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Anybody here working second shift hours at Oracle?

Posted By: cindyoh on 2009-05-05
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I see a lot of negative regarding this company and am wondering if the work load is consistent when working second shift hours there.  Thanks much.

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Must we choose either 8, 16 or 24 hours. Why would they want someone only working 8 hours a week.
That is less than SE are required now.
Working for oracle
anyone out there with any comments on working for oracle transcription?
2nd shift hours
I have worked 2nd shift for many years, both in-house at a hospital and from home. I have found that mostly 2nd shift is defined as anything after 2:00 in the afternoon and then an 8-hour shift (breaks may or may not been included and the shift extended accordingly.) I work for a company now from home where my 2nd shift is flexible. I work anywhere from 3-11 or 4-midnight, depending on what time the hospital uploads the work that needs to be done, which on this account is STAT work. At the hospital in-house in the past, I worked 2:00-10:30 which allowed for a 30-minute dinner break. I can still work 5:00 pm to 1:00 am. Generally 3rd shift is starting the shift at midnight and working 8 hours.
Nobody working for Oracle anymore?! nm
If a company has shift hours specified .....

that are non negotiable, doesn't that make you an employee, rather than an IC?

Posting on the job board is curiously worded.

Out of work already - 1.5 hours into shift. (sm)

Bet there will be no holiday pay for a lot of us since we have to have 32 hours in addition to the holiday to qualify for holiday pay. (WMX).  We will be all sitting and scrapping for the work.  Hope those new accounts come on soon and just swamp us with work. 

Holiday weeks are usually feast and famine but I just had to gripe.  Excuse me now.  Have a good holiday all.

1800 lines so far and have 3 more hours to go in my shift.
I do work all hours, including my days off, and 3rd shift

to try to make up hours, but I'm short most weeks.   There are lots of accounts with low work, yet they keep hiring more.

I don't need the benefits, but I was told that if there is no work it will not affect benefits.   I am new too and not eligible for benefits until next month anyway, so I can't say if that is true or not. 


Is your shift key not working???
What's with the 'all lowercase' posts?
If you are working a scheduled shift, you are an
You Might get 11cpl working weekends only, third shift, as an IC. nm
been working a split shift for a month just to try to maybe get my lines in
Which is slowly draining the life from me. I can get their minimum NO problem at all if they provide steady work. However, it trickles in now and most of the time I have to wait between jobs for work. Also really tired of their dumb e-mails patting us on the back because everything is in TAT. Well, with not enough work and too many MTs, what do you expect?? I am heading for the way out pretty fast!
seriously?? My opinion: if you are working that many hours
and can't get enough lines to make more than 700 bucks every 2 weeks?? you really are in the wrong profession. That is a really, really sad line count ... either that or you get paid .02 a line or something. good grief. I'm making 120 bucks a day easy in an 8 hour day. Also -- are you REALLY working 10-12 hours or are you fiddling with other things and if you added it up, you are actually TYPING 2 or 3?? be honest with yourself.
You're working all hours
to make up yours but taking work from those scheduled to work. NOt that I blame you, we all need what we need, BUT WEBMEDX - YOU HAVE OVERHIRED!!!!! I don't like having to fight people for my work. As soon as I find something else, I'm outta here. Over 25 years experience down the tubes!!!
a window doesn't mean working less than say 7 to 8 hours a day, sm

it means breaking up your shift over a 12-hour period or whatever period the company offers. 

Why are you working 60 hours, when you can work 40 at Amphion?
Just curious as to why you would continue to work 60 hours a week, if you can work 40 hours at Amphion and make more money? Why have you not gone full time with Amphion? Again, just curious. I do not want to start anything.
Yes. I earn almost $40,000 working 32 hours a week. nm
I make about $1,500 a month working about 20 hours per week.

