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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Agree with Shemah. Older Works didn't have it. Newer ones

Posted By: no name on 2005-11-08
In Reply to: You can buy it pretty cheaply on eBay - Shemah

are coming bundled with Word 2002, not Word 2003.  Find out which version you need if you decide to buy a bundled package.

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Which one did you get...the older one or the newer one?
The ergopro is the newer one and has a USB connection.  The older one has a PS/2 connection.  The older one is far better in my opinion.  Lot of good reviews on the older Belkin board on both Amazon and Newegg.  Excellent key touch but it is a loud keyboard just to warn you.  I loved it and still continue to use it but I found that it was harder for VR because it is a big keyboard so I using a smaller split board now.  The only disadvantage to the Belkin ergoboard older model is the key markings wear off quite quickly.
It is an older DOS-type environment - works well with Shorthand. sm
Lots of menus, especially in radiology, but ShortHand helps you get through them very quickly is you write macros to just stop where you need to.

It can be very productive with good line counts if you are paid by the line.

Personally, I loved it, but that was because I did very well with our incentive program on it.

Shemah, are you the same person who used to work for YOG? sm
I don't know you or anything, just remember the name and a picture of you (if you are the same person) on a camel or something.  Nice to see a familiar name.  :-)
Relacor didn't work for me, either. If I'm not exercising, nothing works. Gotta use it to lose
i mean works for me and i agree.
I agree. I have a friend who works for Futurenet. SM
They only direct deposit certain people, no rhyme or reason for it.  She has her check overnighted every pay day, which costs her $50.00 a month.  It was supposed to have been delivered 12/23, but it got hung up in one of the terminals.  She won't get it until tomorrow, 12/27, not in time for Christmas.  It's just really bad business.  I would never work for a company that did not offer DD. 
Completely agree...you have to do what works for your family.
I wish you the best of luck, and keep us updated! :)
Agree w/the Tessier's, but I don't think plans are in the works for an updated one. :( nm
If the mod didn't agree then you probably wouldn't be
My two cents would be to grow up and act like an adult. Stop with all the thank you posts, it's getting old now. You got your attention and your way since the mods seem to think it is ok to allow foul language. As you can see, there are posters who disagree with you and the mods. I think it's a shame that our culture has dumbed down to the point of thinking that the public posting of foul language is acceptable.
I agree, although I too didn't see any mention of the 17 cpl in the posting.

I think it was a "teaser."  The MTSO may offer 17 cpl at some point, but it certainly isn't clearly stated at what point or with what experience.  Most of us already do very difficult ESLs for half that rate.

I personally have had much better experiences with small MTSOs than large nationals. 

Totally agree. Her kids are brats and spoiled with dirty money. I know she works
Yes - I agree - my 2 employers didn't even acknowledge MT week - so this was very nice

I agree.. I would be working from home even if I didn't have anxiety attacks!
Thanks for sharing!
Didn't see your post but apparently we agree it is a good site! lol
Maybe newer MTs know something I don't
I type mg/dl and Kay Ciel (told long ago KCl could be confusing to someone reading). Have been doing this forever and I'm not sure if it has changed. No one has ever corrected me.
To the newer MTs here, the ones who don't

Ignore 'Shroom.  Don't let yourself get into that mentality.  Life is what you make it.  MT CAN be a very profitable profession.  It's not for everyone and not everyone can do it.  But if you are good at spelling and grammar, and you can type fast, and you are dedicated to really learning and not just doing a crap job as fast as you can so you can get paid more, your patience and hard work will pay off.

My #1 advice is:  Get a job in a hospital transcription department.  Not acute care at home for a service.  Get a job with a hospital.  The pay not NOT be as much as you could make at home for a service, but that experience will prove invaluable.  Work there for a few years.  Learn the ropes.  Learn to do all types of reports - the basic 4 plus everything else.  I have worked for a service and for a hospital and I learned so much more at the hospital.  The service was about production; the hospital was about quality.  They wanted us to really KNOW what we were typing and when there were words no one could get, the MT supervisor would ask the doctor and we would get it straight from them.  Doctors would also come down to talk to us and explain things to us sometimes, and that was a big help.  I worked at a hospital and a service at the same time and there were so many things (terms) that the service MTs didn't know that I knew only because of my hospital experience. 

