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Yeah, I Would be Ticked sm

Posted By: Amanda on 2006-12-14
In Reply to: would any of you have a prob if your childs teacher told the truth about santa? - me

Considering Santa Claus was, in fact, a real human being and did exactly what the "myth" states in terms of presents for children and such (he didn't have reindeer and didn't commit B&E), the teacher was undoubtedly wrong and way out of line.  That would be like the teacher saying, "Johnny, the reason you have bright red hair and your parents are both brunettes is because you're adopted" or something equally invading.  Extreme comparison, I know, but to a child not emotionally ready to let go of Santa, the reaction could be as devastating.

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I'm ticked....sm
My poor mother...my dad has stage IV gastric cancer and is the hospital with anemia and weakness and probable at least oozing from the tumor.  Mom said she got a call this morning at 6:30 from a doctor at the hospital saying Dad needed 2 units of blood but wouldn't sign for it and he was also not putting out much urine or responding very well (he was NOT like that AT ALL last night when I saw him) and maybe it was time for comfort measures only.  The doctor then gave the phone to a nurse who proceeded to call my mom by the WRONG NAME.  They had called her by mistake.  At 6:30 in the morning!    I mean I understand everyone makes mistakes, but wouldn't you think they would be extra certain they had the right person at that hour of the morning with that kind of news? 
To I'm ticked.
Wow. Talk about huge mistake. I do not understand why they did not double check their records either. I have a scary one as well. When a friends father was in ICU for a total of a week, they couldn't understand why his sugars were so low. On the eve of trying another med it was found they were giving this man insulin and he was not diabetic. Yes we all make mistakes but WE are not health care providers. I am not saying they do not make mistakes either but we hold them to a higher degree of accountability. That mistake was just plain wrong. I am sorry for your worry.
I'm SO Ticked Off Right Now!

My kids and I have been staying with my folks for a little over a month.  I left a mentally abusive situation that my kids didn't need to see any longer.  I had found out from an attorney about a year ago that it was perfectly legal for me to do so if I felt unsafe.  Of course, Hubby was mad that I left, and took "his" kids, never mind that he drove me to the decision.  I've been willing to have him come & visit them here, as long as he doesn't make trouble, because I know they shouldn't be kept from him completely.  However, he called the other day, and wanted me to meet him somewhere to talk.  I had suggested it a month ago & it wouldn't work--because it was my idea.  Next, he said he was going to come & get them for the weekend.  My lawyer had told me that I didn't have to agree to him taking them, and he would then need a court order to do so.  So--he showed up with his parents tonight.  Unfortunately, both kids were right there.  Things were fine, until he demanded that he was taking the kids for the weekend.  I told him he couldn't, because I don't trust him to bring them back, since we don't have visitation rules established.  Secondly, DS has an ear infection & has been up half the night for the last several nights.  Before, he couldn't handle the two of them for a few hours by himself, so why does he think he can handle a whole weekend?   He's lied to me too many times before for me to be able to trust him.  (Who in their right mind would sign on a car loan for someone he knew his wife didn't trust, even if he thought he did, then lie to her about it, putting them in financial distress?  Who in their right mind would turn his wife in to the Department of Children and Family Services for simply spanking a misbehaving child? (She told his mother some tale about getting pushed as why she had a very small scratch on her chin.  Grandma wasn't smart enough to believe that she was telling stories to get attention.  She'd been telling us all kinds of wild things.)   Who in his right mind would take his wife 2 hrs. from home for prenatal testing, and demand she turn off her cell phone so that if her family wanted to talk to her to make sure everything was ok, they had to go through him.  Who in his right mind would call his FIL a SOB, when he was just trying to help out? (over the car issue)  We all had some pretty heated words, and when they left (without the kids), Mom & Dad turned on me!  This hasn't been easy for any of us, but I think their expectations are a little too unrealistic.  Their house isn't child-proofed, yet they get upset if  my 2 y/o DS gets hold of something of theirs that he shouldn't have (my dad's car magazines).  I've told them to put away things they don't want the kids messing with, but they say it's their house & they shouldn't have to do that.  They also think I should be right behind the kids, picking up after them, or insisting they do it.  I did that (picked up after her constantly) when DD was little.  Found out it was all I got done & quit being such a fanatic about it.  Mom never did get the concept that my house may not have been as perfectly kept as hers, but my kids were happy that I took the time to spend with them instead of being totally busy all the time.  They've also reverted to treating me like a little kid, with chores and all.  No, I don't mind helping out, but I don't want to be treated like a maid, either.  I got enough of that in my own house.  I'm so sick of all the disrespect from everyone.  And, at one point, they actually wondered why it seemed that DD didn't respect me!  Well, her dad didn't for one, and now it seems that no one else is, either.  I really don't need this in front of the kids!

