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Posted By: Teresa on 2009-03-06
In Reply to: Do you have an accent? - GabbyChick

The accents here are very Southern. I live in lower AL. Lots of people here think I have an accent, I am from WI. But when I talk to people from there, they think I have an accent.

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southern NJ
We have about 2 inches here
From Southern NJ here
It's 50 right now in southern AZ, (sm)
and it's supposed to get up to 76 degrees this afternoon. I feel for all you braving the cold as I am a displaced Midwesterner myself just like I'm sure you're all feeling for me when it's 110 degrees here in July and August! LOL! :)
Southern also-nm
Southern by birth
Full of holes.....
Same here, but with a Southern twist -
Some young child grinning from ear to ear shouts in his hillbilly accent that I can barely understand (and I transcribe plenty of ESLs!) why one should buy cars from his dad. I want to tell them I might if I could understand something besides every tenth word...Brother!
Gotta be southern
I don't know either but the southern cooking
is the only thing I could think of ...like Louisiana....the bayou....that kind of south??? Have NO IDEA!
southern dressin'
So you don't put white bread in your dressin'? Just cornbread? Cause the kind I make, I put 7 slices of toasted bread along with 1 sleeve of saltines. But absolutely no fruit whatsoever...
Here in southern Minnesota. . .
They call anything with barbeque sauce and meat that you eat on a bun "barbecues." Just last weekend we were getting together with husband's family and my MIL called and asked me if she should make "barbecues." I guess it does sound odd. It took me a while to get used to it. Another thing that took me a while to get used to was that a casserole was called "hot dish." It could be any kind of casserole, and they just called it "hot dish."
Southern California $2.20-ish.
Its 31 in southern Oregon
And feels like 20 degrees inside my house.
It is a southern thing I think....sm
I am southern and my mom used to do this a lot. She would buy a coke and put a little bag of peanuts in it.
I tried it and no the peanuts don't get mushy. It does make the coke salty too. I think it is tasty actually.
I think it is a Southern thing.
Our electric was much cheaper on the west coast than it is in Mississippi.
American Southern Language
Okay, I need some help.  I live northern Florida - not a native.  A friend of mine in dental school says one of his instructors uses this phrase, "Your work looks like a cat could go through it."  No one in the class knows what this means.   Anyone know?   TIA
This Southern Gal is in total agreement with you! Nothing else need be said.


Ok southern cooks..anyone remember K&W's...

7-layer salad?  I used to spend my summers with my grandparents in NC and we never went to a K&W cafeteria that I did not get my fair share of that 7-layer salad.  Loved it!  I wanna make a good batch of it for the 4th...now I have looked online at several sites and the recipes are out there..but vary slightly by cook's taste I'm sure.  Have any of you ever made it and came pretty darn close to K&W's?  I'm seeing them either call for regular mayo and some sugar or Miracle Whip...or even several specified Hellman's.  Just wanting to know anyone who knows that K&W I'm looking for and which combination of ingredients might be the best to use to get it.  Thanks everyone and hope you all enjoy a great 4th!

My cousin hunts, southern but don't know
how that fits into taking sausage balls with him when he goes hunting as he doesn't do that, might just be what your husband likes instead of being a so called southern thing but back to the hunting- my cousin married for 30+ years, went hunting all the time but met another woman and decided did not want to spend the rest of his life with the 30+ years wife and 2 grown kids so left and eventually married the other. He also spent loads of time away from home going to huh, meetings. I would be most concerned if hubby spending lots of time away from me. I think some men are into their things- such as his not wanting you to wear his T-shirts, etc. Seems like the problems you 2 are having are more than just a cooking pan.
Look at this Southern Dressing with Cranberries
Southern Baptists are Christians...nm
Is Rotel a Southern Thing?

I just heard of it today, for the first time. Is it like cheese whiz?