Believe me, I'm not bragging or slamming anybody at all.  No way.  I'm frustrated with my own income because I'd like to make more.  I'm willing to put in more hours to do it, too.  Honestly, I'm not that fast.  I have one very small local account and one small MTSO I subcontract for.  None of it is verbatim, it's clean up the grammar as you go, which totally slows me down.

I won't work for a national any more because I couldn't make enough money there.  I wasn't willing to tough it out for three months until I could make their line counts, especially when they had me on their worst accounts, pools of hundreds of dictators per hospital so I couldn't use my expander, and a new account every week.

I've said before that if I'm going to do MT, it's going to be on my terms.  I won't chain myself to a desk or be "on call" all day long waiting for work to come in.  Nationals don't pay you to sit there and wait for work.  That's bull.  Being on call IS working.  Other businesses pay their "on call" people at least minimum wage.  They skirt around the issue trying to use SE and IC terminology, but it's just a way of paying us less to be at their beck and call.

Don't give up on MT entirely.  You'll find your fit.  It just takes some searching.

This thing about working 40 hours for benefits is garbage.
So if I do my usual 20,000 lines a pay period but only work 30 hours, I lose my benefits, but a newbie who takes 40 hours to do 12,000 lines gets benefits? This is insane. I've enjoyed working for MedQuist, but between this lousy new platform and stinking corporate rules, I've had it. My notice goes in next week, and I'm going back to school this quarter to become a P.A.

I've been working 5 hours and it is still only showing 250 lines. It will
come up eventually correct, but seems to take forever.
A company/MTSO can offer an IC a job working certain hours
that they need coverage, and it's up to the IC to agree to working those hours, or not take the job.

If you hired an IC to repair your roof, would you want him working daylight hours, or since he's an IC can he work on the roof from midnite to 8 a.m. if he wants?
YUP, health problems eventually set in and with working 17 hours/day, they'll be popping up very
You're so right.
Workload has reached a manageable level with everyone working scheduled hours.
Voluntary OT is still available on some accounts.
at that rate, working acute care, I would do $28 an hour - but I only work 6 hours a day...
Like she said, you just have to be able to utilize all your tools and be at it for years - it comes eventually...

I actually make $33.00 an hour though because at my production tier I make 10 cpl a line.
Isnt it sad. We just want to go to work every day on our shift, work our 8 hours and be done with it
Instead I sit here hours hoping the Indians leave some work for us so we can at least get our 8 hours in. Nothing like logging onto you shift and being told no work. Nice. 
This is true. Shift does matter. I work 2nd shift and really have not had any issues with not havi
3rd shift radiology can be like that. Feast or famine. Same with 3rd shift sm
ER work. Sometimes the doctors are too busy to dictate, so they do it at the end. Why don't you talk to them and ask about a different shift?
I don't think we work at the same place, but I have been working lots and lots of hours.
Very thankful to have a decent job.
Ya know, even if I spend time during my shift or after that shift

it is still MY time, expected by the company, and I am not getting paid for it regardless.  I don't answer my phone while I am working, never did, never will.  What other profession, while probably punching a clock, do folks work for free?  If I worked in an office doing this, that time would be paid - say 15 minutes a day x 5 days a week at even $10/hour =   $50 a month - and it is more time spent than that to deal with the email thing and the reminders and the changes in specifics and logging in and out of 3 different accounts when primary is out of work.  GRRR. 

I don't change jobs easily either, glad you are happy where you are - but producing 1400 lines of ACCURATE text will end my career soon (and probably yours also) and then what are we all to do?  My goal is not to work more, work harder and longer hours to produce a salary I can live on. 


Sorry, I work 15 hours a day 5 days a week and 5 hours the other 2, when I come here I dont proof.
They pay well 10 cpl days, 11 cpl 2nd shift, 12 for 3rd shift
1300 lines a day required, 65 character line. They have benefits. Don't know much else.
I have worked both 3rd shift and day shift (SM)
including what you call banker's hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). I ran out of work more often on 3rd than I do now on the day shift.
Why would they give you a choice of 16 or 24 hours. Usually part time is anything under 37 hours.

