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s/l movie prep

Posted By: Kristi White on 2007-03-08
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Subject: s/l movie prep

I found MoviPrep on drugs.com today while searching for it myself. Hope that helps!

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    Surgical skin prep? Colostomy bag prep? Or something else? nm
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    I just gotta say that I luv your moniker! (and that movie)
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    vaginal wet prep or just wet prep? nm
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    moderate WBCs, heavy EPIs, 2+ bacteria, 0 clue, 0 yeast, 0 s/l trich (?).

    Also, does the rest look correct? Thanks!
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    Maybe cathartic prep? nm
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    Domeboro. An old old prep. sm
    Subject: Domeboro. An old old prep. sm

    Used a lot in wound care etc. Have been typing that name ever since I started, back in the 70s. There is also Domeboro otic etc.



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    Prep solution for procedure
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    Any ideas would be great.....Thanks
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