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another made up word?

Posted By: mandiemt on 2007-10-29
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Subject: another made up word?

I have a doc that keeps dictating "dermatomy" when referring to skin incision.  While this makes logical sense to me, I can't find this in any medical dictionary.  Not sure what to put or just flag and bring it to her attention.  Any ideas?

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YES, a made up word...sm
Subject: YES, a made up word...sm

Syncope is a real word meaning a temporary loss of consciousness or faint. "Syncopized, syncopial, syncopizing" are NOT words; edit to had syncope, was syncopal or is experiencing syncope, respectively.
Sounds like a made-up word
Subject: Sounds like a made-up word

Sounds like he means small protein in the urine and is just making up his own word, as they frequently do :-)
?rale-y = another made-up word!
Subject: ?rale-y = another made-up word!

Could be a made up word for concha bullosa?
Subject: Could be a made up word for concha bullosa?

ever heard of "problication" or is it a made up word
Subject: ever heard of "problication" or is it a made up word

made-up word in hernia repair report?
Subject: made-up word in hernia repair report?

I'm doing an operative report for repair of an incarcerated umbilical hernia, and the doctor says the hernia was dissected free of investing tissues.  The s/l incarsum or incarserum appeared to be preperitoneal fat.  I'm not familiar with this term, and I've attempted to find this through my own research efforts but am coming up empty. 
Thanks. Yes, sounds like a made up word. Just needed a second opinion. nm
Subject: Thanks. Yes, sounds like a made up word. Just needed a second opinion. nm

Yes, sounds like a made up word, but I type it all of the time.
Subject: Yes, sounds like a made up word, but I type it all of the time.

Made up word? Doctors don't make up no stinkin werdz.
Subject: Made up word? Doctors don't make up no stinkin werdz.

Don't you hate it when you're just sure a word is made up and you look it up only to find that it IS a real word? The other day a doc said conspicuity and I thought, man, if I was going to play with the word conspicuous, I'd go with conspicuosity. I Googled it and sho nuf, conspicuity is a word.
I would say the dictator made up his/her own tense to the word bursitis, would flag it and have QA l
Subject: I would say the dictator made up his/her own tense to the word bursitis, would flag it and have QA let you know.

Thanks, must be a made up combination word, as not in any medical book or on onelook and only 195 sm
Subject: Thanks, must be a made up combination word, as not in any medical book or on onelook and only 195 sm

hits on google. Everything I found after you told me that was cytology fixative. Thanks!
YW - Txczech helped by posting the word wrapped, which made it come to my mind :) nm
Subject: YW - Txczech helped by posting the word wrapped, which made it come to my mind :) nm

thanks, that's what I did, made it
Subject: thanks, that's what I did, made it

nitro paste. 
It just seemed like you also had made
Subject: It just seemed like you also had made

several posts to indicate the possibility this person was testing, which was exactly what you were singling her out for, making too many posts. Maybe she was not sure her post went through. gosh! talk about impatience.
LOL!!! That really made my day, too
Subject: LOL!!! That really made my day, too

Really needed a good laugh today, thanks for that one!!  Good Rx for a lot of men I've known...
LOL!!! Made my day!!! nm
Subject: LOL!!! Made my day!!! nm

thank you...u have made my day...I have
Subject: thank you...u have made my day...I have

been at this computer for a long time today, almost done. :0
It is still being made.
Subject: It is still being made.

Thank you! You made my week...sm
Subject: Thank you! You made my week...sm

I thought I was losing my mind when I heard "beetle nuts." Now that I have this information, I'm writing it down for future reference. We have a lot of Asian patients in this practice and it is probably what he was dictating. That's what I like about this business - you learn something new EVERY day! That's also what's great about our MT boards - MTs willing to help each other continually learn.
I should have made that more clear
Subject: I should have made that more clear

valves are often made from
Subject: valves are often made from

porcine (pigs)
typinlike made see the following - TX
Subject: typinlike made see the following - TX

She has sensory loss on the palmar aspect of the ulnar distribution, but not on the dorsum of the hand and she has weakness of the interocities, both the abductor digit minimi and the first dorsal neurosities are weak, not totally so the strength is perhaps 3½ to 4 over 5, so it is not totally out, but it is weak.
I made a note of this too
Subject: I made a note of this too

