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metric; 0.5+ (hypertrophy is measured using 0-10 cm Visual Analog Scale) nm

Posted By: flybye on 2009-05-15
In Reply to: Turbinates - mkh

Subject: metric; 0.5+ (hypertrophy is measured using 0-10 cm Visual Analog Scale) nm

Complete Discussion Below: marks the location of current message within thread
  • Turbinates - mkh
    • metric; 0.5+ (hypertrophy is measured using 0-10 cm Visual Analog Scale) nm - flybye

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VDUs is visual display unit...VAS is visual analog (pain) scale..sm
Subject: VDUs is visual display unit...VAS is visual analog (pain) scale..sm

don't know if this helps at all...just a longshot in the dark.
Metric is based on units of 10, not 8. Saying 3/8 cm makes no sense. No metric ruler has eighths. nm
Subject: Metric is based on units of 10, not 8. Saying 3/8 cm makes no sense. No metric ruler has eighths. nm

s/l insulin sliding scale using ?mild? scale. nm
Subject: s/l insulin sliding scale using ?mild? scale. nm

s/l oak vertebral hypertrophy
Subject: s/l oak vertebral hypertrophy

with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing and _____ (s/l oak) vertebral hypertrophy and spurring and particularly C4-5 through C6-7
hypertrophy possibly - nm
Subject: hypertrophy possibly - nm

s/l infererior terminate hypertrophy
Subject: s/l infererior terminate hypertrophy

The patient also has a significant history of allergies with nasal obstruction and associated inferior terminate hypertrophy.
It would be left ventricular hypertrophy
Subject: It would be left ventricular hypertrophy

and I would expand it.

Hyperplasia is an excess of normal tissue. Specifically, it is the increased cell production in a normal tissue or an organ. Hyperplasia may be a sign of precancerous changes.

"pincher-type" hypertrophy?? sm
Subject: "pincher-type" hypertrophy?? sm

Doctor says patient has possible "pincher-type" hypertrophy of the acetabular margin.

Patient's assessment is hip pain with possible "pincher" impingement.
Echo revealed lf vent. hypertrophy with a s/l 5th
Subject: Echo revealed lf vent. hypertrophy with a s/l 5th

hypertrophy with s/l 5th person ejection fracture???
Might be "the faces" pain scale, where the show the faces going from happy to sad on a scale.
Subject: Might be "the faces" pain scale, where the show the faces going from happy to sad on a scale. nm

could be, although trough not usually measured in a ratio (1:512) sm
Subject: could be, although trough not usually measured in a ratio (1:512) sm

trough is usually indicating the amount of a treating medication in the bloodstream and it's measured in mg/L...don't know if that applies here....whereas a cryptococcal titer is measured in a ratio and they look for 1:512 or 1:1024...
laryngoscopy: s/l sanguous noses measured 3 mL.
Subject: laryngoscopy: s/l sanguous noses measured 3 mL.

Volume is measured as liters. Please see link in message.
Subject: Volume is measured as liters. Please see link in message.

Cardiac output measured by the FICK?? principle
Subject: Cardiac output measured by the FICK?? principle

not really sure about the begining of this word.  Could be Thick or may be I am not even close.  This guy is talking a mile a minute.  Doc is doing a cardiac cath.  Thanks.
ACTH is measured in picograms - abbrev "pg"
Subject: ACTH is measured in picograms - abbrev "pg"

Help...pain is 0 on a 0-to-10 scale or zero on a 0-to-10 scale?
Subject: Help...pain is 0 on a 0-to-10 scale or zero on a 0-to-10 scale?


HER2/neu positive, tumor measured 8cm, _____ (s/l lymph-edger) positiv
Subject: HER2/neu positive, tumor measured 8cm, _____ (s/l lymph-edger) positiv

Sorry for all of these, I have never worked on breast cancer reports before. I am doing overflow from another acct.
decimals for metric so the 1.25 way
Subject: decimals for metric so the 1.25 way

No, 1/4 for English, 0.25 for metric
Subject: No, 1/4 for English, 0.25 for metric

mcg and kg are metric measurements
Subject: mcg and kg are metric measurements

and should be typed like /min or /sec from my understanding, i.e. cm/sec, L/min, etc.  So I would type it like 50/mcg/kg/min. 

0.25, 0.5, etc. only used with metric measurements (cm, mm, etc.)
Subject: 0.25, 0.5, etc. only used with metric measurements (cm, mm, etc.)

I would use 1-1/2 - 1.5 is metric measurement.
Subject: I would use 1-1/2 - 1.5 is metric measurement.

metric abbreviations- sm
Subject: metric abbreviations- sm

Is one form correct over another when abbreviating the measurement 'microgram?'  I know I've seen it abbreviated as mcg, but in my chemistry background, we always used the symbol that looks like a funny letter 'u.'  I can type that symbol in Word, but I'm not sure if it's necessary or preferred.  This is the first time I've had the term 'microgram' dictated. 