 At this point, I'm seriously considering getting out of here as soon as I can get my furniture from my own house.  No income right now, but I'm in training for a work-from-home job, so the money should be there soon.  Luckily, there are apartments nearby that are income-based.  Last I knew, they were pretty nice.

Thanks for letting me vent!

You need to be very careful.  Your spouse may become physically abusive, or worse, harm you and/or the children.  This is not unheard of and is happening with more frequency.  The fact that he wants to keep you isolated (cell phone) from family is not a good sign.  Do not let him take the children unless under court order.  Call law enforcement if you have to.  Ask what counselor would recommend.
Facility was so ticked with agency, no way you
But what about that bipolar student who might get ticked off
Seems to me odds are someone will get hurt if everyone carries guns, statistically speaking. Even an accident could happen, or the gun could be placed in the hands of someone who might just do more harm than good. Just IMHO.

Ticked when I type melanosis coli due to laxatives
Just typed this again. I was told in the past I had melanosis coli and nothing, absolutely nothing I could say about NOT taking laxatives was heard by the physician. Once again this physician saying due to chronic laxative abuse. Does anyone out there know of or have similar condition not due to laxatives and if so, what could this be from? Oh, did forget, constipated in 1964 and took a laxative then.
I'd be totally ticked! Time for a compromise or separate
yeah, yeah - Was/still am a Sam Cooke fan...

have a series of his albums (Sam's) and my older sister was into Jackie Wilson (he died very young)......never will be anything like Motown was..........*nods*......


I'm so glad to hear she's improving. :-)
i tell ya it is the account, the others mt's complain about it too. i understand all the companies have their good and bad, but i have no idea who i should be looking at for rad work and who i should stay away from. there are always gonna be disgruntled exemployee. i would just like some unbiased opinions on who to look at and who to stay away from!
Oh yeah she was
She may not have had a choice in keeping that boy for awhile. This woman didn't even do a good job at acting like she was sad at her daughter's death. If Anna hated her mother at the time, she's perfectly entitled to. You don't have to love your mother just because shes your mother, just because its the right thing to do. Unfortunately they were not able to mend their differences and give forgiveness before her death. The moment was what it was, at the time she hated her so I believe her wishes should be respected.
I'm glad you did it. I hope things improve for the kids.
yeah, i just went to the doc sm

it was a new patient visit.  i thought i'd try a different doc, but i like my old doc better.  i didn't talk to him about being tired alot.  i did talk about my leg.  i have vericose veins in my left leg that give me problems.  i'm only 35, but feel old! ha!  my leg will swell a little, is warm to the touch and aches almost every day.  you sound like you do really good!  i wish i could get myself on a good schedule so i can at least walk every day.  my 5 y/o will be starting kindergarten in the fall, both my kids will be gone all day so i hope to get on a better schedule than what i'm on now.  my 5 y/o now goes to preschool three days a week and i take him and pick him up, takes time away from my work, so then i sit here and try to stay caught up on my work.  my bp runs ok i guess.  when i went to the doc on wednesday, it was 118/??? 80 something i think.  what is considered low?? 

thanks for your input! 

Oh yeah!