Now I own my own service.  I get all my accounts through word of mouth, partly (actually MOSTLY) from my contacts that I developed back when I worked IN a hospital.  I have never had to advertise.  I have always been praised for being an excellent MT.  The hospital supervisors at the hospital where I used to work know that.  When they get a call from doctors or other hospitals asking who they recommend for transcription services, guess whose number they give out?  Yep, mine. 

When I first started out I didn't make much money at all.  But I worked hard and learned everything I could.  I never had an attitude like some on this board, that I wasn't being paid fairly, or that someone owed me more money, or that I was being cheated.  I worked and gained knowledge and experience, and made sure my quality was excellent, and added to my expander, and developed new ways of using shortcuts, and kept looking for the next opportunity that would move me up a little more.

I never make less than $25 an hour.  I usually make $35 to $40 an hour.  I have had an occasional hour where I made over $100 - yes, $100 - and no, I am not lying.  It was a surgery center account and one day a week I would transcribe routine cataract extractions with lens implantations.  I had that I had a template for and all I had to do is pop in the patient's name, right or left eye, and the size of the lens used.  I would do one right after the other, over and over, and make over $100 in an hour.  Would have been nice to do that all day long, but after an hour I was done with the cataract surgeries. 

Anyway, don't sit there thinking you are never going to make any money in MT.  Don't listen to the people who want to bring you down.  Don't waste time thinking your glass is half empty.  Look at the opportunities that are in front of you and start taking them.  Maybe you make 8 cpl now.  Do the best work you can do for that company.  Be valuable to them.  Become an asset to them instead of a liability.  And when you find something that's a little better, do the same thing there.  Work your way up. 

After you get the experience (hospital preferably), keep working and honing your skills.  Then decide "Okay, I am going to spend X hours a week working on getting my own accounts."  Maybe 4 hours every Saturday.  So you set aside that time and you think of points you want to make to potential clients.  Set up a business number or a separate phone number to receive business calls.  Put a business message on the line so if you miss a call they can leave a message.  Figure out how you will receive dictation - dictation system, TASP, or whatever.  Make flyers.  Drive around and check out potential clients in your area.  Go through the phone book or the little blue book of doctors in your area and start sending out flyers or walking door to door.  Every Saturday spend 4 hours doing the next step.  Decide you'll send out or deliver 20 flyers a week, or whatever you want.  You may not see results right away.  Don't get discouraged, just devote 4 hours a week to it, every week. 

There is money to be made in MT.  You have seen people on this board tell you how much they make.  They didn't answer an ad for an MT school on a matchbook and suddenly they are making $35 an hour.  It takes time and patience and a good attitude.

From a newer MT
who does not have an extensive medical background and is only an average typist, this profession has been very stressful for me and not very lucrative.

I do learn something new every day however.

I think it takes a lot of prior skill or extra-ordinary talent to make it worth getting into for short the short term.

I am guessing it will take me a good couple of years to do halfway decent financially.
a must-read for newer MTs --
i think i might just try the 1/2 day goal method myself --
very kind of you to take the time to outline your ideas so well...

ya'll come back!!
For the newer MTs hearing a "v"

would not send them to the "z" section of a book or any website.  Maybe a Google search would have worked, but I didn't try it to see.

How about lightening up on the new MTs asking questions on the Word Board.  I am not a new MT (20 years), and I've asked questions.  I'm not so sure there is a "level of word asking."  Why be so brusk and hard on the new MTs?  Are you afraid they will take your job?  Don't worry there is plenty of work to go around.

I would hope if you had a question on the Word board, someone does not go on another board and post how horribly incompetent you must have been to ask that question on the Word board.

This is a wonderful resource. 

Newer Transolutions employee

Thought I'd put my 2 cents in - I have been with Transolutions for about 4 months now, and I agree with the statements about how nice they are - they really are.  I am working really hard to increase my production and get up to level 5, which is the higher pay.  Dolfan, do you have any suggestions on that?  You said you just stay there no matter what it takes - does that mean you just put in as much time as it takes to get that many lines in?  Does it usually take you significantly over your scheduled time?  I keep resolving to do that, but then I get tired and end up between level 2 and 3.  I am still adding docs to my glossary on a daily basis, so I keep hoping that I will get there eventually. 

I agree also about the benefits - I am part time (25 hours/week), but I am earning PTO, holiday pay, etc.  When you do have to work a holiday, you get benefit pay, PLUS time and a half - I think that is fairly unusual for an MT company. 

