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Thanks A-team. You've been

Posted By: very helpful! Just Sayin on 2009-05-20
In Reply to: They do not have VR currently, but it is in - A-team


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Too bad they got rid of Indian team leads. My US team lead is the worst.

opppss meant purple team, not red team.
Sorry, I meant the purple team.
Do they have a US team? Or
should I start looking?? They have never mentioned anything about dropping the US team, but I would bet they would do it in a heartbeat - I guess that's why they are known as heartless.
There is still a QA team.
The team leaders to the document completion.
BEST team

KS used to have people that just did that without a name.  There was a gal who did our hospital and we could not have her permanently.  What we settled for was not even close to what we wanted.  The whole idea is very midleading.

ER Team
Yes, they asked me for either a Sun-Thur or Tue-Sat for daytime hours.  Afternoon and late evenings could be Mon-Fri. 
Same team
I worked for OSi for the CURRENT QA manager and most of the current team were there the entire time, except for new people who were hired as the company expanded.  Most everyone was excellent to work with - a great team atmosphere.  Working as an OSi QA is not easy, and I liken it to teaching - you do way more than you are expected to do because you LIKE to, and you get paid way less than you are worth, because you like doing what you do.  But I think that's true of any job you do that you love. 
What Team Were You On
What team where you one there? I currently work for them and have had none of the trouble that you had. I am sure it all would vary from team to team.
What about blanks? Do they count against you? What about ESLs? Are they difficult? Thanks for your info!
Red team

If you are on the red team, you have a fantastic supervisor provided she is still there.  I absolutely loved her!!! She will definitely go out of her way to make your experience as pleasant as possible.  She did for me, and she was the main reason I ended up staying.  Unpleasant note:  This is the team I had the unpleasant QA person.  Good luck again!

By the way, I bet we are on the same team.
I will be using ExText too and I love that platform! Take care and I meant to say congratulations to you too!
What good does it do? They've lied, they've betrayed us.

They've taken all they are going to take from me.   I am not going to waste any more time being angry.   I hate the way things ended, but I refuse to accept the blame for any part of it because I know that was a lie too, even though they did try to blame the MTs.  I know part of the problem was quality issues, but QA wasn't to blame for that either, although they have been.   

It is time to pick up and move on.   I think mgmt will reap what they sow.   For those who worked on the main account Webmedx is still hiring, though the best time slots have already been taken.  



What the heck? I've never heard that in the 8 yrs I've worked here. sm
Go back to your STM or over his or her head.
Team Leaders
And all the GOOD team leaders who really communicated well and cared about the rest of us left! HMMM wonder why?
Team Leaders
I have to agree completely. The only really good team leader that MDI had was Shannon. She was always available, was always there to help, and actually cared about each individual person there. If you had a problem, she was there to take care of it or she would find someone who could. I guess she finally got fed up with MDI too because she left, which is a shame because she was the only one there that actually had a heart! We miss you Shannon!!
She said they were doing away with all ICs - I have no facts for you. You should ask your team
MDI-FL-team leaders?
Trying 2 learn about these team leaders. Anybody know anything?
I work for MDI and I love my team leader. I have actually more than one team leader, if I switch to my secondary account. They are both very helpful in providing me with anything I need, and I also notice they are available to me at any time for help. Don't know about redheads, blondes or brunettes, as I have not meant them, but I can ask what color their hair is, although not sure how that would help anything. Anyway, I think they are the geatest - a lot more help than I have ever gotten anywhere! I'm thrilled!
MDI team leaders
Marianne, I agree with you. I have never been happier at any company I have worked for, as far as the help I receive and the flexibility in my scheduling.

Another happy MDI-ER!!!
MDI team leaders
I just want to tell anyone who will listen, this is the most structured environment I have worked in for a while. I too did not know what to expect, having worked at other places. This team leader thing sure was a great idea. You have one person to deal with who is always available to you for anything you need. You don't have to worry about who to go to, and if you do, your team leader guides you in the right direction. I am so glad I made the move to MDI - finally a company who cares!!
And I am joining the KS Team on
Halloween!!! Yippee. Goodbye MQ, I'm coming back to KS, where I should have never left. They are the best and in no time they will be better still. I can't wait!
Sorry, should have been team player. nm
My team leader is the best. She
keeps us informed, always available, and provides more help than any company I have ever worked for.
This is not what the KS team is at all but it also has not started
yet. It is going to be radiology only from what I understand and only for vacation coverage and heavy volume for hospitals, not every day, so it will pay very high.
Medware ER team
Me too, on the ER team.  I think we are about to start a new Hospital in June. 
I use Merit on the ER team


As a former OSi team lead.....
I will say that the main reason I left the company is because I knew it was not right to ask people to work extra when they could not report it on their time sheets.  And, yes, an account coordinator, has definitely recently asked people to work extra but not report it.  This has been going on a long time.  Time should be recorded as time actually working not what you put on a time sheet.  That is ridiculous.  The majority of my MT's did work extra but did they get paid overtime?  No!  This is SO not right!!!   ');>
she did it while a team lead too
They really are the best management team (sm)
Believe me, I previously came from a doozy of a place. If you had a problem, it was YOUR problem, and if they did help you, it usually took days.
OSI team leads don't do QA at all
All we do is monitor workflow and assign jobs when the coordinator is off - I get $14 for a few hours a week and then do transcription for a line rate. Line requirement is less than regular MT's.