It's 31 degs in southern oregon
and even colder inside my house (or so it feels like). Lucky DH is still under the electric blanket.
Oh, why not try a southern dish, possum
I absolutely have heard of people that have ate this, heard it is terribly greasy. Rabbit is another thing as is squirrel but I have never had, to me it would seem like eating my pet cat. Have heard of all the above except yattle. My mother visiting Mexico years ago told me of having a dish with unborn goat (guess they aborted the babies from the mother goats, ewwwwwww)but then she also ate things like pickled pig feet, pork brains, cow tongue and tripe. My brother and I mostly grossed out. Surprised she did not eat chittlings! Over the years I have stuck to more main stream here in the US and presently hubby and I eat a lot of chicken, not because of it being a more economical meat but more the way they are raised, that being more organic.
Yep, southern to the core and do a lot of ESLs
and understand, never wish anyone anything bad so to them just wish they would go on a permanent vacation in Tahiti. What I really hate is when 1 after another after another continue on the weekends and that is all you get. UGH.
Know the southern mansion Blue Willow
and we have been there before. Lovely, all you can eat place, reasonable but their food still is not as good as what I can get here at my home. To pay and still have substandard food is not acceptable to me. I do not know how places stay in business. I can count on 1 hand the places where food is tasty and ? good for you also.
I am true southern and totally pro-choice
so please tell me what is the difference you posted here in folks from the north and the deep south (I am in south Georgia by the way).
I live in the south and know my accent is truly southern
but I find Paula to be over the top and seemingly a put on with hers. Most I have met from different spots in the US and different countries love to hear me talk.
Good advice, Southern Belle. nm
Rednecks can be from North or South, I'm southern but no redneck (nm)
I'm starting to hate this southern weather, seriously. It was in the 90s this week. I don't kn
keep my tanks out. The other night I went to bed in sweats and woke up drenched in sweat. EGAD!!

I used to live in Upstate NY/VT and I miss those winters something terrible. Don't go on and on and on about how lucky I have it, because believe me, I MISS THOSE WEATHERS!! I owned my own John Deere snowblowers and LOVED every minute of it. I loved being snowed indoors. I loved making snow angels. I loved actually being able to eat soup and not sweat like a hog.

I miss it, miss it, miss it. I'm really beginning to resent my husband who has never left the south. I fell in love with him and we've never left. He won't even go up there to visit. He'd live in the Miami keys if it weren't for me. I haven't seen snow in 10 years! Please, someone send some my way.................

South AL is where I live - look up Orange Beach..
True southern, never had dried cranberries in dressing.
My mom, a southern born girl, likes her crumbled
I was raised Southern Baptist, watched the hipoccracy around me
Watch George Carlin's "It's All Bad For You". This was his last stand up and he talks a lot at the beginning about death and relgion. He makes perfect sense! What's ironic to me is that my mom and grandma, who are christians, send me emails with his philosophy a lot. He's a very outspoken athiest so it's funny that the same people who tell me to boycott The Golden Compass would send me funnies from an athiest POV.

Actually I didn't really follow anything/anybody other than logic and by taking science classes. The bible, IMO, is an ancient tool to keep people in line. Fear is a strong motivator and many, many wars have been fought in the name of religion. I think once we let go of dogma we can truely obtain a peaceful society.
Wow - raised in small Southern Baptist Church - can't imagine this. (sm)

As new preachers have come and gone over the years, I can't ever remember one even repainting a room in the parsonage without checking with someone much less getting rid of anything. 

This sounds very, very strange and I agree with you that there is something wrong here.  Do you not have any kind of an advisory board or anything within the church?  Perhaps you should form one and seek out another preacher.  Some of these old churches are so lovely.  I can't imagine anyone tearing down our old church.  It was old when I was married in it almost 40 years ago. 

Good luck to you and any other members,  past, present or future,  of this church.

Harry F. Truman and Jimmy Carter were both Southern Baptists...sm

when they were presidents of the US...ergo Christian denomination. 


nope...lol, hint: try reading it with a strong southern accent...lol
Southern here, cracklins sold in lower income stores usually
I have been at roadside stands and never smelled them cooking nor saw them but mostly you see in stores like food depot. I know of no one who uses them. I am sure that various parts of the country have other foods that could turn a person's stomach. I remember a supposed pepperoni pizza I had 1 time in Buffalo and the tomatoes on it were whole like uncooked. Yuck for that. Everyone has a yuck I am sure.
Southern Baptists are Christians. Christians are those who believe in Christ. nm