Yeah, but if she is saying
she forgot it at home, then it can't be true. She would remember eventually if it is sitting there at home. I don't know what I would do, guess it depends on your relationship with her. As for me and my sister-in-law, I would simply say don't lie to the poor child, just tell him you didn't have the money to buy him anything and you're sorry!
Yeah, tell me
about it! They are nasty! That's why I would actualy like to take my kids to a nice beach this year!
You watch he will turn around and sue! I glad they refused service. He is so arogant!
Yeah, and they will tell you that they
will accept a settlement, and take a lesser amount as a payment in full, but what they don't tell you unless you pin them down on the phone is that they will put that on your credit report, that it was settled for less than the full payment.
Yeah me!
Miss Lily's mom here.  I went to the vet today to go over Lily's lab work.  We had her tested for every allergen known to man and she's allergic to mites off the chart basically.  I also brought my brother's dog in since she has a lipoma the size of a softball that I want removed. Anyhoo, the vet was talking about how hard it is to find good help with the animal for the weekends and how hard it is to truly tell if someone will be good with the animals or not until they get in there.  I told her I was looking for something besides transcription to do part time, so she gave me a job. :-)  It's mostly cleaning but I'll get give the weekend animals their meds and treatments and do some filing and typing...all that fun stuff.  I didn't even ask what she paid, as I'm sure it isn't much but it will be a nice change of pace.  Plus I get free vet care. :-)
it's called YMCA.
Oh yeah, here we go...

I can sure sympathize with you here.  My mother is going through same thing.  I have 5 siblings, there are(were) 4 girls 2 boys.  My next to oldest sister was in an auto accident 12 years ago.   She was one of those champagne on a beer budget and just thought she was better.  She and the younger of 2 boys were like peas in a pod.  Very close.  She was in a vegetative state after the accident.  My brother was in charge of her SSI money and such.   He would bring my mother money every 2 years.  Well at 5 years he just quit speaking to everyone, even his child.  Have not seen or heard from him in 7 years.  Why would you just quit speaking to your family?  No one has done anything to him.  He dated a friend of mine one time and told her he was from Canada and that he had a different father than us and that was adopted and not to ever let my baby sister know because she would be devastated.  Well ???.  He had/has this fixation with Canada.  He is not from Canada.  He even looks like my father so it is obvious.  No reason for him to be ashamed.  We are not well off but we are certainly not lacking and we are all hard workers.  He has just disappeared.  My mother tried to kill herself when she was pregnant with him because of other reasons, but blames herself for him being this way.  She did not harm her pregnancy, just believes in things coming full circle.   Well sister that was in accident passed away back in Nov.   This brother does not know that we are aware of.  Older sister has a pill addiction (I’ve told this story on here before, sorry.). 
At any rate she allowed my mother, who was taking care of her recently after some surgery, to see her messed up on some pills.  Mother and I did a mini intervention back in April, have not heard from or seen sister since.  Mother used to speak to her every day.

I just saw her today after going by to pick up something she had of my mothers.   She asked how mom was doing, I said fine and probably better if you would call her and talk to her.  Her response was…”ell the phone works both ways.  She could call me.”  I said, yes your right it does work both ways and you were in the way so you pick up the phone and apologize.  Her response, “Well she’s the mother she should know better.”  This girl is 50 years old, how childish and irresponsible is that.   I feel she owes an apology and my mother said, which is true, what good is it if she does not mean it.  She just does not want to see her end up a vegetable like my sister.  So she feels now she has lost 3 children.  My mother is 70y/o and does not need this stress.


You don’t either.  You just have to reach a point that you must move on with your life.  My mother dwells on this and how do you just walk away?  Makes me so angry.  Told sister that our little sister would be coming in from Michigan (darn near canada! HMMMM ..joking) in July and told her when and that we were planning to spread sister’s ashes then.  “Well we’re going on vacation that week”.   Well fine, I say let them go.  If she can sleep at night and the drugs are more important than her family, I say so be it.  I’ve been really freaking about trying to find my brother in the last few months.   Was told that if I could find SSN I could check with SSD and they would tell me who paid taxes in last on him.  For all we know he could be dead somewhere but how do you find someone who obviously does not want to be found!  What are they thinking!

