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I wouldn't want to. I'm angry that our system is set up so that this innocent man could not b

Posted By: Carolina MT on 2008-04-14
In Reply to: Can you keep a secret like this? - Gina


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I tried a system restore too, but wouldn't work.
I've had a lot of problems, even problems just getting used to the new set up. My Quick Look constantly freezes up on me too. It's very frustrating.
They think anybody who is on aid is abusing the system. They resent the system and the people sm
who receive any aid at all.  that is very clear.
Not innocent.
When a woman is spilling her woes to a man it is almost always that she is chasing him, consciously or subconsciously. Not to say your husband would fall for it but that is how 9/10 affairs start is the "shoulder to cry on."

Is the land right near her home where he would have to have a lot of contact with her? Because I think you are right to worry that if he rebuffs her she might run him off the property, or if the lease prevents it she could make him pretty miserable, unless the land is not nearby her home and he could just mail the payments to her.

It's always possible that she is not doing this, but it sounds like your gut is telling you something isn't right, and it clearly made him uneasy or he wouldn't have told you about it. I would avoid this situation altogether and find other land to lease.
They only look innocent in that picture!
We wake up every morning to find ornaments all over the floor throughout the house! My white one who isn't in that picture is the worst of the bunch!
Very cute and innocent looking.
Very shiny coats, too. Nice dogs. Thanks for sharing.
With their drug war going on & innocent
tourists getting caught up in the middle, not to mention how dangerous it can be even without a drug war going on... is it REALLY worth the risk? We have plenty of beautiful beaches right here in the U.S., and why not spend your tourism money to help out our own ailing economy. It is much better to be safe than sorry. JMO...
How did an innocent bubble bath
This discussion the strangest thing I have ever heard in my life!  My husband uses body butter from Bath and Body Works, but he's not gay, and he is very, very masculine.  He just has dry skin and cares about his appearance.  I'd prefer clean and fresh, then nasty, stinky, unkempt with dirty fingernails.  I don't think there is anything wrong with a man caring about his appearance.  To each his own I guess. 
do you think you should have, for the sake of the innocent child?
OJ book and trial, innocent or guilty?
I saw the message about OJ and the book about whether or not he actually did the crime. What I would like to know from the MTers discussing this, did any of you watch the trial from start to finish? The newspapers, television shows, etc. most all the time fabricated parts leaning towards his part in this crime. I saw it all from start to finish, every single day and after that made my own decision regarding the guilt or innocence, not by what I read in the papers or heard on the news. The most important piece of "evidence" supposedly was the glove issue. The trial showed a receipt from a store from accessories. Never ever did they match a scanned number, price, date bought or whatever with the glove buying, but then again I guess most of you watched all the trial?
probably unwanted advice from an innocent bystander
1) Change your locks. Do not give your children keys. If they don't have access to keys, then they can't be tricked, bribed, or begged into handing them over to anybody.

2) Secure your windows with locking sticks or locks of some kind. It doesn't have to cost anything or be fancy in any way, it just needs to create a situation where a break-in would leave evidence behind (broken glass, etc).

3) Go ahead and leave the garage open if you want, but get all of your own stuff out of there.

4) Instruct your children to not answer the door or open the door for ANYONE except you and the specifically named people that you trust implicitly to do no harm and not be in collusion with the -ex. (This should be a very short list!)

The above things all have to do with the -ex, not the social worker, by the way, but it's never a bad idea to require a social worker to be let in by YOU and YOU ALONE (never the kids/teenagers).

I'm so glad to hear that things are sounding like the law is on your side! Best Wishes!
Please click daily for our innocent unconditional friends
I think if you were not angry

you would not be human.  You did the right thing and she did the wrong thing.  Try to hold your head high and remember that instead of being angry.  I have learned that MOST OFTEN, people who ask for money are wasting money and they start to think of your money as an easy backup source if they don't feel like pinching pennies.  This is America and there are resources out there for emergency situations.  The trouble is, the other resources that are in place for emergencies require some effort on the part of the one needing help.  It's a lot more convenient to go to a friend for help, especially if they learn they won't have to pay it back.

It is much better to give money rather than to loan it.  But now you know you were taken advantage of.  Lesson learned.  You are a good person! 


