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Anyone work or worked for Administrative Assistants LLC out of Michigan?

Posted By: mt on 2005-12-27
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Need input as to pros/cons.

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Van Belkum, Administrative Assistants are 2 that I know of out of Michigan. nm
Anyone work for Administrative Assistants - please e-mail me. nm
Can anyone tell me if Administrative Assistants is a good company to work for and if they hire IC
or employees.
Administrative Assistants, LLC
Found nothing doing a search, and wondered if anyone here had any experience with this company based in Michigan..thanks!
Yes, she is with Administrative Assistants I believe. nm
Administrative Assistants use DocQscribe as well.
An MT co. called Administrative Assistants uses it.
any info on Administrative Assistants -
out of Michigan? IC/employee, work flow, weekends, pay, platform. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
info on Administrative Assistants - sm

I know they are IC and use DocQcribe. I am wondering about ballpark pay scales, work flow, any other information about this company.

Thanks in advance!

Does anyone know how to contact the lady at Administrative Assistants?? (sm)
I can't find anything for a website or in the archives here on how to contact.  Thank you.
A few are DSG, InTouchMI, Administrative Assistants, and VanBelkum. nm
Administrative Assistants in MI., InTouchMI, and VanBelkum do. nm
Has anyone worked for Administrative Advantage

Any small companies in Michigan that are nice to work for. nm
Administrative Advantage

Any info anyone has on this company would be greatly appreciated.  I'm just looking to do some part time work to make a little extra money.  I'm looking for the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Couldn't find much in the archives.



Yes, but that administrative stuff

There are calls made to me regarding fixing patient information that was incorrectly put on the patient sheet and incorrectly dictated.  So, their mistake, but it takes time from me.  I do have my own clients, and believe me it is more work.  I don't like to work for free, so therefore, I set up fee schedules ahead of time.  I charge $2.00 to fax a note that I've already dropped off and they've lost.  It didn't take them long before they no longer were calling me to fax a note.  Believe me, I think they got talked to. 

Also, be ready when the office staff is hating on you because they are jealous you get to work from home.  Be ready to hang out and be nice when they call with all their problems. 

To anyone who thinks having your own accounts is just fun in the sun is wrongoooo!  It takes work.  It's all work, no matter what.  And I don't work for free and neither do the doctors. 

Administrative Advantage? Anyone know about this company?
I got a job offer.  Please tell all good and bad.
to Michigan MT
They offered me an amount and that was what they said they paid no matter what account you are on. I don't know how they work out their pay either but it sure isn't fair to the folks who have been there longer and have more than 10 years experience.
Michigan. .
SO SORRY!! I have several relatives in Michigan who have all lost jobs or drastically reduced: A mechanical engineer, home builder/grape farmer(s) and one at Pfizer who is just waiting for layoffs . .they are making wonderful pet meds now at Pfizer in Kazoo, MI
where in Michigan?
I work in Petoskey and live in Cheboygan.
Is that in MIchigan?

If it's based out of Michigan then it's the company that actually runs the on line program I took, as well as being a transcription service.  The online program was pretty good - it got me working right away.  It was learntranscription.com

The people that I dealt with were nice and they always looked at their own graduates to hire, so they were willing to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.


Another in Michigan

Dictation By Phone, were in Berkley, Michigan.  No pay, pays late, or checks bounce if they do pay.


In Michigan it's Michigan.gov
and Click on employment.  I would look at your state's offical web site and see what you can find.  You can also call or visit your local state unemployment office. That's who handles the program in Michigan.  They do the testing and help you apply for the funding, etc. 
Anyone know anything about Superscript out of Michigan?
rxtranscription from Michigan

Anyone know anything about rxtranscription, LLC, from Michigan?   Looking to test with them later this week. 

Midwest where? Not Michigan, I can tell you that.

new Michigan MTSO ... and I'm just going to have to be moving on ASAP.  This particular accent is just about as bad, if not worse, than Eastern European for me.  And this is just way too high a percentage for me to deal with. 

Danged if I know where you can go to find fewer, but I'm going to be asking about that pointblank from now on, however negatively doing so will impact my job opportunities.  I mean more than 25-30% ESLs is just beyond ridiculous, IMO. More power to those of you who can and will do more than that.  I'm sure you deserve a lot more than whatever you're being paid.

Supercript out of Michigan
Does anyone currently work for Supercript out of Michigan or have worked for them before?  I have been offered a position with them and need to make a decision.  Are they good to work for, pay on time, etc.  Anyone with any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
You have to be in Michigan for starters. sm
Preferably the west side of the state as you have one day of training at their home office in Cadillac. They provide everything you need including the computer. They use Vianeta and their tech support people are great. They give you a mentor to start with and expect you to be off corrections within a week or two. And they always answer emails and/or phone calls.
Hope this helps.
DataScript in Michigan

Anyone working for them now or anyone that has worked for them in the past, I'm considering working for them, but would like some info first - anything - the good, bad and the ugly.  Thanks so much!


Berkley, Michigan (sm)
CTS of Michigan, TRX of Oregon?
Anybody know anything? Good, bad, indifferent?


Pay scale?

Work availability?


I'm speaking for CTS of Michigan, sorry. nm
NetMed Transcription in Michigan
Does anyone have any experience with this company?  Thanks!
Moretti Transcription in Michigan

Wondering about people, platform, pay, accounts, QA...any and all advice welcomed.  Thanks!

Anybody working for Q-Med Transcription out of Michigan?
Any info on Superscript out of Michigan? Thanks.
nm nm
Cool. Good to know. Where in Michigan are you? nm
I live in Michigan and they were going to pass that s/m
but it got vetoed.  They didn't call it a sales tax so much as a service tax.  You should check with the state that you live in, try your official state web site for info.
Information on NetMed in Michigan?
what part of Michigan do you live in? sm
I know its nearly impossible to find any kind of job in Michigan. I am originally from there and my family still lives there. you are in my thoughts and prayers!
What part of Michigan do you live in?
Detroit area (Detroit northern suburbs).
Anything to say about Central Transcription Services in Michigan? nm
Does anyone know anything about Scan Medical Service in Michigan. nm
Any current information on Moretti in Michigan?
Does anybody work there that can share some information on platform, IC or employee status and how you are treated there? You can also e-mail me with any information. I really appreciate it. Thank you!
Their ad was on another free board in May. I'm assuming they're in MIchigan. Said they had a 6
Radlinc from Dearborn Heights Michigan... Any info, please!!!

Any info on Scan Medical Services, LLC out of Michigan?
Has anyone worked for them? Are they reliable? Pay on time, etc?
Is Caretech a company located in Michigan by any chance. nm
Adminstrative Assistants and VanBelkum. Good companies, good pay!
Anyone know of any small companies in Michigan or hospitals that hire MTs that you may be familiar
with the type of work.
Do they have an ad somewhere? A search is only giving me a Michigan branch owned by an Indian. nm