The scheduling is flexible, too.  I worked for as an IC before, but I actually found that I needed a schedule or I would leave work too late and burn out.  But, that is just me.

Hope that is informative, and Dolfan, thanks for any help in advance!  (Or any other Transolutions people out there reading this, if you have any suggestions.) 


Does anyone know if the newer versions of Escription sm
are compatible with Woord 2007?  The requirements I received some time ago stated that Word 2007 was not compatible.  Wondered if they had upgraded yet.  TIA
Might be a newer version. I used Sylcount a while back
I switched to PractiCount myself because it gives a line count similar to that of Sylcount but you don't have to save the files in any special format. When I had Sylcount, though, I definitely had to save them in .rtf format or it would tell me it was not a Sylvan .rtf file and that I had to resave document in that format to count it. I remember because anytime you reopened a file, you also had to save it all over again under .rtf format because it would default to something else. Real PITA!
a resounding go with propofol; this is a newer drug that
is now used in place of Versed.  You will be unconscious for the entire procedure, which means you will not feel any pain, in addition to having no recollection of the procedure. To coin a phase, "It will be over before you know it." Good luck.
Do you have a newer keyboard with commands embedded in certain ones? Don't think 5.1 had anything
Installed newer version of AdAware and ran
I believe they recently upgrade to a newer version.
So perhaps you should notify your MTSO manager to alert them that there could be a problem.
What version of Word? That can't be set in newer versions. I had to do a macro --sm
I hope this link works for you. It shows how to make the macro. I use alt + semicolon for it because it seemed those would be a convenient shortcut to use. H

Here's the link (you'll probably have to copy and paste it):


Your friend has the newer version and it doesn't play .dss.
Have her get the older (4.15) version and it will work. There is a link somewhere on this site to the older version that was posted by the Administrator just a week or two ago. Do a search and it will lead you to the correct link.
Had an old white Compaq board that was so "soft" & quiet. Newer
Try the Mr. Clean eraser, the newer one, I forget the exact name. Worked wonders for me. nm
A newer computer with a dual core processor runs cool. No need for it.
Full Word is in the Works "Suite," not plain Works.
Works saves files in a different format, but you can open them in Word if you have the correct filter installed.
RIGHT!!! Someone who works 16 hours and someone who works 60 will have a HUGE difference. NM
Not only are you older (sm)
but you're wiser too! And, yes, you are hopelessly out of it. These poor kids are racking up so much debt with this silliness! Of course, the limited selection of appropriate clothing doesn't help either. I'd love nothing more than to go into the girls' section and find a pair of shorts that have more than two inches of fabric in the crotch! But that is another subject.....
since I am 18 (much older now)....sm

Sounds like you need to find a good one, #1, and #2, one who really specializes in the cervical spine (mine does - he does it all, but he really specialiizes in the head and neck). 

Hope you feel better very soon!!! 

Older seems better to me
I've edited tons of MTs and I feel the older ones are usually wayyyy better!! Grammer, punctuation, medical terminology, reliability, the whole thing!
I got $1.00 says I'm older than you LOL
but I don't trust the corporate news primarily because their MAIN function is to frighten, titillate, and distract.

If you want to get a handle on all that fear, do more research on just how much and how often your government is lying to you with regard to foreign policy (and domestic as well).

9/11 was preventable - but your government would rather use the fear generated from it to SCARE people into submission than wage any proper investigation. If anyone thinks the official story is the WHOLE story, they must be smoking crack.

I am *rarely* scared, but I spend a lot of time being upset at the corruption in our government - and how easily good people believe just about any story it chooses to tell (via the corporate media)...

Well of course we know that now. Back then we didn't because he didn't allow unfettered access.
right we children didn't tattle to the administrator did we. BTW, didn't you think we were &#
because some half-witted idiot said everyone was jealous because some other anonymous poster said they were going to be a doctor. Didn't they call it doctor envy. Oh yeah, that was all about you wasn't it busy-body MT. You with your degree and premed but yet you still post here and acuse others of jealously. I dunno but you and dano seem so close, I can't put my finger on it but I would say you could be computer clones. Jealous indeed. Children indeed. I think you are blowing your covers) dano and busy body MT. This whole "jealously" thing makes me think that you may be one and the same poster.
I didn't go into labor until 2.5 weeks later, so it didn't work. Sorry!...nm
No not really. I look older but not fatter.