Not a bad setup for us.
My team is doing well under the new plan also....
Reading Sue's note, I had to chuckle. MT's are always asking (and rightly so) to be paid more for doing the more challenging accounts, and for working the less desirable shifts. So, when a company recognizes this and creates a comp plan that takes these factors into account, the company should then be criticized as ONLY paying their TOP rates for these factors? Please!

I also have to take strong exception to Sue's statement that 100% QA is impossible. I have a number of people on my team who not only make 100% QA, but do so month after month (and we round QA scores UP, incidentally).

As for losing key people, I'm not really sure what's terribly new or different about that in this industry! The company is doing some realignment of its operational and support units in order to be more efficient. Show me a company that doesn't do that from time to time as its changing circumstances dictate, and I'll show you a company that will go out of business.

Finally, the people on my team are doing just fine, and better than they were, under the new comp plan - and that was the whole focus of the plan. It is true that we had one client that happened to have some very large templates and for which, frankly, that team was, in reality, being grossly overpaid relative to the actual transcribing that they were doing. It was really quite unfair to everyone else. So, under the new comp plan, this situation was corrected and the people on that team are now being compensated exactly like everyone else - meaning, they are paid for what they transcribe. If you look at the results very superficially, you could say these people had money taken away from them when, in fact, that is not true. Instead, for a very long time they had really been unfairly overpaid relative to others in the company who were doing much more actual work.

All I can suggest is that anyone who is interested in TSI get your information directly from the source - our recruiter, June Jackson. She'll be very happy to answer every question you have about TSI.
Star Team

Well, if you like working on multiple accounts with horrible dictators, follow the BOS, plus Transolutions BOS on top of that and working on a computer system from back in the 80s, then it will be a good job for you!!

Got to be part of the TEAM!! - lol
I work here too but you must be on a different team. sm
I haven't had a full paycheck in 2 years, day shift is overstaffed and I don't have the option of working other hours; excuse me, flexing.  BUT, I wouldn't work anywhere else.  Good bennies unless you live in BFE like I do, then there are no providers on the insurance but that can be worked around; don't get sick.  Seriously, it's a good place to work compared to what I read on this site.  They provide equipment for free, PTO is a good rate as long as you're working, and they won't hassle you if you don't make the minimum lines because work's low. 
The STAR team is a group of MTs that basically agree to work on any account they are needed on at the time and they get paid an hourly wage plus I believe extra if they type more than a certain number of lines.  Basically, you don't have a primary or secondary account.  You work whereever you are needed at that time.
What exactly is a Team Lead?
blue team
There are 4 teams, each with different managers, accounts, etc.  I'm on the red team...just curious if I'd run into you!
I'm on the Blue Team!!!
You'll love our supervisor, she's the best!  QA is pretty good too, though haven't had much dealings with her.  She is very, very fair though and if you ever dispute your score, our supervisor will go to bat for you.  Good luck...I'm sure I'll *see* you there!!!
Team Aviss??? (sm)
Check out the two threads in the Job Seekers Forum from something called Team Aviss.

It's an Illinois phone number, but with the horrible grammar and spelling, I've got my doubts about their true location.
I agree with A-team
It does depend on what account and the dictators as well. I usually don't have trouble making my required lines, but lately in the last week or so, I have. I think mine is partly due to not getting enough rest though. But, agree with talking to K/D as well. I can't imagine finding another company as good as Ax.
team lead
You have it all figured out. How can I even respond to such brilliance. Until you understand what my job entails and how much I'm paid, might be smarter just to stay quiet. You know about 1% of what I do for Cardioscribes.
Team Lead Help
So, if you don't mind me asking, to make sure I go the proper route, when you say team lead, are you referring to our STM? I have not been with the company very long and I am not familiar with the position of a team lead. I plan to take your advice. Please email me if you would rather communicate that way. Thank you.
Nope, not on my team
That depends on your team - sm
Some only have calls if there are issues with a particular account.
Thanks for your reply. Looks like I may become one of the team. :) nm
Are you a team leader? NM

OK say she was naive like her team

Please tell us exactly what emails you are referring to that TOLD us our jobs are GONE!?!   I've been RIGHT HERE trying to get work and answers - you must have been part of the golden inner circle that GOT answers - not me!

Why think MTSO is team. They say so but know it
Heartland - Domestic Team No More?

Heartland's only recruiter announced last week that she would be leaving. I wonder if she knows what the outcome of Heartland being sold is? No domestic team?


I know I will miss her greatly!



MDI team leaders R GREAT
I've been with MDI for about 2 yrs and before they had team leaders it was hard to get any info or help when it was needed or find out other accounts I could work on but now I get quick answers. My team leader has helped solve a lot of problems. I don't know all of them of course but the ones I've had are quick to help and not afraid to do what needs to be done. They make my worklife easier and I get more work done because of it because I don't have to wait for one of the big bosses to get around to little me. I don't know if this is what you wanted but that's what I know.
Response to team lead

You say that you contact everyone who is assigned to you - maybe the short circuiting is happening in HR. Someone is offered a job and then the HR person doesn't forward appropriat paperwork or email to the necessary people.