The way my mother feels is that people like that that don’t even care for their own flesh and blood cannot care for anyone, much less themselves.   They did not mind asking for money and a place to live everything they needed it and she always gave to them.

Oh, yeah sm

That's the first place I feel it. Do whatever you can to reduce the stress and if that doesn't work, see your doctor.

Of course, I am good at giving advice, but I haven't seen a doctor about my stomach problems.

Yeah let me know - thanks (nm)
Yeah, my cat. Should have kept the cat.

Yeah, what is it about
yard sale buyers who think they can dictate what time an individual seller has to be open for "business." ? If I want to start at 9:00, then my sale is only for those shopping after 9:00 - don't be knocking on my door. @@

Yeah, I know-don't
rag on me. He was really sick a couple of years ago with a fever of 105 and I didn't want him upstairs. I wanted him downstairs with me so I could check on him all night and keep track of his temperature. Well, he has never gone back upstairs. His sister scared him up there and he is too scared to sleep up there. We are planning on fixing up his room soon and get him a new bed and hopefully, that will help. What is so unhealthy about it?
yeah, me too . . . nm
Yeah, I know just how that is sm
Now, if I could only find my camera..... LOL. It's been underneath something for about 2 weeks now. Bet it shows up when I move all the Christmas presents.
Yeah (sm)
Why can't we get someone in there who is like a regular Joe or Jane like I know--"Yeah, I'm sort of religious. You know, I go to church on Christmas and Easter if the kids haven't eaten 15 pounds of sugar already. Otherwise, I usually sleep in a bit and get ready to watch the Nascar race."

I'm not dissing religion by any means--that's not the intent of my post. I'm just interested that all the candidates always profess that they are so religious when it's time to pander for votes. Sure, I believe some of them are religious, but I have a hard time believing that they all are so religious as they want us to believe.

The best thing I think I heard Ron Paul say (and I'm no Ron Paul fan) was something to the effect of how unfortunate it would be if Mitt Romney (who I am not a fan of either) or anyone else was not elected simply because of religion. I couldn't agree more.
Yeah, sure!
At my new job we all come inside for breaks, and I'll find myself sitting at a table of the quiet guys because that's who showed up when I did for break. They just keep their heads down and look at horticulture magazines, and I can't think of a thing to say that would be worthy of breaking the silence they are probably enjoying. Because they're guys. Ha!
Yeah, maybe that's it....
I don't feel sorry for them, though.  I believe that they live that lifestyle willingly, that they believe it is a religious duty.  I am a Muslim woman and I wear a "uniform," too.  People look at me many times as if they feel sorry for me.  I just laugh inside.  I am living my life the way I want.

My mom is kind of a natural healer person and I have been doing this since I was small.  It isn't helping.  I tried colloidal silver in my throat and nose too, but nothing.  I am thinking its not an allergen or a bacteria but related to my period since it comes the exact day before my period and lasts until day 2 or so of my period and then its gone like it never happened... I just wake up and all the symptoms are completely gone.

Thanks though.. its a good idea for anyone who hasn't tried it.  I know it wipes infection away for me superbly!

Yeah - don't do it
Didn't she learn the first time. HA HA HA

Ya oughta try to find a 46D -- almost impossible.  However, I do buy mine at Catos and at Lane Bryant.  They have really pretty ones.  My problem is I need an underwire for support, but they are the most uncomfortable things in the world  

I HATE BRAS!!!!  I am from the bra-burning generation - - hee hee!  Burnt a few in my time, and would like to burn a few more.