You are right to be angry (sm)
I would talk to him, probably by phone and say in as calm a voice as you muster up, that your daughter has dyslexia and that she is already sensitive and struggling with that and that by calling her lazy, it really hurt her feelings. The reason I would do this nicely is because if your daughter slept over there, she must really like the other child and you wouldn't want to alienate them from each other. I have issues with a neighbor but because my children like to play with hers, I have to step gingerly when I talk to her about things - if it was just me I was thinking of I would be happy to just give her a peice of my mind! But in my children's best interest I choose my words carefully. I am so sorry that he treated her that way though, and you are 100% right to be upset.
not angry, just sad

I don't know when this started, or why.  I guess I didn't notice until I had my child around the time my sisters had theirs, and there was a big difference in how often she saw each one.  I have talked to mom about this before, and it goes nowhere.  She gets all guilty and cries and apologizes, and then nothing changes.  She means well, but actions speak louder than words.

"If you love something, set it free.  If it comes back to you, its yours.  If it doesn't, it never was."  I guess that pretty much says it all.

Have you ever seen anyone more angry looking?

It's a picture of a local prostitute. She was arrested for pimping out her own daughter.

Who are you angry at?
Not me because I think Susan was a jewel of a find. I also happen to like Simon and did not find him in any way condescending or the like. I guess you would have to know/like him in the first place to realize this.
You are one angry lady!
I'm not sure what your problem is.

I'm not the OP, but I can certainly tell you that every doglover in the world has the right to have their pet in their own space. Not in mine, though.

Public places that are not designed for dogs include shopping malls, etc. (except pet stores where that is the entire focus of their business).

Perhaps a dog is the only thing that can be nice to you with that attitude of yours!

Calm down!!
me2-cannot stand Jen and was angry she got HOH

You're right to be angry
I would have pointed out to her that as proud as you are of your daughter for making the team, you feel that putting family first is a higher value for you and your husband.

I hope you have a wonderful meal with your father-in-law. Your child is lucky to have parents like you and your husband.
venting and angry
My daughter had this same problem 2 years ago. I finally called the doctor, and the nurse asked me if we have animals. I told her that we did, and she said that they need to be treated as well. So, along with treating my daughter, bagging all her stuffed toys, vacuuming and steaming everything else she had been in contact with I bathed the cats in a shampoo for animals that helps treat lice. We didn't have problems with them again. Maybe you should find out if this child's family has pets, and if so, make a suggestion that they treat them as well. I know this is a frustrating and expensive problem, but as was stated earlier, I think educating the child's mother is the Christ-like thing to do. If she gets angry about your help/suggestions, then you know that you did your part. Hang in there!!
Don't stay angry, instead get EVEN.
been there, done that. no need to be in a hurry, either. if you take months or even years to get even, you have just that much more time to come up with something truly memorable.

or, you can do something swift and simple, like blocking their emails on your pc as spam.

I am the OP and I did not mean to get people angry here. SM
I have not turned my kinds against my husband, in fact I have always defended his actions to them, but now they are old enough to make up their own minds based on his actions. He is not a bad man, but he is just all about him and can be very demeaning and hurtful to me and my girls. Seems like he always has an alterior motive, which is usually something to gratify himself and his needs.

He just does not make me happy and I don't wish him any harm, in fact I want him to be happy. I just don't think I am the person who can make him happy, really.

I am able to financially support my children and I know that without him in the picture, none of us would have to walk on eggshells anymore. That's all.
Wii system sm

I am so happy. Live in NE. My DIL inquired of a small local game store in a small mall when they would be in, they told her Tues. and to be there when they opened. She appeared and no one else was there, called me and said she was leaving as the shipment had not arrived and she waited alone for an hour. I told her to shop around in the little mall and keep looking for the brown UPS truck. She did and when the truck appeared at the small game store, she went over and acquired 1 of only 3 shipped. Another lady showed up, called her sister and they got the only 3 that the company shipped. This is how they are getting people, they' re limiting the shipments. At least this little store told her what day they come in, although only 3 arrived.

I asked at a Target down the street when Wii's would be in and they were very rude, "We get them, when we get them, don't know, Maa'm, you just have to keep coming in."

Motto of my story: Smaller is better. So happy, perhaps you can try the smaller game shops who will tell you when they're coming in. Since so many are looking, thought I would share our success story. The kids will have the Wii as well as the guitar that goes with it, thanks to the little guy store. I know Christmas is not only about the gifts, but I'm happy we got something the kids really wanted this year as they both take guitar lessons. Happy MIL

the system
In my opinion, I would not bother talking to any doctors or the school. The very, very last thing your son needs is for you to think something is wrong with him enough to drug him, maybe even for life.