That is extremely odd. Well they must have something up their sleeves. Well I will be working elsewhere part time as well as with MQ as I have no intention of sitting 40 hours with no work from Amherst and be expected to have 150 lph with no work. What is all this window of work time they said they would be giving everyone. I figured all along they would do away with SE. I have already been looking around and ordered a new computer  to send theirs back.


Any companies that allow line count rather than hours or less than 20 hours per week? (sm)

Wouldn't mind having something extra especially with Christmas and general winter expenses coming up but working a FT job and really don't want to do another 20 hours on top of that. 


the day has 24 hours, I work only 6-8 hours, so, lots of time to post...nm
MDI-FL. Approximately 7 hours a month x12 months =84 hours
And your PTO acrues from day 1. You are just unable to utilize it until after 90 days. They have excellent benefits.
You can have insurance at 30 hours with Encompass, 32 hours with eTransPlus. nm

10-15 an hour for 8 hours is better than nothing for 8 hours when there is no work.
Ditto.. Over 13 years experience working in hospitals doing all types of reports, currently working
for a national etc.. and Spheris told me I didnt have the qualifications. What cracked me up was the hospital I was working at at the time contracted some of our work out to them.. What a joke..I was good enough to work for a hospital and gave them work, yet not qualified enough for them. What is wrong with this picture.
MQ same situation. No pay for working holidays, no pay for working weekends nothing. Now noone works
much anymore and so they jerk the work out of the accounts to some place that throws it back with a lot of bad bad quality. This is the NE region. I dont know what the others are doing.
Can anyone tell me about Oracle?


Does anyone have any current info on what Oracle in like.  Are they a good company to work for?  The last posts were back in Feb 2005, not that positive, any new info on them? 
Does anyone have any information, good or bad, about Oracle??
Anyone have any info on this company?
Oracle, IC only?
Is Oracle IC only and do you know if you can use dial-up? You sound happy with them, do they pay for spaces? Thanks.
I'd try someone like Oracle
You can do IC with them, and they have someone in their accounting department that will actually figure out what your taxes should be for your paycheck, withdraw them out and give them to you in another check, so you can set aside. Then, if you really feel uncomfortable about the tax issue, you can prepay your taxes quarterly with the IRS. Transcend is not that flexible with employees, only with IC (that's what I am with them) - and even then, you'll be lucky, with their platform and stinky dictators, to make much money at all. Try Oracle ... you can change your schedule whenever you want, and there's the benefit of the tax lady who will help you with that aspect.
thank you LTMT, you helped alot
Oracle and JLG

Anyone have current info on working for Oracle? I did a search and looks like there were a lot of problems with platform but nice people. Do they still use the same platform? I thought I saw somewhere you had to have a C phone or do they have internet transfer now?

Also need on info on JLG. I've found a few posts. Can anyone currently working there tell me what line counts are required, how easy to get, and do use a platform called Vianeta and how is that to use, MT-friendly, have to enter demos? Thank you!!! Just trying to get a list going here of pros and cons, any help VERY much appreciated!

RE: oracle to Flo
Don't really know what the other posts were referring to but wanted to share my experience.  I applied, got a response the same day and within one week was working with them.  Wonderful people.  I've worked for 3 other on line companies in the past.  So far, this is the best experience of all of them.  Flexible schedule and I never have run out of work.  It may depend on what accounts you are capable of doing.  I have accounts that don't seem to run dry and have experience in many fields of work so can do different accounts also.  Platform does take a bit of time to get used to though and is a bit user unfriendly but not that bad really.  Pay comes on time and direct deposit option at no cost (many charge for it).  You have to weigh all the options I guess and see what is most valuable to you. 
Thank you very much. Unfortunately I haven't been an MT for long, about 2-1/2 years and on the website is says they need at least 3 years experience. I'll keep them in mind.

Do you have an email address for Oracle or website address? Thanks in advance.