Oh yeah.........
Vin Diesel is hot! If you've ever seen the movie Ferris Bueller's day off with that song with the guy with the real low voice that says "oh yeah.....oh yeah...." That song pops in my mind when I see Vin Diesel. I saw him interviewed after he did the Pacifier movie. Sounds like a really nice guy in "real life".
I gave fake information. oops
Oh yeah,
Velveeta is much harder to grate, as I'm sure you can imagine . . . LOL!!!
Oh yeah...sm
He is extremely laid back. He loves EVERYBODY! We have to watch him when we take him to the park cuz he'd just load up into anybody's car and go right along with them. Lol. I love love love the breed; however, I don't think I'll ever have another one. We got lucky with cody, but my mom had one and she had MAJOR problems with skin, allergies, hips, all sorts of things. They are just notorious for having big health problems. So, after cody I think we're gonna stay away from the bullies. Wonderful dogs, but just not very healthy. It's sad.
Oh yeah...sm
I think I was probably 6 or so.  I remember those squeaky wood floors at Woolworth's (sp?) and I'm not sure about the store with the elevator just like you described, but I think was Sterling's.  I remember wanting to just sit at the counter where people were eating (eating there would be totally out of the question), but I knew not to even ask.  I was raised that kid's didn't ask for anything, and you were grateful for everything!
Yeah well...
as far as the girls jumping into the sleeper...yeah they will do that. Did you know truckers call their prostitutes "lot lizzards"? I always giggled a bit at that.

People do some of the strangest things on the road. You know there are people out there that will actually drive their cars doing things +/- clothing, not to mention w/o any moral character so to speak of. I never talk on the CB--EVER. Guys hear my voice and get all worked up. I really hated that. Gets difficult to walk around truckstops, etc. cause they all follow you around and strange stuff like that. It can be kinda creepy.

On the brighter side, I have been all over the lower 48--which I probably wouldn't have been able to do otherwise, especially not from my itty bitty office in my house.
Yeah, what can I say . . .
I've got a bit of work to do today, but was bored and it was something to do. LOL!
Oh yeah, I do everything with them, LOL!!!
I've just kinda learned to type WITH them instead of AROUND them, which somehow makes it easier.

Thanks for the compliment of my "baby"...She's just so sweet!!!
Uh, yeah
The issue was screwing his brains out & playing games because he's flirting with another woman versus just saying I'm uncomfortable about this and we need to sit down and hash it out.

Anyway, I won't be responding anymore because I've seen your posts everywhere & I know you're the one who gets her jollies by purposely trying to stir up something out of nothing. I for one don't find that amusing, but whatever, if that's your only source of entertainment, knock yourself out. I think they're having a civil discussion on the Main Board you might want to disrupt.
Yeah, we liked 6, but the 3 we liked won - sm
This is my first year watching AI, daughter got into it some last year and is watching it this time so I am too. So some of those voted off get a chance in the "wildcard" round, I presume after the next set of 12 is done. We were out last night, but taped the show and was nice to just blow through all the commercials and filler stuff and get right to the results. Think we did the whole show in 10 minutes last night.
Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz

Pierce Brosman and first wife.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.

Scenario number one:
You will get dumped when you are too old to have kids anymore.

Scenario number two:
You will get old and sick and live your young husband a widower.

Scenario number three:
You will bust a cut, a vein, and have an enormous plastic surgeon bill.

oh yeah, and we have.
The last time, i had come home from work and griped how i was so sick of hearing "i don't know where you're from, but that's not how we do it here!" so we moved! we've gone coast to almost coast, north and south. No regrets. I feel like its an opportunity to meet new and different people, learn local customs and behaviors, and feel like the moving has added dimension to my life! oh, and also sometimes, it seems like it would be easier to move than to clean the house :)
I am sure if you go around town bad mouthing this guy as much as possible to anyone who will listen, that your kid will be a lot safer and your husband's job more secure....
If I were you, I'd start sleeping with my car keys by the bed.  That way, if you hear someone breaking in your house or someone outside or something, you can hit the panic button on your car.  That might scare someone away.  Just make sure all windows and doors are locked before you go to bed.  I would probably also keep a baseball bat handy.  Just in case.  Better safe than sorry.  Also...do you have motion sensor lights outside?  Might be something to think about as well.
I wish I would have bought some pecans or walnuts. That would have made it better. I'll have to pick some up next trip to the store! lol
Yeah, I know but.....

it is a Land Rover.   I have researched it too and come up with the same numbers.  They are wonderful to have but not so much when you have repairs.   The repairs are ridiculous and this is not the first repair so we can't keep dumping money into it.  I am soooo going to miss her though :(