There is one other resource:
Goertzel, V., Goertzel, M.G., Goertzel, T.G. & Hansen, A.M.W. (2004). Cradles of eminence: Childhoods of more than seven hundred famous men and women, 2nd edition. Scottsdale: Great Potential Press.

Based on this book of extraordinary and brilliant people, a happy childhood and a good mom don't make you successful. It is just the opposite. Look at any president, including the current one...not a happy childhood, but there they are busting their butts. We want our kids to bust their butts too, but it does not seem to work that way.

Read the book anyway and at least you will know that it is not your fault.

And the need for adding the little angry icon is???
I was so angry Gina went last night (sm)
Before last night it just seemed like a silly stunt that was being pulled, between Vote for the Worst and Howard Stern, but last night because a really talented person left before Sanjaya, it went too far and really angered me. I agree with the poster below about Howard Stern being a hypocrite, and the VFTW website seems to be run by some lame people who have nothing better to do. They don't seem to realize that in the process they are actually hurting Sanjaya, not helping him, but they don't seem to care. They just have their own agenda. Something needs to be done, but I can't imagine what because we do have free speech in this country, which normally is a great thing. There, I've had my rant!
I agree/always seems very negative and angry.
You sound angry in your response saying whatever
But it is such a beautiful day will just think you are probably just having a bad day. Anyway, this police did not eat even half the sandwich; I have seen a picture and looks like it could have been a couple of bites. Enjoy the rest of your day, take some time for yourself!
I am angry when I hear something this ridiculous (sm)
But not having a bad day at all. It was more of an eye-rolling thing. He should have taken it back and showed it to the manager and either gotten his money back or another burger. If the girl did anything wrong she should get in trouble with her manager, not the police. If she did indeed go to her manager first, they should be the one in trouble not her. We have all gotten so petty - so focused on petty things that we miss the important ones.
Norb and Dag - the Angry Beavers

Even DH likes them.  They are so funny.

Bugs Bunny and Tigger are right up there, too.

Probably should not waste your time being angry or
hurt - she sounds like a loser - and better to just use this as a lesson learned and not share anything with her in the future.  Be the bigger person if you can and put behind you - but take a lesson from it - she is not your friend.  Praying that you get your dream home! Hugs!! 
Nanny 911 would say he is angry about some injustice once
she ruled out hypoglycemia. Is there competition or jealousy. Do you subtly favor the 11 yr old or does anyone else and make it obvious? Fairness between siblings is so important - it levels the playing field. Take him out alone and have a talk with him. Ask him what is upsetting him so much. Tell him it is important that he tell you because it can be fixed.
I know this will make people angry and ...
I do not know everyone's situations, but I see women on here whining and whining about stupid things. Enjoy the person you love. My husband is at war and I miss him terribly. All of these stupid little things that women deem "selfish" and such are usually nothing more than selfish women wanting things their own ways. Like I said, not every time, but come on, you have to give some, too. If you think your man sucks, there is really nothing he is going to do to make you happy, so you should probably cut him loose to find someone who can appreciate him.
Sorry, not my year of birth? Why are you angry?
Our school system already has a
dress code in place, no belly shirts, shorts and jeans have to be a certain length, no huge baggy jeans on boys, etc. I know for a fact this is being in enforced in most of the schools becuase not only do I transcribe, I also substitute. My niece's parents were called over shorts that were to short. My son also had to change into his gym shirt because he was wearing a (green) T-shirt from Octoberfest with a beer mug (in all white) on it. That was my fault, I stupidly did not think anything of it but would not have let him wear it had I realized what it was advertising. My kids and so many other do follow the rules. I don't think they should be penalized for the few that don't. We live in a small town so we don't have many of the same problems that bigger cities have. At the first of 3 forums the other night, the auditorium was packed and not a single person spoke in favor of this. I would like to know how this will improve our education system.
I have a point system...

My kids love to come to Wal-Mart with me on the weekend and so if they get X amount of points for the week they get to come to Wal-Mart and get a little goodie.  If they get X amount of points above that, they get two little goodies.  For letting me work in peace I give two points, versus the one they get for everything else, so that acts as an incentive to keep out of my office.  If they come in while I'm working they lose two points.  This has worked pretty well thus far.  For your kids the incentive might be a different kind of treat, but try it and see how it works for you!


