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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I also read abuse of prescription drugs.

Posted By: Hmmm on 2008-02-06
In Reply to: Also in his defense, I read that...... - let people know they're loved while they're

Legal, illegal- does that really matter how it is obtained?

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Drugs.com: Read on this site about more side effects of Xanax
Other side effects have included withdrawal symptoms following either abrupt cessation or fast tapering of alprazolam. Withdrawal symptoms may include agitation, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, convulsions, tremor, abdominal cramps, blurred vision, vomiting, and sweating.

I have a prescription for this and
on my bottle it has warning about the possibility of causing dizziness or drowiness.
Is that only prescription?
No, have to have prescription and
out before long. The person in the article used to work for a plastic surgeon who asked her to give it a try. They had the before and after and like Chiapet says below, her mother used and saw what longer and fuller lashes she had. I love it when prescriptions supposed to do 1 thing and then find out works for other things. The lady in article said applied at night to roots of upper and lower and she said almost ashamed to wear mascara as it accented so much and did not want to look "flashy" I guess with those long, long lashes. I am ready for my closeup though!
Well, got my prescription for my Armour
instead of the Synthroid and the dose is 90 mg now as compared to 150 mcg for the Synthroid. I am so hoping this will give some assistance in this terrible hair loss- anyone else that has a dosage like this or higher and when you were switched from another preparation did your dosage go down a little? Thanks!
My prescription ran out a long time SM

ago (for ADD), but I may go back to the doctor after the New Year for a refill.  My life's been utter chaos since I ran out of medication a year ago.  It helps me focus/stay on task--i.e., make my lines--,stay better organized, etc. (a nice side effect is the help it gives me in staying awake during the day).  I was diagnosed a couple of years ago and although I've felt a little awkward about the whole situation (with doc and with pharmacist), it really does help me.  I only jokingly suggested Ritalin to the OP.  I know that's a medication that should not be taken lightly.

It's almost 2 a.m.!  I better get to sleep as I start work in a few hours! (See? That's more than likely a major contributing factor to my symptoms...poor sleep hygiene!)

Goodnight and sweet dreams!


could be eye strain - might need glasses or new prescription -
Does any one know of any prescription assistance plans? sm

I need help with paying for medication that my husband needs that costs $150 a month and of course insurance isn't covering it.  I know that Walmart has the $4 prescription plan for generic medications, but his medicine doesn't come in the generic form.  Are there any other programs out there to help us?


Where I go the prescription is only good for a year - sm
so that would mean a yearly exam if you want to get new glasses, or contacts. I don't have a problem with it. Now before I had insurance I only went every couple of years, but luckily it was added to my husband's insurance 3 years ago, so now going yearly....I am 43 so on the cusp of bifocals....have been squeaking through so far but next year may not.
get him a prescription for Chantix. It will give him a 44% better chance of quitting. nm
Yeah - drugs certainly change people. . it is such a problem in the rural area I live in - I guess it is everywhere. . . I'm not sure why people are buried after cremation - but I do think the cremation process is cheaper because you don't have to buy a casket, so that may be one reason people opt for cremation.
Have you ever suspected drug use?
So sad - drugs are
one of the devil's favorite tools for destruction.
I definitely think she did it and I think she is on drugs. sm
Drugs will make you do crazy things. I have no doubt she did it. Too much evidence and lies stacked against her. I think she may have been upset or trying to get ravinge on her mom or something with them having a fight.
I think she's on drugs.
I can hardly stand to hear her talk on AI. She just rambles on and on. Slurred speech, loopy, eyes half closed. Classic. Hasn't she said in the past that she has chronic back pain?
I am no expert, but I do have a lot of experience with this topic, so I will cut through the bumper stickers and the pep talk.

If you want to know if he is going to be okay or not, all you really have to do is figure out if he ever took care of anyone besides himself. If he EVER, from the time he was a little boy, set what he wanted aside, made a sacrifice for someone else. If he did, then probably somewhere down the line things will turn around. If he never has, ever, not been selfish, then don't get your hopes up.

If I was in your shoes, I would call his ex-wife and find out.
So then why take any drugs at all? Or why not let's just decide which
Then they need to pay for their own children, drugs,
alchol, whatever they want to do. Pay your own way, I have no problem with that.
Oh my! What kind of *drugs*?
Interesting story.
Considering 2 of the top 10 drugs prescribed in the USA:
$31 Billion Spent On Top 10 Prescribed Drugs, USA
Total Expenditure: $2.2 billion
Number of persons: 4.5 million
Total Expenditure: $2.1 billion
Number of persons: 4.7 million

Total Expenditure: $2.2 billion
Number of persons: 4.5 million

It's quite a different world than previous. I think everyone has one or thing or another/S to be anxious about.
It's out of control, if you ask me. The world, that is.