Side note, do you use upper or lower case 'L' to represent a liter?  I've seen both used. 

Decimels are used with metric, 1/2 with
Subject: Decimels are used with metric, 1/2 with

Anything before or after this? Numbers? Maybe 'sliding scale' or 'sliding scale regimen?
Subject: Anything before or after this? Numbers? Maybe 'sliding scale' or 'sliding scale regimen?' nm

no - only abbreviate metric measurements
Subject: no - only abbreviate metric measurements

not pounds, ounces, etc.
You do not use fractions with metric system.
Subject: You do not use fractions with metric system.

inch is NOT used with metric values. That
Subject: inch is NOT used with metric values. That

is what is being said above. 1/2 inch, not 0.5 inch. They might say 0.5 inch, but it is transcribed as 1/2 inch or 1/2".
Inches and feet are not metric--no decimels. nm
Subject: Inches and feet are not metric--no decimels. nm

i use decimals for metric numbers: 0.25 kg but 1/4 pound NM
Subject: i use decimals for metric numbers: 0.25 kg but 1/4 pound NM

I thought you used decimals for metric and fractions for standard...
Subject: I thought you used decimals for metric and fractions for standard...

and I think you need another decimal place

1/38,000-inch-diameter (but this = 0.0000263)

and now I really have a headache!
Haunted by the metric system--half-centimeter or 0.5 cm--which is correct?
Subject: Haunted by the metric system--half-centimeter or 0.5 cm--which is correct?

I am typing a procedure (verbatim) and the surgeon says that he left a "half centimeter flap." Does anyone know how this is correctly expressed? Should I leave it as half-centimeter or should I go all metric and use 0.5 cm?? Help!!
Visual Acuity
Okay, I don't know if this is the right thread to post this, but Doc is saying Visual Acuity right eye 20/nothing, left eye 20/nothing.  How would that be transcribed??  Thanks.
Visual Acuity
Subject: Visual Acuity

Hearing dictator saying "visual acuity is NA"  Does he mean non-applicable? and if so should I type out non applicable.



Visual halo ???
Subject: Visual halo ???

visual field types
Subject: visual field types

Here are some uncommon ones that might help in the future.  Monocular visual field.   Visual field superior 36 taped-and-untaped (checking for lid droop).   Mac-to-red visual field (macular threshold to red, for patients that use Plaquenil).   Hope this helps.

Visual acuity test - sm
Subject: Visual acuity test - sm

Second cranial nerve is intact with normal visual acuity by s/l snylan's test.


Thanks for that link! Very helpful visual -
Subject: Thanks for that link! Very helpful visual -

CSF fluid: There was no s/l agrezoclaminomia by visual inspection.
Subject: CSF fluid: There was no s/l agrezoclaminomia by visual inspection.

found it, visual estimated technique yay! lol nm
Subject: found it, visual estimated technique yay! lol nm

has a right visual field cut and positive right s/l marcuscund
Subject: has a right visual field cut and positive right s/l marcuscund

nope, wish I could...but now I hear episodic visual hee tee ooo's ??
Subject: nope, wish I could...but now I hear episodic visual hee tee ooo's ??

Opthalmology - Omedi visual fields?
Subject: Opthalmology - Omedi visual fields?

s/l Omedi   

He says her omedi visual fields show relatively little deficit. 


He is a very clear dictator. 

Decreased visual field on the right s/l 2 threat or throughout?
Subject: Decreased visual field on the right s/l 2 threat or throughout?

I don't know if this makes sense. 

Decreased visual field on the right s/l 2 threat or 2 throughout.  Do either of these make sense, or something else?

Another eye question! s/l "motalakian" visual field exam???
Subject: Another eye question! s/l "motalakian" visual field exam???

On a second report, s/l "tularakian" visual field exam. Took a half-hour researching with no success,and QA sent the first report with the word blanked so they don't know either. Help!!
This was already answered...24-2 SITA visual field test
Subject: This was already answered...24-2 SITA visual field test

preceding symptoms such as visual disturbance, s/l comoda.
Subject: preceding symptoms such as visual disturbance, s/l comoda.

Sorry for the poor woman, but the visual is hilarious. Hope you have a better day.
Subject: Sorry for the poor woman, but the visual is hilarious. Hope you have a better day.

Revatio? visual changes listed as possible side effect. sm.
Subject: Revatio? visual changes listed as possible side effect. sm.

info from www.rxlist.com
visual fields grossly intact to confrontation. ...
Subject: visual fields grossly intact to confrontation. ...

Dpes this help..
The patient has migraines and he has no visual disturbance or s/l scomatoma. TIA!!
Subject: The patient has migraines and he has no visual disturbance or s/l scomatoma. TIA!!