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really just a WAG. Could you be hearing "was sick througout"

Posted By: ltt on 2007-11-27
In Reply to: Patient admitted from the sickle cell clinic, s/l.... - see message

Subject: really just a WAG. Could you be hearing "was sick througout"

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sick contacts? nm
Subject: sick contacts? nm

nevermind, sick euthyroid
Subject: nevermind, sick euthyroid

Pt who is cutting may be a "cicatrix" former. s/l sick a trix Is this right? sm
Subject: Pt who is cutting may be a "cicatrix" former. s/l sick a trix Is this right? sm

The patient has had serious episodes of cutting, and her forearms are covered with scars, which look like they should have been sutured and were not.  It is possible that she is a "cicatrix former". 
Usually it would be carried out, but sometimes they might say "was done."
Subject: Usually it would be carried out, but sometimes they might say "was done."

You should use "was" as the 50 cc is a considered...sm
Subject: You should use "was" as the 50 cc is a considered...sm

a single unit.
Sick sinus syndrome and s/l bracket afib...
Subject: Sick sinus syndrome and s/l bracket afib...

or brocket afib. HELP!
That's good. what a time of the year to get sick! Take care. nm
Subject: That's good. what a time of the year to get sick! Take care. nm

The size...was small, so "was." NM
Subject: The size...was small, so "was." NM

"was" by my training and references...sm
Subject: "was" by my training and references...sm

all amounts are to be transcribed as singular when abbreviated, so it does not matter if "approximately" is used it is always 10 cc of fluid was aspirated (and/or injected).

Obviously if it is dictated "a total of 10 cc..." it is WAS because "total" is the subject. Also, even if the dictation was "10 cc of fluidS..." it would still be was because the unit of measurement is the subject of the sentence and is abbreviated.
also, could it be "was performed on the RIGHT" (not 'on the side') ?? nm
Subject: also, could it be "was performed on the RIGHT" (not 'on the side') ?? nm

Found this "cute" example for "was laid down" -- sm
Subject: Found this "cute" example for "was laid down" -- sm

Couldn't resist posting the following found on a grammar Q&A site. (If I read below correctly -- after I quit laughing!!! -- then in your example the patient is the direct object.)

by gradyplayer on 1/20/07
I am always wondering about the past participle tense of the vulgar form, have I been lain?

by Larabees on 1/20/07
I'm pretty sure that you would have been laid. You would have been the direct object. That is, someone did it to you (i.e., laid you). Going back to the example given in the podcast: "It's pretty easy, you lay something down, people lie down by themselves..." So, someone laid you, you didn't lay yourself (I think).

OB.. again... D&C last week shows..s/l sick-see-tree dyplasia endometrium which is unusual.Thank you
Subject: OB.. again... D&C last week shows..s/l sick-see-tree dyplasia endometrium which is unusual.Thank you

Thought that should be it. It threw me, because of the "was created" part of it. Thanks!
Subject: Thought that should be it. It threw me, because of the "was created" part of it. Thanks!

Because AP, lateral and oblique are singular then it is "was", if it was laterals and obliques
Subject: Because AP, lateral and oblique are singular then it is "was", if it was laterals and obliques (plural) then it would be "were"...

With words that indicate portions—percent, fraction, part, majority, some, all, none, remainder, and so forth —look at the noun in your of phrase (object of the preposition) to determine whether to use a singular or plural verb. If the object of the preposition is singular, use a singular verb. If the object of the preposition is plural, use a plural verb.

Examples: Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared.
Pie is the object of the preposition of.
Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared.
Pies is the object of the preposition.
One-third of the city is unemployed.
One-third of the people are unemployed.

NOTE: Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions.

All of the pie is gone.
All of the pies are gone.
Some of the pie is missing.
Some of the pies are missing.
None of the garbage was picked up.
None of the sentences were punctuated correctly.
Of all her books, none have sold as well as the first one.

Yep, You are hearing one over four
Subject: Yep, You are hearing one over four

or 1/4. Could listen to see if there are any pluses in there though.
is it possible you are mis-hearing,
Subject: is it possible you are mis-hearing,

and he/she is saying 'MRCP'?,
ie, mental retardation/cerebral palsy...

could I be hearing this right?
Subject: could I be hearing this right?

Patient found to be hypotensive upon entry to the operating room. "Mass trousers" were placed. CPR was resumed.

This patient was in a car accident.  Thank you

Re: could I be hearing this right?
Subject: Re: could I be hearing this right?

MAST trousers (Military and/or Medical Antishock Trousers).
you sure you are not hearing O2 sat 92%?
Subject: you sure you are not hearing O2 sat 92%?

not sure if I'm hearing this right?
Subject: not sure if I'm hearing this right?

CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed a small s/l fat containing umbilical hernia.

s/l fat ?