Drugs v. Friends.
It is hard to say how long it lasted. I would think that this was "the year" & then have another period. Probably 3 yrs. During which I was an angry, emotional wreck but was so "inside" of the experience I couldn't really see what was happening. I lost a lot of friends. Effexor helped me a lot, but didn't start until late in the game. Wish I'd tried it sooner. Had talked to one doc about BCPs, but as my symptoms were more emotional than physical, did not seem this would be likely to help.

OMG! I just learned my son was on drugs

What do I do? He's going to be 40 this year. I had heard years ago that he started on majjuania when he was over in Japan in the service, but didn't believe it. He and his wife broke up (supposedly) over her use of of meth and cocaine, but I didn't believe that either. Lately, he 's been bringing some "not so nice looking"  friends around here for approval and not recieiving that, so I have not seen him since Christmas Eve. Tonight, I heard he is on heroin. This is absolutely the straw that broke the camel's back. He always denied he was on meth or cocaine, but tonight's "revealation" is absolutely too much if it's true.

I'm broken-hearted and devastated over this latest "rumor/truth" (from more than 1 person) and don't really know how to bring the subject up and/or confront him with this. I'm so disappointed [in my son] and thought he was smarter than this. Now I understand why he is not actively trying to find work (unemployed since May last year).

Any suggestions? Forget rehab unless it's free. We can't afford it.He's my only son and he had a very tough life trying to live up to my husband's idea of a (step)son, but he really looks up to him now. We have another son (my stepson) who never got into drugs, why my son? Could his life been so bad?

I love my son but am thoroughly upset with this latest revelation. I just don't know what to do, and would like to stand behind him, but if drugs are his first love, I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm not really a confrontal person and don't want to lsoe my son, but if he gets caught, I'm afraid I won't/can't bail him out of jail.

Your thoughts?

Can't say too much as daughter who had always been so much against drugs
told me not long ago that she now smokes pot. She is 37 and leading her own life but she was 1 who was so against and then? She and her brother both booze it up more than I think they should but then again, both grown so??
How is he affording to buy these drugs?
He hasn't worked since May? Maybe he is also selling drugs to afford his habit. If he is living with you, I would get him out ASAP!
Yes, but approximately 26 drugs were recalled in

I have no doubt that some drugs are worthwhile

but don't you ever type a list of meds a mile long and wonder how the poor patient (especially someone elderly) is still standing upright?  Sometimes that makes me absolutely crazy.  I think there is absolute validity in natural cures and I think the medical community or government or whomever is too quick to push yet another drug - or in this case, a vaccine - on the population without knowing exactly what the side effects will be.

I strained my lower back 3 weeks ago.  My mother immediately assumed I was going to need surgery, friends insisted I needed drugs.  I went to my chirpractor.  It took several visits, but I am now pain free.  Totally, 100% natural.  (I didn't add this to start another whole debate, but just to make my point that there are alternatives.)

Have a great day!! 

Figure it has to be drugs of some sort.....
or drugs combined w/alcohol
OMG!!! Does he supply them with drugs and alcohol
so they will be doing that in the safety of their home as well?

I am floored by that reasoning. Its as if there is no hope of teaching a child to make smart choices so might as well have them do it in front of you. What on earth is that teaching them?? I'm sorry but you do not need to be a parent to see how completely asinine that is.

By the way, you should ask him if his home is "safe" enough to preclude AIDS and other STDs, pregnancy, etc. Maybe he thinks there is some soft of "force field" protecting her there. Egads.
Drugs can affect people in different
and unexpected ways. I'm very sorry you and your son are going through this.

I had a very weird reaction to Topamax.

I hope the MD can help him. How scary.
Said the woman who did drugs and got where she is because of her father.... nm
I was told by a child I was doing drugs --
because that is what they were teaching in elementary school.
No and things have gotten insane concerning drugs
When my now 20 yo DD told me about her drugs and alcohol sm
I asked that she wait until she was out of high school to have sex, because it carries big consequences and she needed to be ready for that. For that she waited for that, but tried marijuana twice and got drunk a couple of times too. I was shocked by my "good girl."
Maybe that is why she wanted to use fertility drugs...
to get her own show on TLC...heck, we all know how John and Kate plus 8 paid for that brand new spanking house in PA with tons of acres...not working on computers like they claim he does....
While I don't remember drugs ever being legal
I do know there was a time in this country where "recreational" drugs were legal. After all, that is where Coca Cola got it's name from (from the cocaine that use to be in it). From what I've read, seems to me there wasn't a problem with drugs in this country until it was made illegal ala prohibition. Now due to it being illegal, there is tons of money flowing in a lot of different directions as a result (the millions of jails that are being build to house all the recreational users, etc. plus the money that is made selling it, etc.). Heck, even though it's illegal, it's big business, so I can see everybody that's involved in it regardless of what side they are on fighting to keep it illegal.