Mainly because I am fed up with the school system here. sm
He is in the 1st grade for his second time now and still very far behind in my opinion. Teachers last year felt he needed held back and I agreed, but it is just no better this year so I just pulled him out. At this point, I hope I can get him caught up! I have priced cirriculums, but really need to wait until after the first of the year to purchase with the holidays right now so I wanted something to get him going in the meantime. He has dyslexia and ADHD and the public school setting is just not a great learning environment for him. He needs more one on one attention and help than he is getting at school with 30+ kids per teacher.

I also found this site. Any opinions on if you think it is worth joining? I think it is $19.95/mo.

Yes, that's what's wrong with the system

That's exactly my point.  It's wrong on any level.  It was obviously an unfortunate accident that no one should benefit from.  If you daughter needs counseling to overcome this, then by all means take her and ask the dog owner to pay your copay.  I think it was very reasonable that the dog owner offered to pay your copay from the hospital bill.  You want revenge, not compensation. 

Something about this story doesn't make sense.  Your daughter comes running home dripping with blood and they had to pull the dog off her hand, but yet nothing was done with the dog.  The dog's owners are so unreasonable and yet they're offering to pay your out-of-pocket expense.  Your daughter is completely traumatized by all of this, and all you can think about is getting an attorney to sue for her pain and suffering.  Again, call what it is.

Probably because our judicial system keeps
I do believe it is the same storm system s/m

Not sure when it turns to ice though.  If I remember from the radar last night, looked like southwest to northwest Ohio is going to get hit with this too.  Not sure about Sunday's storm yet.  I tried to pull up the radar, but it isn't showing for tomorrow yet. 

My daughter is supposed to be driving up from Dayton tomorrow and going back on Sunday, but I warned her not to.  She just might have to stay!

yeah..okay...now I am nuts, paranoid, angry and need a
psychiatrist. like I said, you are not overweight so you DO attack overweight people. I only eat one meal a day because that is the only time I get hungry, like someone else said about ONLY eating when they get hungry. I am not intentionally starving myself. I just have no appetite for hormone infested, pesticide ridden, additive stuffed foods. I am not being paranoid. I have researched this subject fully, and if you think the govt would not do this to unsuspecting, naive people, you are more naive than most. Remember the cigarette lie? What makes you think they wouldn't do it to your food? why are american's the only obese people in the world? think about it. oh...and I am not nuts, angry, paranoid, nor do I need a psychiatrist or therapy. I am not blaming every one else for my weight problem, other than the food we eat. You did not do this to me...I am not blaming you, but you are also thin and have no compassion for those that DO have a problem. I will not continue this. but this is my opinion only. I HAVE accepted responsibility for my whole entire life, including my weight. Oh...and I am not a liar either. thank you for all your compassionate support...must make you feel better to attack the overweight when you brag about being a size 6. I bet you are in your 20s, as well. hmpff.
It is as if some men get angry if their wives are sick or hurt (sm)
He does it every time too :(
grammar mistake above, typing while angry again!
Gotta learn to count to 10.
Have you used a tooth whitening system?
Like Crest Whitestrips or something else? Anything other than having the dentist do it? (That's so expensive!)
Yes - Rembrandt Whitening System. sm
It works beautifully. I am a smoker, unfortunately, and my teeth are actually white, no stains, and you could never tell I smoke. At least, that's what many people have said.

It is a gel system with a mouth piece. I love it. Cheaper than Zoom in the dentist office.
As a product of the USA school system, yes I have.

Nothing more than daycare in my opinion.  We should be looking at how other countries run things as far as the education system.  Why is there no school in summer anyway?  Wasn't the original reason so that kids could be with their families to work the harvest?  School should be year 'round and the kids should come out of it SMART.

Product of USA school system.....
Both my children are a product of the USA school system and they both graduated with top honors, high SAT scores, got scholarships for college. It's what you put into it. If students don't make the effort, or parents, what do they expect the results will be?
You definitely need a strong support system sm
right now. If being closer to your family will help you trough this then that is what you should do. You will be a better mother to your children if you are able to handle this better. About the money, since your child will be in first grade that should cut down on the cost of preschool. I am sure there are wonderful other speech therapists out there. Listen to your heart and "Go Home" and be surrounded by people that love and care for you.
Your state has a kickin' cam system!

I just spent about 15 minutes at this site: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/default.aspx

lookin' at all the cameras and the different weather situations!  Wow--that's incredible the HUGE differences in weather!  "The man" has cameras EVERYWHERE--and that's just the ones we can see on the internet!  


Sounds like the legal system
is trying to leave the discipline to the boy's parent. Is that so bad?
I did the "point" system several months
ago that I had done a long time ago and it does work. I lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks. Just stick with it.