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Verbatim account

Posted By: hemoglobin dictated as ŝ point something" on 2005-08-23
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Subject: Verbatim account

How would you type... as I have it?

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Depends on the account: My verbatim account is VERBATIM and other accounts I put 3100
Subject: Depends on the account: My verbatim account is VERBATIM and other accounts I put 3100

In verbatim account... HELP PLEASE

She is sating(satting) 98% on room air?

I want to change, but on verbatim, I suppose I'm not supposed to, right? I'm relatively new to this and not sure.


ESL help..with verbatim account..
Subject: ESL help..with verbatim account..

would you type re-meet? remeet? or change to meet again... It is vebatim, but I'm not used to that yet... need seasoned advice!  Thanks!
On a verbatim account, would you
Subject: On a verbatim account, would you

actually leave this sentence as is?

She puts Neosporin on it, and she reports that in the morning it looks pussy.  

 TIA for any input.

Only if the account is verbatim would I
Subject: Only if the account is verbatim would I

type 5 foot. Should be 5 feet.
It is a verbatim account so I can't add the bag ;) sm
Subject: It is a verbatim account so I can't add the bag ;) sm

He just said the patient was *ambued and could not be intibated due to facial trauma* 

So, looks like this is one of those that is up in the air and probably something to talk to company QA about? 


Is this a verbatim account?
Subject: Is this a verbatim account?

If not, it would make more sense like this:

It would help beneficial organisms AND commensals bacteria colonize his colon and help as a first line of protection against disease.

If not, then I would type:
It would help beneficial organisms, commensals bacteria colonozie his colon and help as a first line of protection against disease.

Since they want the beneficial bacteria and commensals bacteria to colonize his colon, there is no need for a comma before colonize.
If the account is verbatim, I would say OK
Subject: If the account is verbatim, I would say OK

I use it only if my account is verbatim.
Subject: I use it only if my account is verbatim.

If you are on a verbatim account it could be 4, 80 and 0.
Subject: If you are on a verbatim account it could be 4, 80 and 0.

Verbatim account?
Subject: Verbatim account?

Valsalva maneuver.  Lots of docs turn it into a verb, so I would say if it is verbatim, what you have is how to spell it, all lower case.
Unless its a verbatim account
Subject: Unless its a verbatim account

I rearrange the sentence so that it is not the beginning. If it is a verbatim account you don't want to change anything but type as both letters in caps, PH.
if verbatim account yes sm
Subject: if verbatim account yes sm

It depends on the client profile. On my non-verbatim accounts, I leave out the is and are in the vitals signs and for allergies, I just type the Demerol and Penicillin under the heading. That's just how I've been doing it for over 15 years and so far so good :)
Verbatim account, doc said "pee"
Subject: Verbatim account, doc said "pee"

Should I edit to "urinate" or type as is? If as is, should I put it in quotes?

Diagnosis is micturation syncope. Here is the sentence as dictated:

When he tried to pee he got weak, dizzy, hit the floor, did not feel right.

 Thanks for any help.

I'd leave it, especially if it's a verbatim account.
Subject: I'd leave it, especially if it's a verbatim account.

Are you typing on a verbatim account?
Subject: Are you typing on a verbatim account?

If so, you will won't need to change decease to deceased. If the dictator is ESL, he probably used incorrect verbiage. Agree with other posters about lung CA.
Are you a verbatim account? Because I would rather put "undetectable" as well.
Subject: Are you a verbatim account? Because I would rather put "undetectable" as well.

Depends on whether the account is verbatim sm
Subject: Depends on whether the account is verbatim sm

Or how much they expect you to correct. I used to transcribe for a doctor who did the worst run-on sentences and sometimes I would rack my brains trying to figure out where to put punctuation without changing what she said (the account was verbatim except for obvious grammatical errors like subject-verb agreement). Finally I decided, if that's the way she wants to say it, that's what she is going to get. I just made sure that what she was saying made some reasonable kind of sense.  She was also notorious for changing her mind half a dozen times in a single sentence, and for not reading her reports before approving them. She once dictated a hysterosalpingogram (test to see if the fallopian tubes are blocked) and let the following impression go out to the requesting physician:

IMPRESSION:  Bilateral tubal pregnancy.

instead of

IMPRESSION:  Bilateral tubal patency.

(No, I didn't type it!)

Depends if it is a verbatim account. You can do it the way you have it or if he actually used the wo
Subject: Depends if it is a verbatim account. You can do it the way you have it or if he actually used the word "as" 93 then it could be 100-7 as 93 or just minus equal signs. Depends on your client.

depends on whether your account is verbatim (sm)
Subject: depends on whether your account is verbatim (sm)

It's slangy, but depending on the account, I might or might not edit.
Same here, but now my account is verbatim so I give em what they ask for.
Subject: Same here, but now my account is verbatim so I give em what they ask for.