Gotta be desperate for drugs. sm
Probably cocaine, powdered or even crack, but it could even be meth. It's the classic presentation--the insane behavior and desperation to get money to buy the drug of choice after being deprived for a couple of days.

You're right, best to stay away from her for good and change the locks on your doors or she could well come in while you're gone and steal everything that isn't nailed down to sell. Addicts do that all the time. So yes, please change your locks.

You cannot help this woman. She has to want help and get it for herself. Same with alcoholics, but alcohol is benign compared to cocaine and meth, and costs very little.
I'd say yes they really did abuse
the 'emergency' but rather than contacting an attorney I would just try to recall where you might have given her contact information - call them and change ASAP and I would not even fill in that spot in the future citing your experience in these two situations and the problems it caused and if they fuss - give them a phoney name and addy and let it go.  I think it is there for your safety really, secondly for them to collect should you not pay a bill - I have only been called once in my 55 years as my son got behind on his credit union car payment and they traced me down through 3 counties - so think you definitely had an unusual experience.

Call your local shelter and they will advise you on ways to leave safely. NEVER take abuse - physically, verbally, or mentally from anyone. Forget the church kid, learn to love yourself, and lead by example for your children. If you act like a doormat, do not be suprised when you get stepped on!

You need a long time on your own before you are ready to think about entering another relationship. You are not out of your present relationship yet, but you can be if that is your decision. Best wishes to you.


I think it is abuse.
Take the poor doggy into your house. Your cat may hide, but my guess is the dog will ignore the cat. I got my Sheltie when I had 2 cats and they all got along just fine. Please don't leave this poor thing outside, especially if it hot in your area. If you cannot bring it in, call the authorities. It is kinder than leaving her out to suffer.
It is ABUSE!

This IS animal abuse. Thankfully, in most states animal cruelty is becoming a felony. In my state (NY) it can be punishable up to $5000. Animal abandonment is also a felony with one year in jail and up to $1000 fine. Failure to provide proper nutrients is another law that seems to have been broken.

Our animals needs protection from the elements, proper food and water (and not just a bowl to catch rain water,either) They also need love and companionship, and by this I mean not regulated to the backyard to vegetate.

Animals can think....how do explain service dogs, search and rescue, and guide dogs? Have you ever seen a dog given a task to do and watch him/her go through the paces to get it done?

As I stated before, contact an area dog club to see if they have members willing to help, or if they know of a Sheltie rescue who can help. Contact your area vets for such phone numbers. Or, you can contact me and I'll see if I can locate a Sheltie rescue that can help.

Your post makes me very sad. Your husband is abusive. Husbands and boyfriends come and go in our lives; however, family is ALWAYS family. Please seek counseling for yourself. You cannot change him. After you become stronger through counseling, you will see the situation clearly for what it is - abusive.

Call your sister and invite her for a visit. Better yet, get a plane ticket and go see her. Don't ask, just do it.

Best wishes.


Every county has a program for abused woman and children.  You do not have to be physically abused for them to help you.  Find out the name of the program near you, Domestic violence, Reach, etc.  You can call them and they will allow you to take your children and live in a house, the whereabouts is not known to anyone on the outside.  It is free and they are very caring.  You can start there and they will help see that you and your children are safe away from this maniac.  Good luck.
There's always abuse
of the system. Making it illegal doesn't stop that. There are a lot of drugs out there that are, in my opinion, worse than marijuana as far as addictive qualities and doctor's prescribe those drugs routinely and easily for things such as back pain which is not life threatening but can be debilitating. I think it would be much easier to hold standards to legal medical use marijuana than it would to criminalize alcohol and the numerous other prescription drugs that are out there and abused.
it's abuse duh
There are also far worse drugs used with cigarette filters
Try Googling things parents should look for regarding drug use and kids. Definitely not saying she's into anything really bad but I'd be watching her like a hawk.
Or withdrawal from other drugs, wouldn't doubt it.
Just heard on NBC news that no illegal drugs or
alcohol were found. There was a rolled $20 bill found that had no traces of drugs. ET just reported that there were drugs found in the bill. Do any of us think the real truth will ever come out?
My money's on fertility drugs. (Possibly an
Chronic back pain, AKA, just keep me in drugs so I can be ..
in a stupor and maybe get disability or at least a handicapped sticker for my car.
Prostitution, Pot, Booze and Recreational Drugs

I am not talking about drugs that harm if used in moderation. I think our society has given the idea of "escaping reality" for a little while, a real stigma. I don't understand why we, as a society, frown upon pleasure. I think it is perfectly acceptable to "feel good"....what do you think?

And What about prostitution? Should it be legal everywhere? It is a "victimless crime".