I've just learned my something new for today - had never heard of this one, but it's good to know for future reference!
perhaps some made up form of...
Subject: perhaps some made up form of...

rhonchi - a whistling or snoring sound heard on auscultation of the chest when the air channels are partly obstructed --Webster Medical Dictionary online
Probably Harmonic, made by the same (sm)
Subject: Probably Harmonic, made by the same (sm)

company that makes the Harmonic scalpel.
I think it's made up since it can't be documented
Subject: I think it's made up since it can't be documented

but I have heard it before used in that sense.
Thank you. Just wanted to know if it made sense. Had never seen it put quite like that.
Subject: Thank you. Just wanted to know if it made sense. Had never seen it put quite like that.

Thank you so much for the website I made a copy of the ROS.
Subject: Thank you so much for the website I made a copy of the ROS.

maybe "addendum will be made pending..."? nm
Subject: maybe "addendum will be made pending..."? nm

LOL!!!!!! Made my morning today!!!!
Subject: LOL!!!!!! Made my morning today!!!!

I have had docs say crappy, crummy, and I even had one say "not sure what it looks like" - you never know he could have said Poopy!!!

Thanks for the morning laugh!
Meaning that infection has made its way into
Subject: Meaning that infection has made its way into

the shoulder joint.  Sounds right to me.
Doctors and made-up words....
Subject: Doctors and made-up words....

Google search, using "define: emese" brings this up:

"Emese is a feminine Hungarian name that is possibly derived from the Finno-Ugric name eme which means "mother"."

That shows the value of a 20-year education, doesn't it.
No. Whenever a trade name is made into a verb...sm
Subject: No. Whenever a trade name is made into a verb...sm

it loses its capitalization, as in kocherized, steri-stripped, etc.
thanks, i guess he made the "T" silent!
Subject: thanks, i guess he made the "T" silent!

Thanks happy camper! You made me one too :)
Subject: Thanks happy camper! You made me one too :)

I flagged it, because I think he made a mistake.
Subject: I flagged it, because I think he made a mistake.

I think he meant McMurray, but he was clear in NOT saying that.  Thanks anyways and I really appreciate that list!  Great resource!
There is Vicryl mesh, made by Ethicon sm
Subject: There is Vicryl mesh, made by Ethicon sm

Here is a great site for surgery. Just type in a term and it will show you brands etc.



Yah, but I wasn't sure the original questioner did, sorry if I made you mad :)
Subject: Yah, but I wasn't sure the original questioner did, sorry if I made you mad :)

Soap boxes were not made to stand on--sm
Subject: Soap boxes were not made to stand on--sm

please get off or yours.
That always made sense to me too, but references say differently NM
Subject: That always made sense to me too, but references say differently NM

right - clinical presentation is what made dict...s/m
Subject: right - clinical presentation is what made dict...s/m

treat the patient for strep.......did you read the entire thread?  I was the responder to Deborah....

I thought the MD was stuttering at first, stumbling and then she asked about *representation* - and I responded to that.......

HTH :)

I made that error for years but it's *shotty*....
Subject: I made that error for years but it's *shotty*....

I made error yesterday - it IS infraorbital....sm
Subject: I made error yesterday - it IS infraorbital....sm

sorry, yesterday I suggested might be infero-orbital also - but it's infraorbital :)
I'm sorry, I have a feeling that it is one of those "doctor-made-up" words they so often co
Subject: I'm sorry, I have a feeling that it is one of those "doctor-made-up" words they so often come up with.


sometimes I hear *the patient will be made pending*, could that be it? nm
Subject: sometimes I hear *the patient will be made pending*, could that be it? nm

Wixson Hip Positioner made by Innomed
Subject: Wixson Hip Positioner made by Innomed

Thx! I made it through a whole paragraph of tests, with this being the last one and couldn't get
Subject: Thx! I made it through a whole paragraph of tests, with this being the last one and couldn't get the last one! :) Thx for your help!

Excuse me, it shoiuld be if an error was made.
Subject: Excuse me, it shoiuld be if an error was made.

Above is correct - doula - I made a typo.
Subject: Above is correct - doula - I made a typo.

T'd - in other words he made a T-shaped incision.
Subject: T'd - in other words he made a T-shaped incision.