The second one is correct if account is verbatim; never
Subject: The second one is correct if account is verbatim; never

If not verbatim account and you are allowed
Subject: If not verbatim account and you are allowed

to add headings, I would put it under either MUSCULOSKELETAL or NEUROLOGIC.
depends on account specifics, whether verbatim, etc.
Subject: depends on account specifics, whether verbatim, etc.

Thanks...that option is not allowed as my account is verbatim...
Subject: Thanks...that option is not allowed as my account is verbatim...

I put the word in as dictated with quotes around it and then sent it off to QA. I noticed later that they just deleted it and put a blank and sent it through without the word. Yet one more reason why I hate being on verbatim accounts!
If you are on a verbatim account, type exactly what is dictated.
Subject: If you are on a verbatim account, type exactly what is dictated.

If you sense a discrepancy, you can flag it for your QA department.
Depends on whether the account requires verbatim sm
Subject: Depends on whether the account requires verbatim sm

If they don't, I would change the tense to whatever is the norm for that account or that doctor.

If they do require verbatim, I would type it verbatim but let the QA preson know that the doctor had shifted tenses.

But that's just me....

I would leave it as dictated, esp if verbatim account. nm
Subject: I would leave it as dictated, esp if verbatim account. nm

Good question, is this a verbatim account? SM
Subject: Good question, is this a verbatim account? SM

If not, I guess para-colposcopic, para-cervical maybe?
I am on a verbatim account so I have to type it either way it is dictated L4-L5 or L4-5. As far OB/G
Subject: I am on a verbatim account so I have to type it either way it is dictated L4-L5 or L4-5. As far OB/GYN, G2, P3 or gravida 2, para 3 means with the 3-0-0-2: 3 live births, 0 preterm births, 0 miscarriages, 2 living children

That's the way I type it when the account is verbatim. Otherwise, you could correct to incised an
Subject: That's the way I type it when the account is verbatim. Otherwise, you could correct to incised and

I use tib-fib, but I would say it depends on the account. Some verbatim accounts do not like abbrevi
Subject: I use tib-fib, but I would say it depends on the account. Some verbatim accounts do not like abbreviations, others want it strictly verbatim. The rest seems appropriate to me, but I would say it is dorsiflex the ankle.

Got it. Thanks again. There are no account specifics, so I like to type verbatim just to be safe.
Subject: Got it. Thanks again. There are no account specifics, so I like to type verbatim just to be safe.

type "the year" if it is a verbatim account.
Subject: type "the year" if it is a verbatim account.

It all depends on your account specifics. If they use BOS, then use mL. I've had verbatim accou
Subject: It all depends on your account specifics. If they use BOS, then use mL. I've had verbatim accounts

with no BOS wanted per the client, regular accounts who do use BOS and others that do not want it, and others that "just type what I say." So, like I said, refer to your account specifics.
yeah, if you're a verbatim account do nitro paste, otherwise
Subject: yeah, if you're a verbatim account do nitro paste, otherwise

spell out to nitroglycerin paste. Doc slang. Don't cha love it!
If verbatim then that is correct. If you have to expand (as in my account) it is maximum temperature
Subject: If verbatim then that is correct. If you have to expand (as in my account) it is maximum temperature. (nm)

Personally, I do a verbatim account and I have begun sentences with "CT".
Subject: Personally, I do a verbatim account and I have begun sentences with "CT".

alk phos is slang, fine if verbatim account, otherwise spell it out. nm
Subject: alk phos is slang, fine if verbatim account, otherwise spell it out. nm

Once again, just me, but if it is not verbatim I would type out hematocrit, if verbatim "give it
Subject: Once again, just me, but if it is not verbatim I would type out hematocrit, if verbatim "give it to them".

account specifics for that particular account should state how it is to be typed. nm
Subject: account specifics for that particular account should state how it is to be typed. nm

verbatim is VERBATIM....bad advice he gave you.....
Subject: verbatim is VERBATIM....bad advice he gave you.....

no,not verbatim. if it were, i would type it verbatim. nm
Subject: no,not verbatim. if it were, i would type it verbatim. nm

If it is verbatim, then type it verbatim.
Subject: If it is verbatim, then type it verbatim.

Subject: Verbatim

My primary acct is a verbatim but am allowed to make grammatical corrections as long as it does not change the meaning. One of my docs dictated *monna releaser*. After getting my laugh for the day, I typed *I am going to release her*....this one was not an ESL. Gotta getta good laugh once in a while to keep sanity....
No, it is not verbatim...
Subject: No, it is not verbatim...

I think I have come to that conclusion, also.  There is just too much for me to try to fix it all.  I'm not sure I would even know where to begin.  There is just so much garbage...  Thanks for verifying my thoughts, though.... :)

Verbatim - is it tib/fib or tib-fib ???
Subject: Verbatim - is it tib/fib or tib-fib ???

verbatim or not?
Subject: verbatim or not?

Subject: verbatim

is it verbatim?
Subject: is it verbatim?

if its a verbatim acc...sm
Subject: if its a verbatim acc...sm

then you must write what you hear, if not, its up to you.