE and the dosage is 0.5 t.i.d.

Any ideas?

wish it was, but the vee sound is coming through quite clearly three different x in the dictation
Subject: wish it was, but the vee sound is coming through quite clearly three different x in the dictation

:( He says this three times in the dictation...any ideas?
Subject: :( He says this three times in the dictation...any ideas?

You can't just redo a doctor's dictation,
Subject: You can't just redo a doctor's dictation,

the way she had it was fine except for the punctuation.
YW. Ortho was my favorite dictation. nm
Subject: YW. Ortho was my favorite dictation. nm

Need desperate help on short dictation
Subject: Need desperate help on short dictation

Doing Urology dictation.  He is talking about a Puff/Pup/Pop score?

Secondly, he mentions a left pudendal "perineal rono"? 

The patient has undergone a pudendal block and intravesical therapy and is taking Avapro if that helps. 

Thanks so much in advance.

What is the exact sentence or dictation?
Subject: What is the exact sentence or dictation?

Is this the same patient's dictation from earlier this morning?
Subject: Is this the same patient's dictation from earlier this morning?

Any mention of the patient's diagnosis in the dictation? It could be..
Subject: Any mention of the patient's diagnosis in the dictation? It could be..

Avonex which is prescribed for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Thank you all, but she speaks clearly, not fast. I have never had a problem with her dictation.
Subject: Thank you all, but she speaks clearly, not fast. I have never had a problem with her dictation.

What comes before or after this? Where in the dictation is this located? Type of report? nm
Subject: What comes before or after this? Where in the dictation is this located? Type of report? nm

possibly so..can you tell from rest of dictation whether it was actually transient?
Subject: possibly so..can you tell from rest of dictation whether it was actually transient?

ESL diabetic dictation and I am LOST. Can you translate how this should look? sm
Subject: ESL diabetic dictation and I am LOST. Can you translate how this should look? sm

I just pasted it on as she dictated it.  No idea what it means or where to use punctuation, etc.  Not sure I'm even hearing it correctly.  She barely speaks English.  Any help is appreciated.  I don't normally do this doc.  Thanks!



Lispro insulin 10 for her regular insulin on a sliding scale t.i.d.

Less than 60 orange juice and call, 81-150 no insulin, 151-206 units subcutaneous, 201-258 units subcutaneously, 251-300 give units subcutaneously, 301-350 fourteen units, 351-400 eighteen units, over 400 twenty-three units and call.
In another dictation heard it clearly - stent graft
Subject: In another dictation heard it clearly - stent graft

Rats, he just said it again, and he is such a picky dictation person. nm
Subject: Rats, he just said it again, and he is such a picky dictation person. nm