How old is John Travolta anyway.  He was so cute in Grease too.  Loved his dancing and now I just wonder if he has the same moves since he gained weight.  He didn't look all that bloated in Pulp Fiction either.  It's just lately he has looked too heavy for his frame.   

And what do you consider an older woman?

I can assure you that I'm not an older woman.  Thirty is not old.  I still get carded buying alcohol.  I've never bleached my naturally blonde hair either.  The clothes aren't skimpy.  I have full coverage with nothing hanging out.  I certainly don't shop in the plus or women sized departments either.  It's just a change from slob mode, which is the point I was trying to make.  Women will feel and look younger by taking a few moments to care about their appearance.  Try some trendier clothes, a new hairstyle, a touch of makeup.  Besides, if I was a fat, ugly, old lady as you're implying, troll, hubby would tell me.  He's the one who didn't like my "comfortable" work clothes to begin with.

I have an older model sm
Can't use it while I'm typing. If I crank the massage action up so that my back feels good, then there is too much vibration and I literally cannot focus on the monitor. I am not sure if the newer models are like this or not.
BTW, just FYI, my kids are a tad older...sm

than your older children.....25 and 23....didn't want you to think I'm a real old biddie....*lol*

Hope you resolve things....sounds like a family therapy would help solve because if you don't resolve....these buildups you get....will continue until you die.  Best get into some therapy - it works WONDERS if one applies it!  *S*

Best of luck!! 

I WAS only joking, I'm a yr older than U..sm

Sorry if I offended you, I was joking because I'm older and I do read many blogger sites of much older, more journalistic type writers, and famous people who are also bloggers.

Again, sorry for any offense taken, none was meant! 

well I'm older than y'all and I can tell you....sm

I got less than a decade on you but it starts happening around 40+ (*winks at the 39 y/o poster) and it happens.  At 40, I started writing down lists, whereas prior I never needed a list (to go shopping, let's say).  About halfway through my 40s, it was "where are my keys and/or my eyeglasses" things.  I talked to a bunch of women who confirmed this (older than me).  Now, I do the room - "why did I just walk in here?" - thing. 

I try not to worry about it.  I had a dad (who died nearly 2 years ago at a very old age and more than twice my age *S*) whose short-term memory was not great from his 60s on into his 90s, but his long-term memory was so EXCELLENT that he could tell you a story about a horse, his neighborhood, and a situation that he experienced at 5 years old (an emotional trauma) with such clarity and lucency, you could picture the entire situation yourself.  That, in and of itself, amazed many!

So, don't beat yourselves up about this stuff.  There are lots of books out about this very subject.  When you think about these things, well....what's the alternative?  (I'm thinking some extra serotonin *LOL*) - but really, these things will occur and I'm not choosing the alternative, that's a given (i.e., death).  *LOL*  So, I'll live with these challenging things happening and try not to kick myself every time I mess up. 

I will tell you I am much better about my keys and eyeglasses today because I made places for them to sit (if I remember to not toss them wherever *LOL*)

You are all not alone, that's a given too

I have noticed this myself as well, although I am a little older than you (49). SM
My short term memory has been declining. Just nice to know somewhat else has noticed this too. Not all in my head.
In your older computer you probably already
put a lot of stuff into the dictionary/spellchecker, which unless you have a backup of the directory you have to start all over again.  
When you get older, more anxiety?
I am in the 60s now so don't know about it getting worse. Am looking forward to a high school reunion this weekend. I only have anxiety if I have to speak in front of a lot of people or even stand on a stage in front of people. I love my home and so love being able to work from home but as far as anxiety escalating in later years, ?? same as before for me.
It is actually not an older program. One of our sm
hospitals just got it and it is the newest version. It is one of the ones that has been around the longest, but they are constantly changing and improving it. I have a few MTs that hate it, a few that love it and a few that could care less either way. Like anything else, it is a matter of personal preference.
Older generation?
I am a little bit younger than the flower children, and I know a lot of our politicians and CEO's are "old". I agree with you about where this country is headed. I also agree that it is time for a change. However, I am not sure you can count on the younger generation to bring this about. My experience with most young adults around now is that they are more self-centered than any generation before. There are more young adults still mooching off their parents than ever in history. Also many MTSOs in business today are younger people who see the global economy as an easy way to get rich without putting in the time to build wealth through hard work. There is a lot more that can be said about that.