OB..I do not know if I am hearing this even..
Subject: OB..I do not know if I am hearing this even..

to put it on here...

the cervix was prepped with acetic acid and s/l a few or a-sea-a white changes were noted in multiple areas int the 11:00 region..etc.  thank you

Are you hearing this as boy-yay or boy-ett? nm
Subject: Are you hearing this as boy-yay or boy-ett? nm

WAG but could be you be hearing sm
Subject: WAG but could be you be hearing sm

Decadron 8 mg IM?  Commonly given in our office for insect sting reactions etc. along with the other meds mentioned.
not hearing this right please help :)
Subject: not hearing this right please help :)

1. Status post CVA.
2.  Hypertension.
3.  Coronary artery disease.
4.  Obesity
5.  Parasystole S/L a-? relation

Are you hearing
Subject: Are you hearing

Could you be hearing CVP for DVT there? No
Subject: Could you be hearing CVP for DVT there? No

thanks. i'm not hearing the "c" though.
Subject: thanks. i'm not hearing the "c" though.

Thanks to both. Yes, I am hearing that now
Subject: Thanks to both. Yes, I am hearing that now

as it goes, never had this word before, believe or not.
Not sure if I am hearing this right.
Subject: Not sure if I am hearing this right.

she does have some s/l hemi -actric' fracture blisters that are in that area.


Wow. I was not sure what I was hearing
Subject: Wow. I was not sure what I was hearing

to begin with and never heard of that before. Thanks so much.
this is what im hearing now... please sm
Subject: this is what im hearing now... please sm

after listening to it a couple of times i think i can clearly hear **shrug shoulder**, tho i dont think "midline" (which is what the MD said) is the right term to use for it.
Now I'm hearing it, but...
Subject: Now I'm hearing it, but...

- nose erythematous mucosa with enlarged turbinates.

Does that make sense?
This is probably something I'm just not hearing right, but need help with s/l
Subject: This is probably something I'm just not hearing right, but need help with s/l

Patient has lupus, asthma, peptic ulcer disease, and depression. Complaining of dizziness,lightheadedness, feeling of about to collapse.

HEENT is negative. s/l dix-ell-pock is negative.

I'm totally stumped and appreciate any help. Thanks!
Are you maybe hearing...
Subject: Are you maybe hearing...

Are you hearing
Subject: Are you hearing

pannus spondyloarthropathy?
Thanks, but just not sure. I am definitely hearing a T in there. Hopefully he will say it again.
Subject: Thanks, but just not sure. I am definitely hearing a T in there. Hopefully he will say it again.

Just go with it if that is what you are hearing. nm
Subject: Just go with it if that is what you are hearing. nm

second hearing...
Subject: second hearing...

If this works, she may benefit from ___ or ___(dASO) brace-type orthotic....

Now hearing as USBL or Arizona brace-type orthotic....found USBL in google but not Arizona
Am I hearing this right??? (sm)
Subject: Am I hearing this right??? (sm)

Patient is in for osteoarthritis of the hip. Doctor states- actually rather clearly for her- "Earlier this year he developed a left inguinal adenitis following some deep (s/l dental) cleaning procedure."

Since teeth seem to have nothing to do with your groin, I'm confused... that can't really be right- But I'm also stuck on not being able to hear anything else. :P Ideas?
Could you be hearing ...
Subject: Could you be hearing ...

Under ultrasound guidance, the patient underwent paracentesis of 3500 cc of a nonpurulent ascitic fluid.

A healed right proximal humeral fracture was present.
Not sure if I am hearing right.
Subject: Not sure if I am hearing right.

The following sentence is uclear for me.  This is what I am hearing:

Lungs: No loud wheezes or rhonchi.  Sometimes wheezes sounds like squeezes.  Does that make sense?

Not sure if hearing this right! sm
Subject: Not sure if hearing this right! sm

Patient has ED due to diabetes. He would like to try s/l archotherapy (erectotherapy)??

Anyone heard of this or something that sounds like? Thanks!
Could you be hearing this...
Subject: Could you be hearing this...

or is it definitely LAT?

OATS stands for 'osteochondral autograft transfer system,' and the technique is very similar to mosaicplasty. In the OATS procedure the plugs are usually larger, and therefore only one or two plugs are needed to fill the area of cartilage damage.
Could you be hearing...
Subject: Could you be hearing...

peg and dowel fusion?
Are you maybe hearing "snare"?
Hearing tests
Subject: Hearing tests

There's a Lombard's test, and there's a Schwabach's test.
Where in the ROS "line up" are you hearing this? nm
Subject: Where in the ROS "line up" are you hearing this? nm

My ears are hearing a med that s/l...
Subject: My ears are hearing a med that s/l...

dy-no-sar-con-si-pro.  I do not have any context for it as it is just listed in the medications.  He doesn't have any illnesses except hypertension.  This doctor has a tendency to say meds incorrectly.

cannot tell which word I am hearing here...
Subject: cannot tell which word I am hearing here...

He has chronic low back pain, but without limb pain/limping.



Any chance your hearing
Subject: Any chance your hearing

Are you sure you're not hearing...
Subject: Are you sure you're not hearing...

GPT instead of GDT?